Still shaking the glitter off her wings, Morning makes her way across the foyer to admire the statue of Lightweaver. It's lovely!

TOPIC | [BSJ] Tour of the Glittervault

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Still shaking the glitter off her wings, Morning makes her way across the foyer to admire the statue of Lightweaver. It's lovely!
Twilight will take a look at the statue since she suspects more glitter bombs to be hidden in the couches.
Doctor has always been fascinated with other clans art, especially statues. He wonders over towards the statues to admire and check for any movement.
Doctor has always been fascinated with other clans art, especially statues. He wonders over towards the statues to admire and check for any movement.

Aleatory was still trying to clean the last of the glitter off her tongue as the two guides gave their speech. She knew, of course, that she would absolutely, and most definitely look closer at the statue. Although it really sounded like a trap. Ugrh. But she was going to do it. She was going to get to the bottom of the glitter.

Aleatory was still trying to clean the last of the glitter off her tongue as the two guides gave their speech. She knew, of course, that she would absolutely, and most definitely look closer at the statue. Although it really sounded like a trap. Ugrh. But she was going to do it. She was going to get to the bottom of the glitter.
Nyiri gasps in surprise as she sees the eruptions of glitter burst from the grass. [b]"I suppose this was the right path all along,"[/b] she mutters, nodding in affirmation.
Once inside, she stares around in wonder, barely hearing Dawn and Winterfang's voices. [b]"Hmm? Oh, yes, of course!"[/b] she replies, nodding as she walks over to the statue of the Lightweaver. [b]"Magnificent craftsmanship!"[/b] she exclaims, moving around to inspect it from every angle.

Nyiri gasps in surprise as she sees the eruptions of glitter burst from the grass. "I suppose this was the right path all along," she mutters, nodding in affirmation.
Once inside, she stares around in wonder, barely hearing Dawn and Winterfang's voices. "Hmm? Oh, yes, of course!" she replies, nodding as she walks over to the statue of the Lightweaver. "Magnificent craftsmanship!" she exclaims, moving around to inspect it from every angle.
[size=1]@Elthemar, @DragonWarrior333, @StormDreamer, @CrystalRush, @IronPen, @LucidWhispers, @heartcrusher1, @queenmedusozoa, @StarCookies, @Chmura0127, @SilverMoonfire, @Fil, @ixris, @Allochthon, @Mishil, @DragonWolfie, @SporkLord, @Abborrzza, @Tauress, @SeaGodling, @L2B, @FloatingInSpace, @FrozenFrosting, @Lundlaeva, @NicoleEirin, @FallowFreckles, @NothingHere, @lemonblue, @Moonbeams, @Kaimon, @CheetahCat, @Drakenhart, @BadboyJesus, @casuallySleepy, @rubyredtan, @ClockworkEclipse, @Sidegrinder, @KraalofBhaga, @Espoir, @Cranberrygrace, @clarax, @ghosthymn, @Novetteus, @L1llysage, @Starongie, @Shellbee, @Selah, @Mikkiness, @Amyatzu, @Stormseeker
You take a seat on a sofa. They're very soft, and of course they're decorated with glitter. It seems like they're used for whenever a worker wants to take a momentary break, as you can see several sofas being used for that purpose. They're pretty comfy sofas, and with a nice view of the Lightweaver statue-
It seems that the statue is some sort of glitter fountain, as everyone who went to examine the Lightweaver statue got 'rained' upon. You reason that the clock is probably a timer for when the fountain is on and when it's off.
[size=1]@browncoatparadox, @Saronai, @Imani, @WolfsbaneAvis, @sQld, @Yoaisami, @Eialyne, @Morare, @Kazure, @helacute, @UserOfShadows, @Frostnite, @Knickknacks, @SheepyPeanut, @Katelle, @argylion, @Stanzascale, @PrimeNumbersCas, @NinaOsp, @Hkomygf, @qwertynerd97, @evarett, @Kaolik, @Airplanefoxx, @Spectra126, @riseandshine, @Draconequis, @Scatterspark, @Talicinx, @inn, @StormDragon21, @Rookery, @jbapple, @Sylvandyr, @Elementis, @Quinineer, @RedWillia, @HorseCrazy, @SerigalaMenarik, @azuredusk, @Sirenia, @Bluecupcake52, @Sylphiette, @swagdog, @Disillusionist, @GeriVl, @Siritys, @RemanLT, @LadyKnightKatsa, @Leucine, @Kuusouka, @WolfprintsSC, @JinxMoonstone, @felistopaz, @Ragnarok42, @ChaoticOmen, @Saraceaser, @Lasreaine, @NocturnistheDark, @Kivovis, @Elysadie, @SkyyeofEmber, @VoidFish, @Cinderfire, @MoonOkami, @Fox, @Megarai111, @oobieboobie, @DraigTeg, @minnieamos, @Syceris, @Iymarra, @Hsoup, @Fallenarrow, @timetot, @NorthKotori, @oramutato, @Katsuokai, @DekuLeaf, @Erevenile, @Azeira, @Diomedisa, @Kahliden, @Elysiuhm, @Harmonywish, @BlackwatchGenji, @Wubblyboofus, @ThisOneIsBlue, @Rulanir, @Husker, @Delcat, @PearlSoulWorld, @Helianthe, @RachelAmber, @Calicoradio, @Lenox, @Delari, @Stanari, @cat101, @Ursaw, @PinkyPearl, @KingTiberius
You decide to examine the statue of the Lightweaver. The clock at the base doesn't seem to tell the correct time, but it's still moving towards what would normally be 12. The statue itself is a very realistic representation of her, shimmering with light and portraying her with her wings outstretched, as if in flight, looming over you. What's strange is that the statue rests within a slight circular depression that encompasses much of the area around it, and there appear to be drains in the floor...?
You realize too late that it must also be some sort of fountain for it to have drains around the base as the clock chimes and glitter starts spewing from the Lightweaver fountain, a golden shower cascading down from her wings and mouth. You scamper out from under the 'splash' zone as fast as you can, but not before being glittered upon.
[columns]The Lightweaver statue in the center of the room is a tribute to our deity, the one who started this all. We call her 'Glittermama' for a reason. And I'm sure that you all were wondering about the glitter mines that were hidden in the grass. Those are just our failsafe response that activate whenever our main defense is off, which is why you can see the building in the first place. The main 'defense' we have is an intricate network of light beams that projects an illusion of this building not being here, as well as confusing anyone who enters within the fence borders. The light will inherently cause your vision to misinterpret where you're going, helpfully diverting you around the building while still portraying the illusion that you're going in a straight line. It also made the grass unappetizing to investigate as well.[nextcol][img][/img][/columns]
[columns][img][/img][nextcol]Heeeey I'm back with the badges! Oh did some of you had fun with our glitter fountain? And I see Dawn has already explained about how this building just suddenly up and appeared without notice. Well anyways, now that you have these badges, let's continue the tour![/columns]
(feel free to use either of these)[/center]
You walk down a hallway from the foyer, and take a large lift up to the top floor of the building, which was pretty high up. You can see from the windows cloud vapor obscuring your view. A short walk down another hallway and you enter what could only be described as a 'warehouse', as the entire room was filled with crates, boxes, chests, packages, sacks, all sorts of delivery containers. There are two main aisles dominating the room, with branch off aisles; one has several faes and spirals lifting and moving around small packages while the other aisle has guardians and imperials carrying larger packages.
[columns][img][/img][nextcol]This is where I work, helping out with package delivery. There are lots of varieties in package size, from small 'in your face' deliveries to large party supplies. Follow me down this aisle if you want to know more about large deliveries![/columns]
[columns]Well since Winter is covering that aisle, I'll be talking to you about small-end deliveries in this aisle. Although I do wonder why Winter decided to talk about that aisle, since he works in this aisle to begin with.[nextcol][img][/img][/columns]
Do you choose to follow Winterfang down the aisle with the guardians and imperials with large packages, or follow Dawn down the aisle with the faes and spirals with small packages?
(I have not had the time to send out the glitter bombs for those who got glittered on, but you will receive them tomorrow)
@Elthemar, @DragonWarrior333, @StormDreamer, @CrystalRush, @IronPen, @LucidWhispers, @heartcrusher1, @queenmedusozoa, @StarCookies, @Chmura0127, @SilverMoonfire, @Fil, @ixris, @Allochthon, @Mishil, @DragonWolfie, @SporkLord, @Abborrzza, @Tauress, @SeaGodling, @L2B, @FloatingInSpace, @FrozenFrosting, @Lundlaeva, @NicoleEirin, @FallowFreckles, @NothingHere, @lemonblue, @Moonbeams, @Kaimon, @CheetahCat, @Drakenhart, @BadboyJesus, @casuallySleepy, @rubyredtan, @ClockworkEclipse, @Sidegrinder, @KraalofBhaga, @Espoir, @Cranberrygrace, @clarax, @ghosthymn, @Novetteus, @L1llysage, @Starongie, @Shellbee, @Selah, @Mikkiness, @Amyatzu, @Stormseeker
You take a seat on a sofa. They're very soft, and of course they're decorated with glitter. It seems like they're used for whenever a worker wants to take a momentary break, as you can see several sofas being used for that purpose. They're pretty comfy sofas, and with a nice view of the Lightweaver statue-
It seems that the statue is some sort of glitter fountain, as everyone who went to examine the Lightweaver statue got 'rained' upon. You reason that the clock is probably a timer for when the fountain is on and when it's off.
@browncoatparadox, @Saronai, @Imani, @WolfsbaneAvis, @sQld, @Yoaisami, @Eialyne, @Morare, @Kazure, @helacute, @UserOfShadows, @Frostnite, @Knickknacks, @SheepyPeanut, @Katelle, @argylion, @Stanzascale, @PrimeNumbersCas, @NinaOsp, @Hkomygf, @qwertynerd97, @evarett, @Kaolik, @Airplanefoxx, @Spectra126, @riseandshine, @Draconequis, @Scatterspark, @Talicinx, @inn, @StormDragon21, @Rookery, @jbapple, @Sylvandyr, @Elementis, @Quinineer, @RedWillia, @HorseCrazy, @SerigalaMenarik, @azuredusk, @Sirenia, @Bluecupcake52, @Sylphiette, @swagdog, @Disillusionist, @GeriVl, @Siritys, @RemanLT, @LadyKnightKatsa, @Leucine, @Kuusouka, @WolfprintsSC, @JinxMoonstone, @felistopaz, @Ragnarok42, @ChaoticOmen, @Saraceaser, @Lasreaine, @NocturnistheDark, @Kivovis, @Elysadie, @SkyyeofEmber, @VoidFish, @Cinderfire, @MoonOkami, @Fox, @Megarai111, @oobieboobie, @DraigTeg, @minnieamos, @Syceris, @Iymarra, @Hsoup, @Fallenarrow, @timetot, @NorthKotori, @oramutato, @Katsuokai, @DekuLeaf, @Erevenile, @Azeira, @Diomedisa, @Kahliden, @Elysiuhm, @Harmonywish, @BlackwatchGenji, @Wubblyboofus, @ThisOneIsBlue, @Rulanir, @Husker, @Delcat, @PearlSoulWorld, @Helianthe, @RachelAmber, @Calicoradio, @Lenox, @Delari, @Stanari, @cat101, @Ursaw, @PinkyPearl, @KingTiberius
You decide to examine the statue of the Lightweaver. The clock at the base doesn't seem to tell the correct time, but it's still moving towards what would normally be 12. The statue itself is a very realistic representation of her, shimmering with light and portraying her with her wings outstretched, as if in flight, looming over you. What's strange is that the statue rests within a slight circular depression that encompasses much of the area around it, and there appear to be drains in the floor...?
You realize too late that it must also be some sort of fountain for it to have drains around the base as the clock chimes and glitter starts spewing from the Lightweaver fountain, a golden shower cascading down from her wings and mouth. You scamper out from under the 'splash' zone as fast as you can, but not before being glittered upon.

(feel free to use either of these)
You walk down a hallway from the foyer, and take a large lift up to the top floor of the building, which was pretty high up. You can see from the windows cloud vapor obscuring your view. A short walk down another hallway and you enter what could only be described as a 'warehouse', as the entire room was filled with crates, boxes, chests, packages, sacks, all sorts of delivery containers. There are two main aisles dominating the room, with branch off aisles; one has several faes and spirals lifting and moving around small packages while the other aisle has guardians and imperials carrying larger packages.
Do you choose to follow Winterfang down the aisle with the guardians and imperials with large packages, or follow Dawn down the aisle with the faes and spirals with small packages?
(I have not had the time to send out the glitter bombs for those who got glittered on, but you will receive them tomorrow)
You take a seat on a sofa. They're very soft, and of course they're decorated with glitter. It seems like they're used for whenever a worker wants to take a momentary break, as you can see several sofas being used for that purpose. They're pretty comfy sofas, and with a nice view of the Lightweaver statue-
It seems that the statue is some sort of glitter fountain, as everyone who went to examine the Lightweaver statue got 'rained' upon. You reason that the clock is probably a timer for when the fountain is on and when it's off.
@browncoatparadox, @Saronai, @Imani, @WolfsbaneAvis, @sQld, @Yoaisami, @Eialyne, @Morare, @Kazure, @helacute, @UserOfShadows, @Frostnite, @Knickknacks, @SheepyPeanut, @Katelle, @argylion, @Stanzascale, @PrimeNumbersCas, @NinaOsp, @Hkomygf, @qwertynerd97, @evarett, @Kaolik, @Airplanefoxx, @Spectra126, @riseandshine, @Draconequis, @Scatterspark, @Talicinx, @inn, @StormDragon21, @Rookery, @jbapple, @Sylvandyr, @Elementis, @Quinineer, @RedWillia, @HorseCrazy, @SerigalaMenarik, @azuredusk, @Sirenia, @Bluecupcake52, @Sylphiette, @swagdog, @Disillusionist, @GeriVl, @Siritys, @RemanLT, @LadyKnightKatsa, @Leucine, @Kuusouka, @WolfprintsSC, @JinxMoonstone, @felistopaz, @Ragnarok42, @ChaoticOmen, @Saraceaser, @Lasreaine, @NocturnistheDark, @Kivovis, @Elysadie, @SkyyeofEmber, @VoidFish, @Cinderfire, @MoonOkami, @Fox, @Megarai111, @oobieboobie, @DraigTeg, @minnieamos, @Syceris, @Iymarra, @Hsoup, @Fallenarrow, @timetot, @NorthKotori, @oramutato, @Katsuokai, @DekuLeaf, @Erevenile, @Azeira, @Diomedisa, @Kahliden, @Elysiuhm, @Harmonywish, @BlackwatchGenji, @Wubblyboofus, @ThisOneIsBlue, @Rulanir, @Husker, @Delcat, @PearlSoulWorld, @Helianthe, @RachelAmber, @Calicoradio, @Lenox, @Delari, @Stanari, @cat101, @Ursaw, @PinkyPearl, @KingTiberius
You decide to examine the statue of the Lightweaver. The clock at the base doesn't seem to tell the correct time, but it's still moving towards what would normally be 12. The statue itself is a very realistic representation of her, shimmering with light and portraying her with her wings outstretched, as if in flight, looming over you. What's strange is that the statue rests within a slight circular depression that encompasses much of the area around it, and there appear to be drains in the floor...?
You realize too late that it must also be some sort of fountain for it to have drains around the base as the clock chimes and glitter starts spewing from the Lightweaver fountain, a golden shower cascading down from her wings and mouth. You scamper out from under the 'splash' zone as fast as you can, but not before being glittered upon.

The Lightweaver statue in the center of the room is a tribute to our deity, the one who started this all. We call her 'Glittermama' for a reason. And I'm sure that you all were wondering about the glitter mines that were hidden in the grass. Those are just our failsafe response that activate whenever our main defense is off, which is why you can see the building in the first place. The main 'defense' we have is an intricate network of light beams that projects an illusion of this building not being here, as well as confusing anyone who enters within the fence borders. The light will inherently cause your vision to misinterpret where you're going, helpfully diverting you around the building while still portraying the illusion that you're going in a straight line. It also made the grass unappetizing to investigate as well. |
![]() |
![]() | Heeeey I'm back with the badges! Oh did some of you had fun with our glitter fountain? And I see Dawn has already explained about how this building just suddenly up and appeared without notice. Well anyways, now that you have these badges, let's continue the tour! |

(feel free to use either of these)
You walk down a hallway from the foyer, and take a large lift up to the top floor of the building, which was pretty high up. You can see from the windows cloud vapor obscuring your view. A short walk down another hallway and you enter what could only be described as a 'warehouse', as the entire room was filled with crates, boxes, chests, packages, sacks, all sorts of delivery containers. There are two main aisles dominating the room, with branch off aisles; one has several faes and spirals lifting and moving around small packages while the other aisle has guardians and imperials carrying larger packages.
![]() | This is where I work, helping out with package delivery. There are lots of varieties in package size, from small 'in your face' deliveries to large party supplies. Follow me down this aisle if you want to know more about large deliveries! |
Well since Winter is covering that aisle, I'll be talking to you about small-end deliveries in this aisle. Although I do wonder why Winter decided to talk about that aisle, since he works in this aisle to begin with. |
![]() |
Do you choose to follow Winterfang down the aisle with the guardians and imperials with large packages, or follow Dawn down the aisle with the faes and spirals with small packages?
(I have not had the time to send out the glitter bombs for those who got glittered on, but you will receive them tomorrow)
[center][b]Day 2[/b]
Erina shook herself after the glitterbombs went off, but the glitter was stuck to her - she was amused. It looked so much like seaglass on her blue scales! With laughter caught in her throat, she turned to observe the other dragons - others like her who were coated in glitter, and the lucky few who had chosen the path and not been glitterbombed. She was intrigued by the former group, by the way the glitter caught in their scales and fur and feathers.
As the 'tour' started with Dawn and Winterfang in the lead. As they approached the foyer, a few dragons went to study the statue of the Lightweaver in the center. Erina hung back for a moment, contemplating the sofa to rest on, but then she shrugged. Why not? She approached the statue to examine it with interest, happy to see a semblance of her deity. It had been so long!
((Sorry this is a bit late after rollover! I got distracted - I understand if this no longer counts for the day. Thanks!))
Erina shook herself after the glitterbombs went off, but the glitter was stuck to her - she was amused. It looked so much like seaglass on her blue scales! With laughter caught in her throat, she turned to observe the other dragons - others like her who were coated in glitter, and the lucky few who had chosen the path and not been glitterbombed. She was intrigued by the former group, by the way the glitter caught in their scales and fur and feathers.
As the 'tour' started with Dawn and Winterfang in the lead. As they approached the foyer, a few dragons went to study the statue of the Lightweaver in the center. Erina hung back for a moment, contemplating the sofa to rest on, but then she shrugged. Why not? She approached the statue to examine it with interest, happy to see a semblance of her deity. It had been so long!
((Sorry this is a bit late after rollover! I got distracted - I understand if this no longer counts for the day. Thanks!))
As Mystery is small, we will take the small lane. No use of looking big things that can't be carry to home
As Mystery is small, we will take the small lane. No use of looking big things that can't be carry to home
Adhari snarled at the explosion of glitter. "I'm just trying to pay tribute to the Lightweaver!"
He chose to follow Dawn down the aisle of small packages. They were closer to his size, after all.
He chose to follow Dawn down the aisle of small packages. They were closer to his size, after all.
Adhari snarled at the explosion of glitter. "I'm just trying to pay tribute to the Lightweaver!"
He chose to follow Dawn down the aisle of small packages. They were closer to his size, after all.
He chose to follow Dawn down the aisle of small packages. They were closer to his size, after all.

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