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(from [MAGD1])

The entertainer dragon (a pearlcatcher) is pleased to have an audience and even breaks out a few extra tricks for you, hoping to earn a tip. At one point she even spins one of her plates on her nose horn, winking at you as her tail keeps the other plates spinning! At last she seems to have exhausted her repertoire, and she takes a bow. Claps and sounds of approval come from the little crowd that has gathered, and a small rain of coins falls into her little offering dish.

Going for the opening the break provides, you approach the performer to ask about the plates. "Well, I suppose I could sell you one; I have a couple spares," she agrees. You agree upon a price and take the plate she gives you, heading back to the lady imp.

However when she sees the plate she frowns in dismay. "I can see why this was one of her spares and not one she was actually using," she says. "This plate is uneven; see the indent here? It's minor, but I'm afraid it's enough that I can't use this for the scrying task."

[MAGDEN] (if this is your first task)

"I'll see if I can find someone else to search for the dish," she continues. "Why don't you go ahead and try a different task?"

A: Go for the purified scrying water
B: Time to seek out the scroll of runes

(Go right ahead to the linked destination of your choice! ^_^)


[MAGDENR] (if you just finished the rune scroll task)

"It happens," she says consolingly. "I'll get the dish some other way. Please, go on and try to get the scrying water next."

A: Let's get the purified scrying water

(Go right ahead to the linked destination of your choice! ^_^)


[MAGDENW] (if you just finished the water task)

"Why don't you go ahead and pick up the rune scroll?" she asks. "While you do that, I'll get someone else to fetch a dish I can use."

A: Go pick up the scroll of runes

(Go right ahead to the linked destination of your choice! ^_^)

Pinging: @Snek

[MAGDEN3] (if this is your last task)

"You've been working hard today on all these tasks. Don't worry about the dish; take a rest and I'll send someone else to look for it. When they return I'll be able to start scrying."

(Proceed on to [MAGEND])

Pinging: @corvidus

(from [MAGD1])

The entertainer dragon (a pearlcatcher) is pleased to have an audience and even breaks out a few extra tricks for you, hoping to earn a tip. At one point she even spins one of her plates on her nose horn, winking at you as her tail keeps the other plates spinning! At last she seems to have exhausted her repertoire, and she takes a bow. Claps and sounds of approval come from the little crowd that has gathered, and a small rain of coins falls into her little offering dish.

Going for the opening the break provides, you approach the performer to ask about the plates. "Well, I suppose I could sell you one; I have a couple spares," she agrees. You agree upon a price and take the plate she gives you, heading back to the lady imp.

However when she sees the plate she frowns in dismay. "I can see why this was one of her spares and not one she was actually using," she says. "This plate is uneven; see the indent here? It's minor, but I'm afraid it's enough that I can't use this for the scrying task."

[MAGDEN] (if this is your first task)

"I'll see if I can find someone else to search for the dish," she continues. "Why don't you go ahead and try a different task?"

A: Go for the purified scrying water
B: Time to seek out the scroll of runes

(Go right ahead to the linked destination of your choice! ^_^)


[MAGDENR] (if you just finished the rune scroll task)

"It happens," she says consolingly. "I'll get the dish some other way. Please, go on and try to get the scrying water next."

A: Let's get the purified scrying water

(Go right ahead to the linked destination of your choice! ^_^)


[MAGDENW] (if you just finished the water task)

"Why don't you go ahead and pick up the rune scroll?" she asks. "While you do that, I'll get someone else to fetch a dish I can use."

A: Go pick up the scroll of runes

(Go right ahead to the linked destination of your choice! ^_^)

Pinging: @Snek

[MAGDEN3] (if this is your last task)

"You've been working hard today on all these tasks. Don't worry about the dish; take a rest and I'll send someone else to look for it. When they return I'll be able to start scrying."

(Proceed on to [MAGEND])

Pinging: @corvidus
Come to the dork side. Do not make me de-story you. Image © Diaktoros
DriftAwayBanner_zpsd03e0e45.jpg tumblr_om7wmtaZKm1w2diclo1_100.png
(water-only links)


Tulip was just confused now. Serthis and Longnecks? What was going on? Maybe the last place would clear things up.

(A: On to boardwalk bragging)


The fae didn't grab his attention and the nocturne intimidated him. The left the skydancer, none of the things he said were bad, even if only one was true.

He made his way over and simply asked, "I'm with security, notice any trouble?"

(A: The scarred white skydancer)


Tulip was just confused now. Serthis and Longnecks? What was going on? Maybe the last place would clear things up.

(A: On to boardwalk bragging)


The fae didn't grab his attention and the nocturne intimidated him. The left the skydancer, none of the things he said were bad, even if only one was true.

He made his way over and simply asked, "I'm with security, notice any trouble?"

(A: The scarred white skydancer)
Dragon Shop:
Item Shop:
Wishlist on profile

(from [MAGW1])

Fred eyes you and your money thoughtfully. "Hmm... well, let's see what you have." He grabs the cash and greedily counts it. "No, no I'm afraid that's not enough. Very special water, this is. Ought to go for at least double."

He grins wolfishly and even if you try to offer him additional funds out of your own pocket, he continues to say the same. Most likely he is just enjoying having the power over what you want, and it's pretty clear he's determined not to give it up. He won't even let you go back and try the bargain, now.

"You tell that pretty mage division lady" - he fingers the division emblem on the money pouch - "You tell her that if she wants her precious water, she'll have to try something else."

Fred tosses the money pouch back to you (well, at least he returned it?) and you leave in defeat.

[MAGWBN] (if this was your first task)

"That Fred! I wonder what he's got in mind this time. I certainly will try something else, and I'll succeed too - count on it. You don't worry about him any longer; just go ahead with one of the other tasks."

A: Get that circular dish
B: Locate the rune scroll

(Go right on through the link to your next choice!)


[MAGWBNR] (if you came from the rune scroll task)

"Ugh, I vow that sometimes Fred simply does whatever will get the most reaction out of folks. I'll take care of him; you please go find that circular dish."

A: Go find the circular dish

(Go right on through the link to your next choice!)


[MAGWBND] (if you came from the circular dish task)

She shakes her head in disgust. "That ridgeback will cross the wrong dragon one day, mark my words. It may even have been today! You let me handle him - please go retrieve that rune scroll instead."

A: Time to retrieve the rune scroll

(Go right on through the link to your next choice!)


[MAGWBN3] (if this was your last task)

"Fred! Oooh he gets on my nerves. And he knows it too, the rodent. Well! I didn't want to resort to this, but I know just the dragon to send after him. You rest; you've been working hard today on all these tasks. As soon as the other dragon comes back with the water, I'll begin the scrying process."

(Proceed on to [MAGEND])

Pinging: @jesse0319 @KalaFenume

(from [MAGW1])

Fred eyes you and your money thoughtfully. "Hmm... well, let's see what you have." He grabs the cash and greedily counts it. "No, no I'm afraid that's not enough. Very special water, this is. Ought to go for at least double."

He grins wolfishly and even if you try to offer him additional funds out of your own pocket, he continues to say the same. Most likely he is just enjoying having the power over what you want, and it's pretty clear he's determined not to give it up. He won't even let you go back and try the bargain, now.

"You tell that pretty mage division lady" - he fingers the division emblem on the money pouch - "You tell her that if she wants her precious water, she'll have to try something else."

Fred tosses the money pouch back to you (well, at least he returned it?) and you leave in defeat.

[MAGWBN] (if this was your first task)

"That Fred! I wonder what he's got in mind this time. I certainly will try something else, and I'll succeed too - count on it. You don't worry about him any longer; just go ahead with one of the other tasks."

A: Get that circular dish
B: Locate the rune scroll

(Go right on through the link to your next choice!)


[MAGWBNR] (if you came from the rune scroll task)

"Ugh, I vow that sometimes Fred simply does whatever will get the most reaction out of folks. I'll take care of him; you please go find that circular dish."

A: Go find the circular dish

(Go right on through the link to your next choice!)


[MAGWBND] (if you came from the circular dish task)

She shakes her head in disgust. "That ridgeback will cross the wrong dragon one day, mark my words. It may even have been today! You let me handle him - please go retrieve that rune scroll instead."

A: Time to retrieve the rune scroll

(Go right on through the link to your next choice!)


[MAGWBN3] (if this was your last task)

"Fred! Oooh he gets on my nerves. And he knows it too, the rodent. Well! I didn't want to resort to this, but I know just the dragon to send after him. You rest; you've been working hard today on all these tasks. As soon as the other dragon comes back with the water, I'll begin the scrying process."

(Proceed on to [MAGEND])

Pinging: @jesse0319 @KalaFenume
Come to the dork side. Do not make me de-story you. Image © Diaktoros
DriftAwayBanner_zpsd03e0e45.jpg tumblr_om7wmtaZKm1w2diclo1_100.png
(water-only links)
Unfortunately the festival has landed on a pretty bad week for me, so my responses are probably going to be pretty plain from here on out.


A: Let's get that circular dish!


C: Go to the source! Check out the pottery stall
Unfortunately the festival has landed on a pretty bad week for me, so my responses are probably going to be pretty plain from here on out.


A: Let's get that circular dish!


C: Go to the source! Check out the pottery stall


DarkLord sighed, too bad. Oh well, off to boardwalk bragging, he thought. He knew one of his clan's Skydancers had been hanging out there during the festival - he might see if she was still there and knew anything.

( from the Shady Joe)

DarkLord looked at the overwhelming array of dragons gathered. He caught some silks fluttering out of the corner of his eye and walked over to talk to Jenara, his clan's soothsayer.

"Jenara - I heard you were spending your time here," he said.

"Clan leader! What are you doing here? I mean, I didn't think this would be the type of event you'd visit..."

"I'm actually here as part of a surprise for Fairlady," he said. "Don't mention you saw me. But, I could use your help. I'm looking for someone who could provide information - I need to ask some questions about potential problems with Saturnalia."

"Hmm..." she looked thoughtful. "That handsome white Skydancer is a warrior in his clan. He's not very talkative, but I suspect he might know more than he lets on. But be warned - he's the only one who has fooled me so far this week." She narrowed her eyes. "Be on guard."

"Thank you for your assistance. Good luck with your competition here - our clan is behind you." DarkLord turned and walked towards the scarred Skydancer.

A: The scarred white skydancer


DarkLord sighed, too bad. Oh well, off to boardwalk bragging, he thought. He knew one of his clan's Skydancers had been hanging out there during the festival - he might see if she was still there and knew anything.

( from the Shady Joe)

DarkLord looked at the overwhelming array of dragons gathered. He caught some silks fluttering out of the corner of his eye and walked over to talk to Jenara, his clan's soothsayer.

"Jenara - I heard you were spending your time here," he said.

"Clan leader! What are you doing here? I mean, I didn't think this would be the type of event you'd visit..."

"I'm actually here as part of a surprise for Fairlady," he said. "Don't mention you saw me. But, I could use your help. I'm looking for someone who could provide information - I need to ask some questions about potential problems with Saturnalia."

"Hmm..." she looked thoughtful. "That handsome white Skydancer is a warrior in his clan. He's not very talkative, but I suspect he might know more than he lets on. But be warned - he's the only one who has fooled me so far this week." She narrowed her eyes. "Be on guard."

"Thank you for your assistance. Good luck with your competition here - our clan is behind you." DarkLord turned and walked towards the scarred Skydancer.

A: The scarred white skydancer
OOF HubOOF RaffleArt MarketplaceIn-flight Raffle

Only one thing to do now.

(A: Go get the specially purified water)


...and we're here. This is the shadiest place ever, thought Johwyn. Ah well. Fred was looking kinda shady there...

...and Johwyn didn't really want to do any favors. That just sounded creepy. He was at a loss- then, the 1000T he was given sang out in a beautiful harmonic melodious melody.


Poor guy- he just wanted to get out of that place.

(B: Attempt to bribe Fred with the 1000t you were given)

Only one thing to do now.

(A: Go get the specially purified water)


...and we're here. This is the shadiest place ever, thought Johwyn. Ah well. Fred was looking kinda shady there...

...and Johwyn didn't really want to do any favors. That just sounded creepy. He was at a loss- then, the 1000T he was given sang out in a beautiful harmonic melodious melody.


Poor guy- he just wanted to get out of that place.

(B: Attempt to bribe Fred with the 1000t you were given)
((Thanks for adding a link to the spreadsheet, it was really helpful)) ----- [b][MAGDRYW][/b] [img][/img] "Glad I could help, and I'm happy you like the pattern too! Hopefully finding that rune scroll will go just as smoothly. I'll head over there right away!" [b]A: Retrieve the rune scroll[/b] ----- [b][MAGR1][/b] 'Oh dear, she didn't mention there'd be so many different kinds of fortune-telling here. Well, I guess I'll just look for another friendly dragon. If nothing else they might be able to point me in the right direction.' As Vera begins to weave her way through the crowd, one of the fortune-tellers calls out to her. "Let me guess, you're new around here." "Yep! I'm helping out the scrying division, but I think I might be a little lost. It's my first time visting the Water flight and this festival is pretty busy." "Well, if it helps, I can sense a confidence boost coming in your future. Also, you might want to check in with the tarot readers over there." The larger dragon winks and points off to the left where Vera can see a group of readers set up. "Oh that's great! Thank you so much!" Vera gives the other dragon a quick grin and hurries off to find the rune scroll. [b]C: Seek out a tarot reader[/b]
((Thanks for adding a link to the spreadsheet, it was really helpful))



"Glad I could help, and I'm happy you like the pattern too! Hopefully finding that rune scroll will go just as smoothly. I'll head over there right away!"

A: Retrieve the rune scroll


'Oh dear, she didn't mention there'd be so many different kinds of fortune-telling here. Well, I guess I'll just look for another friendly dragon. If nothing else they might be able to point me in the right direction.' As Vera begins to weave her way through the crowd, one of the fortune-tellers calls out to her.

"Let me guess, you're new around here."

"Yep! I'm helping out the scrying division, but I think I might be a little lost. It's my first time visting the Water flight and this festival is pretty busy."

"Well, if it helps, I can sense a confidence boost coming in your future. Also, you might want to check in with the tarot readers over there." The larger dragon winks and points off to the left where Vera can see a group of readers set up.

"Oh that's great! Thank you so much!" Vera gives the other dragon a quick grin and hurries off to find the rune scroll.

C: Seek out a tarot reader

[Choice A: Go pick up the scroll of runes]

(from the dish task)

Overwhelmed, Ciara wandered in the fortune-telling area. All the booths looked equally inviting. She had no idea where to go. The only place where she saw some rune scrolls was the Rune draw booth. But the scroll she was looking for couldn't possibly be there, could it? It would surely be mixed up with the other scrolls, never to be found again. Ciara sighed. Maybe it was better to just ask someone.

[Choice A: Ask at the dowsing area]


[Choice A: Go pick up the scroll of runes]

(from the dish task)

Overwhelmed, Ciara wandered in the fortune-telling area. All the booths looked equally inviting. She had no idea where to go. The only place where she saw some rune scrolls was the Rune draw booth. But the scroll she was looking for couldn't possibly be there, could it? It would surely be mixed up with the other scrolls, never to be found again. Ciara sighed. Maybe it was better to just ask someone.

[Choice A: Ask at the dowsing area]


[PATTEYJ] (if you just completed the shady joe task)

"Only one place left to investigate, so let's head to the boardwalk!"

(A: Let's go to boardwalk bragging)

(from [PATDV] or from the Shady Joe or tiki bar task)

Ryuugen peers suspiciously around the boardwalk at the various dragons wandering about.

...The small fae seems like a good target for questions. If necessary, I could try to intimidate her if she seems to be lying.

(C: The dark rippled fae)

[PATTEYJ] (if you just completed the shady joe task)

"Only one place left to investigate, so let's head to the boardwalk!"

(A: Let's go to boardwalk bragging)

(from [PATDV] or from the Shady Joe or tiki bar task)

Ryuugen peers suspiciously around the boardwalk at the various dragons wandering about.

...The small fae seems like a good target for questions. If necessary, I could try to intimidate her if she seems to be lying.

(C: The dark rippled fae)

(So it's harpies as well now? Are the beastclans plotting something, or is this just coincidence... or pure rumor?) -Panzer

(Lets go see what rumors we can pick up at the bar... though 1000t sounds a bit much for drinks for myself, I guess I'll just pocket the rest...) -Panzer

B: Get yourself a drink and look for a spot to eavesdrop

(So it's harpies as well now? Are the beastclans plotting something, or is this just coincidence... or pure rumor?) -Panzer

(Lets go see what rumors we can pick up at the bar... though 1000t sounds a bit much for drinks for myself, I guess I'll just pocket the rest...) -Panzer

B: Get yourself a drink and look for a spot to eavesdrop
Rule #1:
There are always exceptions to the rules.



I never saw my shadow till I saw the light
now I need more light to drown it out
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