
Dragon Trading

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TOPIC | The Dragon Builder Swap
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@Yotebeth: Claiming! Have hatchling, will travel am writing. It'll probably be an adult by the time I'm done, though.

Prompt: A dark/pale coatl, abandoned from a young age by its mix-breed clan (why? Mix-breed wouldn't have coatl predjudices...), found its way into the Starwood Strand, where there lies the most open and unassuming clan you'll ever find. Assuming you don't mind the nearby research lab having something Arcaney happening to it ever few minutes. Talents and interests lend themselves well to teaching little hatchlings.
@Yotebeth: Claiming! Have hatchling, will travel am writing. It'll probably be an adult by the time I'm done, though.

Prompt: A dark/pale coatl, abandoned from a young age by its mix-breed clan (why? Mix-breed wouldn't have coatl predjudices...), found its way into the Starwood Strand, where there lies the most open and unassuming clan you'll ever find. Assuming you don't mind the nearby research lab having something Arcaney happening to it ever few minutes. Talents and interests lend themselves well to teaching little hatchlings.
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@KathiraNarae Claiming!

I'd like a Spiral who's the overthrowing, ambitious type. (There's not much in my clan to overthrow at this point, but maybe eventually.) He'd be the right hand man of this girl, and possibly pulls strings from behind the scenes? No Basic, would prefer no IriShim but besides disliking Hypnotic no real preference on genes. Either gender is fine too, slightly preferred male.
@KathiraNarae Claiming!

I'd like a Spiral who's the overthrowing, ambitious type. (There's not much in my clan to overthrow at this point, but maybe eventually.) He'd be the right hand man of this girl, and possibly pulls strings from behind the scenes? No Basic, would prefer no IriShim but besides disliking Hypnotic no real preference on genes. Either gender is fine too, slightly preferred male.
@KathiraNarae And done! Here's your new boy - he'll be coming with the apparel listed in his bio! c: I hope you like him! [quote][center][url=] [img][/img] [/url] [center][color=black][font=book antiqua][size=6]NAME[/size] [size=3][i]Quote goes here[/i][/size] [columns][img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img][nextcol][font=book antiqua] His parents have never been extremely superstitious, being the same colours as he is, but recently their clan has been going through a period of poor luck and a scapegoat was needed. Him, with his bright eyes and shadowy body, had no one to really miss him. His siblings had already moved on and his parents could always have more children - his father was always more preoccupied with his visions than his kids anyway. And so he was cast away, set someplace and left to fend for himself. As he grew from stumbling hatchling into wary adolescent, he made his way through the darkness of the Tangled Wood (so different from the place he was born, and his eyes stuck out there) and the dangers of the Scarred Wasteland to arrive in the Starfall Isles. By then he'd learned to be careful, jaded and battered by everything he'd seen, but he found one clan in particular that sort of called to him. Its hatchlings especially. He found out quickly that hatchlings liked him and he liked them, and he'd learned enough from his travels to have things to teach them. He tells them stories too, and soon this became a more or less official position for him. It's quiet here (well, uh, excepting whatever's going on in that research lab - he doesn't really tend to notice it or look at it or acknowledge its existence). He likes the quiet. [i]Written by [url=]cinderrain[/url] for the [url=]Dragon Builder Swap[/url][/i][/center][/quote]
@KathiraNarae And done! Here's your new boy - he'll be coming with the apparel listed in his bio! c: I hope you like him!


Quote goes here


His parents have never been extremely superstitious, being the same colours as he is, but recently their clan has been going through a period of poor luck and a scapegoat was needed. Him, with his bright eyes and shadowy body, had no one to really miss him. His siblings had already moved on and his parents could always have more children - his father was always more preoccupied with his visions than his kids anyway.

And so he was cast away, set someplace and left to fend for himself. As he grew from stumbling hatchling into wary adolescent, he made his way through the darkness of the Tangled Wood (so different from the place he was born, and his eyes stuck out there) and the dangers of the Scarred Wasteland to arrive in the Starfall Isles. By then he'd learned to be careful, jaded and battered by everything he'd seen, but he found one clan in particular that sort of called to him.

Its hatchlings especially. He found out quickly that hatchlings liked him and he liked them, and he'd learned enough from his travels to have things to teach them. He tells them stories too, and soon this became a more or less official position for him.

It's quiet here (well, uh, excepting whatever's going on in that research lab - he doesn't really tend to notice it or look at it or acknowledge its existence). He likes the quiet.

Written by cinderrain for the Dragon Builder Swap
Claiming @cinderrain

Prompt: After having observed them for a while, this dragon decided to sneak into the Great Coral Reef clan's gear as they were packing up to return to the Sea of A Thousand Currents, after a stay in the Sunbeam Ruins. (I'll leave the reason up to whoever is writing.)

I do have a few things I don't want: No mirrors, No speckle, freckle or hypnotic please and no grayscale colors. My lair is a Coral Reef so the dragon should be able to fit in there somewhere.
Claiming @cinderrain

Prompt: After having observed them for a while, this dragon decided to sneak into the Great Coral Reef clan's gear as they were packing up to return to the Sea of A Thousand Currents, after a stay in the Sunbeam Ruins. (I'll leave the reason up to whoever is writing.)

I do have a few things I don't want: No mirrors, No speckle, freckle or hypnotic please and no grayscale colors. My lair is a Coral Reef so the dragon should be able to fit in there somewhere.
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@cinderrain - Not sure why the layout looks a bit different here than in the bio box. I copied it straight from there to here. That middle column aligns to the top in the actual box. =D [center][url=] [img][/img] [/url][/center] [quote][left][size=6][color=#400080][font=Book Antiqua]Name[/font][/color][/size] [size=4][color=#400080][font=Georgia]Rogue | Shadow | Level 1[/font][/color][/size][/left] [color=#400080]________________________________________________________________________________[/color] [columns] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [nextcol][font=Book Antiqua][color=#400080][size=4] • Born deep in the Wispwillow Grove in the Tangled Wood. He left his clan while still very young, for he knew he wanted more than they could offer for his life. Wealth. Power. He knew he would have everything he ever wanted some day, even if he had to take it from someone else. • Ambitious. Cunning. Not afraid to get his claws dirty to get what he wants. [/size][/color][/font] [nextcol] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [/columns] [center][IMG][/IMG][/center][/quote]
@cinderrain - Not sure why the layout looks a bit different here than in the bio box. I copied it straight from there to here. That middle column aligns to the top in the actual box. =D
Rogue | Shadow | Level 1

• Born deep in the Wispwillow Grove in the Tangled Wood. He left his clan while still very young, for he knew he wanted more than they could offer for his life. Wealth. Power. He knew he would have everything he ever wanted some day, even if he had to take it from someone else.
• Ambitious. Cunning. Not afraid to get his claws dirty to get what he wants.

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@HSoup Thank you! He's perfect! Those matching eyes, that last line... c: And yeah, apparently quoting things in forum posts messes up bio coding format, I think?

(Skip me!)
@HSoup Thank you! He's perfect! Those matching eyes, that last line... c: And yeah, apparently quoting things in forum posts messes up bio coding format, I think?

(Skip me!)
((@cinderrain - I'm glad you like him. Those matching eyes were what got me. LOL))

I'm the next person - Do not skip me please. LOL =D
((@cinderrain - I'm glad you like him. Those matching eyes were what got me. LOL))

I'm the next person - Do not skip me please. LOL =D
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@HSoup Here is one for you. I have to apologize because I probably wrote too much and English is not my first language but I hope you like it. [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Promt: I'd like an adult dragon on the run with a reason to hide in the Tangled Wood, a dragon to fit with a group of witches, spies and tricksters. I'm not very fond of Coatls and Ridgebacks or bright colors.
@HSoup Here is one for you. I have to apologize because I probably wrote too much and English is not my first language but I hope you like it.


Promt: I'd like an adult dragon on the run with a reason to hide in the Tangled Wood, a dragon to fit with a group of witches, spies and tricksters. I'm not very fond of Coatls and Ridgebacks or bright colors.
@draconox Claimed! I have the [i]perfect[/i] dragon for you. I need a mage! Most of my lair is warriors. I need a dragon who can deal with my very headstrong and impulsive clan leaders, be their calming advisor, and who is not afraid of very cold winters. We are a clan of orphans and would welcome any who choose to come (I'm not picky about what they look like). Edit: this is Katrina! [url=] [img][/img] [/url

Claimed! I have the perfect dragon for you.

I need a mage! Most of my lair is warriors. I need a dragon who can deal with my very headstrong and impulsive clan leaders, be their calming advisor, and who is not afraid of very cold winters. We are a clan of orphans and would welcome any who choose to come (I'm not picky about what they look like).

Edit: this is Katrina!

((@Draconox - I love him! I love his story and I love his colors. Thank you so much! He will definitely be welcomed into the Coral Reef clan when he is discovered. =D ))

((@Draconox - I love him! I love his story and I love his colors. Thank you so much! He will definitely be welcomed into the Coral Reef clan when he is discovered. =D ))

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