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TOPIC | {Lair Lore} -Sozki
This is a "collective lore" for all the things I've written on my dragons' bios. I usually write lore from the dragons' point of view on their bios so they might have more detailed descriptions of events. This collective lore is written based on those and sometimes written again to fit the all-knowing narrator perspective. I wanted to collect it all here as some parts of it are gone with some exalted dragons.

I've written this along the way to other places but I think this is the best place to put it out for others to see as well if there is someone out there who likes to read these kinds of things. The lore starts on the next post and is all written by myself. I've taken some inspiration from official lore (bounty of elements lately for example) but mostly it follows my own imagination and the life of my dragon clan. Sometimes my lore might mention dragons or things happening in my sister's clan as we have swapped dragons along the way with each other.

I'm not native english speaker/writer so there will be errors :')

Dragons mentioned in lore:
This is a "collective lore" for all the things I've written on my dragons' bios. I usually write lore from the dragons' point of view on their bios so they might have more detailed descriptions of events. This collective lore is written based on those and sometimes written again to fit the all-knowing narrator perspective. I wanted to collect it all here as some parts of it are gone with some exalted dragons.

I've written this along the way to other places but I think this is the best place to put it out for others to see as well if there is someone out there who likes to read these kinds of things. The lore starts on the next post and is all written by myself. I've taken some inspiration from official lore (bounty of elements lately for example) but mostly it follows my own imagination and the life of my dragon clan. Sometimes my lore might mention dragons or things happening in my sister's clan as we have swapped dragons along the way with each other.

I'm not native english speaker/writer so there will be errors :')

Dragons mentioned in lore:
Home for homeless

Gaghula and her mate Morthal, both fed up with ongoing war between dragon deities and their followers as well as attacking beast clans, started their own clan together in Zephyr Steppes. They took in dragons and hatchlings who had lost their home for reason or other, only requirement being that they wanted to live peacefully. They wanted it to be a peaceful sanctuary to all, a place for dragons to feel safe and escape war and fighting. As their small clan started to grow, Morthal felt that all responsibilities as leader were too much. He told Gaghula that he cannot go on and left, leaving Gaghula to look over growing clan alone.

When Morthal was gone, there was no one left to defend the small clan. Morthal was the only one who had any skills in fighting and now that he was gone other clans from the Sea of a Thousand Currents and the Ashfall Waste came to steal from them. Gaghula was in trouble. Gaghula had been eyeing the Southern Icefield. They would be safer there. The land looked too harsh to invite troublemakers and thieves in and there was icy sea around it. But the journey was going to be rough and dangerous and she needed someone to defend them. She had to make exceptions to keep her clan safe and she took in wandering guardian dragon Dillon even when she saw that this guardian would end up making trouble for the clan.

No more room for the weak

Dillon was a strict and powerful guardian female who didn’t avoid conflict. She was strong-willed and saw herself superior to others - others were weak and she was strong and brutal if needed. For a time she submitted to Gaghula but things didn’t go as smooth as Gaghula had planned. Journey to the Southern Icefield was even more difficult than she had thought and the icy winds even more cold that what they had expected. As soon as she saw doubt in clan members’ eyes Dillon took Gaghula’s place as the Matriarch of the clan. She easily threw Gaghula off her place as she was in no way match to this goddess of war.

Dillon was the one who trained young dragons to fight and protect themselves. She was quick to shame the weak and good hearted which was why she wasn't in liking of many (if any). But she had saved the clan in eyes of the clan members so she must be right, right? Brutal force and fighting skills were answer to their problems, right? Clan had taken complete u-turn after moving to the Southern Icefield. What had started as a peaceful haven for weak and lost had become an training camp for unwilling soldiers. There was no leaving as no one knew how they would survive in this new and cold environment and they were afraid that Dillon would come after them...

Dillon’s status as leader drew attention from strong male dragons but Dillon didn't accept new mates easily. She made them fight each other and only the strongest would do. Her mates changed often and with most she didn’t had offspring. She was harsh to everyone but Dillon was especially harsh to her own children and didn't tolerate any kind of weakness from them. That drove almost all of them away eventually.

Divar was Dillon's favorite son and her firstborn. He was big, strong and smart and Dillon was going to make him the leader one day. But one night he just disappeared. He had argued with Geyowram (new mate of Dillon) and Dillon the day before but Dillon didn’t believe that that could be the whole reason. Her son wouldn’t leave like that after an argue! But Dillon didn’t know that Geyowram felt that his position was threatened by Divar and they fought. Geyowram had more experience in fighting, which gave him the win in the end. Divar was threatened to leave the clan and never come back. Now Geyowram had ensured his place as second in command and alfa male in the clan.

Dillon started to become violent after Divar had left so suddenly. She couldn’t handle the thought of losing her strongest and most promising child. Eventually also Geyowram left the clan as he started to fear Dillon and after he left, Dillon grew even colder. She was left without mate and heir and the lair fell to chaos as she drove dragons away with her raging and aggressive behavior. She attacked her own clan members for the smallest of reasons and others had nothing to say if they wanted to keep their home. Now that the Southern Icefield had become more familiar to the clan, dragons felt more confident and started to leave the clan with aid of their scouts and hunters.

Then Igus came, a young, big and strong dragon who took his place beside Dillon and things started getting better for the clan. But that didn’t last long. Igus wasn’t strong enough and he lacked the courage to stand against his mate for long. Dillon wasn’t satisfied with her offspring and she started her violent behavior again driving off dragons once more.

One night a big guardian male wandered to the territory. He felt home once again. Sad and exhausted Gaghula knew this dragon. New hope grew as Morthal returned home!

After wandering and living alone for a year, Morthal came back to the lair he was once creating. After seeing in what state the lair had gone he started looking for the one responsible. Dillon, the tyrannical matriarch, was still going rampage even if her new mate tried to slow her down. Morthal was angry and made sure that Dillon gets thrown from the lead. After a fierce fight Dillon and Igus were thrown from the throne and Morthal gained the lead. Wearing Dillon’s old armor Morthal took his place in the lead and things started to get better, the way they once were. Dillon’s reign still had done something good: she had taught clan members to defend and now there were also fighters in the clan.

Dark magic rises

Lair was now growing happily, new dragons moving in and some leaving to fill up their visions and dreams. It wasn’t all just happy dancing on flowers though... Morthal had concerns... Zina, a witch and scary healer of the clan had drawn attention from Moec, a newcomer fae from Arcane flight with interest in dark arts. Moec had seen her one night meddling with bones and mumbling mystical things in her cave alone and the flames started dancing in the night. Zina took this enthusiastic fae as her disciple. Moec turned out to be REALLY quick learner and talented in magic and she quickly learned basics of witchcraft and talking to dead. Soon Zina had nothing more to teach that interested Moec. She now had even darker ambitions to chase…

Moec and Muvain, a witch and a puppet crafter, were soon thing everyone talked about. Two dragons, both friendly and polite but otherwise complete opposites of each other had started a family. Even if others were afraid of Moec, Muvain wasn’t. He knew that she would keep him safe from whatever things there were that others were so afraid of. As one of their hatchlings, Karthus, was leaving to live with Moec’s old clan in Arcane flight’s lands, Muvain crafted a ball-jointed bogsneak puppet. Moec wanted to add something to the gift, so she brought it to life. With what she did that, no-one knows...

Moec had this special corner in where she saw the shadow - dark thing with smoke-like shapeless body that wasn’t a spirit of anyone who had died, but something else. One night she found a pearlcatcher hatchling staring right into that same corner. This dark little thing saw the thing as well and most intriguing thing was that she wasn’t afraid of the shadow. The pearlcatcher wasn’t from here so Moec adopted her and named her Herexxia. Herexxia was quiet one and besides the dead and the shadow she only spoke to Moec. It wasn’t long until Herexxia woke her first ghost and bound that to a skeleton which then became her pet of sorts.

Herexxia felt lonely. Even if she had Moec she felt incomplete. She wanted to have someone like Muvain, someone who didn’t fear her. One night came Seth, a dark spiral male who told that he had followed a strange feeling that led him here, to Herexxia’s and Moec’s lair. Moec thought that this was a destiny of some sorts so Seth got to stay. Herexxia didn’t like Seth much and his continuous questions of “What are you doing? How does that work?” were annoying at first but after some time, she started to like his company and eventually she started to talk to him. After a while they had hatchlings of their own. Seth never learned to use magic but he was talented in alchemy and helped Moec and Herexxia with that.

In a lair full of bones a coven was formed. Zina was the oldest of witches and dark shamans in the lair so she got to be the leader of the coven. Zina was concerned about Moec and her little apprentices so she decided to bring all of them into one place. This way she could keep an eye on Moec, Herexxia and Seth without raising their suspicions. The wise wildclaw and her pair for life, a blind prophet Blizzard, had feeling in their guts that there was something bad coming if they didn’t keep watch.

Something wicked this way comes

There had been rumours of strange occurrences around Sornieth. That something BIG was going on all around. Crystalspine Reaches had had some kind of growth spike and someone had even heard of an Emperor dragon in Light’s domain?! Blizzard felt shifting in energies also in the lair’s area but he didn’t want to scare others any more so he kept quiet.. Until the first with strange eyes were born. After that Morthal came to Blizzard to seek for answers. The clan was in chaos and dragons were scared, something had to be done. So they gave a speech. Morthal gathered everyone to hear them out and they comforted everyone that things were fine: the emperor was far from here and new hatchlings with strange eyes were all completely healthy as proven by some who had studied them. As word came from around Sornieth that this wasn't happening only to them the lair quieted down a bit. For now things were well. But Blizzard had a feeling that there was still something to come, something that made him feel really uneasy...

Even if the coven was formed, Herexxia, Moec and Seth still kept some of their shady activities going on in their own cave. Moec didn't like the idea of coven, she knew that others were a little afraid of them and they were under the eye of Zina all the time. She and the two spent theirs nights in their own lair "to be close to Muvain" as Moec told the coven. Muvain didn't want to move to the coven with others because of all of his puppet making equipment. He had everything he needed where he needed them so he stayed behind - which made a good excuse to Moec.

One night there was a storm. Storms in particular aren't strange but thunderstorms this far in cold climate were unusual and this one was really harsh. Moec and her students got to the safety of their lair just before the storm struck with its worst. Moec had just started brewing some strange gooey and dark brew with Seth, something Moec said that would enhance their powers if it worked, when they heard a loud bang. Thunder struck somewhere near and shook the whole lair with its power. And then Milawai came running, gliding, flapping her wings in one ball of panic that couldn't control hel limbs because of that. Terror in her eyes she yelled
"YOU NEED TO HELP HIM!" and when she was faced with confused looks she started to cry. Her limbs went limp and she fell to the floor trying to explain something but only words they could understand between her sobbing were flying, lightning and Owen. They heard a familiar name, one which belonged to a friend of Muvain and that's when others finally started moving. Muvain stayed behind to look after Milawai when others hurried into the storm. The water came down as sharp icicles and wind made it hard to move. Somewhere between the frozen trees came an eerie blue glow. In the ground was Owen, a dark ridgeback male who was sizzling with electricity and around him were glassy shards. Lightning had melted stones on the ground and imbued them with glowing blue energy. As Herexxia and Seth checked if the ridgeback was ok and started to carry him back to safety of the lair, Moec grabbed one of the shards.

For everyone's surprise Owen was fine. He had lost his consciousness when lighting hit him but otherwise he was fine. And electric. He had a strange electric blue glow within him now and he zapped others accidentally from time to time. When storm ended Milawai and Owen left to see Zina if she could tell them if he was fine. Zina inspected him with Maelog, a newcomer nocturne who knew her way with medical matters, but found nothing wrong with him. Only thing that had changed was the electric force that had taken his body as home. Zina decided to take Owen into the coven to learn to control and use his new powers.

Meanwhile Moec inspected the shard. It had wild and powerful primordial magic inside it and its electricity made toes that held it go numb. The brew from last night hadn't made any change in anything, but Moec wondered what if... and she dropped the shard into the cauldron. With a loud boom the liquid in cauldron started to boil and the whole thing started shooting bolts of lightning out of its depths. And in a couple of seconds it was over. Moec screamed and held her eyes.
"IT BUUUURRRNNSS!!" she hissed and screamed as she tried to get the dark muck off her face. In pain she started darting around the cave bumping into shelves and tables dropping things allover the place. When she finally collapsed, sharp shards of glass littered the cave floor among different liquids, insects and plant pieces. Herexxia hurried to her teacher and wiped her face clean. When Moec opened her eyes they glowed bright and looked otherwise blind. She darted her head around the cave for some time, in her face a confused look of fear, amazement and strange happiness.
"What do you see?" Herexxia whispered.
Home for homeless

Gaghula and her mate Morthal, both fed up with ongoing war between dragon deities and their followers as well as attacking beast clans, started their own clan together in Zephyr Steppes. They took in dragons and hatchlings who had lost their home for reason or other, only requirement being that they wanted to live peacefully. They wanted it to be a peaceful sanctuary to all, a place for dragons to feel safe and escape war and fighting. As their small clan started to grow, Morthal felt that all responsibilities as leader were too much. He told Gaghula that he cannot go on and left, leaving Gaghula to look over growing clan alone.

When Morthal was gone, there was no one left to defend the small clan. Morthal was the only one who had any skills in fighting and now that he was gone other clans from the Sea of a Thousand Currents and the Ashfall Waste came to steal from them. Gaghula was in trouble. Gaghula had been eyeing the Southern Icefield. They would be safer there. The land looked too harsh to invite troublemakers and thieves in and there was icy sea around it. But the journey was going to be rough and dangerous and she needed someone to defend them. She had to make exceptions to keep her clan safe and she took in wandering guardian dragon Dillon even when she saw that this guardian would end up making trouble for the clan.

No more room for the weak

Dillon was a strict and powerful guardian female who didn’t avoid conflict. She was strong-willed and saw herself superior to others - others were weak and she was strong and brutal if needed. For a time she submitted to Gaghula but things didn’t go as smooth as Gaghula had planned. Journey to the Southern Icefield was even more difficult than she had thought and the icy winds even more cold that what they had expected. As soon as she saw doubt in clan members’ eyes Dillon took Gaghula’s place as the Matriarch of the clan. She easily threw Gaghula off her place as she was in no way match to this goddess of war.

Dillon was the one who trained young dragons to fight and protect themselves. She was quick to shame the weak and good hearted which was why she wasn't in liking of many (if any). But she had saved the clan in eyes of the clan members so she must be right, right? Brutal force and fighting skills were answer to their problems, right? Clan had taken complete u-turn after moving to the Southern Icefield. What had started as a peaceful haven for weak and lost had become an training camp for unwilling soldiers. There was no leaving as no one knew how they would survive in this new and cold environment and they were afraid that Dillon would come after them...

Dillon’s status as leader drew attention from strong male dragons but Dillon didn't accept new mates easily. She made them fight each other and only the strongest would do. Her mates changed often and with most she didn’t had offspring. She was harsh to everyone but Dillon was especially harsh to her own children and didn't tolerate any kind of weakness from them. That drove almost all of them away eventually.

Divar was Dillon's favorite son and her firstborn. He was big, strong and smart and Dillon was going to make him the leader one day. But one night he just disappeared. He had argued with Geyowram (new mate of Dillon) and Dillon the day before but Dillon didn’t believe that that could be the whole reason. Her son wouldn’t leave like that after an argue! But Dillon didn’t know that Geyowram felt that his position was threatened by Divar and they fought. Geyowram had more experience in fighting, which gave him the win in the end. Divar was threatened to leave the clan and never come back. Now Geyowram had ensured his place as second in command and alfa male in the clan.

Dillon started to become violent after Divar had left so suddenly. She couldn’t handle the thought of losing her strongest and most promising child. Eventually also Geyowram left the clan as he started to fear Dillon and after he left, Dillon grew even colder. She was left without mate and heir and the lair fell to chaos as she drove dragons away with her raging and aggressive behavior. She attacked her own clan members for the smallest of reasons and others had nothing to say if they wanted to keep their home. Now that the Southern Icefield had become more familiar to the clan, dragons felt more confident and started to leave the clan with aid of their scouts and hunters.

Then Igus came, a young, big and strong dragon who took his place beside Dillon and things started getting better for the clan. But that didn’t last long. Igus wasn’t strong enough and he lacked the courage to stand against his mate for long. Dillon wasn’t satisfied with her offspring and she started her violent behavior again driving off dragons once more.

One night a big guardian male wandered to the territory. He felt home once again. Sad and exhausted Gaghula knew this dragon. New hope grew as Morthal returned home!

After wandering and living alone for a year, Morthal came back to the lair he was once creating. After seeing in what state the lair had gone he started looking for the one responsible. Dillon, the tyrannical matriarch, was still going rampage even if her new mate tried to slow her down. Morthal was angry and made sure that Dillon gets thrown from the lead. After a fierce fight Dillon and Igus were thrown from the throne and Morthal gained the lead. Wearing Dillon’s old armor Morthal took his place in the lead and things started to get better, the way they once were. Dillon’s reign still had done something good: she had taught clan members to defend and now there were also fighters in the clan.

Dark magic rises

Lair was now growing happily, new dragons moving in and some leaving to fill up their visions and dreams. It wasn’t all just happy dancing on flowers though... Morthal had concerns... Zina, a witch and scary healer of the clan had drawn attention from Moec, a newcomer fae from Arcane flight with interest in dark arts. Moec had seen her one night meddling with bones and mumbling mystical things in her cave alone and the flames started dancing in the night. Zina took this enthusiastic fae as her disciple. Moec turned out to be REALLY quick learner and talented in magic and she quickly learned basics of witchcraft and talking to dead. Soon Zina had nothing more to teach that interested Moec. She now had even darker ambitions to chase…

Moec and Muvain, a witch and a puppet crafter, were soon thing everyone talked about. Two dragons, both friendly and polite but otherwise complete opposites of each other had started a family. Even if others were afraid of Moec, Muvain wasn’t. He knew that she would keep him safe from whatever things there were that others were so afraid of. As one of their hatchlings, Karthus, was leaving to live with Moec’s old clan in Arcane flight’s lands, Muvain crafted a ball-jointed bogsneak puppet. Moec wanted to add something to the gift, so she brought it to life. With what she did that, no-one knows...

Moec had this special corner in where she saw the shadow - dark thing with smoke-like shapeless body that wasn’t a spirit of anyone who had died, but something else. One night she found a pearlcatcher hatchling staring right into that same corner. This dark little thing saw the thing as well and most intriguing thing was that she wasn’t afraid of the shadow. The pearlcatcher wasn’t from here so Moec adopted her and named her Herexxia. Herexxia was quiet one and besides the dead and the shadow she only spoke to Moec. It wasn’t long until Herexxia woke her first ghost and bound that to a skeleton which then became her pet of sorts.

Herexxia felt lonely. Even if she had Moec she felt incomplete. She wanted to have someone like Muvain, someone who didn’t fear her. One night came Seth, a dark spiral male who told that he had followed a strange feeling that led him here, to Herexxia’s and Moec’s lair. Moec thought that this was a destiny of some sorts so Seth got to stay. Herexxia didn’t like Seth much and his continuous questions of “What are you doing? How does that work?” were annoying at first but after some time, she started to like his company and eventually she started to talk to him. After a while they had hatchlings of their own. Seth never learned to use magic but he was talented in alchemy and helped Moec and Herexxia with that.

In a lair full of bones a coven was formed. Zina was the oldest of witches and dark shamans in the lair so she got to be the leader of the coven. Zina was concerned about Moec and her little apprentices so she decided to bring all of them into one place. This way she could keep an eye on Moec, Herexxia and Seth without raising their suspicions. The wise wildclaw and her pair for life, a blind prophet Blizzard, had feeling in their guts that there was something bad coming if they didn’t keep watch.

Something wicked this way comes

There had been rumours of strange occurrences around Sornieth. That something BIG was going on all around. Crystalspine Reaches had had some kind of growth spike and someone had even heard of an Emperor dragon in Light’s domain?! Blizzard felt shifting in energies also in the lair’s area but he didn’t want to scare others any more so he kept quiet.. Until the first with strange eyes were born. After that Morthal came to Blizzard to seek for answers. The clan was in chaos and dragons were scared, something had to be done. So they gave a speech. Morthal gathered everyone to hear them out and they comforted everyone that things were fine: the emperor was far from here and new hatchlings with strange eyes were all completely healthy as proven by some who had studied them. As word came from around Sornieth that this wasn't happening only to them the lair quieted down a bit. For now things were well. But Blizzard had a feeling that there was still something to come, something that made him feel really uneasy...

Even if the coven was formed, Herexxia, Moec and Seth still kept some of their shady activities going on in their own cave. Moec didn't like the idea of coven, she knew that others were a little afraid of them and they were under the eye of Zina all the time. She and the two spent theirs nights in their own lair "to be close to Muvain" as Moec told the coven. Muvain didn't want to move to the coven with others because of all of his puppet making equipment. He had everything he needed where he needed them so he stayed behind - which made a good excuse to Moec.

One night there was a storm. Storms in particular aren't strange but thunderstorms this far in cold climate were unusual and this one was really harsh. Moec and her students got to the safety of their lair just before the storm struck with its worst. Moec had just started brewing some strange gooey and dark brew with Seth, something Moec said that would enhance their powers if it worked, when they heard a loud bang. Thunder struck somewhere near and shook the whole lair with its power. And then Milawai came running, gliding, flapping her wings in one ball of panic that couldn't control hel limbs because of that. Terror in her eyes she yelled
"YOU NEED TO HELP HIM!" and when she was faced with confused looks she started to cry. Her limbs went limp and she fell to the floor trying to explain something but only words they could understand between her sobbing were flying, lightning and Owen. They heard a familiar name, one which belonged to a friend of Muvain and that's when others finally started moving. Muvain stayed behind to look after Milawai when others hurried into the storm. The water came down as sharp icicles and wind made it hard to move. Somewhere between the frozen trees came an eerie blue glow. In the ground was Owen, a dark ridgeback male who was sizzling with electricity and around him were glassy shards. Lightning had melted stones on the ground and imbued them with glowing blue energy. As Herexxia and Seth checked if the ridgeback was ok and started to carry him back to safety of the lair, Moec grabbed one of the shards.

For everyone's surprise Owen was fine. He had lost his consciousness when lighting hit him but otherwise he was fine. And electric. He had a strange electric blue glow within him now and he zapped others accidentally from time to time. When storm ended Milawai and Owen left to see Zina if she could tell them if he was fine. Zina inspected him with Maelog, a newcomer nocturne who knew her way with medical matters, but found nothing wrong with him. Only thing that had changed was the electric force that had taken his body as home. Zina decided to take Owen into the coven to learn to control and use his new powers.

Meanwhile Moec inspected the shard. It had wild and powerful primordial magic inside it and its electricity made toes that held it go numb. The brew from last night hadn't made any change in anything, but Moec wondered what if... and she dropped the shard into the cauldron. With a loud boom the liquid in cauldron started to boil and the whole thing started shooting bolts of lightning out of its depths. And in a couple of seconds it was over. Moec screamed and held her eyes.
"IT BUUUURRRNNSS!!" she hissed and screamed as she tried to get the dark muck off her face. In pain she started darting around the cave bumping into shelves and tables dropping things allover the place. When she finally collapsed, sharp shards of glass littered the cave floor among different liquids, insects and plant pieces. Herexxia hurried to her teacher and wiped her face clean. When Moec opened her eyes they glowed bright and looked otherwise blind. She darted her head around the cave for some time, in her face a confused look of fear, amazement and strange happiness.
"What do you see?" Herexxia whispered.
Ice and Fire

No one actually knew what had happened. Everything seemed normal but many dragons had started to have nightmares to a point where it started to take a toll on everyday life in the Clan. Some even claimed that the shadows from their dreams came to haunt them even when they were awake. Some had suspicions that Moec was behind this, she had started to act even more weird before the nightmares started.

Moec had visions, she saw beyond stars, she saw the deepest places under the sea, she saw things moving in the darkness and saw echoes of the ones who had lived long before them. She saw so much magic and power everywhere, but no matter how hard she ever tried to grasp it, it slipped away. Ghostly beings refused to stay in her claws, slipping away like smoke. Stars felt slippery, squeezing themselves from between her fingers. It all frustrated her greatly. What is the purpose of seeing if you can't gain the power you see?! It felt as if the universe just wanted to toy with her! Moec felt violent without actually hurting anyone. Yet. Seth and Herexxia felt powerless. They wanted to help but Moec only yelled at them how pathetic they were, so useless never giving her anything... and yet they never left her side. Her students continued practicing on their own, worrying for their teacher and adoptive mother who spent her days screaming her anger out or staring into nothing, rising her hands from time to time like trying to touch something.

The shadows weren't the only thing bothering Clan, temperatures seemed to drop even more. It was starting to become dangerous to hatchlings and dragons who were not born in the Southern Icefield. It hit Gaghula probably the hardest, physically and mentally. She had once brought the Clan to this remote place to escape from conflicts, thieving, troubles of the world, and to live here for the rest of their time away from it all. And now it started to look like they were facing an inevitable move. They had lived here almost 60 years, the thought of leaving this all behind felt crushing to her. But staying would kill her and many others...

Gaghula talked to Zina, Blizzard, and the leader of the Clan Morthal and told them her concerns. The decision was made: They needed to move. To where was still a mystery but they needed to leave when the last nests hatch. Morthal along with his trusty prophet Blizzard gave a speech and told that no new nests were to be laid and that the Clan would relocate as soon as possible. While the last nests were being incubated, the council of Four gathered to weigh their possibilities.

From time to time some other dragons stopped by their meeting to give their opinions. Gaghula was longing for home but they came to the conclusion that the winds would end up fatal to many after the long flight across the sea and they would never reach the Windswept Plateau. Moec came in to tell them that they should go to the Sunbeam Ruins, but others were too scared of the possibility to encounter an Emperor (also they were all a bit suspicious of her motives to move there). Moec kept insisting that they had to move to the Sunbeam ruins! She tried to tell them that it was a warm and sunny place which would be great for everyone, they must see that! What she didn't tell was that her only reason to go there would be the Hewn City, the ruins touched by the Shade, the only place on Sornieth she would surely be able to grasp the powers she saw around her. Moec was furious when they turned her down. The next place to discuss was Plaque but that was out of the question immediately. The trip to Starfall Isles would be long, but easier considering that the ice rafts went all the way there. But the cold could end up being their ruin when there was no place to take shelter. Milawai came to offer an idea of moving to the Sea of Thousand Currents but the trip would mean that they have to cross either the Windswept Plateau or...

A voice, deep and dark, crackling with fire like it came from inside an ancient volcano deeper than Leviathan Trench itself, interrupted their conversation: "We are going home". Voice belonged to the huge imperial with fire in his eyes and soul. As he stood in the cave's entrance air filled with smoke and sparks and smell of brimstone. Belphegor was one of the oldest dwellers in the Clan. He was intimidatingly huge fiery and golden imperial and he gave off heat and smelled like ash and fire. He and his mate Lilith usually kept to themselves higher up in the mountain and rarely took any part in anything that happened in the clan. Without waiting for a response, the two took off flying back to their lair, wings blowing ash and snow into the cave.
"Do we have a choice anymore?" Morthal sighed in frustration about him being compromised like that, knowing that he wouldn't have a chance if Belphegor would choose to take matters into his own claws.

It was decided: They would fly over the ocean and find their next home from the coast of the Ashfall Waste. Zina and Blizzard took off first. They went on ahead to prevent blind Blizzard from slowing the Clan down when they chose to move.
"We will find you. Take care friends." Morthal felt uneasy letting his friend and right-wing to leave alone to the sea but he knew they were strong together.

Usually, the two fire imperials were seen flying around the mountainside or diving down to the valley in the middle of the mountains but they hadn't been seen for days now. Some claimed that they saw them flying towards the northeast to the sea. Morthal needed to know. He was supposed to take care of everyone and make sure they are all safe and well. So he flew higher along the mountainside and when it got too cold to fly, he climbed the rest of the way. He found a well-hidden cave entrance. The cave was black from top to bottom and the floor littered with ash. Strange carvings could be seen all around and there was a faint smell of brimstone still lingering. At the end of the lair laid an extinguished forge with all its equipment gone. Morthal turned towards the entrance to leave when ashes from the floor lifted up in a small vortex and a face appeared into it. Eyes like burning coals stared at him, and a raspy female voice echoed in the lair as the ashen figure moved its jaws.
"You will find a home in the Blacksand Annex. Look for an obsidian dragon skull." Voice faded away as the ash vortex dispersed. Morthal felt uneasy, he never liked these magic tricks and these imperials especially made him nervous. But somehow he still trusted them in this: now he knew exactly where to go.

Farewells and new beginnings

The time had come. Nests were empty and clan members had said goodbyes to their old caves and pits. Moec was so mad about moving into Blacksand Annex that she had trashed their lair before the moving started. Morthal had told everyone to eat as much as they could for there was no place to stop to eat. Finally, he gathered everyone around and they started the journey towards East and the Ashfall Waste.

The journey was long and tiring but finally, the clan saw the dark ashy clouds of a young volcano, Magmablood Rebuke. It was not a warm welcome but they were allowed to stay and rest overnight. The tone changed to a warmer one when they spent some time together. Morthal’s clan told of the weird occurrences they had encountered, and in return, they heard of the mutiny and how this new volcano is now the place for the former forge workers who had been cast aside. Morthal got warnings how there is no work in the mainland anymore and it is pointless to go there but Morthal told them that they are not seeking work from the Great Furnace. They are only looking for a place to live and that they can take care of themselves without the forgemasters.

After looking for days they finally found the obsidian skull. It was near enough to see the Blacksand Annex, but further away from it than Morthal had thought. Clan went in through the mouth of this huge skull with the lead of Morthal. Nobody knew if the skull was real or carved from obsidian and if so, who had done it. There was a round cave big enough to comfortably fit them all and a tunnel in the right side of it, leading somewhere deeper below. Morthal went investigating while others gathered their strength. Deep below the main cave, there was a small lava river and around it a small forge was forming. From there Morthal found all four of his clan members who had left in advance: Zina and Blizzard were resting in the back corner furthest away from the heat of the lava, and Belphegor and Lilith working on something that Morthal only could imagine to become a part of the forge at some point. They greeted each other and Morthal led Zina and Blizzard back to where everyone else was.

The building of Obsidian City started. Nux, Elar, and a couple of newcomers who had decided to follow the clan from Magmablood Rebuke to help them, started planning out the city. They took requests from residents and made layout plans for the inner city and main square. The newcomers were blacksmiths who had lived their whole lives in Ashfall Waste and knew its soil, so they were a priceless help with planning, digging, and building supports. Nux was an archeologist so he also knew a thing or two about digging, and this was a chance of finding something historically valuable! And Elar was a Lore Master and scholar who had seen a lot of maps, plans, and blueprints so he had some sense of how to plan working living spaces. As the city started to grow it also started to attract new residents and quite a lot of traders. The main square became a bustling center of Obsidian City and along its walls arose a multitude of different shops and pastime locations.

Everything was nice, warm, and peaceful and everyone had a goal now, to make this new place a home. Even Moec felt.. strange peace inside. The rage had subsided. The voices and shadows had been left behind to torment someone else with their corruption and thirst for power. Right after they found the huge obsidian dragon skull and settled in, she felt a strange connection to the vast sea that started from the lava stone beach under their lair. Moec spent her days staring into the mists that rose from the hot waters, enjoying the calm, moist and hot air surrounding her and the mist that danced its way up to the sky. She even forgot to eat from time to time and Herexxia was the one to take some food to their teacher. She heard hatchlings talking about monstrous figures slowly roaming in the mist and felt their fear. The shapes far in the mist concerned everybody, but the neighboring clan had assured them that the shadows never came close but lingered in the far distance. Instead of fear, Moec felt longing when watching the black steaming sea and the shapes in it. The sea. It called to her. And it took her into its dark and warm embrace.

One night Herexxia had gone to take food to Moec. Seth stayed behind mixing his new alchemical brew. He was quite sure it moved by itself in there... And it did! The brew shrunk, two eyes popped open, and then it lifted up two.. hands? Seth lifted the small being from the cauldron and it smiled at him. How weird is this?! While they were staring at each other Herexxia came in flying, terror in her eyes and dripping water all over the floor. "MOEC! SHE FELL IN THE OCEAN!" Seth felt a sting in his heart.

There was nothing they could do. Moec was gone. Seth was the one to break the bad news to Muvain. The next couple of days went in a fog. Muvain, Herexxia, and Seth all sat on the beach mourning their loved one, every one of them feeling guilt, wondering what they could have done differently. On the third evening the earth trembled and they saw something moving in the water, bubbling, a shadow coming for the surface.

It felt strange. The way the ocean twisted her. Squishing, tearing, stretching, molding her anew. But it never felt unpleasant. The currents washed every crushing thought away, showed Moec the good and pleasant memories she had made... and new ones. These were memories of someone else. Memories from deep under the ice. She saw dark beings caged deep below the surface, twisted by something called the shade. A thing that was spoken in old tales. She used to guard them and make sure they never escaped. And then she saw herself: a small dark fae experimenting and fiddling with powers that should have been left alone, and black shadow creeping around that figure slowly tearing its way under her skin and driving her mad.

She gasped and let the hot air fill her lungs. She felt heavy, so heavy. Like there was another dragon in her back. Looking at her feet she saw a thick fur. And the smells! She smelled so much more, the salt of the sea and the sour smell of fish in it, the forges far up in the mountain, she even smelled what kind of metals they used up there! She lifted her head towards the sky and let out a deep growling sigh "I'm born anew.." And then she smelled familiar scents. She looked and they were there, sitting on the beach looking terrified. Moec felt warmth and smiled.

Moec had gone through some weird transformation with no explanation. She had lost her magic powers and all her interest in finding them again. Muvain was so happy that Moec was alive but her new ambitions and obsession for keeping the Shade away from her clan finally tore their relationship apart. They stayed friends and Muvain moved on with his life as did Moec. After Gaolers emerged, Moec wanted to make sure that no one else gets corrupted by the Shade. She had been saved from it at the last minute and now that she had the nose to smell the corrupting powers of the Shade she had to use it. She talked to Morthal and started recruiting passing Gaolers without homes to take their place in her Shade Patrol. Together they would make sure that the Shade won't get a foothold in their home! Seth was secretly a little relieved that Moec was now past her thirst for power that had started to take dangerous twists. But he could see how Herexxia was upset. She was angry all the time, and finally she refused to see Moec at all and dwelled in her dark lair alone. Even Seth was being pushed away from time to time. Moec had spoken to Herexxia after her transformation and warned her about how she is on the wrong path that will only bring her harm. She could smell shade strongly in her. Blah blah. Herexxia was ******. All the hard work they had gone through was suddenly all in vain? And this new "Shade Patrol" nonsense?! Where is the Moec they knew and loved? Where is the Moec SHE loved, the one who raised her?! Herexxia brooded the anger and started to close herself from the world even more…

Not long after this two eggs were found while expanding the forge. These two eggs were probably accidentally separated from a bigger nest at some point during history. Those things were ancient but somehow the heat of the forge and a surge of magic in the lava flow brought life to them and two Banescale boys hatched from them. Those two stayed in the forge and were raised there by the two blacksmiths and Belphegor.

Digging high and low

Growing Obsidian City had drawn the attention of two very special dragons. They made quite an entrance utilizing their weird never before seen magical powers, shining bright light and making everyone feel warm and safe, a weird sleepy harmony. Askan and Fria claimed themselves to be Divines, dragons that possess pure powers from the First Age, from the first stars that date even before Deities. Most were skeptical but some fell straight to it. These two were seen as angels or demi-deities by some and they gathered a following, even some priests of their own. Morthal saw these Divines as no threat so they got permission to stay if they don’t cause any harm. They themselves claimed that the universe wouldn’t let them be expelled anyway and Morthal had chosen wisely. The Divines deemed themselves worthy of a palace, or at least that the City was not worthy of them so they ordered their followers to dig them their own living quarters above the city. And there needs to be a view outside. So began the building of High Terrace.

It took years but finally it was done. The High Terrace was carved into the dark soil and covered in white marble and beautiful red stone. It utilized the eyes of Obsidian Skull as huge windows to the steaming sea. For a while High Terrace was just for the Divines, but soon they started to feel lonely, unseen, unimportant. They called the clan’s priests to live alongside them, to have their own living space carved there and paved in the same stainless and pure manner of white and red stone. They also invited the ones they held in high respect and that way lore master Elar along with other scholars moved up there. Soon there was a wast library that collected knowledge from all over Sornieth and kept track of dragons living in the city.

Nux had left to see the excavations in Greatwyrm’s Breach. He wanted to see and participate in discovering new historical pieces himself. After going back and forth for a couple of years with and without Elar, he came back again. This time with the news. They were starting to investigate the seismic activity beneath the ground in a place where the lead of the research excavation Velya said she senses Earthshaker’s magic. Dustcarve Dig is going to be a huge thing, and they have requested aid from every flight. Nux had decided to come and visit home to tell about this and to volunteer to take the first patch of supplies there himself.
Ice and Fire

No one actually knew what had happened. Everything seemed normal but many dragons had started to have nightmares to a point where it started to take a toll on everyday life in the Clan. Some even claimed that the shadows from their dreams came to haunt them even when they were awake. Some had suspicions that Moec was behind this, she had started to act even more weird before the nightmares started.

Moec had visions, she saw beyond stars, she saw the deepest places under the sea, she saw things moving in the darkness and saw echoes of the ones who had lived long before them. She saw so much magic and power everywhere, but no matter how hard she ever tried to grasp it, it slipped away. Ghostly beings refused to stay in her claws, slipping away like smoke. Stars felt slippery, squeezing themselves from between her fingers. It all frustrated her greatly. What is the purpose of seeing if you can't gain the power you see?! It felt as if the universe just wanted to toy with her! Moec felt violent without actually hurting anyone. Yet. Seth and Herexxia felt powerless. They wanted to help but Moec only yelled at them how pathetic they were, so useless never giving her anything... and yet they never left her side. Her students continued practicing on their own, worrying for their teacher and adoptive mother who spent her days screaming her anger out or staring into nothing, rising her hands from time to time like trying to touch something.

The shadows weren't the only thing bothering Clan, temperatures seemed to drop even more. It was starting to become dangerous to hatchlings and dragons who were not born in the Southern Icefield. It hit Gaghula probably the hardest, physically and mentally. She had once brought the Clan to this remote place to escape from conflicts, thieving, troubles of the world, and to live here for the rest of their time away from it all. And now it started to look like they were facing an inevitable move. They had lived here almost 60 years, the thought of leaving this all behind felt crushing to her. But staying would kill her and many others...

Gaghula talked to Zina, Blizzard, and the leader of the Clan Morthal and told them her concerns. The decision was made: They needed to move. To where was still a mystery but they needed to leave when the last nests hatch. Morthal along with his trusty prophet Blizzard gave a speech and told that no new nests were to be laid and that the Clan would relocate as soon as possible. While the last nests were being incubated, the council of Four gathered to weigh their possibilities.

From time to time some other dragons stopped by their meeting to give their opinions. Gaghula was longing for home but they came to the conclusion that the winds would end up fatal to many after the long flight across the sea and they would never reach the Windswept Plateau. Moec came in to tell them that they should go to the Sunbeam Ruins, but others were too scared of the possibility to encounter an Emperor (also they were all a bit suspicious of her motives to move there). Moec kept insisting that they had to move to the Sunbeam ruins! She tried to tell them that it was a warm and sunny place which would be great for everyone, they must see that! What she didn't tell was that her only reason to go there would be the Hewn City, the ruins touched by the Shade, the only place on Sornieth she would surely be able to grasp the powers she saw around her. Moec was furious when they turned her down. The next place to discuss was Plaque but that was out of the question immediately. The trip to Starfall Isles would be long, but easier considering that the ice rafts went all the way there. But the cold could end up being their ruin when there was no place to take shelter. Milawai came to offer an idea of moving to the Sea of Thousand Currents but the trip would mean that they have to cross either the Windswept Plateau or...

A voice, deep and dark, crackling with fire like it came from inside an ancient volcano deeper than Leviathan Trench itself, interrupted their conversation: "We are going home". Voice belonged to the huge imperial with fire in his eyes and soul. As he stood in the cave's entrance air filled with smoke and sparks and smell of brimstone. Belphegor was one of the oldest dwellers in the Clan. He was intimidatingly huge fiery and golden imperial and he gave off heat and smelled like ash and fire. He and his mate Lilith usually kept to themselves higher up in the mountain and rarely took any part in anything that happened in the clan. Without waiting for a response, the two took off flying back to their lair, wings blowing ash and snow into the cave.
"Do we have a choice anymore?" Morthal sighed in frustration about him being compromised like that, knowing that he wouldn't have a chance if Belphegor would choose to take matters into his own claws.

It was decided: They would fly over the ocean and find their next home from the coast of the Ashfall Waste. Zina and Blizzard took off first. They went on ahead to prevent blind Blizzard from slowing the Clan down when they chose to move.
"We will find you. Take care friends." Morthal felt uneasy letting his friend and right-wing to leave alone to the sea but he knew they were strong together.

Usually, the two fire imperials were seen flying around the mountainside or diving down to the valley in the middle of the mountains but they hadn't been seen for days now. Some claimed that they saw them flying towards the northeast to the sea. Morthal needed to know. He was supposed to take care of everyone and make sure they are all safe and well. So he flew higher along the mountainside and when it got too cold to fly, he climbed the rest of the way. He found a well-hidden cave entrance. The cave was black from top to bottom and the floor littered with ash. Strange carvings could be seen all around and there was a faint smell of brimstone still lingering. At the end of the lair laid an extinguished forge with all its equipment gone. Morthal turned towards the entrance to leave when ashes from the floor lifted up in a small vortex and a face appeared into it. Eyes like burning coals stared at him, and a raspy female voice echoed in the lair as the ashen figure moved its jaws.
"You will find a home in the Blacksand Annex. Look for an obsidian dragon skull." Voice faded away as the ash vortex dispersed. Morthal felt uneasy, he never liked these magic tricks and these imperials especially made him nervous. But somehow he still trusted them in this: now he knew exactly where to go.

Farewells and new beginnings

The time had come. Nests were empty and clan members had said goodbyes to their old caves and pits. Moec was so mad about moving into Blacksand Annex that she had trashed their lair before the moving started. Morthal had told everyone to eat as much as they could for there was no place to stop to eat. Finally, he gathered everyone around and they started the journey towards East and the Ashfall Waste.

The journey was long and tiring but finally, the clan saw the dark ashy clouds of a young volcano, Magmablood Rebuke. It was not a warm welcome but they were allowed to stay and rest overnight. The tone changed to a warmer one when they spent some time together. Morthal’s clan told of the weird occurrences they had encountered, and in return, they heard of the mutiny and how this new volcano is now the place for the former forge workers who had been cast aside. Morthal got warnings how there is no work in the mainland anymore and it is pointless to go there but Morthal told them that they are not seeking work from the Great Furnace. They are only looking for a place to live and that they can take care of themselves without the forgemasters.

After looking for days they finally found the obsidian skull. It was near enough to see the Blacksand Annex, but further away from it than Morthal had thought. Clan went in through the mouth of this huge skull with the lead of Morthal. Nobody knew if the skull was real or carved from obsidian and if so, who had done it. There was a round cave big enough to comfortably fit them all and a tunnel in the right side of it, leading somewhere deeper below. Morthal went investigating while others gathered their strength. Deep below the main cave, there was a small lava river and around it a small forge was forming. From there Morthal found all four of his clan members who had left in advance: Zina and Blizzard were resting in the back corner furthest away from the heat of the lava, and Belphegor and Lilith working on something that Morthal only could imagine to become a part of the forge at some point. They greeted each other and Morthal led Zina and Blizzard back to where everyone else was.

The building of Obsidian City started. Nux, Elar, and a couple of newcomers who had decided to follow the clan from Magmablood Rebuke to help them, started planning out the city. They took requests from residents and made layout plans for the inner city and main square. The newcomers were blacksmiths who had lived their whole lives in Ashfall Waste and knew its soil, so they were a priceless help with planning, digging, and building supports. Nux was an archeologist so he also knew a thing or two about digging, and this was a chance of finding something historically valuable! And Elar was a Lore Master and scholar who had seen a lot of maps, plans, and blueprints so he had some sense of how to plan working living spaces. As the city started to grow it also started to attract new residents and quite a lot of traders. The main square became a bustling center of Obsidian City and along its walls arose a multitude of different shops and pastime locations.

Everything was nice, warm, and peaceful and everyone had a goal now, to make this new place a home. Even Moec felt.. strange peace inside. The rage had subsided. The voices and shadows had been left behind to torment someone else with their corruption and thirst for power. Right after they found the huge obsidian dragon skull and settled in, she felt a strange connection to the vast sea that started from the lava stone beach under their lair. Moec spent her days staring into the mists that rose from the hot waters, enjoying the calm, moist and hot air surrounding her and the mist that danced its way up to the sky. She even forgot to eat from time to time and Herexxia was the one to take some food to their teacher. She heard hatchlings talking about monstrous figures slowly roaming in the mist and felt their fear. The shapes far in the mist concerned everybody, but the neighboring clan had assured them that the shadows never came close but lingered in the far distance. Instead of fear, Moec felt longing when watching the black steaming sea and the shapes in it. The sea. It called to her. And it took her into its dark and warm embrace.

One night Herexxia had gone to take food to Moec. Seth stayed behind mixing his new alchemical brew. He was quite sure it moved by itself in there... And it did! The brew shrunk, two eyes popped open, and then it lifted up two.. hands? Seth lifted the small being from the cauldron and it smiled at him. How weird is this?! While they were staring at each other Herexxia came in flying, terror in her eyes and dripping water all over the floor. "MOEC! SHE FELL IN THE OCEAN!" Seth felt a sting in his heart.

There was nothing they could do. Moec was gone. Seth was the one to break the bad news to Muvain. The next couple of days went in a fog. Muvain, Herexxia, and Seth all sat on the beach mourning their loved one, every one of them feeling guilt, wondering what they could have done differently. On the third evening the earth trembled and they saw something moving in the water, bubbling, a shadow coming for the surface.

It felt strange. The way the ocean twisted her. Squishing, tearing, stretching, molding her anew. But it never felt unpleasant. The currents washed every crushing thought away, showed Moec the good and pleasant memories she had made... and new ones. These were memories of someone else. Memories from deep under the ice. She saw dark beings caged deep below the surface, twisted by something called the shade. A thing that was spoken in old tales. She used to guard them and make sure they never escaped. And then she saw herself: a small dark fae experimenting and fiddling with powers that should have been left alone, and black shadow creeping around that figure slowly tearing its way under her skin and driving her mad.

She gasped and let the hot air fill her lungs. She felt heavy, so heavy. Like there was another dragon in her back. Looking at her feet she saw a thick fur. And the smells! She smelled so much more, the salt of the sea and the sour smell of fish in it, the forges far up in the mountain, she even smelled what kind of metals they used up there! She lifted her head towards the sky and let out a deep growling sigh "I'm born anew.." And then she smelled familiar scents. She looked and they were there, sitting on the beach looking terrified. Moec felt warmth and smiled.

Moec had gone through some weird transformation with no explanation. She had lost her magic powers and all her interest in finding them again. Muvain was so happy that Moec was alive but her new ambitions and obsession for keeping the Shade away from her clan finally tore their relationship apart. They stayed friends and Muvain moved on with his life as did Moec. After Gaolers emerged, Moec wanted to make sure that no one else gets corrupted by the Shade. She had been saved from it at the last minute and now that she had the nose to smell the corrupting powers of the Shade she had to use it. She talked to Morthal and started recruiting passing Gaolers without homes to take their place in her Shade Patrol. Together they would make sure that the Shade won't get a foothold in their home! Seth was secretly a little relieved that Moec was now past her thirst for power that had started to take dangerous twists. But he could see how Herexxia was upset. She was angry all the time, and finally she refused to see Moec at all and dwelled in her dark lair alone. Even Seth was being pushed away from time to time. Moec had spoken to Herexxia after her transformation and warned her about how she is on the wrong path that will only bring her harm. She could smell shade strongly in her. Blah blah. Herexxia was ******. All the hard work they had gone through was suddenly all in vain? And this new "Shade Patrol" nonsense?! Where is the Moec they knew and loved? Where is the Moec SHE loved, the one who raised her?! Herexxia brooded the anger and started to close herself from the world even more…

Not long after this two eggs were found while expanding the forge. These two eggs were probably accidentally separated from a bigger nest at some point during history. Those things were ancient but somehow the heat of the forge and a surge of magic in the lava flow brought life to them and two Banescale boys hatched from them. Those two stayed in the forge and were raised there by the two blacksmiths and Belphegor.

Digging high and low

Growing Obsidian City had drawn the attention of two very special dragons. They made quite an entrance utilizing their weird never before seen magical powers, shining bright light and making everyone feel warm and safe, a weird sleepy harmony. Askan and Fria claimed themselves to be Divines, dragons that possess pure powers from the First Age, from the first stars that date even before Deities. Most were skeptical but some fell straight to it. These two were seen as angels or demi-deities by some and they gathered a following, even some priests of their own. Morthal saw these Divines as no threat so they got permission to stay if they don’t cause any harm. They themselves claimed that the universe wouldn’t let them be expelled anyway and Morthal had chosen wisely. The Divines deemed themselves worthy of a palace, or at least that the City was not worthy of them so they ordered their followers to dig them their own living quarters above the city. And there needs to be a view outside. So began the building of High Terrace.

It took years but finally it was done. The High Terrace was carved into the dark soil and covered in white marble and beautiful red stone. It utilized the eyes of Obsidian Skull as huge windows to the steaming sea. For a while High Terrace was just for the Divines, but soon they started to feel lonely, unseen, unimportant. They called the clan’s priests to live alongside them, to have their own living space carved there and paved in the same stainless and pure manner of white and red stone. They also invited the ones they held in high respect and that way lore master Elar along with other scholars moved up there. Soon there was a wast library that collected knowledge from all over Sornieth and kept track of dragons living in the city.

Nux had left to see the excavations in Greatwyrm’s Breach. He wanted to see and participate in discovering new historical pieces himself. After going back and forth for a couple of years with and without Elar, he came back again. This time with the news. They were starting to investigate the seismic activity beneath the ground in a place where the lead of the research excavation Velya said she senses Earthshaker’s magic. Dustcarve Dig is going to be a huge thing, and they have requested aid from every flight. Nux had decided to come and visit home to tell about this and to volunteer to take the first patch of supplies there himself.
reserve (this too)
reserve (this too)
reserve (for art maybe?)
reserve (for art maybe?)