
Creative Corner

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TOPIC | Together... ~a Pinkerlocke~
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They're totally just friends. Idk what you're talking about >> xD I've been just waiting for this prompt for a while

They're totally just friends. Idk what you're talking about >> xD I've been just waiting for this prompt for a while
That backwards shirt, lol. XD
That backwards shirt, lol. XD
Ahhh!! Finally! :)
Ahhh!! Finally! :)
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[center][b]Days 39-41 (post 19) - How do Dragons react to Eggs?[/b] [item=Powerful Serthis potion] Sentence : Writing[/center] _______________________________________________________________________________________ The calm Wisteria had displayed earlier all but smashed as soon as they got away from the group. The Snapper began to cry and all but threw herself onto the ground. "She's too young! I'm too young to be an auntie!" The Snapper sobbed. Buttercup was startled to say the least, she never expected this kind of behavior from their wise and practical leader. "But...Wissi....She's with someone she loves, and who loves her, and it's not like you could just control these things..." The Guardian placed a careful paw on her friend's shoulder and thought back to the events earlier in the day that had caused the chaos in their little band. [b]Buttercup's recap:[/b] [i]Cecelia had seemed a bit panicked that morning when she returned from her trip from the woods. She had quietly asked where Hemlock had gone to me, the Guardian. I was thinking nothing of it. And of course Hemlock was with Vice so the Coatl settled down until breakfast. They were getting ready to move and were helping Chrys with her physical therapy thing. So one conversation led to another and Cecelia accidentally mentioned what she had found in the woods loud enough for everyone to hear when trying to whisper. What she found were eggs, lain by the couple that night when they were berry picking and came back around midnight. Vice turned redder than I thought he ever could, and tried to strangle Hemlock, with Wissi settling things very wisely and practically. So with Hemlock and Cece talking it over now, Wissi and I went out so she could....throw a fit. And now she's sobbing on the floor because she's going to be an aunt. What on Sornieth do I tell her?[/i] "Oh dear..." The Guardian shook her head. Wisteria whacked the ground with her forearms hard enough to make indents. "You know, Wissi...This is the most childish I've seen you act....ever." Her attempts at consolation only made the snapper whine. Buttercup sighed deeply, and did the only thing she could think of. She curled her large form around the Snapper, pulling her into her arms, holding the dragon. The Guardian then pulled out her copy of William Shakespearl's [i]Romeo and Juliet[/i]. She flipped to where she left off with Wisteria, Act two scene two. "Enter Romeo....Romeo: He scars that never felt...a-a wound. Ju-Juliet appears a...." Be squinted her eyes, trying to read the semi foreign characters. "A window. But soft! What light through .....yon-deer...? [u]Yondeer[/u] window breaks? It is the eat....east! And Juliet is the sun." She smiled as she finished the sentence. Wisteria chuckled slightly and shook her head. "It is Yonder. Not Yondeer...." She spoke dryly. "Oh...Yonder....Wissi, what does Yonder mean?" "Yonder....It's like....Distance. I guess it would mean What light through that window over there, or that distant window breaks." Wisteria pondered, trying to give her friend accurate information. The Guardian seemed pleased with this. "Oh, okay! Ah-he-ehm....Arise, fair sun....and kill the....en-vey-us already sick.....and pale with [u]grease[/u]!" The Snapper laughed, nuzzling her friend. "Be, perhaps it is not grease, but grief. Do you see that letter there?" "Yeah." The Guardian peered at the letter Wisteria pointed at. "That is an F. Grief. Grease would the melted fat that came from the cooking cockatrice you ate all the time. Remember? It goes well with biscuits." "Ohh! I see, I see." The Snapper frowned suddenly, thinking. "Buttercup, how well can you read?" "I read...somewhat well. I can read this. Somewhat. Th-that doesn't make me a bad reader!" The Guardian deflated a bit, "Do you not like my reading?" "Heavens no, Be! You're a very fine reader. You just have a bit of trouble. What do the characters look like to you?" "They're very squiggly. Sometimes blurry." "Hm..." Wisteria smiled and nuzzled her friend. "As soon as we settle down again, I shall teach you the characters so you don't have to struggle through them!" "Really? You'd do that?" The Guardian was touched at this sentiment, and grinned once the Snapper nodded. Her tail thumped with happiness. "Thank you Wissi." "Anything for you, Be.....And thank you. I suppose I was overreacting there...." She glanced at the imprints of her arms in the ground, "A lot..." "Come along then...We should get back to the others and see if Vice has killed Hemlock yet.' The Snapper finished, getting up and leading her friend back to their clearing. "..And I TOLD her he'd bring about the end of the world! He was just waiting to slither on close and....just RIP all the petals off her bouquet and defile our precious Cece....I mean, he's not planning on staying around certainly. Why would that arrogant, pompous-.....Just URGH!" Chrysanthemum had unwillingly watched the Spiral pace for the better part of an hour now. In that hour, she had also unwillingly become his therapist. "Did you ask him if he was going to stay?" She asked, wondering if the spiral actually would listen to reason. "Well no, cause Buttercup held me back from talking to him([i]'Strangling him'[/i] Her mind corrected him) and he left with Cecelia and so...I know he will!" "And what if, by some miracle, he wanted to stay and be responsible?" Chrys, with some difficulty, leaned back against the spirit armor, her familiar making room so she could be comfortable. "Well....Well then....Don't ask me useless questions!" "Chrysy....Chrysy!" Mimic hopped up next to the skydancer. "Why, hello Mimic...Do you have something to say?" The Warrior looked at her, feeling the Nocturne's aura bursting with curiosity. "Wha do eggs do?" The child looked at her quizzically. "They hatch...into hatchlings. Who grow into dragons. Like you, and me...." "Wha about...Landy there?"[i] 'Landy?'[/i] Her gaze followed the Nocturne's pointed finger, to her familiar, who growled softly. She was starting to learn its communication signs. That wasn't a threatening growl. "Oh he's...a different case." Chrysanthemum didn't know what to tell the child about this enigma. "Oh...Hey Papa!" This got the Spiral's attention. His tone of voice changed instantly to a kinder one. "Yes, Sweety?" "Where do eggies come from?" The Spiral turned red again and gritted his teeth. He let out an estranged cry and continued pacing. Chrys couldn't help but laugh at his torment. Everyone stopped what they were doing once the Pearlcatcher and Coatl came back with three eggs wrapped in her purple blanket. "We've decided....." HEmlock started, looking at Cecelia. "Well, if you'd allow usss, Wisssssi.....We'd like to keep them..." The pair turned expectantly to the Snapper. With a few tears reemerging in her eyes, she swallowed, and smiled. "Of course you two can...! I'm just....So-So....So happy for you two!" She ran over and wrapped them into a big hug, sobbing once more. Hemlock froze, looking very uncomfortable. His mate, however, hugged her older sister, beginning to softly cry with her. "Well....I got her to stop crying once...." Be murmured softly to Vice. "We can keep the eggs, but can we get rid of him?" Vice growled, getting whacked lightly("oww! Hey!") by the Guardian. [center][b]".....The creatures are starting to venture further from the plaguelands.....I've heard of a few instances in Earth where a few dragons, or clans encountered them. Most of the clans lost this battle, with only few surviving, but one notable clan felled the cursed beast. I shall have to interrogate the slayer of it later. Once I can get them alone..... I keep thinking of that Guardian in Shadow. It is very possible that there could be creatures that would venture to shadowlands, or even that one creature could remember that one dragon, and follow it. In that case, it would stop at nothing to make sure that Guardian were dead. I must learn more about the Creature's imprinting process....That is priority number 2....after I speak with that dragon....[/b][/center] ____________________________________________________________________________________ @Leopardmask @AnnaStar353 @Belviere @AmmieKatt @KyloRen @Skyeset @DragonWarrior333 @Metroid @CrimsonSakura @patchedprankster @LadyFang @ScarletSultan @ScarletTheDragon Don't worry, You'll all get the real version of what happened when it kind of slipped out Cece found eggs. Probably tomorrow. Until then, you have Buttercup's nice recap! Anyways, Speak to me guys ^^ I have the people who talk on Discord, and that's nice, and the few that do comment, but I want to hear everyone's opinions on things. Too much dialogue? Moving slowly? Moving too fast? Too confusing? Good? Something would be nice so I know what to improve on or something. Also, I have underlined what Be says incorrectly, in case you haven't read Romeo and Juliet. It appears that Be cannot read well....wonder why that is? [b]Belviere - XD I totally stole that little scene idea from a t.v show called This is us. I died laughing at that and thought it would be perfect for here. But since Hem's shirt didn't have buttons, I had to make do without. I'm glad you liked it! DragonWarrior333 - Ikr? I've been waiting for a breeding prompt forever. It finally came! I could make a really bad joke here but I'm not going to >>[/b]
Days 39-41 (post 19) - How do Dragons react to Eggs?

Sentence : Writing

The calm Wisteria had displayed earlier all but smashed as soon as they got away from the group. The Snapper began to cry and all but threw herself onto the ground.

"She's too young! I'm too young to be an auntie!" The Snapper sobbed. Buttercup was startled to say the least, she never expected this kind of behavior from their wise and practical leader.

"But...Wissi....She's with someone she loves, and who loves her, and it's not like you could just control these things..." The Guardian placed a careful paw on her friend's shoulder and thought back to the events earlier in the day that had caused the chaos in their little band.

Buttercup's recap:
Cecelia had seemed a bit panicked that morning when she returned from her trip from the woods. She had quietly asked where Hemlock had gone to me, the Guardian. I was thinking nothing of it.

And of course Hemlock was with Vice so the Coatl settled down until breakfast. They were getting ready to move and were helping Chrys with her physical therapy thing. So one conversation led to another and Cecelia accidentally mentioned what she had found in the woods loud enough for everyone to hear when trying to whisper. What she found were eggs, lain by the couple that night when they were berry picking and came back around midnight. Vice turned redder than I thought he ever could, and tried to strangle Hemlock, with Wissi settling things very wisely and practically.

So with Hemlock and Cece talking it over now, Wissi and I went out so she could....throw a fit. And now she's sobbing on the floor because she's going to be an aunt. What on Sornieth do I tell her?

"Oh dear..." The Guardian shook her head. Wisteria whacked the ground with her forearms hard enough to make indents. "You know, Wissi...This is the most childish I've seen you act....ever." Her attempts at consolation only made the snapper whine.

Buttercup sighed deeply, and did the only thing she could think of. She curled her large form around the Snapper, pulling her into her arms, holding the dragon. The Guardian then pulled out her copy of William Shakespearl's Romeo and Juliet. She flipped to where she left off with Wisteria, Act two scene two.

"Enter Romeo....Romeo: He scars that never felt...a-a wound. Ju-Juliet appears a...." Be squinted her eyes, trying to read the semi foreign characters. "A window. But soft! What light through .....yon-deer...? Yondeer window breaks? It is the eat....east! And Juliet is the sun." She smiled as she finished the sentence.

Wisteria chuckled slightly and shook her head. "It is Yonder. Not Yondeer...." She spoke dryly.

"Oh...Yonder....Wissi, what does Yonder mean?"

"Yonder....It's like....Distance. I guess it would mean What light through that window over there, or that distant window breaks." Wisteria pondered, trying to give her friend accurate information. The Guardian seemed pleased with this.

"Oh, okay! Ah-he-ehm....Arise, fair sun....and kill the....en-vey-us already sick.....and pale with grease!" The Snapper laughed, nuzzling her friend.

"Be, perhaps it is not grease, but grief. Do you see that letter there?"

"Yeah." The Guardian peered at the letter Wisteria pointed at.

"That is an F. Grief. Grease would the melted fat that came from the cooking cockatrice you ate all the time. Remember? It goes well with biscuits."

"Ohh! I see, I see." The Snapper frowned suddenly, thinking.

"Buttercup, how well can you read?"

"I read...somewhat well. I can read this. Somewhat. Th-that doesn't make me a bad reader!" The Guardian deflated a bit, "Do you not like my reading?"

"Heavens no, Be! You're a very fine reader. You just have a bit of trouble. What do the characters look like to you?"

"They're very squiggly. Sometimes blurry."

"Hm..." Wisteria smiled and nuzzled her friend. "As soon as we settle down again, I shall teach you the characters so you don't have to struggle through them!"

"Really? You'd do that?" The Guardian was touched at this sentiment, and grinned once the Snapper nodded. Her tail thumped with happiness. "Thank you Wissi."

"Anything for you, Be.....And thank you. I suppose I was overreacting there...." She glanced at the imprints of her arms in the ground, "A lot..."
"Come along then...We should get back to the others and see if Vice has killed Hemlock yet.' The Snapper finished, getting up and leading her friend back to their clearing.

"..And I TOLD her he'd bring about the end of the world! He was just waiting to slither on close and....just RIP all the petals off her bouquet and defile our precious Cece....I mean, he's not planning on staying around certainly. Why would that arrogant, pompous-.....Just URGH!" Chrysanthemum had unwillingly watched the Spiral pace for the better part of an hour now. In that hour, she had also unwillingly become his therapist.

"Did you ask him if he was going to stay?" She asked, wondering if the spiral actually would listen to reason.

"Well no, cause Buttercup held me back from talking to him('Strangling him' Her mind corrected him) and he left with Cecelia and so...I know he will!"

"And what if, by some miracle, he wanted to stay and be responsible?" Chrys, with some difficulty, leaned back against the spirit armor, her familiar making room so she could be comfortable.

"Well....Well then....Don't ask me useless questions!"

"Chrysy....Chrysy!" Mimic hopped up next to the skydancer.

"Why, hello Mimic...Do you have something to say?" The Warrior looked at her, feeling the Nocturne's aura bursting with curiosity.

"Wha do eggs do?" The child looked at her quizzically.

"They hatch...into hatchlings. Who grow into dragons. Like you, and me...."

"Wha about...Landy there?" 'Landy?' Her gaze followed the Nocturne's pointed finger, to her familiar, who growled softly. She was starting to learn its communication signs. That wasn't a threatening growl.

"Oh he's...a different case." Chrysanthemum didn't know what to tell the child about this enigma.

"Oh...Hey Papa!" This got the Spiral's attention. His tone of voice changed instantly to a kinder one.

"Yes, Sweety?"

"Where do eggies come from?" The Spiral turned red again and gritted his teeth. He let out an estranged cry and continued pacing. Chrys couldn't help but laugh at his torment.

Everyone stopped what they were doing once the Pearlcatcher and Coatl came back with three eggs wrapped in her purple blanket.

"We've decided....." HEmlock started, looking at Cecelia.

"Well, if you'd allow usss, Wisssssi.....We'd like to keep them..." The pair turned expectantly to the Snapper. With a few tears reemerging in her eyes, she swallowed, and smiled.

"Of course you two can...! I'm just....So-So....So happy for you two!" She ran over and wrapped them into a big hug, sobbing once more. Hemlock froze, looking very uncomfortable. His mate, however, hugged her older sister, beginning to softly cry with her.

"Well....I got her to stop crying once...." Be murmured softly to Vice.

"We can keep the eggs, but can we get rid of him?" Vice growled, getting whacked lightly("oww! Hey!") by the Guardian.

".....The creatures are starting to venture further from the plaguelands.....I've heard of a few instances in Earth where a few dragons, or clans encountered them. Most of the clans lost this battle, with only few surviving, but one notable clan felled the cursed beast. I shall have to interrogate the slayer of it later. Once I can get them alone.....
I keep thinking of that Guardian in Shadow. It is very possible that there could be creatures that would venture to shadowlands, or even that one creature could remember that one dragon, and follow it. In that case, it would stop at nothing to make sure that Guardian were dead. I must learn more about the Creature's imprinting process....That is priority number 2....after I speak with that dragon....
@Leopardmask @AnnaStar353 @Belviere @AmmieKatt @KyloRen @Skyeset @DragonWarrior333 @Metroid @CrimsonSakura @patchedprankster @LadyFang @ScarletSultan @ScarletTheDragon

Don't worry, You'll all get the real version of what happened when it kind of slipped out Cece found eggs. Probably tomorrow. Until then, you have Buttercup's nice recap!

Anyways, Speak to me guys ^^ I have the people who talk on Discord, and that's nice, and the few that do comment, but I want to hear everyone's opinions on things. Too much dialogue? Moving slowly? Moving too fast? Too confusing? Good? Something would be nice so I know what to improve on or something.

Also, I have underlined what Be says incorrectly, in case you haven't read Romeo and Juliet. It appears that Be cannot read well....wonder why that is?

Belviere - XD I totally stole that little scene idea from a t.v show called This is us. I died laughing at that and thought it would be perfect for here. But since Hem's shirt didn't have buttons, I had to make do without. I'm glad you liked it!

DragonWarrior333 - Ikr? I've been waiting for a breeding prompt forever. It finally came! I could make a really bad joke here but I'm not going to >>
This is beautiful. I shouldn't be enjoying Vice's torment so much, but lol. XD
This is beautiful. I shouldn't be enjoying Vice's torment so much, but lol. XD

You are not the first that has told me that XD

You are not the first that has told me that XD
@Deathwolf555 [quote]"Where do eggies come from?" The Spiral turned red again and gritted his teeth. He let out an estranged cry and continued pacing. Chrys couldn't help but laugh at his torment.[/quote] I'm with Chrys. XD
"Where do eggies come from?" The Spiral turned red again and gritted his teeth. He let out an estranged cry and continued pacing. Chrys couldn't help but laugh at his torment.
I'm with Chrys. XD

I don't comment much if at all, sorry... but yeah, I really like your writing! There's a little more dialogue than what I'm used to, but I don't particularly mind that.

I don't comment much if at all, sorry... but yeah, I really like your writing! There's a little more dialogue than what I'm used to, but I don't particularly mind that.
@Leopardmask @AnnaStar353 @Belviere @AmmieKatt @KyloRen @Skyeset @DragonWarrior333 @Metroid @CrimsonSakura @patchedprankster @LadyFang @ScarletSultan @ScarletTheDragon @SybilRamkin

Hey everyone. I have a small dilemma. I cannot find my glasses...I've been straining myself trying to write today's thing and I'm just not making progress cause it hurts. So....I'm going to try and finish it. Cece and Hemlock's nest hatched today. Go check out the new babs! They're on page five. Erika, Theodore, and Frederica.

I may post the update today. Depending. It's getting late though and I can't see, so I'm not sure if I will, but I'm trying. If anyone knows where my glasses are, please tell me. It's a joke, but if you have any ideas where you leave your glasses and loose them, then please, do tell.
@Leopardmask @AnnaStar353 @Belviere @AmmieKatt @KyloRen @Skyeset @DragonWarrior333 @Metroid @CrimsonSakura @patchedprankster @LadyFang @ScarletSultan @ScarletTheDragon @SybilRamkin

Hey everyone. I have a small dilemma. I cannot find my glasses...I've been straining myself trying to write today's thing and I'm just not making progress cause it hurts. So....I'm going to try and finish it. Cece and Hemlock's nest hatched today. Go check out the new babs! They're on page five. Erika, Theodore, and Frederica.

I may post the update today. Depending. It's getting late though and I can't see, so I'm not sure if I will, but I'm trying. If anyone knows where my glasses are, please tell me. It's a joke, but if you have any ideas where you leave your glasses and loose them, then please, do tell.
If you can't see without your glasses and it's straining your eyes to write, then don't write. You can actually hurt your eyes that way (please don't do that). Cece and Hemlock's kids are adorable (who do they take after, mom or dad? XD). As for your glasses, did you do anything today that would require you to remove them? Oftentimes, if I can't remember where I put them, I try to remember what it was I took them off for and where I was when that happened.
If you can't see without your glasses and it's straining your eyes to write, then don't write. You can actually hurt your eyes that way (please don't do that). Cece and Hemlock's kids are adorable (who do they take after, mom or dad? XD). As for your glasses, did you do anything today that would require you to remove them? Oftentimes, if I can't remember where I put them, I try to remember what it was I took them off for and where I was when that happened.
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