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TOPIC | Together... ~a Pinkerlocke~
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I am waiting for Hemlock's screeches. :3
I am waiting for Hemlock's screeches. :3
I love the interaction! Frederica is the one who doesn't see the point of a pearl, right?
I love the interaction! Frederica is the one who doesn't see the point of a pearl, right?
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Oh that was so cute! I really like the dynamic between Frederica and the Baron!
Oh that was so cute! I really like the dynamic between Frederica and the Baron!

Haha, I am too. It'll definitely be interesting to see once The Baron is introduced to everyone.


Yep. She still doesn't have a pearl. She has a Serthis though.


I'm glad you enjoyed it ^^ I enjoyed writing how Frederica spoke with the Baron, with all her "mister"s and how she would actually arrange her sentences.

Haha, I am too. It'll definitely be interesting to see once The Baron is introduced to everyone.


Yep. She still doesn't have a pearl. She has a Serthis though.


I'm glad you enjoyed it ^^ I enjoyed writing how Frederica spoke with the Baron, with all her "mister"s and how she would actually arrange her sentences.
[center][b]Day 51(post 23) - Middle Beginnings[/b] [item=Perfect skipping stone] Sentence : Writing, Coli[/center] _______________________________________________________________________________________ "There!" Wisteria exclaimed. After working hard for several days, they had finally finished their new home, and just in time. There was a creek near by, so they'd have constant water, shelter, there was food around them. It was a nice place to live. Cecelia was preparing that night's dinner for Frederica's friend, humming to herself. Hemlock, however, was weary and unsure about any dragon that his daughter would bring. This fact made Vice even more encouraging of the meeting. "You just want to see him suffer..." Wisteria had groaned upon Vice's encouragement. Now, they'd have a nice little place to show him. "What should we name our home this time, Be?" The Snapper smiled to her friend, watching the Guardian drop whatever thought she was thinking previously to come up with an answer. "Can I think of it for a moment?" "How come she gets to name it?" Hemlock complained. "You shut up. Be can think of better names than you can." Vice retorted. Wisteria only shook her head. "Be thought of a creative name last time, so I was thinking she'd come up with something equally creative. You can help if you'd like, Hemy." Erika slowly walked over to the wooden structure. Her home. It was a nice thing to have. Her eyes gazed up to the mighty Guardian. "...Be?" Her soft voice spoke, "What was the last home named?" "It was....Humble Beginnings. Vice helped me name it." "Well, the way I see it....We're not so humble anymore. More of a middle ground." The Guardian and the Pearlcatcher's eyes lit up at the same time as a single thought crossed into their heads. "Middle Beginnings" The two smiled at each other. Wisteria nodded at the name, glancing at the others to see if they agreed. Hemlock and Cecelia beamed with pride over Erika's help in naming their new den. Vice, meanwhile, beamed over Be's help with naming it. Mimic and Chrys simply nodded, although Mimic beamed over the name itself. "Well, it seems the general consensus is okay. Now, shall we set things up for dinner? Frederica and her friend should be here soon." No sooner than the words left her mouth, the aforementioned Pearlcatcher peered from beyond the bushes. "We're here...." "Where's your friend?" Cecelia smiled to her daughter. "He's here too....But ya guys have to promise not to hurt him or anythin'..." "Why would we hurt him?" Hemlock furrowed his brows, keeping cautious. Wisteria glanced at Vice and Buttercup, the Spiral shrugging. "We promise we won't hurt him." Buttercup spoke first. The others nodded, Mimic waving her tail happily. "Well, okay..." Frederica stepped forth a few feet, before turning back to the forest. "You can come out now! Everyone, I'd like to you meet....The Baron!" She exclaimed. The forest was quiet for a few moments. Hemlock suddenly wondered if his daughter could have some kind of hallucinations. "It's okay, they ain't gonna hurt you." Frederica called once more, a rustle in the bushes answering. Slowly, a Serthis slithered out from the bushes. Hemlock immediately flew into a defensive position, Armillwald following his suite. Vice did the same. Landy got in front of Chrys. The Serthis put his hands up, slowly backing away. "Don't be afraid everyone! He's a good snake! I promise! He's hurt a bit...And he speaks Draconic!" "You do?" Hemlock sneered. "...Yesss....Hello. I wish harm....I'll leave if I am unwelcome..." "Yes, you are." Hemlock growled. Cecelia smacked her mate with her tail, with Wisteria giving him a glare. She stepped forward. "Forgive us, Baron, for this rude welcoming. Please, come in." Her eyes cast down to his tail, "You look a bit torn up. Did Frederica try to help you?" "Yessss....Ssshe'ssss quite ssssmart and a quick thinker...." "Hehe, I'm glad she actually did retain my lessons! I'll look at that while we eat...I hope you're hungry!" "....Famished, actually...." "So, Serthis. What clan do you hail from?" Hemlock asked as Wisteria inspected the wounds in his tail. "I hail....from the...flamescale clan....of the Ashfall Wastes." "Isn't that rather far?" Hemlock gripped his plate harder. "Why are you so far from your clan....?" "Itssss.......a long sssstory. One I mussst sssurvive to write down- Oww!" The Baron hissed in pain over Wisteria's apology. Cecelia wrapped her paws around Hemlock's arm, trying to ease his unease. "You two are.....Frederica's parentssss?" "Yesss, and Erika'sss" The Coatl answered. Erika gave a shy wave. The Baron gave a small wave back, causing Erika to smile and shyly hide. "It's.....nice to meet you both. Everyone, really. It'sss a nice little clan you've got here." Baron nodded to everyone. Frederica grinned next to her new friend, and gave a bit of a crushed up berry to Bud, the marsh frog she had captured earlier. "There. That was some nasty splinterage in your tail...Frederica, you did a nice job with the larger gash! I'm proud of you." Wisteria smiled at the Pearlcatcher. Frederica, dropped the fruit she was holding, and glanced over, rather shocked. "Oh...Well....It was nothin'....." "I believe it was.....sssomething. You sssaved my life." The Serthis smiled, and slowly ruffled the fur on top her head. Mimic chuckled, following suit. Frederica heard a barely audible whisper of a "Good job Sis" from Erika, although the pearlcatcher was now looking away from her. The night went off without any further incident, and soon the dragons settled down to sleep. Frederica had half a thought to place Bud next to Vice as he slept, but it wouldn't be fair to the frog. So, she picked him up and instead scurried away into the forest to return him. Erika felt the stir of her sister and was annoyed when her eyes opened to look for her. She watched as the moonlight appeared through the flap of the door, then disappear as Frederica closed it. Erika waited only a second til getting up to follow her. Gathering her courage, she followed her sister into the forest. The Baron stirred in his sleep, the feeling of something wrong pinging inside him. His eyes slowly opened, and he looked around. Something wasn't right... He tried peering into the dark, and began counting the sleeping bodies around him. 'Six...Seven.....Seven? No, that can't be right.....' His blood went cold as he realized two of the group were missing. No, Where were Frederica and Erika? ____________________________________________________________________________________ @Leopardmask @AnnaStar353 @Belviere @AmmieKatt @KyloRen @Skyeset @DragonWarrior333 @Metroid @CrimsonSakura @patchedprankster @LadyFang @ScarletSultan @SybilRamkin [s] I messed up and am procrastinating. [/s] So, it took forever for me to figure out what to write because there were so many directions and then they all led to dead ends. Fortunately, I Found out how to proceed. Unfortunately, you'll have to find out tomorrow. So yeah.....
Day 51(post 23) - Middle Beginnings
Perfect Skipping Stone
Sentence : Writing, Coli

"There!" Wisteria exclaimed. After working hard for several days, they had finally finished their new home, and just in time. There was a creek near by, so they'd have constant water, shelter, there was food around them. It was a nice place to live.

Cecelia was preparing that night's dinner for Frederica's friend, humming to herself. Hemlock, however, was weary and unsure about any dragon that his daughter would bring. This fact made Vice even more encouraging of the meeting.

"You just want to see him suffer..." Wisteria had groaned upon Vice's encouragement.

Now, they'd have a nice little place to show him. "What should we name our home this time, Be?" The Snapper smiled to her friend, watching the Guardian drop whatever thought she was thinking previously to come up with an answer.

"Can I think of it for a moment?"

"How come she gets to name it?" Hemlock complained.

"You shut up. Be can think of better names than you can." Vice retorted. Wisteria only shook her head.

"Be thought of a creative name last time, so I was thinking she'd come up with something equally creative. You can help if you'd like, Hemy."

Erika slowly walked over to the wooden structure. Her home. It was a nice thing to have. Her eyes gazed up to the mighty Guardian. "...Be?" Her soft voice spoke, "What was the last home named?"

"It was....Humble Beginnings. Vice helped me name it."

"Well, the way I see it....We're not so humble anymore. More of a middle ground." The Guardian and the Pearlcatcher's eyes lit up at the same time as a single thought crossed into their heads.

"Middle Beginnings" The two smiled at each other. Wisteria nodded at the name, glancing at the others to see if they agreed. Hemlock and Cecelia beamed with pride over Erika's help in naming their new den. Vice, meanwhile, beamed over Be's help with naming it. Mimic and Chrys simply nodded, although Mimic beamed over the name itself.

"Well, it seems the general consensus is okay. Now, shall we set things up for dinner? Frederica and her friend should be here soon." No sooner than the words left her mouth, the aforementioned Pearlcatcher peered from beyond the bushes.

"We're here...."

"Where's your friend?" Cecelia smiled to her daughter.

"He's here too....But ya guys have to promise not to hurt him or anythin'..."

"Why would we hurt him?" Hemlock furrowed his brows, keeping cautious. Wisteria glanced at Vice and Buttercup, the Spiral shrugging.

"We promise we won't hurt him." Buttercup spoke first. The others nodded, Mimic waving her tail happily.

"Well, okay..." Frederica stepped forth a few feet, before turning back to the forest. "You can come out now! Everyone, I'd like to you meet....The Baron!" She exclaimed. The forest was quiet for a few moments. Hemlock suddenly wondered if his daughter could have some kind of hallucinations.

"It's okay, they ain't gonna hurt you." Frederica called once more, a rustle in the bushes answering. Slowly, a Serthis slithered out from the bushes. Hemlock immediately flew into a defensive position, Armillwald following his suite. Vice did the same. Landy got in front of Chrys. The Serthis put his hands up, slowly backing away.

"Don't be afraid everyone! He's a good snake! I promise! He's hurt a bit...And he speaks Draconic!"

"You do?" Hemlock sneered.

"...Yesss....Hello. I wish harm....I'll leave if I am unwelcome..."

"Yes, you are." Hemlock growled. Cecelia smacked her mate with her tail, with Wisteria giving him a glare. She stepped forward.

"Forgive us, Baron, for this rude welcoming. Please, come in." Her eyes cast down to his tail, "You look a bit torn up. Did Frederica try to help you?"

"Yessss....Ssshe'ssss quite ssssmart and a quick thinker...."

"Hehe, I'm glad she actually did retain my lessons! I'll look at that while we eat...I hope you're hungry!"

"....Famished, actually...."

"So, Serthis. What clan do you hail from?" Hemlock asked as Wisteria inspected the wounds in his tail.

"I hail....from the...flamescale clan....of the Ashfall Wastes."

"Isn't that rather far?" Hemlock gripped his plate harder. "Why are you so far from your clan....?"

"Itssss.......a long sssstory. One I mussst sssurvive to write down- Oww!" The Baron hissed in pain over Wisteria's apology. Cecelia wrapped her paws around Hemlock's arm, trying to ease his unease. "You two are.....Frederica's parentssss?"

"Yesss, and Erika'sss" The Coatl answered. Erika gave a shy wave. The Baron gave a small wave back, causing Erika to smile and shyly hide.

"It's.....nice to meet you both. Everyone, really. It'sss a nice little clan you've got here." Baron nodded to everyone. Frederica grinned next to her new friend, and gave a bit of a crushed up berry to Bud, the marsh frog she had captured earlier.

"There. That was some nasty splinterage in your tail...Frederica, you did a nice job with the larger gash! I'm proud of you." Wisteria smiled at the Pearlcatcher. Frederica, dropped the fruit she was holding, and glanced over, rather shocked.

"Oh...Well....It was nothin'....."

"I believe it was.....sssomething. You sssaved my life." The Serthis smiled, and slowly ruffled the fur on top her head. Mimic chuckled, following suit. Frederica heard a barely audible whisper of a "Good job Sis" from Erika, although the pearlcatcher was now looking away from her.

The night went off without any further incident, and soon the dragons settled down to sleep. Frederica had half a thought to place Bud next to Vice as he slept, but it wouldn't be fair to the frog. So, she picked him up and instead scurried away into the forest to return him. Erika felt the stir of her sister and was annoyed when her eyes opened to look for her. She watched as the moonlight appeared through the flap of the door, then disappear as Frederica closed it.

Erika waited only a second til getting up to follow her. Gathering her courage, she followed her sister into the forest. The Baron stirred in his sleep, the feeling of something wrong pinging inside him. His eyes slowly opened, and he looked around. Something wasn't right...
He tried peering into the dark, and began counting the sleeping bodies around him. 'Six...Seven.....Seven? No, that can't be right.....'

His blood went cold as he realized two of the group were missing. No, Where were Frederica and Erika?

@Leopardmask @AnnaStar353 @Belviere @AmmieKatt @KyloRen @Skyeset @DragonWarrior333 @Metroid @CrimsonSakura @patchedprankster @LadyFang @ScarletSultan @SybilRamkin

I messed up and am procrastinating.

So, it took forever for me to figure out what to write because there were so many directions and then they all led to dead ends. Fortunately, I Found out how to proceed. Unfortunately, you'll have to find out tomorrow. So yeah.....
I have a burning question. Once Vice got over the fact that Freddy's new friend was a Serthis, did he have fun watching Hemlock suffer? I need to know.
I have a burning question. Once Vice got over the fact that Freddy's new friend was a Serthis, did he have fun watching Hemlock suffer? I need to know.

Yes. Vice enjoyed it immensely. If there's one thing those two love the most(well, besides their mate/potential love interest), it's getting on each others' nerves :D

Yes. Vice enjoyed it immensely. If there's one thing those two love the most(well, besides their mate/potential love interest), it's getting on each others' nerves :D
That is awesome. XD
That is awesome. XD
[center][b]Day 52(post 24) - SOS[/b] [item=flamescale illusionist][item=bluefin charger] sentence : New dragons[/center] _______________________________________________________________________________________ "Frederica, what're you doing out?" Erika whispered as the two had gotten further into the forest. Her sister turned round, her eyes widening as they settled on her sibling's frail form. "Erika? What in the heck are you doin' here? Don' you know it's dangerous?!" Came the harsh whisper. Erika nodded. "That's why I came. I wanted to make sure you were okay." Frederica groaned, unable to combat her sister's concerned look. "That's rather sweet.....Ih was just returnin' Righto Bud to the forest. Come on, the rock should be right 'round here, and then Ih need to get you back to bed." Erika grinned, happy to be included in her sister's meddlings. She clung to her sister's side as the two walked, looking for the rock in the dark. Erika relished the feeling of the soft dirt beneath her feet. Truth be told, she couldn't walk much. Her body was weaker than her sister's, but one day she hoped to be able to scamper right alongside next to her. While she was thankful for her Father's lessons, she'd rather be with Frederica, out in the open. It didn't take much longer to get to the spot where Frederica had found the frog. The small wooden cage was set on the ground and opened. "Go on ahead, Bud. Thanks for stickin' 'round." The Marsh frog slowly put two feet on the forest floor, getting half way out of the cage before jumping back in. Frederica frowned. "Bud...? What's wro-" The Pearlcatcher stopped mid sentence. Her ears raised slightly. "Freddy....? What's wrong?" Erika got shushed by her sister. Uncertainty crept into the older sibling as Frederica looked around. "Erika, hear that?" Erika tried to focus in on the sounds around her, but couldn't. There was nothing to listen to. "No...I can't say I hear anything." "Exactly. It's too quiet. I don'.....I don' like it." Frederica barely got that out before shoving her sister to the ground. She hissed as a claw cut deep into her shoulder. Frederica threw out her wings to make herself appear at least a little bigger and more frightening to the enraged Owl that had its eyes set on them. Her body moved between the owl and her sister. "Erika, run! Run to mom and dad!" Came her harsh orders. Erika remained, trembling behind her younger sibling in fear. The frog in the cage by her side passed out. Frederica's eyes looked around for an escape root. Unless she was able to draw the Owl away, they were trapped, being pushed away from the others. The Owl tried to slash at them once more. The two siblings narrowly dodged its attack, running past where The Baron was. Frederica glanced back as the owl advanced, running into her sister. Erika gripped onto her sister's leg with her claws, digging into them as hard as she could to prevent herself from falling down the steep incline the two now hung over. "L-let go!" Frederica cried out in pain, her claws gripping at the earth best she could to support the two. The dark blanketed the ground below, not allowing her to give an estimate of how far down it was. Would they be safer if she let them both fall? Or try to climb back on with the Owl flying towards them? Frederica roared in pain as Erika's grip only tightened. The dirt began to detach from the rest of the hill as something came down onto the owl, causing it to screech in pain and anger. The two siblings shrieked as they fell down the sharp incline, Erika being ripped from her sister. The Baron took his makeshift whip of vines and slashed through the air, once more hitting the Owl before it flew away. His eyes peered through the darkness, looking down to barely make out the two dragons below. Frederica shook her sister, trying to get some form of movement from her. He could hear her sniffling all the way from up there. "Frederica! Don't worry, I'm coming down there!" "Noo! Baron, go get help! Get he-elp!" Frederica prodded her sister for a pulse. "Erika? Erika, please wake up! Get up, we're fine! You're jus' fakin' it....Fakin' it to get me in trouble, you baby....Please!" Her ears lowered as her snout twitched. She had a feeling her sister wouldn't be moving ever again. [center][b]"Those dragons have seemed to move far. I'm not someone easily deterred, however. I've grazed the entirety of the north. I'll start heading further east tomorrow."[/b][/center] ____________________________________________________________________________________ @Leopardmask @AnnaStar353 @Belviere @AmmieKatt @KyloRen @Skyeset @DragonWarrior333 @Metroid @CrimsonSakura @patchedprankster @LadyFang @ScarletSultan @SybilRamkin I have to apologize for the lateness of this. Originally, it was because I mistakenly killed Erika and such, but then I got really sick and i'm still not one hundred percent better, but I owe you guys something. Thank you for being patient. Erika is up for grabs. I'll be exalting her soon if not taken. We also have two new dragons, so I'll be updating the front page with that info soon. So yeah...I messed up.
Day 52(post 24) - SOS
Flamescale Illusionist Bluefin Charger
sentence : New dragons

"Frederica, what're you doing out?" Erika whispered as the two had gotten further into the forest. Her sister turned round, her eyes widening as they settled on her sibling's frail form.

"Erika? What in the heck are you doin' here? Don' you know it's dangerous?!" Came the harsh whisper. Erika nodded.

"That's why I came. I wanted to make sure you were okay." Frederica groaned, unable to combat her sister's concerned look.

"That's rather sweet.....Ih was just returnin' Righto Bud to the forest. Come on, the rock should be right 'round here, and then Ih need to get you back to bed." Erika grinned, happy to be included in her sister's meddlings. She clung to her sister's side as the two walked, looking for the rock in the dark. Erika relished the feeling of the soft dirt beneath her feet.

Truth be told, she couldn't walk much. Her body was weaker than her sister's, but one day she hoped to be able to scamper right alongside next to her. While she was thankful for her Father's lessons, she'd rather be with Frederica, out in the open.

It didn't take much longer to get to the spot where Frederica had found the frog. The small wooden cage was set on the ground and opened.
"Go on ahead, Bud. Thanks for stickin' 'round." The Marsh frog slowly put two feet on the forest floor, getting half way out of the cage before jumping back in. Frederica frowned.
"Bud...? What's wro-" The Pearlcatcher stopped mid sentence. Her ears raised slightly.

"Freddy....? What's wrong?" Erika got shushed by her sister. Uncertainty crept into the older sibling as Frederica looked around.

"Erika, hear that?" Erika tried to focus in on the sounds around her, but couldn't. There was nothing to listen to.

"No...I can't say I hear anything."

"Exactly. It's too quiet. I don'.....I don' like it." Frederica barely got that out before shoving her sister to the ground. She hissed as a claw cut deep into her shoulder. Frederica threw out her wings to make herself appear at least a little bigger and more frightening to the enraged Owl that had its eyes set on them. Her body moved between the owl and her sister.

"Erika, run! Run to mom and dad!" Came her harsh orders. Erika remained, trembling behind her younger sibling in fear. The frog in the cage by her side passed out.
Frederica's eyes looked around for an escape root. Unless she was able to draw the Owl away, they were trapped, being pushed away from the others. The Owl tried to slash at them once more.

The two siblings narrowly dodged its attack, running past where The Baron was. Frederica glanced back as the owl advanced, running into her sister. Erika gripped onto her sister's leg with her claws, digging into them as hard as she could to prevent herself from falling down the steep incline the two now hung over.

"L-let go!" Frederica cried out in pain, her claws gripping at the earth best she could to support the two. The dark blanketed the ground below, not allowing her to give an estimate of how far down it was. Would they be safer if she let them both fall? Or try to climb back on with the Owl flying towards them?

Frederica roared in pain as Erika's grip only tightened. The dirt began to detach from the rest of the hill as something came down onto the owl, causing it to screech in pain and anger. The two siblings shrieked as they fell down the sharp incline, Erika being ripped from her sister.

The Baron took his makeshift whip of vines and slashed through the air, once more hitting the Owl before it flew away. His eyes peered through the darkness, looking down to barely make out the two dragons below. Frederica shook her sister, trying to get some form of movement from her.
He could hear her sniffling all the way from up there.

"Frederica! Don't worry, I'm coming down there!"

"Noo! Baron, go get help! Get he-elp!" Frederica prodded her sister for a pulse. "Erika? Erika, please wake up! Get up, we're fine! You're jus' fakin' it....Fakin' it to get me in trouble, you baby....Please!" Her ears lowered as her snout twitched. She had a feeling her sister wouldn't be moving ever again.

"Those dragons have seemed to move far. I'm not someone easily deterred, however. I've grazed the entirety of the north. I'll start heading further east tomorrow."
@Leopardmask @AnnaStar353 @Belviere @AmmieKatt @KyloRen @Skyeset @DragonWarrior333 @Metroid @CrimsonSakura @patchedprankster @LadyFang @ScarletSultan @SybilRamkin

I have to apologize for the lateness of this. Originally, it was because I mistakenly killed Erika and such, but then I got really sick and i'm still not one hundred percent better, but I owe you guys something. Thank you for being patient.

Erika is up for grabs. I'll be exalting her soon if not taken. We also have two new dragons, so I'll be updating the front page with that info soon. So yeah...I messed up.
Oh no! Poor Freddy and Erika, and you too! I hope you get better soon. (Also, I would love to give Erika a home, if no one has claimed her yet.)
Oh no! Poor Freddy and Erika, and you too! I hope you get better soon. (Also, I would love to give Erika a home, if no one has claimed her yet.)
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