Soft Coffee Babes
XXX Umber Cherub/Seraph + Peregrine Tundras that will warm your heart like a good cup of a coffee.

Hey, all! I'm not particularly interested in running an entire hatchery, but I felt funny posting something so casual among all of these other beautiful hatcheries, haha. This is essentially a thread for my two all-time favorite pairs, Maram & Maha and Murad & Munya. Maram and Murad were bred by me; they're my XXY Umber Cherub/Seraph/Spines Tundra baby boys. Maha and Munya are two lovely XXX Umber Cherub/Peregrine/Underbelly Tundra girls bred by wuf.
I do write lore, but I try to keep it fairly brief for hatchlings since I understand that people have their own ideas about what they want their dragons to be. However, if you would like more extended lore/connections to dragons in my clan, let me know! I'm plenty happy to write it.
I include this in all of their bios: "Successfully bred by glitchiq for the second generation of their XXY/XXX umber seraph/cherub tundra line. They are all given Arabic names, the first generation with Ms and the second with Ns, and dressed richly." Feel free to delete this, but I like it because it gives context to the dragon.
All hatchlings have Nature-green eyes for the moment. I have access to both Ice and Arcane nests, but would like the convenience of keeping my special dragons in my lair.
Every hatchling is 20kT (20,000 treasure), but I will accept a 1:1k gem:treasure ratio. So, if you would like to pay with gems, it's 20 gems. I will also take trades! I have a lot of apparel to find, so if you'd rather trade for your Soft Coffee Babe, we can arrange something to the equivalent value of 20k.
I will leave all hatchlings/dragons in the "Available Hatchlings" thread until they sell (whether through here or the AH). I will also leave them here for a few days before posting to the AH to give ping list people time to see them if they're interested. After that, they go on the AH.
Let me know if you're interested! Since they're Tundras, the breeding cooldown isn't very long. So, if you want to join the ping list, you don't have long to wait before there will be some available babies!
x Maram & Maha x

Maram and Maha are a sure bet for umber cherub, and have a 25% chance of babies with seraph. They'll usually produce peregrine secondary, which is just as stunning (but I understand the appeal of cherub/seraph). In terms of tertiary genes, their kiddos are nearly all underbelly, and it's a toss up color-wise between clay, sable, and umber.
x Murad & Munya x

Murad and Munya's genes shake out nearly identically to Maram and Maha's, save the fact that as opposed to a tertiary color range of Clay-Umber, Murad and Munya sport a smaller, two-color range of Sable-Umber. So they have a slightly better chance of producing XXX babies.
XXX Umber Cherub/Seraph + Peregrine Tundras that will warm your heart like a good cup of a coffee.

Hey, all! I'm not particularly interested in running an entire hatchery, but I felt funny posting something so casual among all of these other beautiful hatcheries, haha. This is essentially a thread for my two all-time favorite pairs, Maram & Maha and Murad & Munya. Maram and Murad were bred by me; they're my XXY Umber Cherub/Seraph/Spines Tundra baby boys. Maha and Munya are two lovely XXX Umber Cherub/Peregrine/Underbelly Tundra girls bred by wuf.
I do write lore, but I try to keep it fairly brief for hatchlings since I understand that people have their own ideas about what they want their dragons to be. However, if you would like more extended lore/connections to dragons in my clan, let me know! I'm plenty happy to write it.
I include this in all of their bios: "Successfully bred by glitchiq for the second generation of their XXY/XXX umber seraph/cherub tundra line. They are all given Arabic names, the first generation with Ms and the second with Ns, and dressed richly." Feel free to delete this, but I like it because it gives context to the dragon.
All hatchlings have Nature-green eyes for the moment. I have access to both Ice and Arcane nests, but would like the convenience of keeping my special dragons in my lair.
Every hatchling is 20kT (20,000 treasure), but I will accept a 1:1k gem:treasure ratio. So, if you would like to pay with gems, it's 20 gems. I will also take trades! I have a lot of apparel to find, so if you'd rather trade for your Soft Coffee Babe, we can arrange something to the equivalent value of 20k.
I will leave all hatchlings/dragons in the "Available Hatchlings" thread until they sell (whether through here or the AH). I will also leave them here for a few days before posting to the AH to give ping list people time to see them if they're interested. After that, they go on the AH.
Let me know if you're interested! Since they're Tundras, the breeding cooldown isn't very long. So, if you want to join the ping list, you don't have long to wait before there will be some available babies!
Ping List: @RingsofSaturn
x Maram & Maha x

Maram and Maha are a sure bet for umber cherub, and have a 25% chance of babies with seraph. They'll usually produce peregrine secondary, which is just as stunning (but I understand the appeal of cherub/seraph). In terms of tertiary genes, their kiddos are nearly all underbelly, and it's a toss up color-wise between clay, sable, and umber.
x Murad & Munya x

Murad and Munya's genes shake out nearly identically to Maram and Maha's, save the fact that as opposed to a tertiary color range of Clay-Umber, Murad and Munya sport a smaller, two-color range of Sable-Umber. So they have a slightly better chance of producing XXX babies.