Note: Hatchery is on hiatus as I've run out of space in my lair. I really want to run this hatchery, though! This is a sign I have to save it for later, I guess.
View my nests here.
The hatchery pairings list is here.
Lightning flight members get 2kt off dragons priced 16kt or more. Arcane members get 1kt off 16kt+ dragons because I care so much about my old flight.
Will hold dragons no longer than a day (24 hrs). Adults are subject to being exalted should there be no interest in buying them.
If you're interested in the other hatchlings in the back of the lair feel free to inquire.
Ask to be added to this thread's pinglist for 2kt off dragons priced 25kt or more! c: Flight discounts are not stackable with this discount.
Adult previews in each dragon's description. Message to haggle.
You're free to do whatever you'd like with your purchases, whether it be deleting the previews and signature linking back to this thread, exalting, altering the dragon, trading, gifting, reselling, etc. I'd prefer if you named them before exalting, but ultimately I choose to sell my hatchlings unnamed for the convenience of those who want to name their dragons. It's your money and you're free to do as you please.
I'll happily take suggestions on how to improve my hatchery! Let's keep it civil and constructive, though.
Dragons are relisted daily to keep prices auction prices low. Gem to treasure ratio is 1:850.
Treasure, gem, and item tips are optional but appreciated. c:
Bogsneaks: 45,455t (CR: 45,000t)
Everything Else: 23,232t (CR: 23,000t)