[i]Welcome to The Planetarium, a simple hatchery where
you might find a dragon to your liking!
I mostly breed [b]imperials[/b]
that are [b]dark-colored[/b], but you may find other breeds & combos.[/i][/center]
[right][size=1][b]TABLE OF CONTENTS[/b]
[b]01.[/b] [url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/baz/1527653]Introduction & Rules[/url]
[b]02.[/b] [url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/baz/1527653/1#12869261]Dragons for Sale[/url]
[b]03.[/b] [url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/baz/1527653/1#12869315]Breeding Pairs
[b]04.[/b] [url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/baz/1527653/1#12869358]Breeding Pairs
(in-progress & temporary)[/url]
[b]05.[/b] [url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/baz/1527653/1#12869400]Affiliates[/url][/size][/right]
[b]+ Reservations & Listings[/b]
[indent][size=2]Hatchlings are a [b][i]first come, first serve[/i][/b] basis, I [b][i]do not accept reservations[/i][/b]. Unless you have asked to be pinged for something specific or asked me to hold a dragon, [b][i]all dragons will be put on AH.[/i][/b][/size][/indent]
[b]+ Payment & Holds[/b]
[indent][size=2]I will accept [b][i]treasure, gems, items, and mixed payment[/i][/b]. If you wish to pay for a dragon that it is not listed for, simply ping or message me. Also, since the gem market is constantly changing, please ask about my gem:treasure ratio. If you need me to hold a dragon, please let me know, and I will hold it up to [b][i]3 days[/i][/b]. If you need me to hold it for a longer period of time, simply let me know. I will not hold a dragon [i]more than a week[/i] unless negotiated upon.[/indent]
[b]+ Pinglist[/b]
[indent][size=2]Feel free to let me know if you want to be added to any pinglist. If there's a pinglist that hasn't been made yet, I will certainly accommodate for it, you just have to let me know. Also, if you only want to be pinged for certain specifications, just tell me in a ping or message! Furthermore, you will remain on a pinglist until you have notified me otherwise, so if you want to be taken off, just make sure you say so! [b]When you have bought a hatchling from a pair, I will automatically remove you from their pinglist.[/b] Let me know if you want to stay on otherwise.[/size][/indent]
[b]+ Eye Color[/b]
[indent][size=2]As I am in Nature flight, all dragons will have [b][i]nature[/i][/b] eyes. I am often on at irregular times, so I try to avoid renting nests if possible. If you really want a certain eye color, I will rent a nest for you if you pay me [b][i]2,500t[/i][/b] in advance. If there are multiple people on a pinglist, I will [b][i]rent a nest for free[/i][/b] if the majority (everyone if there's only 2 people) agrees on an eye color.[/size][/indent]
[b]+ Temporary Pairings[/b]
[indent][size=2]I usually use these pairs to breed exalt fodder for myself, however, if you are interested in the parents once I lose interest or no longer need them, let me know! Also, just because they are intended to breed fodder, I will always list hatchlings above 18,000t and only when they are grown up do I take them off of AH to level them myself, since that is what I do with my permanent pairs as well.[/size][/indent]
[font=georgia][size=6][b]BREEDING ASSOCIATIONS[/b][/size][/font]
Welcome to The Planetarium, a simple hatchery where
you might find a dragon to your liking!
I mostly breed imperials
that are dark-colored, but you may find other breeds & combos.
+ Reservations & Listings
Hatchlings are a first come, first serve basis, I do not accept reservations. Unless you have asked to be pinged for something specific or asked me to hold a dragon, all dragons will be put on AH.
+ Payment & Holds
I will accept treasure, gems, items, and mixed payment. If you wish to pay for a dragon that it is not listed for, simply ping or message me. Also, since the gem market is constantly changing, please ask about my gem:treasure ratio. If you need me to hold a dragon, please let me know, and I will hold it up to 3 days. If you need me to hold it for a longer period of time, simply let me know. I will not hold a dragon more than a week unless negotiated upon.
+ Pinglist
Feel free to let me know if you want to be added to any pinglist. If there's a pinglist that hasn't been made yet, I will certainly accommodate for it, you just have to let me know. Also, if you only want to be pinged for certain specifications, just tell me in a ping or message! Furthermore, you will remain on a pinglist until you have notified me otherwise, so if you want to be taken off, just make sure you say so! When you have bought a hatchling from a pair, I will automatically remove you from their pinglist. Let me know if you want to stay on otherwise.
+ Eye Color
As I am in Nature flight, all dragons will have nature eyes. I am often on at irregular times, so I try to avoid renting nests if possible. If you really want a certain eye color, I will rent a nest for you if you pay me 2,500t in advance. If there are multiple people on a pinglist, I will rent a nest for free if the majority (everyone if there's only 2 people) agrees on an eye color.
+ Temporary Pairings
I usually use these pairs to breed exalt fodder for myself, however, if you are interested in the parents once I lose interest or no longer need them, let me know! Also, just because they are intended to breed fodder, I will always list hatchlings above 18,000t and only when they are grown up do I take them off of AH to level them myself, since that is what I do with my permanent pairs as well.
[i]If you have any inquiries about gem/item/mixed payments and holds,
please message or ping me![/i]
Since my studies are taking up more of my time, I won't be updating as much.
If you have any inquiries about gem/item/mixed payments and holds,
please message or ping me!
Since my studies are taking up more of my time, I won't be updating as much.
[i]Permanent (for the most part) dragon pairs[/i]
[i][b]General Pinglist:[/b] [/i]
Permanent (for the most part) dragon pairs
General Pinglist:
[i]In-progress pairs and temporary dragon pairs[/i]
[font=georgia][size=6][b]IN-PROGRESS PAIRS[/b][/size][/font]
[font=georgia][size=6][b]TEMPORARY PAIRS[/b][/size][/font]
In-progress pairs and temporary dragon pairs
[i]Nothing to your liking? Check these hatcheries out!
Please message me if you would like to be an affiliate![/i]
[font=georgia][size=6][b]+ MY BANNER +[/b][/size][/font]
[url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/baz/1700861] [img]http://orig07.deviantart.net/ec7b/f/2015/363/c/9/sig_by_vibiana-d9lvi4d.png[/img] [/url]