A Hatchery by @Shewolf13
This hatchery has moved! For new Hatchery, go here: New Frozen Refuge Hatchery
Welcome, Rules, Pinglists, News/ Affiliates and Wishlist / Dragon Pairs / Dragons/Hatchlings for Sale / Sales / Dragons Nesting
![]() | The walls sparkled, bright sun-light reflecting off the icy walls of the mammoth cave. The small river flowed through the middle, burbling quietly. There was a flurry of activity all over the ice cave. A pair of eyes the same color as the walls watched it all with pride. The great dragon sat on the shelf that overlooked the cave and let out a proud bellow. |
Welcome to the Frozen Refuge Hatchery. The progenator of our clan is Glacier, a wise and proud Guardian that was born under the star of the Icewarden. Born alone on the ice of the Frigid Floes, he has sought his own home and is gathering dragons to him, intending to create a place for other dragons to reside. Though they live in a harsh climate, they welcome all comers.
What Breeds/Genes/Colors do you specialize in?
Here at Frozen Refuge, there is a mixture of breeds, genes, and colors. There isn't a specific theme, though you will find a decent amount of iri/shim, cry/face, iri/face, cry/shim, but it isn't a specialty. We have a little bit of everything here except for gembound, hypnotic, and a couple others.
Hatchery Pairs and Fodder Pairs/Lore Writing
Now, what's the difference between fodder pairs and hatchery pairs? The main difference, is that the fodder pairs, I fully expect to exalt the babies whereas the hatchery pairs' babies get more time before they are exalted. Also, the fodder pairs are for sale themselves as well as available for stud. The hatchery pairs are not.
All babs, regardless of what pair they came from, will be for sale in the hatchery here until they grow up. Once they turn into adults, fodder pair babs will only have the time it takes me to train them in Coli to level 7, then will be exalted. Hatchery pair babs will get a week, maybe a bit longer, depending. If they haven't sold by 2 weeks, then they will be trained and exalted as well.
Certain babs may get taken, trained in the Coli all the way to 25, stoned, and stated in order to sell. Will be making a separate thread for those, though, I think.
For those wishing to purchase any dergs at all, I will include a personality and a blank coded bio for free. Lore can be added for 5kt extra, 10kt for a full bio.
Level 25's and Leveling Service
Need a level 25 or two? Don't have the time or inclination to train your own dragon? You may choose from one of the dragons in the "Leveled Section" of the hatchery. They will have stats and stones. Each dragon will vary in price. You may also purchase a hatchling or derg and I will level the dragon for you. I can also level your own dragons. I charge 100kt to level 10 (this includes stoning/stating), 150kt to level 15, 200kt to level 25 (At this level, may ask for stones or ask for additional money). I will not train your exalt fodder, though. That is up to you to do. I will gladly train and/or sell you a couple trainers so that you can train exalt fodder yourself.
I also have a couple level 25's I can lend to help you train up your own dragons if you'd rather that. I charge about 10kt a day for that. To see what is available, please go Here, to the Training Camp.

Of course, each hatchery has their rules and other ephemera that must be taken care of, Frozen Refuge is no different. My rules are simple:
- Ping me @Shewolf13 to be put on a ping list, to buy a dragon, to offer services, etc. I will accept messages, but keeping it all in this topic will make it easier for me to remember and keep track of ^^
- All hatchlings will named prior to putting up. If you wish a renaming scroll (free of charge), let me know ^^
- I would prefer that if you plan on exalting any of the hatchlings/dragons you buy from me that you allow them to grow up first and name them. After that, you may do what you will
- You can be added to a general pinglist for any pairs that have a nest or you can be put on a specific ping list for each pair. Please just be clear about which one of those you'd like ^^
- I will accept treasure/gems/scrolls/trades/holiday items/apparel… I'm open to all sorts of payment options as well as if anyone is willing to give coding or graphic or art help. Treasure to gem ration is 1:650. The other ratios aren't set in stone. See my wishlist below.
- Each dragon will have a price listed, but I am certainly willing to haggle. Keep in mind that I will be keeping prices low to begin with, but again, I don't mind haggling or taking other forms of payment or even a payment plan if need be. I'm flexible.
- Dragons will be held for a week (longer if need be, but you must let me know) and then will be put back for sale
- Once dragons grow up, they will go on AH but can still be purchased via CR
- If dragons aren't claimed by two weeks, they will most likely be trained and exalted (this could change, depending upon lair space, etc)
- Pinglists are first come, first served. So if you're pinged for a specific pair and the eggs hatch and multiple people ask for a specific dragon, it will go to the person that spoke up first. Also, if you have been pinged and do not respond within a day, I will assume that you are not interested in the hatchlings at that point and time so they will be sold to others. Please, if you are interested, but need time, just let me know. I'm happy to hold them ^^
- Discounts:
Newbies (from the last registration window) get a 10% discount
Ice Flight gets a 15% discount
Affiliates get a 10% discount
**Discounts do stack, but only up to 30% off
Ice Flight gets a 15% discount
Affiliates get a 10% discount
**Discounts do stack, but only up to 30% off
Other Services:
Nest rentals: I'll gladly give an ice nest if needed (and if available, of course). Payment not necessary, though donations are always accepted (as well as splitting nests, etc)
Dragon storage: Again, as long as lair space is available, happy to babysit or store an extra dragon or two for a bit while the owner clears out their own lair. Mostly just need food for the dragon, but donations are always appreciated ^^
Stud/Breeding services: See a dragon you like in my lair or in the hatchery? Either don't have the money to buy or no space? I'll gladly stud out NON-PAIRED dragons (because there will be lore added, studding out paired dragons won't work)
Dragon Finding Services: Looking for that dream derg? Or looking for a mate for someone in your lair? Don't have a lot of time to scope out other hatcheries or keep a [LF] thread going? I'll gladly help you out with this, or take it over for a fee. I tend to have a decent amount of time most days, so if you to commission me to find you a certain type of dragon, let me know ^^
Dragon Leveling Service: I will level dragons in the Coli, though I will charge for this service and I will not train them for Exalt Fodder. I charge 100kt to level 10 (this includes stoning/stating), 150kt to level 15, 200kt to level 25 (At this level, may ask for stones or ask for additional money).
General Pinglist wrote:
Turnipseed Geekhyena (no crackle) doglore noodlemangos Bluwingskitty anipwrites Signet AstroNot Nylo MagicianPokes New Pair Pinglist wrote:
Gen 1 FR Clan Leaders wrote:
Zukotara Seasonal Pairs Summer Solstice wrote:
HeartofLaw FireflyRhapsody Winter Solstice wrote:
Thyfe Spring Equinox wrote:
Autumn Equinox wrote:
FireflyRhapsody (PC with Peregrine) Chicanery (Ripple/Peregrine bab) Addmon cinderrain SpiritsBane Torainu Moon/Lunar Pairs Moonlight Sonata wrote:
Potatis Araaska FireflyRhapsody Kishu Lunar Brilliance wrote:
muucifer faewynd KameTurtle Themewtwolady Kishu Rebbawskaced (first pick of next nest) Forelle |
Mythology Pairs
Rulers of the Underworld wrote:
Thyfe Rulers of Valhalla wrote:
Arrowfeathers Rulers of the Sea wrote:
SilverFoxDemon Kishu Food Related Pairs Tea Time Biscuits wrote:
Chocolate Eclairs wrote:
MagicalPudding (butterfly only)
DeadlyFang SakuraOkami7 CrowsFlight Headshotted Startail apis (double ivory/ lighter browns) Plentiful pairs Snow Storm wrote:
Malafunfun tspuun mewiyev pumpkinskull Cirruss (white male) Novetteus SoullessRogue Fletcher Common-Limited Breeds Fire and Brimstone wrote:
EMISC Red-tailed Hawks wrote:
Ljr21 |
Rare Breed Pairs
Precious Stones wrote:
DragonSmitty AngelHeart Lilkittyluver039 Cirruss Toothiana kascaboota Kairo The Royals wrote:
PhoenixMiko cinderrain (bar) OkaFloof (clown) Dhay Calming Auras wrote:
YozoraRay PhoenixMiko somnolentcypress Corr Jon Age of Chivalry wrote:
Dhay Heartoflaw Animegirl11012 Night Falls Gently wrote:
Cirruss Animegirl11012 DeadlyFang Shiny Baubles wrote:
News and Updates
August 18, 2015: Topic created
August 19, 2015: Opening!
August 22, 2015: Added the Dragon Finding Service
August 23, 2015: Grand Opening Sale and first official nests hatched!
August 25, 2015: Added new breeding pair, Shimmering Floes!
August 30, 2015: Added new breeding pair, Deep Waters!
September 1, 2015: Added new breeding pair, Wildfire!
September 4, 2015: Added new breeding pair, Tropical Storms!
September 6, 2015: Added new breeding pair, Day & Night; they are a peregrine pair!
September 13, 2015: Added new breeding pair, Lightning Strikes!
September 14, 2015: Added new breeding pair, Circuit Boards!
September 18, 2015: Added Leveling Service
September 21, 2015: Added two new pairs, Nature's Fury and Elegance & Grace!
September 30, 2015: Added a new pair, Autumn Equinox!
October 10, 2015: Lore starters are request only now, and most pairs will be bred on request, not as soon as they are RTB.
October 14, 2015: Retired Shimmering Floes pair
December 12, 2015: Retired several pairs
December 13, 2015: Making some changes to hatchery and adding more pairs, mostly fodder pairs.
December 15, 2015: Expanded leveling services; will be including leveled dragons in hatchery.