Hi! I’m doing some casual writing commissions.
These will be very casual. At least 250 words, probably more.
Finished commissions in this thread will give you a good idea of what to expect.
Just toss a dragon (or character, or scene) at me, give me some details (or don’t), and I’ll write whatever comes to mind.
Payment can be sent before or afterwards through CRs, PMs, or PAs. They will only be accepted after I finish your commission.
I accept treasure, gems, items, coliseum services, etc. My wishlist is located
here for reference.
I also accept USD payments. Please contact me if you're interested in paying in USD. Minimum price is $1, but still PWYW. Word counts/commission length can be specified with USD payments, and I also offer ghost writing if requested.
The first 20 dragons in my lair, and scattered ones after that
Past commissions posted in this thread
Non-FR Related Writing Examples:
From October 2021**
From June 2021
From May 2021
From April 2021
From February 2021
From July 2020
**Please specify if you'd like your commission formatted like this one
Hi! I’m doing some casual writing commissions.
These will be very casual. At least 250 words, probably more.
Finished commissions in this thread will give you a good idea of what to expect.
Just toss a dragon (or character, or scene) at me, give me some details (or don’t), and I’ll write whatever comes to mind.
Payment can be sent before or afterwards through CRs, PMs, or PAs. They will only be accepted after I finish your commission.
I accept treasure, gems, items, coliseum services, etc. My wishlist is located
here for reference.
I also accept USD payments. Please contact me if you're interested in paying in USD. Minimum price is $1, but still PWYW. Word counts/commission length can be specified with USD payments, and I also offer ghost writing if requested.
The first 20 dragons in my lair, and scattered ones after that
Past commissions posted in this thread
Non-FR Related Writing Examples:
From October 2021**
From June 2021
From May 2021
From April 2021
From February 2021
From July 2020
**Please specify if you'd like your commission formatted like this one
Older examples, but here for reference:
[url=https://docs.google.com/document/d/1J5fBQueJc7zYM7aXEU6JItOuNdviAZmjy_xc7u-Xm4A/edit?usp=sharing]Past writing commissions[/url] from 2017-2018
[url=http://flightrising.com/main.php?dragon=595315]This random dragon[/url] from 2018
Please remember to credit me.
Below is an easy code to copy/paste onto your dragon's bio if you'd like to use it.
[right][size=2]Written by [url=https://flightrising.com/main.php?p=lair&tab=userpage&id=16328]Rosoidela[/url][/size][/right]
[code][right][size=2]Written by [url=https://flightrising.com/main.php?p=lair&tab=userpage&id=16328]Rosoidela[/url][/size][/right][/code]
Older examples, but here for reference:
Past writing commissions from 2017-2018
This random dragon from 2018
Please remember to credit me.
Below is an easy code to copy/paste onto your dragon's bio if you'd like to use it.
[right][size=2]Written by [url=https://flightrising.com/main.php?p=lair&tab=userpage&id=16328]Rosoidela[/url][/size][/right]
Does anyone
here catch your eye? I love your writing and I definitely wouldn't mind snagging a piece from you.
(Edit: You have a preferred payment method?)
Does anyone
here catch your eye? I love your writing and I definitely wouldn't mind snagging a piece from you.
(Edit: You have a preferred payment method?)
Hello, Star Voyagers.
ColorfulCredit Sorry for the late reply! No preference for payment method. Anything goes. ^^
And I took a gander, and wrote a quick thing for Styx. Hope it's alright. ^-^
A mistake. That was all it was. A terrible, horrible, irrevocable mistake that wracked her with guilt, forced blood into her lungs. She dragged herself onto land, arms trembling. Hacking and coughing, lungs burning and eyes stinging with salt water and tears.
She needed to find him, to bring him back. She needed to save him. (Even if he was beyond saving. Even if it was over and done with, and she’d never have him by her side again, all because of a stupid, idiotic—)
Her arms collapsed beneath her weight, and she swore, fingers clenching uselessly around her darn lantern. She wanted to throw it, to watch it shatter and break as much as her heart was inside. But that wouldn’t be enough. Nothing would be enough.
What she needed most was help.
Not from the dark sisterhood, and definitely not from the magic that ruined it all. Someone else… anyone.
… Maybe even him.
It took some cajoling. Some words and deals and more than she’d wanted to part with, but it was worth it. Had to be. To see her beloved again. Without him being mangled and mutilated, water filling his lungs and her always too slow to react and reach him in time.
If only. Regrets and guilt and sorrowful endings filled her dreams. And even if she was different now, a horrible acidic goo that trailed in her wake and powers that were strange but no less powerful, she didn’t regret it.
He was different when he came back. In looks and in mind. A Ghost Manticore, furred and winged and a barbed tail. But the relief she felt when he returned, a gasp escaping her lips as she lurched forward, words choking in her throat.
Sorry. I’m so sorry.
ColorfulCredit Sorry for the late reply! No preference for payment method. Anything goes. ^^
And I took a gander, and wrote a quick thing for Styx. Hope it's alright. ^-^
A mistake. That was all it was. A terrible, horrible, irrevocable mistake that wracked her with guilt, forced blood into her lungs. She dragged herself onto land, arms trembling. Hacking and coughing, lungs burning and eyes stinging with salt water and tears.
She needed to find him, to bring him back. She needed to save him. (Even if he was beyond saving. Even if it was over and done with, and she’d never have him by her side again, all because of a stupid, idiotic—)
Her arms collapsed beneath her weight, and she swore, fingers clenching uselessly around her darn lantern. She wanted to throw it, to watch it shatter and break as much as her heart was inside. But that wouldn’t be enough. Nothing would be enough.
What she needed most was help.
Not from the dark sisterhood, and definitely not from the magic that ruined it all. Someone else… anyone.
… Maybe even him.
It took some cajoling. Some words and deals and more than she’d wanted to part with, but it was worth it. Had to be. To see her beloved again. Without him being mangled and mutilated, water filling his lungs and her always too slow to react and reach him in time.
If only. Regrets and guilt and sorrowful endings filled her dreams. And even if she was different now, a horrible acidic goo that trailed in her wake and powers that were strange but no less powerful, she didn’t regret it.
He was different when he came back. In looks and in mind. A Ghost Manticore, furred and winged and a barbed tail. But the relief she felt when he returned, a gasp escaping her lips as she lurched forward, words choking in her throat.
Sorry. I’m so sorry.
I love it, thank you.
Let me know if the payment offered isn't enough. Not sure what to price writing at so let me know if I lowballed.
I love it, thank you.
Let me know if the payment offered isn't enough. Not sure what to price writing at so let me know if I lowballed.
Hello, Star Voyagers.
ColorfulCredit Glad you liked it! And what you offered was plenty. It was more than I was expecting. xD
ColorfulCredit Glad you liked it! And what you offered was plenty. It was more than I was expecting. xD
I'd love to get some lore for this old dude here!
Could you do something about him "watching"[s]napping or doing old man things xD[/s] the hatchlings/permababies in my lair? He is pretty much a giant stereo type old man xD
[size=2]He usually dozes off so another clan member has to take over what he is doing half of the time[/size]
I forgot to ping you xD
I'd love to get some lore for this old dude here!

Could you do something about him "watching"
napping or doing old man things xD the hatchlings/permababies in my lair? He is pretty much a giant stereo type old man xD
He usually dozes off so another clan member has to take over what he is doing half of the time
I forgot to ping you xD
@Lunamyth I ended up writing more of a short story than a typical bio/lore, so I hope it's alright. ^^'
There were a few generic characters I threw in just because, which you're welcome to change the names/genders of.
[quote]“He’s asleep, [i]again[/i].”
“No he’s not.”
She gestured at him wordlessly—his eyes were closed, slouched forward and breathing deep. In the glow of the fireplace and the crackling of logs, he was completely oblivious to the world. Even so…
“He’s just… resting his eyes,” Aiden argued, though he wasn’t sure why he bothered anymore.
It always happened, nearly every day without fail. Pappy would fall asleep — sometimes even in mid-sentence — and the hatchlings would skedaddle off at the first hint of inattention. It would’ve been fine, was actually no bother for the rest of the clan, but for some asinine reason, it was always Aiden and Rhea who happened across him.
Coincidence? Unlikely.
At this point, he wouldn’t be surprised if there was a betting pool for it.
Aiden was all ready to chalk it up to his horrible luck, what with the weird sacks of flour showing up wherever he went and the mud tracks all over his stuff. But when he told Rhea, she’d just smiled, and nodded and asked what else was new.
Pappy gave a loud snort in his sleep, mouth falling open and mumbling something about pudding, and Rhea stared, eyebrow raised.
“Yeah. He’s really just resting his eyes.”
Aiden didn’t bother to respond, tossing a patchwork blanket across the old man’s lap, ignoring the strange mutter of [i]“Teacups. Where’re m’—"[/i] and said, “Let’s just find the hatchlings.”
“You mean, ‘Let’s just do his job for him.’” But for all her grumbling, Rhea followed along after him. “I’ll bet five gems that I can find them first.”
“I’m surprised you even have that much. Didn’t you lose everything to me last week?”
… Which, admittedly, he had. But in Aiden’s defense, it’d been late, and his inhibitions had been lowered, and c’mon, there was no way he could lose a bet twenty times in a row. Except apparently, he could. At this point, it was more habit than anything to counter everything Rhea said. Though his wallet was certainly crying.
Aiden sighed, long and suffering and wondering why it was always him stuck with her. Just once, he wished Bob could’ve been the one to do this. “Just go.”
“Careful, or that woe-is-me look is going to get stuck one day.”
“Don’t you have a bet to win?”
“That’s the spirit!” And with a grin and a cheeky wave, Rhea disappeared.
As fate would have it, two hours later, a lot of running around, breathless and weary and covered in mud, Aiden found himself fifteen gems lighter and with a cheerful Rhea at his side.
“—and I saw a biiiiiig ladybug, like, this big.” The hatchling stretched his arms out in a frankly unrealistic representation of a bug’s size.
“Really?” said Rhea. “It sounds like you had a great time. Isn’t that right, Aiden?” And she smiled, all smug and arrogant, and Aiden wanted nothing more than to—
“Yes,” Aiden said, voice carefully blank. “Sounds like fun.”
When they returned, Pappy was still asleep, happily snoring away beside the roaring fire. They quietly herded the hatchlings back into the room, the majority only half-awake and more than a bit exhausted from their adventure, and were just about to leave when a log in the fire snapped suddenly.
Pappy woke with a start. “—and I tol’ him, ‘Can’t wait ‘round all day while you go zippin’ about in yer fancy ‘vention. Snappers weren’t meant t’ fly!’ But he was determined, couldn’t—” Pappy blinked, catching sight of Rhea and Aiden trying to sneak out the door. “When’d you get here?”
“Oh, we were just leaving—”
“Nonsense! I ha’en’t seen ye in… how long it been now? Three weeks, was it?”
Rhea coughed, muttering, [i]“Two days.”[/i] And Pappy smiled.
“Ah, yes. That sounds ‘bout right. Why don’t ye sit? Tell me ‘bout your day, Renee and—” He squinted, eyes bright behind his spectacles. “That you, Andrea?”
Aiden, ignoring Rhea’s snort of laughter, nodded. “… Good morning, Pappy.”
“’[i]Morning[/i]’?” the Tundra repeated. “What you goin’ on ‘bout now, Andrea? It ain’t mornin’. Nearabout evenin’, dinner if ’m right.”
“Yeah, [i]Andrea[/i],” Rhea said with a grin. “What [i]are[/i] you going on about?”
“Shut up, Rhea.”
That, had obviously been the wrong thing to say. Pappy frowned, disapproving. “Now, Andrea, that ain’t the type of things ye should say. Why, it reminds me o’ a time when I was jus’ a young whippersnapper, jus’ gettin’ started on—”
Once Pappy began, it was nearly impossible to get him to stop. Aiden sighed, resigned to wait him out when he caught sight of Rhea inching towards the door. He glanced towards Pappy, but the elder didn’t even notice her.
“Where’re you going?” he hissed.
“I’m not staying here,” she said. “Besides, I’ve got some money to spend now. Have fun!” She was gone before he could say otherwise.
“—Now, back in my day, we di’n’t have no fancy tech-whatchamacallits. No, we had t’ walk. Ten miles, every day, in pourin’ rain, with rabid wolves on our tail. Couldn’t go two feet without seein’ one o’ them—”
This couldn’t go on for that much longer, right?
… Somehow, the thought didn’t comfort him.
Lunamyth I ended up writing more of a short story than a typical bio/lore, so I hope it's alright. ^^'
There were a few generic characters I threw in just because, which you're welcome to change the names/genders of.
“He’s asleep, again.”
“No he’s not.”
She gestured at him wordlessly—his eyes were closed, slouched forward and breathing deep. In the glow of the fireplace and the crackling of logs, he was completely oblivious to the world. Even so…
“He’s just… resting his eyes,” Aiden argued, though he wasn’t sure why he bothered anymore.
It always happened, nearly every day without fail. Pappy would fall asleep — sometimes even in mid-sentence — and the hatchlings would skedaddle off at the first hint of inattention. It would’ve been fine, was actually no bother for the rest of the clan, but for some asinine reason, it was always Aiden and Rhea who happened across him.
Coincidence? Unlikely.
At this point, he wouldn’t be surprised if there was a betting pool for it.
Aiden was all ready to chalk it up to his horrible luck, what with the weird sacks of flour showing up wherever he went and the mud tracks all over his stuff. But when he told Rhea, she’d just smiled, and nodded and asked what else was new.
Pappy gave a loud snort in his sleep, mouth falling open and mumbling something about pudding, and Rhea stared, eyebrow raised.
“Yeah. He’s really just resting his eyes.”
Aiden didn’t bother to respond, tossing a patchwork blanket across the old man’s lap, ignoring the strange mutter of “Teacups. Where’re m’—" and said, “Let’s just find the hatchlings.”
“You mean, ‘Let’s just do his job for him.’” But for all her grumbling, Rhea followed along after him. “I’ll bet five gems that I can find them first.”
“I’m surprised you even have that much. Didn’t you lose everything to me last week?”
… Which, admittedly, he had. But in Aiden’s defense, it’d been late, and his inhibitions had been lowered, and c’mon, there was no way he could lose a bet twenty times in a row. Except apparently, he could. At this point, it was more habit than anything to counter everything Rhea said. Though his wallet was certainly crying.
Aiden sighed, long and suffering and wondering why it was always him stuck with her. Just once, he wished Bob could’ve been the one to do this. “Just go.”
“Careful, or that woe-is-me look is going to get stuck one day.”
“Don’t you have a bet to win?”
“That’s the spirit!” And with a grin and a cheeky wave, Rhea disappeared.
As fate would have it, two hours later, a lot of running around, breathless and weary and covered in mud, Aiden found himself fifteen gems lighter and with a cheerful Rhea at his side.
“—and I saw a biiiiiig ladybug, like, this big.” The hatchling stretched his arms out in a frankly unrealistic representation of a bug’s size.
“Really?” said Rhea. “It sounds like you had a great time. Isn’t that right, Aiden?” And she smiled, all smug and arrogant, and Aiden wanted nothing more than to—
“Yes,” Aiden said, voice carefully blank. “Sounds like fun.”
When they returned, Pappy was still asleep, happily snoring away beside the roaring fire. They quietly herded the hatchlings back into the room, the majority only half-awake and more than a bit exhausted from their adventure, and were just about to leave when a log in the fire snapped suddenly.
Pappy woke with a start. “—and I tol’ him, ‘Can’t wait ‘round all day while you go zippin’ about in yer fancy ‘vention. Snappers weren’t meant t’ fly!’ But he was determined, couldn’t—” Pappy blinked, catching sight of Rhea and Aiden trying to sneak out the door. “When’d you get here?”
“Oh, we were just leaving—”
“Nonsense! I ha’en’t seen ye in… how long it been now? Three weeks, was it?”
Rhea coughed, muttering, “Two days.” And Pappy smiled.
“Ah, yes. That sounds ‘bout right. Why don’t ye sit? Tell me ‘bout your day, Renee and—” He squinted, eyes bright behind his spectacles. “That you, Andrea?”
Aiden, ignoring Rhea’s snort of laughter, nodded. “… Good morning, Pappy.”
“’Morning’?” the Tundra repeated. “What you goin’ on ‘bout now, Andrea? It ain’t mornin’. Nearabout evenin’, dinner if ’m right.”
“Yeah, Andrea,” Rhea said with a grin. “What are you going on about?”
“Shut up, Rhea.”
That, had obviously been the wrong thing to say. Pappy frowned, disapproving. “Now, Andrea, that ain’t the type of things ye should say. Why, it reminds me o’ a time when I was jus’ a young whippersnapper, jus’ gettin’ started on—”
Once Pappy began, it was nearly impossible to get him to stop. Aiden sighed, resigned to wait him out when he caught sight of Rhea inching towards the door. He glanced towards Pappy, but the elder didn’t even notice her.
“Where’re you going?” he hissed.
“I’m not staying here,” she said. “Besides, I’ve got some money to spend now. Have fun!” She was gone before he could say otherwise.
“—Now, back in my day, we di’n’t have no fancy tech-whatchamacallits. No, we had t’ walk. Ten miles, every day, in pourin’ rain, with rabid wolves on our tail. Couldn’t go two feet without seein’ one o’ them—”
This couldn’t go on for that much longer, right?
… Somehow, the thought didn’t comfort him.
I am
living. This is perfect xD Thank you so much!! I'll send payment over now!
I may come back again later if you're not too busy! :D
I love your writing style
I am
living. This is perfect xD Thank you so much!! I'll send payment over now!
I may come back again later if you're not too busy! :D
I love your writing style