headshot: 5$ / 300g / 255kt
bust: 7$ / 700g / 595kt
fullbody: 12$ / 1.2kg / 1020kt
chibi/small characters/pokemon*: 7$ / 700g / 595kt
simple bg (patterns, gradients): free
detailed bg (scene, environment): +10$ plus alpha / +1kg plus alpha depending on complexity
sketch only: 1/3 of original base cost (rounded down)
no shading: -1/3 of original base cost (rounded down)
lineart w/ monochrome or gradient coloring: -1/3 of original base cost (rounded down)
additional characters: +1/2 of original base cost (rounded down)
*i classify 'small' as simple characters that can be primarily drawn with two circles, such as
pichu from pokemon or
kero from ccs, and chibis will be drawn to fit those proportions.
any pokemon ocs also fall into the 10$
(these do stack!)
* 10% off for repeat customers on any 2nd+ commissions ovo
* 5% off for any fellow shadelings
accepting most gene scrolls / breed scrolls,
as well as certain packs of apparel! please offer!