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TOPIC | Adventure's Lair of Lore (Open)
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[center][img][/img][size=7][color=lime][font=Mistral]Adventure's Lair of Lore[/font][/color][/size] [img][/img][/center] [center]Hello, and welcome to the Lair of Lore! This is just a small shop, designed to help me fund my overly-ambitious gene and dragon projects. For examples of my work, you can go [url=]HERE[/url] to my personal story thread, or check out any dragons' bio on the first page of my lair. Examples also given below! Don't worry about pinging me when posting, because [b]I'm subscribed to the thread[/b]. Thank you for your time and interest![/center] [center][img][/img][/center] [center][size=7][color=lime][font=Mistral]Rates[/font][/color][/size][/center] (Note: all examples taken from my lair) [quote][center][b]Snippet[/b] (Short Personality) Loud, confident, and a little eccentric, Bayer is the 'old man' of the Clan, even if he doesn't bear the most years. He is traditionally a loner, having long-ago satisfied his need for adventure, but does appreciate the quiet company of other dragons. Though hatchlings are a little too loud for his taste, the Snapper has no problems voicing his own opinions. Loudly. Despite this, he is good friends with Stormbringer and the Clan's best (if only) smith. He is known for spending days at a time working his forge, with only his familiar for company. [b]Price:[/b] 15kt or 20g[/center][/quote] [center][quote][b]Short Bio[/b] (Little Personality, Little History) Wildheart came to the Clan of the Crosswinds as an orphan, owning nothing but a ragged bandanna. She knew many useful skills, having hatched in a clan of merchants and craftsmen, and soon put them to work in her new home. Wildheart's hand-made tools and furniture sell well at the markets, and her specialty kites disappear faster than she can make them. However, she has a habit of completely submerging herself in her work, and will often forget to eat or sleep when in the middle of a project. Though a talented crafter, the Wildclaw can also be a bit of a scatterbrain, as attested to in her personal appearance. Her personal lair is cluttered with items, both expected and random, with hardly enough space for the dragon herself. Much to others' annoyance, she is constantly pilfering the hoard for new and interesting items, and will often leave things in quite the disarray. Her personal favorite trinkets are scraps of cloth and lost battle items. [b]Price:[/b]20kt or 25g[/center][/quote] [center][quote][b]Medium Bio[/b] (More In-depth History and Personality) Born under the darkening sky of an approaching storm, Morgana is a living omen of rough seas. Her birth clan resides on the edge of the Sea of a Thousand Currents, just inside of Wind territory. The young guardian felt the tug of her Search early in life, and set off the discover where it might be. She traveled far across all of Sorineth, from the reached of Dragonhome to the southernmost tip of the Southern Icefield, and encountered many different clans and dragons. However, it wasn't until journeying back through the Windswept Plateau that Morgana found her charge - and not quiet in the way she expected. Caught in a violent storm from the Twisting Crescendo, the travel-weary guardian crash-landed on the territory of a small clan. They received a lot of visitors in this manner, and tended to her like any other. In her recovery, Morgana realized an absence of her constant urge to Search. It was after conferring with a local guardian that she adopted the clan and its territory as her charge, and took up permanent residence. Though young, Morgana is wise beyond her years. Her travels on her Search granted a surprising amount of life experience to the guardian, and she can often be found having deep conversations about such things with Stormbringer. The two have bonded over their mutual travel experience; it wasn't long after her arrival that Morgana became another unofficial daughter to the leader. Although she is slow to trust others, she is a powerful and loyal companion to those she's opened up to, and takes her duties as head of the Home Guard very seriously. [b]Price:[/b] 30kt or 35g[/center][/quote] [center][quote][b]Long Bio[/b] (Significant History, Personality, and Job) Kunto hails from a nomadic clan, hatched in the confines of the Tanglewood but living most of her life in the hot, dry climates of the Shifting Expanse and Ashfall Waste. The young tundra adapted well to the heat, growing shorter fur and almost no winter coat, and enjoyed the constantly changing scenery immensely. However, not all was quite so well - Kunto's birth clan was only nomadic because they were forced out of anywhere they tried to settle. The clan was a violent one, known for practicing dangerous rituals, live sacrifices, and constantly fighting over leadership. A gentle soul who would rather grow than destroy, the young tundra struggled to survive. It was upon the border of the Ashfall Waste and Windswept Plateau that Kunto's fate was decided. Forced into battle by a strong-willed father, the peaceful youngling fell quickly under her enemy's claws. She was left for dead as her clan fled for another temporary home. But that was not the end of her story - no, rather just the beginning. For, carrying a message overhead, a black tundra was drawn to the site by the scent of blood and sense of powerful magic. At first glance, it looked like quite the massacre - many bodies lay slumped and bloody, slowly consumed by lava or decaying in their own right. Yet an odd feeling permeated the air - the feeling of life magic. Though just a beginning mage, Storm Jr. was able to follow the feeling to the sad form of a small, underfed little tundra who appeared to the whole world, dead. Yet the life magic was too strong for a dead dragon, and it was with some difficulty that Storm detected a hint of a heartbeat, a little fluttering of life in an almost-dead cage. Forgetting the message, she dragged the sorry lump of fur home to Yada, praying to the Windsinger for a miracle. It took time for Kunto, growing up in a violent clan, to learn the gentle side of the world. But by the time of her arrival, Kaen had lived in the clan for some time, and the two bonded well over traumatic pasts and promising futures. However, her real savior was Storm Jr. An apprentice-turned-suddenly-master, Storm Jr. took on Kunto in an apprentice/little sister role. Her wind magery quickly proved too small for Kunto's massive gift of life-bringing magic, grown even larger since her rescue from the violent confines of her birth clan. But the younger tundra denied her mentor's offer of battle training in favor of Yada's rare offer for tutelage in the healing arts. Her gentle touch and keen eye were perfect for treating all sorts of maladies. However, Kunto's real gift lies in her plants. It was Yada who first showed her how. Plant the seed, give a little water, and wait. The plant would come up in its own time, when it was ready to bestow its beauty or life-giving abilities on the world. Eager to try the skill for herself, Kunto experimentally planted a few hardy herbs. The ground exploded over the next few days, as if each plant wanted to be the first to offer her its skills. They flourished in her presence, almost visibly growing taller and stronger. More seeds yielded the same results; normally picky plants prospered under her gentle talon, herbs seemed to increase in potency, fruits and vegetables flourished, and even flowers became more vibrant when she walked on by. More than delighted, Kunto began tending her garden full-time. A gentle soul, the young tundra detests violence even more than Yada. Which may make her friendship to Kaen seem odd to onlookers, but those in the clan know. She is ever the optimist, and can often be found speaking enthusiastically to Storm or Kaen about a new cross-bred berry or sprouting herb. [b]Price:[/b] 50kt or 60g[/center][/quote] [quote][center][b]Grab Bag[/b] (Varies) Short, Medium, Long, or other bio! Length varies directly to my inspiration and grasp on the character of the dragon given. Try your luck! [b]Price:[/b] 15kt or 20g[/center][/quote] [quote][center][b]Story[/b] (500 < words) New addition! I've been commissioned for stories recently, so this makes it an official option. Just ask for a story, and we can message about the details. :) Stories should primarily be about FR, but I can make some exceptions. [b]Price:[/b] 50kt per 500 words[/center][/quote] [center][img][/img][/center] [center][size=7][color=lime][font=Mistral]Slots[/font][/color][/size][/center] 1. 2. 3. JaxnGrey | Short Story 4. NanoRaptor | Grab Bag 5. CLOSED SLOT
windanim1.gifAdventure's Lair of Lore windanim1.gif
Hello, and welcome to the Lair of Lore! This is just a small shop, designed to help me fund my overly-ambitious gene and dragon projects. For examples of my work, you can go HERE to my personal story thread, or check out any dragons' bio on the first page of my lair. Examples also given below! Don't worry about pinging me when posting, because I'm subscribed to the thread.

Thank you for your time and interest!


(Note: all examples taken from my lair)
(Short Personality)
Loud, confident, and a little eccentric, Bayer is the 'old man' of the Clan, even if he doesn't bear the most years. He is traditionally a loner, having long-ago satisfied his need for adventure, but does appreciate the quiet company of other dragons. Though hatchlings are a little too loud for his taste, the Snapper has no problems voicing his own opinions. Loudly. Despite this, he is good friends with Stormbringer and the Clan's best (if only) smith. He is known for spending days at a time working his forge, with only his familiar for company.

Price: 15kt or 20g

Short Bio
(Little Personality, Little History)
Wildheart came to the Clan of the Crosswinds as an orphan, owning nothing but a ragged bandanna. She knew many useful skills, having hatched in a clan of merchants and craftsmen, and soon put them to work in her new home. Wildheart's hand-made tools and furniture sell well at the markets, and her specialty kites disappear faster than she can make them. However, she has a habit of completely submerging herself in her work, and will often forget to eat or sleep when in the middle of a project.

Though a talented crafter, the Wildclaw can also be a bit of a scatterbrain, as attested to in her personal appearance. Her personal lair is cluttered with items, both expected and random, with hardly enough space for the dragon herself. Much to others' annoyance, she is constantly pilfering the hoard for new and interesting items, and will often leave things in quite the disarray. Her personal favorite trinkets are scraps of cloth and lost battle items.

Price:20kt or 25g

Medium Bio
(More In-depth History and Personality)
Born under the darkening sky of an approaching storm, Morgana is a living omen of rough seas. Her birth clan resides on the edge of the Sea of a Thousand Currents, just inside of Wind territory. The young guardian felt the tug of her Search early in life, and set off the discover where it might be.

She traveled far across all of Sorineth, from the reached of Dragonhome to the southernmost tip of the Southern Icefield, and encountered many different clans and dragons. However, it wasn't until journeying back through the Windswept Plateau that Morgana found her charge - and not quiet in the way she expected.

Caught in a violent storm from the Twisting Crescendo, the travel-weary guardian crash-landed on the territory of a small clan. They received a lot of visitors in this manner, and tended to her like any other. In her recovery, Morgana realized an absence of her constant urge to Search. It was after conferring with a local guardian that she adopted the clan and its territory as her charge, and took up permanent residence.

Though young, Morgana is wise beyond her years. Her travels on her Search granted a surprising amount of life experience to the guardian, and she can often be found having deep conversations about such things with Stormbringer. The two have bonded over their mutual travel experience; it wasn't long after her arrival that Morgana became another unofficial daughter to the leader. Although she is slow to trust others, she is a powerful and loyal companion to those she's opened up to, and takes her duties as head of the Home Guard very seriously.

Price: 30kt or 35g

Long Bio
(Significant History, Personality, and Job)
Kunto hails from a nomadic clan, hatched in the confines of the Tanglewood but living most of her life in the hot, dry climates of the Shifting Expanse and Ashfall Waste. The young tundra adapted well to the heat, growing shorter fur and almost no winter coat, and enjoyed the constantly changing scenery immensely.

However, not all was quite so well - Kunto's birth clan was only nomadic because they were forced out of anywhere they tried to settle. The clan was a violent one, known for practicing dangerous rituals, live sacrifices, and constantly fighting over leadership. A gentle soul who would rather grow than destroy, the young tundra struggled to survive.

It was upon the border of the Ashfall Waste and Windswept Plateau that Kunto's fate was decided. Forced into battle by a strong-willed father, the peaceful youngling fell quickly under her enemy's claws. She was left for dead as her clan fled for another temporary home. But that was not the end of her story - no, rather just the beginning. For, carrying a message overhead, a black tundra was drawn to the site by the scent of blood and sense of powerful magic.

At first glance, it looked like quite the massacre - many bodies lay slumped and bloody, slowly consumed by lava or decaying in their own right. Yet an odd feeling permeated the air - the feeling of life magic. Though just a beginning mage, Storm Jr. was able to follow the feeling to the sad form of a small, underfed little tundra who appeared to the whole world, dead.

Yet the life magic was too strong for a dead dragon, and it was with some difficulty that Storm detected a hint of a heartbeat, a little fluttering of life in an almost-dead cage. Forgetting the message, she dragged the sorry lump of fur home to Yada, praying to the Windsinger for a miracle.

It took time for Kunto, growing up in a violent clan, to learn the gentle side of the world. But by the time of her arrival, Kaen had lived in the clan for some time, and the two bonded well over traumatic pasts and promising futures. However, her real savior was Storm Jr.

An apprentice-turned-suddenly-master, Storm Jr. took on Kunto in an apprentice/little sister role. Her wind magery quickly proved too small for Kunto's massive gift of life-bringing magic, grown even larger since her rescue from the violent confines of her birth clan. But the younger tundra denied her mentor's offer of battle training in favor of Yada's rare offer for tutelage in the healing arts. Her gentle touch and keen eye were perfect for treating all sorts of maladies. However, Kunto's real gift lies in her plants.

It was Yada who first showed her how. Plant the seed, give a little water, and wait. The plant would come up in its own time, when it was ready to bestow its beauty or life-giving abilities on the world. Eager to try the skill for herself, Kunto experimentally planted a few hardy herbs.

The ground exploded over the next few days, as if each plant wanted to be the first to offer her its skills. They flourished in her presence, almost visibly growing taller and stronger. More seeds yielded the same results; normally picky plants prospered under her gentle talon, herbs seemed to increase in potency, fruits and vegetables flourished, and even flowers became more vibrant when she walked on by. More than delighted, Kunto began tending her garden full-time.

A gentle soul, the young tundra detests violence even more than Yada. Which may make her friendship to Kaen seem odd to onlookers, but those in the clan know. She is ever the optimist, and can often be found speaking enthusiastically to Storm or Kaen about a new cross-bred berry or sprouting herb.

Price: 50kt or 60g

Grab Bag
Short, Medium, Long, or other bio! Length varies directly to my inspiration and grasp on the character of the dragon given. Try your luck!
Price: 15kt or 20g

(500 < words)
New addition! I've been commissioned for stories recently, so this makes it an official option. Just ask for a story, and we can message about the details. :) Stories should primarily be about FR, but I can make some exceptions.
Price: 50kt per 500 words



3. JaxnGrey | Short Story
4. NanoRaptor | Grab Bag
We're now open!
We're now open!
@AdventureChaser [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [b]Grab Bag[/b] her whole clan was wiped out, and destroyed by fire that was started near a clan during a war. she ran... like some of the others. the rest where killed. her clan leader waited in the remains, knowing she would be killed. Pearl tried to convince her to run too, but she only responded that a leader never runs from their clan. Pearl runs... only to find herself in the VoltSpire clan. she makes a deal with Tordin (in lore, Tordin is adult). Pearl asks for her leader back... and Tordin will get her back... for a price. Tordin lives in her own cave that is pitch dark. bones scatter the floor, and Tordin pauses to cough in mid-sentence often. Tordin is the Plague representative, and her charge is a wolf skull. i want most the lore to be about the deal they make... and making deals with Tordin is sketchy. if you have questions... ask me! my lair is exploding with lore! when should i pay you?


Grab Bag

her whole clan was wiped out, and destroyed by fire that was started near a clan during a war. she ran... like some of the others. the rest where killed. her clan leader waited in the remains, knowing she would be killed. Pearl tried to convince her to run too, but she only responded that a leader never runs from their clan. Pearl runs... only to find herself in the VoltSpire clan. she makes a deal with Tordin (in lore, Tordin is adult). Pearl asks for her leader back... and Tordin will get her back... for a price. Tordin lives in her own cave that is pitch dark. bones scatter the floor, and Tordin pauses to cough in mid-sentence often. Tordin is the Plague representative, and her charge is a wolf skull.
i want most the lore to be about the deal they make... and making deals with Tordin is sketchy.

if you have questions... ask me! my lair is exploding with lore!

when should i pay you?
It's just gen historical
hetalia fanfic, mostly
oneshots. Pretty much
exclusively about England.
Please send me Turtles
@AdventureChaser I'd like to get long bios for these guys, please! [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [url=] [img][/img] [/url]
@AdventureChaser I'd like to get long bios for these guys, please!


@AdventureChaser [b]Sansana[/b] [img][/img] [b]Saffron [/b] [img][/img] [b]2x Grab Bag[/b] They both have quite bit in their bios about them. (and the clan has broken pieces of lore through out the first page dragons) Sansana was a lonely girl who left stranded at night in forest. She lived there for sometime until she was found by the clan leaders. Nature had taught her the value of life and she decided to devote herself to bring peace to others and become and ambassador between clans. She bubbly and cheerful and gets along with everyone . She may seem silly or immature at times but honestly she can turn stern and serious in seconds. Highly respected and is a part of the council. Her best friend(and crush) is Saffron and she loves to mess with him all the time. Saffron is quite the intelligent dragon loves to write stories and listen lovely music. And can be very hipster with his clothing taste. He's softspoken and doesn't talk much unless need too. He owns a nice little coffee shop that he runs all by himself with his cat Malcolm. He serves all types of delicacies from sweets to sandwiches and homemade things. Overtime he has allowed a few to help him when things get busy. Saffron is so nice and friendly that other clans from all over visit him. Despite this he keeps to himself and only has a few friends like Roslyn or Sansana. He's dislike confrontation and doesn't care for travel. He usually just lounge around the shop writing on his typewriter creating folks and legends


2x Grab Bag

They both have quite bit in their bios about them. (and the clan has broken pieces of lore through out the first page dragons)

Sansana was a lonely girl who left stranded at night in forest. She lived there for sometime until she was found by the clan leaders. Nature had taught her the value of life and she decided to devote herself to bring peace to others and become and ambassador between clans. She bubbly and cheerful and gets along with everyone . She may seem silly or immature at times but honestly she can turn stern and serious in seconds. Highly respected and is a part of the council. Her best friend(and crush) is Saffron and she loves to mess with him all the time.

Saffron is quite the intelligent dragon loves to write stories and listen lovely music. And can be very hipster with his clothing taste. He's softspoken and doesn't talk much unless need too. He owns a nice little coffee shop that he runs all by himself with his cat Malcolm. He serves all types of delicacies from sweets to sandwiches and homemade things. Overtime he has allowed a few to help him when things get busy. Saffron is so nice and friendly that other clans from all over visit him. Despite this he keeps to himself and only has a few friends like Roslyn or Sansana. He's dislike confrontation and doesn't care for travel. He usually just lounge around the shop writing on his typewriter creating folks and legends

Do you have any slots open still?

Do you have any slots open still?
Check out the Sales tab in my lair! It's full of gen 1s!

Water my plants?
@HerdOfTurtles @Maike @EpikBri

You've been added to the first post! I'll start working right away. :) I expect payment after services have been completed, cause I don't want to take your money then never finish.


Currently, all of the slots are full (wow!), but one should be opening up fairly quickly today. I'll ping you when it does! From the looks of your signature, we can do some great business!
@HerdOfTurtles @Maike @EpikBri

You've been added to the first post! I'll start working right away. :) I expect payment after services have been completed, cause I don't want to take your money then never finish.


Currently, all of the slots are full (wow!), but one should be opening up fairly quickly today. I'll ping you when it does! From the looks of your signature, we can do some great business!
@HerdofTurtles Your grab bag is done! I made a short couple of paragraphs for a bio, but also kind of got carried away in story mode. So here's both! [s]Bonuses are always appreciated[/s] I really enjoyed writing up the story! I poked around your clan, and it has some great lore! I love the idea of a clan's Echo... [quote][b]Short Bio[/b] Pearl was born of war and strife. Her birth clan burned to the ground in war, taking her leader with it. Many of her pack members died in battle. She herself fled, betraying the code of the pack and striking out alone. It was not a wise choice. Filled with desperation over the death of her leader, the young mirror sought out the Plague Representative of VoltSpire Clan. Tordin was reputed with abilities of the impossible: raising the dead, cursing your foes, enchanting your heart’s greatest desire. But every deal came with a price. In the end, Pearl broke the bone. She accepted the price for her leader’s life. What toll that would take on reality, though...That remains to be seen. [/quote] [quote][b]Story[/b] The cave was dark and dank, filled with the stench of decay and betrayal. A few bones scattered the entrance, mutated and unidentifiable. Even for a mirror, the place was uncomfortably disease-ridden. Not for the first time, she pondered going back. Leaving this strange clan and its strange beliefs, and letting herself die in the ashes of her home. Next to her leader, where she was supposed to be. But if both of them could walk of there alive… It was risky. Even as the pearly mirror padded into the dark, she knew it was risky. This particular dragon she was going to consult had a reputation for shifty deals. Even more, she was native to the Scarred Wasteland, and the Plaguebringer who ruled there. What would she say to going against her deity’s beliefs, defying death to resurrect one long gone? Yet if anyone could do it, it was Tordin. A fit of hacking coughs spewed from the pitch dark of the cave, starting the mirror. She stumbled back, only to catch one foot on the remains of something large and dead and fall completely. A low chuckle filled the cave, husky and rough. Pearl’s extra pair of eyes narrowed, detecting heat where her normal eyes could not. Yes, the heat of a dragon’s form. And a very large form; easily big enough to be a guardian. Creeping closer, the mirror bowed slightly, unsure of what to say. “What do you seek, traveler? Yes, I know you are not from here. Not this cl-” The larger dragon broke off mid-sentence with the same hacking cough. “Ah. Ahem. I repeat my question? What do you seek?” The cave fell silent, Pearl scrambling to assemble her request. How did one ask for the impossible? “Right. Um, yes. I seek your help. My clan leader is dead; I need her alive.” The guardian coughed some more, though it may have sounded like a laugh to anyone listening closely. Her enormous tail swept across the dry floor, scattering unseen bones. “A task of the highest caliber! I can do it, but no deal comes without a price.” She shuffled around, finally grabbing a medium-sized bone from the surrounding piles. “Price?” The incandescent mirror squared her shoulders, struggling to keep the fear from her voice. “Yes. Give me your life in exchange. A life for a life.” Tordin offered out the bone, but Pearl stepped back. “No. We [i]both[/i] need to be alive!” Now her voice did break, shaking out the last sentence. “Hmph. Very well. Bring me three sacrifices, then. One for body, one for mind, one for soul. All must be alive. Do we have a deal?” She offered the bone again, and this time the smaller mirror took it. She hesitated, glancing down to where the pearly white object was just barely visible in her talons, the same incandescent color of her hide. Was that a coincidence? “Yes.” Jaw set, Pearl grasped the bone tightly, and snapped it. [i]Something[/i] flooded the air - she couldn’t describe what - and Tordin nodded. “I expect the sacrifices in two days. Do not delay.” [/quote] @Tsuni A slot is now open if you'd like to claim it!

Your grab bag is done! I made a short couple of paragraphs for a bio, but also kind of got carried away in story mode. So here's both! Bonuses are always appreciated

I really enjoyed writing up the story! I poked around your clan, and it has some great lore! I love the idea of a clan's Echo...
Short Bio

Pearl was born of war and strife. Her birth clan burned to the ground in war, taking her leader with it. Many of her pack members died in battle. She herself fled, betraying the code of the pack and striking out alone. It was not a wise choice.

Filled with desperation over the death of her leader, the young mirror sought out the Plague Representative of VoltSpire Clan. Tordin was reputed with abilities of the impossible: raising the dead, cursing your foes, enchanting your heart’s greatest desire. But every deal came with a price.

In the end, Pearl broke the bone. She accepted the price for her leader’s life. What toll that would take on reality, though...That remains to be seen.


The cave was dark and dank, filled with the stench of decay and betrayal. A few bones scattered the entrance, mutated and unidentifiable. Even for a mirror, the place was uncomfortably disease-ridden.

Not for the first time, she pondered going back. Leaving this strange clan and its strange beliefs, and letting herself die in the ashes of her home. Next to her leader, where she was supposed to be. But if both of them could walk of there alive…

It was risky. Even as the pearly mirror padded into the dark, she knew it was risky. This particular dragon she was going to consult had a reputation for shifty deals. Even more, she was native to the Scarred Wasteland, and the Plaguebringer who ruled there. What would she say to going against her deity’s beliefs, defying death to resurrect one long gone?

Yet if anyone could do it, it was Tordin.

A fit of hacking coughs spewed from the pitch dark of the cave, starting the mirror. She stumbled back, only to catch one foot on the remains of something large and dead and fall completely. A low chuckle filled the cave, husky and rough.

Pearl’s extra pair of eyes narrowed, detecting heat where her normal eyes could not. Yes, the heat of a dragon’s form. And a very large form; easily big enough to be a guardian. Creeping closer, the mirror bowed slightly, unsure of what to say.

“What do you seek, traveler? Yes, I know you are not from here. Not this cl-” The larger dragon broke off mid-sentence with the same hacking cough. “Ah. Ahem. I repeat my question? What do you seek?”

The cave fell silent, Pearl scrambling to assemble her request. How did one ask for the impossible?

“Right. Um, yes. I seek your help. My clan leader is dead; I need her alive.”

The guardian coughed some more, though it may have sounded like a laugh to anyone listening closely. Her enormous tail swept across the dry floor, scattering unseen bones.

“A task of the highest caliber! I can do it, but no deal comes without a price.” She shuffled around, finally grabbing a medium-sized bone from the surrounding piles.

“Price?” The incandescent mirror squared her shoulders, struggling to keep the fear from her voice.
“Yes. Give me your life in exchange. A life for a life.” Tordin offered out the bone, but Pearl stepped back.

“No. We both need to be alive!” Now her voice did break, shaking out the last sentence.

“Hmph. Very well. Bring me three sacrifices, then. One for body, one for mind, one for soul. All must be alive. Do we have a deal?” She offered the bone again, and this time the smaller mirror took it. She hesitated, glancing down to where the pearly white object was just barely visible in her talons, the same incandescent color of her hide. Was that a coincidence?

“Yes.” Jaw set, Pearl grasped the bone tightly, and snapped it. Something flooded the air - she couldn’t describe what - and Tordin nodded.

“I expect the sacrifices in two days. Do not delay.”

A slot is now open if you'd like to claim it!
@Maike Here are your long bios! I hope they're to your satisfaction. If not, feel free to say so! I'll gladly alter anything to fit what you're looking for. :) [quote][center][b]Maike[/b] No dragon really knows how Maike, in all his present glory and strength, came to be. Some storytellers swear to the Stormcatcher that he was born of a Storm Shade. Others hold their own oath, that he came from a subclass of very powerful dragons known as Elves. Still more testify that the grim pearlcatcher was never a hatchling at all, but came forth from his egg fully grown and ready for battle. Whatever the truth may be, they are undisputed on a single point: he is to be feared. Most stories hold that the proud warrior hails from the Shifting Expanse, and that is hard to deny. His steely blue eyes are a living testament to it. His reputation as a warrior and commander is likewise respected, though exact figures range from small skirmishes to the single-handed defeat of an entire army. But any adversary who goes up against him can testify: his blade is almost as sharp as his gaze. Honed against hundreds of enemies, Maike is a feared warrior and strategist throughout all of Sorinieth. Why did such a feared warrior leave his birthplace? Why did he abandon the rule of the Stormcatcher? No one can agree. Was it the result of a massive battle? Banishment from the Boss himself? Did he leave willingly, searching for a better fight to fight? If so, he found one. There is no better fight than the fight for survival, and the hardest fight for survival is found in the Scarred Wasteland. After leaving his birthplace, Maike carved out a place for himself among the deadly landscape. He may have intended to live alone. It’s difficult, but not uncommon, to see battle-hardened loners taking on survival by themselves. But for whatever reason, fate did not decree a life in solitary. Dragons came. From all walks of life, they came. One of the first was a lost pearlcatcher, native to the land, Axius. And then another pearlcatcher. And another. Before he could really realize it, Maike was in command of his own battalion of pearlcatchers. And other dragons, other species came, but it was always the pearlcatchers who found him first. Always a group of his own kind, ready to fight and die with him on the battlefield of life. Now, Maike had lead on a real battlefield before. But leading a clan of dragons...That was different. They were not warriors with the sole objective of victory. They were normal individuals, with their own hopes, dreams, lives. It took practice to treat them as such, and he never quiet got the hang of it. The old pearlcatcher’s heard would always belong on the battlefield. But, however slowly, he learned. And Maike is still learning. As time evolves, so does life. There are still battles, fights against death or foes in which he continually proves his worth. But they do not encompass all of life. Because, despite how he has tried to avoid it, he has a clan. He has a family. [/center][/quote] [center][quote][b]Axius[/b] What is a guardian without a charge? What is a mirror without a pack, without a hunt? What is a coatl without feathers? What is a pearlcatcher without the one thing that matters most, the root of their name and purpose? What is a pearlcatcher without a pearl? Some would argue, nothing at all. It is impossible. Pearlcatchers always have pearls, and if they don’t, they die. But can they have a pearl that isn’t a pearl at all? No one truly knows how Axius lost his pearl, and he has never come forward about the true circumstances. Did he swallow his shell, and fail to create one inside? Was he prevented from even swallowing his shell? Was it a blessing, or a curse? Whatever the cause, many theories hold that [i]something[/i] catalyzed the problem. And that something was Arcane magic. In the egg, something happened. Axius was exposed to a great amount of arcane power, though no dragon really knows how. Theories range from meteor showers to the Arcanist himself, but the end result is the same: when the young pearlcatcher hatched, he did not have a pearl. He was something new. Without a pearl, the young dragon was shunned from his own kind. He struck out on his own, following the magic within him. His plague heritage, usually so hot-blooded and physical, was submerged under the powerful magics of the Arcanist. And whatever the purpose of these magics, they guided and shaped his entire life. When still a hatchling, it was the magic that kept him alive. The Scarred Wasteland is no place for a lone dragon, hatchling or otherwise. And when he searched for acceptance, a way to fit in with his own kind, the magic granted him a pearl in the form of a meteor. He added memories and magic into the foreign orb, creating something of the highest magical calibr. And when he searched for a clan, for guidance, for something to live for? The magic brought him to Maike. It wasn’t easy to find him. The blue pearlcatcher - a true pearlcatcher - was constantly moving, unaware of the young dragon trailing him. Without the magic, Axius surely would’ve died. As was, he nearly did so when Maike caught on to his presence. And once again, it was the magic that saved his life. Maike has taught his pearl-less friend many things. How to be tough on the outside, unmovable as a rock. How to fight when he needs to, and be diplomatic when the situation calls. And in turn, Axius has given the favor back. He has taught compassion to the battle-hardened leader; how to listen and help, how to know what to say in crisis and fear. He has shared his limited knowledge of magic with the clan. And, in turn, the clan has accepted him. Pearl or no. [/center][/quote]

Here are your long bios! I hope they're to your satisfaction. If not, feel free to say so! I'll gladly alter anything to fit what you're looking for. :)


No dragon really knows how Maike, in all his present glory and strength, came to be. Some storytellers swear to the Stormcatcher that he was born of a Storm Shade. Others hold their own oath, that he came from a subclass of very powerful dragons known as Elves. Still more testify that the grim pearlcatcher was never a hatchling at all, but came forth from his egg fully grown and ready for battle. Whatever the truth may be, they are undisputed on a single point: he is to be feared.

Most stories hold that the proud warrior hails from the Shifting Expanse, and that is hard to deny. His steely blue eyes are a living testament to it. His reputation as a warrior and commander is likewise respected, though exact figures range from small skirmishes to the single-handed defeat of an entire army. But any adversary who goes up against him can testify: his blade is almost as sharp as his gaze. Honed against hundreds of enemies, Maike is a feared warrior and strategist throughout all of Sorinieth.

Why did such a feared warrior leave his birthplace? Why did he abandon the rule of the Stormcatcher? No one can agree. Was it the result of a massive battle? Banishment from the Boss himself? Did he leave willingly, searching for a better fight to fight?

If so, he found one. There is no better fight than the fight for survival, and the hardest fight for survival is found in the Scarred Wasteland. After leaving his birthplace, Maike carved out a place for himself among the deadly landscape.

He may have intended to live alone. It’s difficult, but not uncommon, to see battle-hardened loners taking on survival by themselves. But for whatever reason, fate did not decree a life in solitary.

Dragons came. From all walks of life, they came. One of the first was a lost pearlcatcher, native to the land, Axius. And then another pearlcatcher. And another. Before he could really realize it, Maike was in command of his own battalion of pearlcatchers. And other dragons, other species came, but it was always the pearlcatchers who found him first. Always a group of his own kind, ready to fight and die with him on the battlefield of life.

Now, Maike had lead on a real battlefield before. But leading a clan of dragons...That was different. They were not warriors with the sole objective of victory. They were normal individuals, with their own hopes, dreams, lives. It took practice to treat them as such, and he never quiet got the hang of it. The old pearlcatcher’s heard would always belong on the battlefield. But, however slowly, he learned.

And Maike is still learning. As time evolves, so does life. There are still battles, fights against death or foes in which he continually proves his worth. But they do not encompass all of life. Because, despite how he has tried to avoid it, he has a clan. He has a family.


What is a guardian without a charge? What is a mirror without a pack, without a hunt? What is a coatl without feathers?

What is a pearlcatcher without the one thing that matters most, the root of their name and purpose?

What is a pearlcatcher without a pearl?

Some would argue, nothing at all. It is impossible. Pearlcatchers always have pearls, and if they don’t, they die. But can they have a pearl that isn’t a pearl at all?

No one truly knows how Axius lost his pearl, and he has never come forward about the true circumstances. Did he swallow his shell, and fail to create one inside? Was he prevented from even swallowing his shell? Was it a blessing, or a curse? Whatever the cause, many theories hold that something catalyzed the problem. And that something was Arcane magic.

In the egg, something happened. Axius was exposed to a great amount of arcane power, though no dragon really knows how. Theories range from meteor showers to the Arcanist himself, but the end result is the same: when the young pearlcatcher hatched, he did not have a pearl. He was something new.

Without a pearl, the young dragon was shunned from his own kind. He struck out on his own, following the magic within him. His plague heritage, usually so hot-blooded and physical, was submerged under the powerful magics of the Arcanist. And whatever the purpose of these magics, they guided and shaped his entire life.

When still a hatchling, it was the magic that kept him alive. The Scarred Wasteland is no place for a lone dragon, hatchling or otherwise. And when he searched for acceptance, a way to fit in with his own kind, the magic granted him a pearl in the form of a meteor. He added memories and magic into the foreign orb, creating something of the highest magical calibr.

And when he searched for a clan, for guidance, for something to live for? The magic brought him to Maike.

It wasn’t easy to find him. The blue pearlcatcher - a true pearlcatcher - was constantly moving, unaware of the young dragon trailing him. Without the magic, Axius surely would’ve died. As was, he nearly did so when Maike caught on to his presence. And once again, it was the magic that saved his life.

Maike has taught his pearl-less friend many things. How to be tough on the outside, unmovable as a rock. How to fight when he needs to, and be diplomatic when the situation calls. And in turn, Axius has given the favor back. He has taught compassion to the battle-hardened leader; how to listen and help, how to know what to say in crisis and fear. He has shared his limited knowledge of magic with the clan.

And, in turn, the clan has accepted him. Pearl or no.

Can you ping me when you open up again?

Can you ping me when you open up again?
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