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TOPIC | > Lost Fortunes < Tarot + Lore [hiatus]
[center][img][/img] [/center] [b]Updates: I'm moving this week so all my decks are packed away. I should be able to open shop back up by Monday at the latest. I'll have a new oracle deck to add as well on an experimental basis (limited lore readings at cheap prices).[/b] [center][url=] [img][/img] [/url] [i]You don't remember why you're traveling through the Shrieking Wilds at night, but that's what you seem to be doing. The trees surrounding you form an intimidating maze in the daylight. Now in the dark they take on an even more terrifying presence. The background shrieks and songs that fill the air when the sun is up have ceased and an eerie silence covers the wilds like a pile of winter furs. An alien cry or startled rustle break the tension every once in a while, but they only seems to magnify the silence that returns. Every now and then you stop and consider just going home. Why are you even out here right now? How far have you traveled? For how long? Then you see it again. The strange blue light between the trees just ahead. The sense of desire, of thirst, fills your throat. You move towards the light and keep going even when it disappears. It's only when you've finally convinced yourself that you've lost your mind and you'll never leave these cursed woods that you see them. A dark, shimmering pearlcatcher cloaked in webs and bones and a brightly luminescent nocturne waiting for you in the shade of a juniper tree. "Welcome traveler," rasps the pearlcatcher, "you've finally arrived to the between." The nocturne hanging besides her chirps in amusement and you realize he was the light you'd been following through the woods. The clinking of bones draws your attention back to the female. "You are here to ask your question traveler. The payment has already been decided." You notice that you are clutching a darkened jar in your claws that wasn't there before. Hesitantly you hold it out wondering if the strange object was what she referred to. She nods and accepts it with a flash of teeth. You assume it was a smile. "Now, ask." [/center]

Updates: I'm moving this week so all my decks are packed away. I should be able to open shop back up by Monday at the latest. I'll have a new oracle deck to add as well on an experimental basis (limited lore readings at cheap prices).


You don't remember why you're traveling through the Shrieking Wilds at night, but that's what you seem to be doing. The trees surrounding you form an intimidating maze in the daylight. Now in the dark they take on an even more terrifying presence. The background shrieks and songs that fill the air when the sun is up have ceased and an eerie silence covers the wilds like a pile of winter furs. An alien cry or startled rustle break the tension every once in a while, but they only seems to magnify the silence that returns.

Every now and then you stop and consider just going home. Why are you even out here right now? How far have you traveled? For how long? Then you see it again. The strange blue light between the trees just ahead. The sense of desire, of thirst, fills your throat. You move towards the light and keep going even when it disappears. It's only when you've finally convinced yourself that you've lost your mind and you'll never leave these cursed woods that you see them. A dark, shimmering pearlcatcher cloaked in webs and bones and a brightly luminescent nocturne waiting for you in the shade of a juniper tree.

"Welcome traveler," rasps the pearlcatcher, "you've finally arrived to the between." The nocturne hanging besides her chirps in amusement and you realize he was the light you'd been following through the woods. The clinking of bones draws your attention back to the female. "You are here to ask your question traveler. The payment has already been decided." You notice that you are clutching a darkened jar in your claws that wasn't there before. Hesitantly you hold it out wondering if the strange object was what she referred to. She nods and accepts it with a flash of teeth. You assume it was a smile.

"Now, ask."


What is tarot?
Tarot is a form of divination using a tarot card deck. How it works is I ask my deck a question that a customer wants answered. While focusing on the question I shuffle the deck until I feel it's time to start laying out the cards. They're laid out according to a spread decided upon when the customer ordered their reading. I read through the cards and interpret the answer based off a combination of the cards meanings, imagery, placement, and my own intuition.

Who are you as a diviner?
I'm a secular witch that's been reading tarot off and on for 10 years. These last 2 years I've really focused on regularly reading for myself and friends. Now I've reached a point where I feel comfortable reading for strangers, but not for real money just yet. Thus I'm opening up this shop to practice and grow as a diviner.

What kind of readings do you offer?
Currently I am offering two kinds of readings. Life readings are for FR members. For this kind of reading you will ask me about real life situations. These can be about school, work, relationships, or just general questions. Lore readings are for clans or dragons. These involve the same kind of questions and process as a life reading, but aren't real.

If lore readings aren't real what's their point?
Lore readings are meant to help you get ideas for backgrounds, personalities, and anything else you want to take from them. You could use them to decide what's next for your clan, start up a roleplay, incorporate them into an ongoing roleplay. Whatever you want really. I do ask that if you use the reading itself you credit me somehow. This is mostly if you directly reference or quote any part of the reading.

Is there anything I need to know before ordering?
  • I don't answer questions about death. I can not tell you how or when you will die.
  • I am not a medical professional. If you have health concerns you need to see a doctor. I can not answer those kinds of questions.
  • I will not answer questions about other people. Questions like, "What is he doing? What does she think of me? What will happen to this person," do not work and are not ethical. I will work with you to word the question another way so that it will work.

Feel free to ask me anything I did not answer for you.

What is tarot?
Tarot is a form of divination using a tarot card deck. How it works is I ask my deck a question that a customer wants answered. While focusing on the question I shuffle the deck until I feel it's time to start laying out the cards. They're laid out according to a spread decided upon when the customer ordered their reading. I read through the cards and interpret the answer based off a combination of the cards meanings, imagery, placement, and my own intuition.

Who are you as a diviner?
I'm a secular witch that's been reading tarot off and on for 10 years. These last 2 years I've really focused on regularly reading for myself and friends. Now I've reached a point where I feel comfortable reading for strangers, but not for real money just yet. Thus I'm opening up this shop to practice and grow as a diviner.

What kind of readings do you offer?
Currently I am offering two kinds of readings. Life readings are for FR members. For this kind of reading you will ask me about real life situations. These can be about school, work, relationships, or just general questions. Lore readings are for clans or dragons. These involve the same kind of questions and process as a life reading, but aren't real.

If lore readings aren't real what's their point?
Lore readings are meant to help you get ideas for backgrounds, personalities, and anything else you want to take from them. You could use them to decide what's next for your clan, start up a roleplay, incorporate them into an ongoing roleplay. Whatever you want really. I do ask that if you use the reading itself you credit me somehow. This is mostly if you directly reference or quote any part of the reading.

Is there anything I need to know before ordering?
  • I don't answer questions about death. I can not tell you how or when you will die.
  • I am not a medical professional. If you have health concerns you need to see a doctor. I can not answer those kinds of questions.
  • I will not answer questions about other people. Questions like, "What is he doing? What does she think of me? What will happen to this person," do not work and are not ethical. I will work with you to word the question another way so that it will work.

Feel free to ask me anything I did not answer for you.

As a rule of thumb I charge 5kt per card. Currently I offer spreads of 1, 3, 5, and 10 cards. If none of the spreads offered work for your question then you may ask me to help you develop a custom spread that will. Unless this spread uses more than 10 cards it will conform to the 5kt rule.

I do take gems. My gem to treasure ratio is currently 1:650. This may fluctuate now and then, but the price it was when you placed the order will be the price I give you.

  • During Flight Holidays the celebrating flight gets 50% off their final price.
  • Future sales and discounts will be placed here and in the updates on the first post.

To place an order simply ping me in this thread or PM me. Please include what sort of reading you would like, your question, and any deck or spread preference you have. If the nature of the question is too personal to post in the thread please be sure to send a PM. Once we settle what the exact question is and how many cards it should take to answer we'll confirm the price and payment. Once payment is settled I will place you on the list, and complete the order within a day or two.

There are only 5 slots for now because I want to be sure I can get everyone done in the two day period. Also readings take energy. Even the lore readings since I'm treating them as if they're real.
  1. Kaide

Waiting List

As a rule of thumb I charge 5kt per card. Currently I offer spreads of 1, 3, 5, and 10 cards. If none of the spreads offered work for your question then you may ask me to help you develop a custom spread that will. Unless this spread uses more than 10 cards it will conform to the 5kt rule.

I do take gems. My gem to treasure ratio is currently 1:650. This may fluctuate now and then, but the price it was when you placed the order will be the price I give you.

  • During Flight Holidays the celebrating flight gets 50% off their final price.
  • Future sales and discounts will be placed here and in the updates on the first post.

To place an order simply ping me in this thread or PM me. Please include what sort of reading you would like, your question, and any deck or spread preference you have. If the nature of the question is too personal to post in the thread please be sure to send a PM. Once we settle what the exact question is and how many cards it should take to answer we'll confirm the price and payment. Once payment is settled I will place you on the list, and complete the order within a day or two.

There are only 5 slots for now because I want to be sure I can get everyone done in the two day period. Also readings take energy. Even the lore readings since I'm treating them as if they're real.
  1. Kaide

Waiting List
Spreads and Decks

Decks I Offer
  • Wild Unknown Tarot My main deck currently. Not too blunt, but gives you honest answers when you need it. Simple in art, but full of animal symbolism.
  • Prisma Visions Tarot A very detailed deck. Tends to read optimistically for me. I suggest this if you need a boost in spirits.
  • Cosmos Tarot + Oracle Technically two decks that I read together. Based off the tarot, but not a traditional deck. Themed around the stars and planets. No personality yet.
  • Universal Fantasy Tarot A busy deck full of imagery. My most intuitive deck currently as it strays from traditional tarot meanings at times. The imagery makes me suggest it for lore decks, but any deck is fun for that.
  • Heart of Faerie Oracle Not a tarot deck, but I offer readings with it anyway. This deck fluctuates between twisted riddles of answers, and telling you harsh truths because it's a troll. Like the fae it's very tricky and temperamental. This deck puts a lot of focus on relationships and people.

Spreads Offered
Single Card Spread 5k treasure
Simple and short. This one card pull is ideal for simple questions or personality readings.

Three Card Spread 15k treasure
A very flexible spread. Useful in almost every situation. Can be used to answer past/present/future, problem/advice/outcome, etc. Most questions will only require this spread unless you are looking for specific influences or deeper answers. Also good if you want three connected personality traits for a dragon.

Five Card Spread 25k treasure
A good compare/contrast spread. Useful for coming to decisions or interpreting issues in a relationship. Can be flexible depending on the way you wish to ask your question.

Celtic Cross Spread 50k treasure
The most detailed spread I offer on a regular basis. Offers a very intense look at the situation past, present, and future. Your answer will be detailed and include any significant connections between the cards throughout the reading.
Spreads and Decks

Decks I Offer
  • Wild Unknown Tarot My main deck currently. Not too blunt, but gives you honest answers when you need it. Simple in art, but full of animal symbolism.
  • Prisma Visions Tarot A very detailed deck. Tends to read optimistically for me. I suggest this if you need a boost in spirits.
  • Cosmos Tarot + Oracle Technically two decks that I read together. Based off the tarot, but not a traditional deck. Themed around the stars and planets. No personality yet.
  • Universal Fantasy Tarot A busy deck full of imagery. My most intuitive deck currently as it strays from traditional tarot meanings at times. The imagery makes me suggest it for lore decks, but any deck is fun for that.
  • Heart of Faerie Oracle Not a tarot deck, but I offer readings with it anyway. This deck fluctuates between twisted riddles of answers, and telling you harsh truths because it's a troll. Like the fae it's very tricky and temperamental. This deck puts a lot of focus on relationships and people.

Spreads Offered
Single Card Spread 5k treasure
Simple and short. This one card pull is ideal for simple questions or personality readings.

Three Card Spread 15k treasure
A very flexible spread. Useful in almost every situation. Can be used to answer past/present/future, problem/advice/outcome, etc. Most questions will only require this spread unless you are looking for specific influences or deeper answers. Also good if you want three connected personality traits for a dragon.

Five Card Spread 25k treasure
A good compare/contrast spread. Useful for coming to decisions or interpreting issues in a relationship. Can be flexible depending on the way you wish to ask your question.

Celtic Cross Spread 50k treasure
The most detailed spread I offer on a regular basis. Offers a very intense look at the situation past, present, and future. Your answer will be detailed and include any significant connections between the cards throughout the reading.

  • Flight Spreads I want to develop a personal spread for each flight that revolves around that flight's personality and values. If other diviners wish to help me develop these I would be happy to allow others to offer them as well in return for the help.
  • New Spreads I also plan to develop spreads that focus on specific and frequent questions. These will come out periodically as I realize the demand for them.
  • Large Spreads Every now and then I will offer one or two deluxe readings. These may be readings with more than 10 cards. Some readings may use multiple decks at once. They will not be offered on a permanent basis and will cost more than the current price per card.

  • Flight Spreads I want to develop a personal spread for each flight that revolves around that flight's personality and values. If other diviners wish to help me develop these I would be happy to allow others to offer them as well in return for the help.
  • New Spreads I also plan to develop spreads that focus on specific and frequent questions. These will come out periodically as I realize the demand for them.
  • Large Spreads Every now and then I will offer one or two deluxe readings. These may be readings with more than 10 cards. Some readings may use multiple decks at once. They will not be offered on a permanent basis and will cost more than the current price per card.
[center][b][size=5]Affiliates[/size][/b] [url=][img][/img][/url] [size=2]Thanks to BMVagabond for the graphics.[/size] [url=][img][/img][/url] [/center]

Thanks to BMVagabond for the graphics.

(@chespin pinging myself to come back when I have money for lore readings)
(@chespin pinging myself to come back when I have money for lore readings)
@sootsprites Hello :D I would love to get a past/present/future-lore reading for Nerolint [url=] [img][/img] [/url] I am not sure which deck I am prefer I cannot decided between Heart of Faerie Oracle or Wild Unknown Tarot. What do you think would be better for a past/present/future lore reading?

Hello :D I would love to get a past/present/future-lore reading for Nerolint


I am not sure which deck I am prefer I cannot decided between Heart of Faerie Oracle or Wild Unknown Tarot. What do you think would be better for a past/present/future lore reading?

Either would work fine for that spread, but looking at his bio I think I'd suggest the wild unknown. It has brighter colors and is focused on nature. Not to mention it's more straightforward. Which he'd probably prefer since he likes to be thorough.

I can do the reading now since I'm still awake. To be clear you just want a general past/present/future spread?

Either would work fine for that spread, but looking at his bio I think I'd suggest the wild unknown. It has brighter colors and is focused on nature. Not to mention it's more straightforward. Which he'd probably prefer since he likes to be thorough.

I can do the reading now since I'm still awake. To be clear you just want a general past/present/future spread?