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TOPIC | Lunnoar's Tarot Shop [Open!]
[center][size=7]Now offering more than just tarot! See posts below for details.[/size] [img][/img] [url=][img][/img][/url] [i]As you push the rotted fabric of the curtain aside and enter the small space a Pearlcatcher is there to greet you. The scent of incense hangs thick in the air, so much so that the smoke clouds your vision and seems to have settled over all the bottles full of strange liquids and dried plants. It only barely covers the smell of decay, but in the Plague lands it is better than nothing. The Pearlcatcher beckons for you to sit down at a small table, where decks of cards wait for her to turn them over and read them for you if you will just tell her what it is you wish to know.[/i] [img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img] Welcome to Lunnoar's Tarot Shop. This lovely Pearlcatcher will read your future in the cards she has at her disposal, so long as you have the coin to pay. See the posts below, where Damia and Zelimir will clarify on prices, decks, spread types, and other commonly asked questions. [/center]
Now offering more than just tarot! See posts below for details.



As you push the rotted fabric of the curtain aside and enter the small space a Pearlcatcher is there to greet you. The scent of incense hangs thick in the air, so much so that the smoke clouds your vision and seems to have settled over all the bottles full of strange liquids and dried plants. It only barely covers the smell of decay, but in the Plague lands it is better than nothing. The Pearlcatcher beckons for you to sit down at a small table, where decks of cards wait for her to turn them over and read them for you if you will just tell her what it is you wish to know.


Welcome to Lunnoar's Tarot Shop. This lovely Pearlcatcher will read your future in the cards she has at her disposal, so long as you have the coin to pay. See the posts below, where Damia and Zelimir will clarify on prices, decks, spread types, and other commonly asked questions.
[center][url=] [img][/img] [/url] [i]A great Imperial slinks up to the table as the Pearlcatcher bows out for the moment. She will return to do your reading when you have paid, and it is the Imperial's job to make sure you do. The red and white dragon holds out a box made of rotting wood, splattered with blood and full of all manner of things. Bits of wood, wilted flowers, bones, and other small trinkets along with several coins and gems. When payment is received she will call the Pearlcatcher to read the cards for you.[/i] [img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img] [size=7]UPDATE![/size] [b]Readings take energy, and sometimes I don't have enough to do them right away. I will not bump the thread if I have readings that still need to be done to avoid too many piling up at once, but regardless of this the shop is always open and if I am online I am happy to answer any questions in regards to the shop, a reading, or even tarot in general. Also if you were satisfied with your reading please consider leaving a [url=]review[/url] ^^[/b] This shop offers tarot, shufflemancy and stichomancy. Shufflemancy is the practice of using a music player (in this case my 2000+ song library of iTunes songs) and hitting shuffle then using the song(s) that come up as a form of divination. Stichomancy is a specific form of bibliomancy, and both refer to the practice of using books for divining purposes. Prices are standard across the board; 5k per card, song or book used in the reading. For example if you want a tarot card reading with 5 cards the cost is 25k, and a shufflemacy reading with 2 songs is 10k. I know this is a price increase over my previous tarot prices, but other places are keeping similar prices and I figured it was time to update anyway. I can do custom tarot spreads, and I can use tarot spreads for shufflemancy or stichomancy so please don't hesitate to ask if that's what you want ^^ [/center]


A great Imperial slinks up to the table as the Pearlcatcher bows out for the moment. She will return to do your reading when you have paid, and it is the Imperial's job to make sure you do. The red and white dragon holds out a box made of rotting wood, splattered with blood and full of all manner of things. Bits of wood, wilted flowers, bones, and other small trinkets along with several coins and gems. When payment is received she will call the Pearlcatcher to read the cards for you.



Readings take energy, and sometimes I don't have enough to do them right away. I will not bump the thread if I have readings that still need to be done to avoid too many piling up at once, but regardless of this the shop is always open and if I am online I am happy to answer any questions in regards to the shop, a reading, or even tarot in general.

Also if you were satisfied with your reading please consider leaving a review ^^

This shop offers tarot, shufflemancy and stichomancy. Shufflemancy is the practice of using a music player (in this case my 2000+ song library of iTunes songs) and hitting shuffle then using the song(s) that come up as a form of divination. Stichomancy is a specific form of bibliomancy, and both refer to the practice of using books for divining purposes.

Prices are standard across the board; 5k per card, song or book used in the reading. For example if you want a tarot card reading with 5 cards the cost is 25k, and a shufflemacy reading with 2 songs is 10k. I know this is a price increase over my previous tarot prices, but other places are keeping similar prices and I figured it was time to update anyway.

I can do custom tarot spreads, and I can use tarot spreads for shufflemancy or stichomancy so please don't hesitate to ask if that's what you want ^^
[center][url=] [img][/img] [/url] [i]A Nocturne is lurking in the shadows, mostly seeming to tend to the various jars of things and rearranging to keep the items in some semblance of order. However, any questions about the qualifications of the Pearlcatcher as a fortune teller, the hours of the store, or anything else that is asked frequently are directed to her and she answers them in a chipper voice almost uncharacteristic of a Plague dragon and seems more than happy to assist.[/i] [img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img] [b]How do I get a reading?[/b] Send a PM to Sigilmancy with your payment, what kind of reading you want (tarot, shufflemancy or stichomancy), the number of cards/songs/books you want or a custom spread, and if not using a custom spread your question or if you want a general reading. [b]What are your qualifications as a diviner?[/b] I've been reading tarot on and off for over a decade for various reasons both personal and for friends. I was also hired by the local Renaissance Festival when I lived with my mother for four years to help with the tarot reader stall. I have not practiced as much as I would like since moving away, however, so part of this thread is to help me get back into practice and help me gain more experience with reading. Shufflemancy and stichomancy I admit I am far less experienced with, and have only been doing it as self practice for about a year. But I figured it's worth expanding to doing them for others as well because I will never learn otherwise. [b]Where did you get your tarot decks?[/b] The Dragon deck was gifted to me by a friend, and I bought the Steampunk deck for myself. I supported the Homestuck kickstarter and obtained the Homestuck deck that way, and bought the Inquisitors Edition of Dragon Age Inquisition, which came with a tarot deck as part of the goodies within. In early August 2015 I bought myself the Tales of the Mystical Cat tarot, a deck based around cats and all the magic that comes with them. [b]What are the differences between your tarot decks?[/b] Aside from the artwork and how long I've had them, only a few things. The Steampunk deck is very straightforward with its answers and doesn't beat around the bush. Tales of the Mystical Cats is best with relationship questions. The Homestuck deck, for lack of a better term, is a bit troll-y and sometimes requires extra interpretation. The Dragon and Dragon Age decks are just decks and have not yet proven to have anything special about them. [b]What kind of questions do you answer?[/b] Anything and everything really, with just one exception. I will not answer questions directly about death, be it of the person being read or anyone in their lives or their past lives. This is mostly for my own safety, as anything directly asking about death is often seen as disrespectful and I have heard stories of the consequences of readers who have done readings about death before. However, should death come up over the course of the reading that's a different story and I will incorporate it as always. Any other questions are welcome, however, as I have had everything from relationship questions to asking about specific dates in the future to simply looking for advice about a career or school path. [b]I don't know what to ask?[/b] If you're not sure what to ask about but want a reading, you can always ask for a general reading with a numbered card spread. As for the wording, that is for you alone to decide. Readings are easier and more accurate when the question is in your own words, so to speak. [b]After I pay you when can I expect my reading?[/b] Usually within 24-48 hours. For me every reading takes a little bit of energy, and if I simply don't have any to spare in a given day I will wait and tend to do any readings first thing in the morning before I set into other daily activities. However around holidays, especially Thanksgiving and Christmas, the wait may be longer for obvious reasons and I promise I will get to them as soon as I possibly can. [b]What do I do if I have a question not answered above?[/b] Well then feel free to ping Sigilmancy on this thread, or send them a message. All questions will be answered to the best ability and in the most timely manner possible, and frequent ones will be added to the above as quickly as possible. [/center]


A Nocturne is lurking in the shadows, mostly seeming to tend to the various jars of things and rearranging to keep the items in some semblance of order. However, any questions about the qualifications of the Pearlcatcher as a fortune teller, the hours of the store, or anything else that is asked frequently are directed to her and she answers them in a chipper voice almost uncharacteristic of a Plague dragon and seems more than happy to assist.


How do I get a reading?

Send a PM to Sigilmancy with your payment, what kind of reading you want (tarot, shufflemancy or stichomancy), the number of cards/songs/books you want or a custom spread, and if not using a custom spread your question or if you want a general reading.

What are your qualifications as a diviner?

I've been reading tarot on and off for over a decade for various reasons both personal and for friends. I was also hired by the local Renaissance Festival when I lived with my mother for four years to help with the tarot reader stall. I have not practiced as much as I would like since moving away, however, so part of this thread is to help me get back into practice and help me gain more experience with reading.

Shufflemancy and stichomancy I admit I am far less experienced with, and have only been doing it as self practice for about a year. But I figured it's worth expanding to doing them for others as well because I will never learn otherwise.

Where did you get your tarot decks?

The Dragon deck was gifted to me by a friend, and I bought the Steampunk deck for myself. I supported the Homestuck kickstarter and obtained the Homestuck deck that way, and bought the Inquisitors Edition of Dragon Age Inquisition, which came with a tarot deck as part of the goodies within. In early August 2015 I bought myself the Tales of the Mystical Cat tarot, a deck based around cats and all the magic that comes with them.

What are the differences between your tarot decks?

Aside from the artwork and how long I've had them, only a few things. The Steampunk deck is very straightforward with its answers and doesn't beat around the bush. Tales of the Mystical Cats is best with relationship questions. The Homestuck deck, for lack of a better term, is a bit troll-y and sometimes requires extra interpretation. The Dragon and Dragon Age decks are just decks and have not yet proven to have anything special about them.

What kind of questions do you answer?

Anything and everything really, with just one exception. I will not answer questions directly about death, be it of the person being read or anyone in their lives or their past lives. This is mostly for my own safety, as anything directly asking about death is often seen as disrespectful and I have heard stories of the consequences of readers who have done readings about death before. However, should death come up over the course of the reading that's a different story and I will incorporate it as always. Any other questions are welcome, however, as I have had everything from relationship questions to asking about specific dates in the future to simply looking for advice about a career or school path.

I don't know what to ask?

If you're not sure what to ask about but want a reading, you can always ask for a general reading with a numbered card spread. As for the wording, that is for you alone to decide. Readings are easier and more accurate when the question is in your own words, so to speak.

After I pay you when can I expect my reading?

Usually within 24-48 hours. For me every reading takes a little bit of energy, and if I simply don't have any to spare in a given day I will wait and tend to do any readings first thing in the morning before I set into other daily activities. However around holidays, especially Thanksgiving and Christmas, the wait may be longer for obvious reasons and I promise I will get to them as soon as I possibly can.

What do I do if I have a question not answered above?

Well then feel free to ping Sigilmancy on this thread, or send them a message. All questions will be answered to the best ability and in the most timely manner possible, and frequent ones will be added to the above as quickly as possible.
[center][url=] [img][/img] [/url] [i]A Mirror is busy writing on a small sign that hangs on the front of the shop. It is made of rusted metal and coated in some kind of magic that seems to allow her to rearrange, write and erase letters as she needs without otherwise affecting the sign. It's hung on a metal pole when she's done, and she seems to regard you quietly before slipping back inside to attend to whatever duties call for her attention there.[/i] [img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img] [b]Special Offers Section[/b] 1. During any festival, members of that particular flight get 50% off all readings for the duration of the festival. 2. Within 14 days of a registration window closing, anyone who signed up during that window can receive a free 3 card reading or 50% off a 5 card reading. [/center]


A Mirror is busy writing on a small sign that hangs on the front of the shop. It is made of rusted metal and coated in some kind of magic that seems to allow her to rearrange, write and erase letters as she needs without otherwise affecting the sign. It's hung on a metal pole when she's done, and she seems to regard you quietly before slipping back inside to attend to whatever duties call for her attention there.


Special Offers Section

1. During any festival, members of that particular flight get 50% off all readings for the duration of the festival.

2. Within 14 days of a registration window closing, anyone who signed up during that window can receive a free 3 card reading or 50% off a 5 card reading.
[center] [url=][img][/img][/url] Special thanks to Cactus Forest Graphics for my thread button and forum signature <3 If you have time please stop by [url=]Midas's Mystical Madness[/url] as well. They do Cartomancy, which is along the same lines as tarot but uses a deck of playing cards instead and is a very interesting practice :) And please go visit [url=]Ashenhartkrie's shop[/url] because they do tarot and other kinds of divining as well ^^ [url=][img][/img] [/url] [/center]


Special thanks to Cactus Forest Graphics for my thread button and forum signature <3

If you have time please stop by Midas's Mystical Madness as well. They do Cartomancy, which is along the same lines as tarot but uses a deck of playing cards instead and is a very interesting practice :)

And please go visit Ashenhartkrie's shop because they do tarot and other kinds of divining as well ^^



You wanted a ping when this went up, so here it is. I wasn't planning to do this for a while but I needed something else to focus on so I figured it would be best to set it up asap XD

You wanted a ping when this went up, so here it is. I wasn't planning to do this for a while but I needed something else to focus on so I figured it would be best to set it up asap XD

Are you open? I want a three card spread from the dragon deck.

Are you open? I want a three card spread from the dragon deck.

I am indeed open. I will PM you to discuss details ^^

I am indeed open. I will PM you to discuss details ^^
@Noxomra Oh, this seems interesting! I'll pm you
@Noxomra Oh, this seems interesting! I'll pm you

I just woke up to 3 different requests in my inbox. Thank you guys so much! I will get around to them as soon as I've had my morning coffee ^^
I just woke up to 3 different requests in my inbox. Thank you guys so much! I will get around to them as soon as I've had my morning coffee ^^