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TOPIC | Fantastic Fortunes: story/lore prompts!
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@Quis Thank-you! :D And no, I don't have a preference. Whichever you think fits in your thread better (I see you used the banner! ^_^) Today was super busy so I didn't get a chance to be online until just now, but hopefully tmr after work I'll look through my dragons and decide who is going to order a fortune. c: Have a wonderful day/night and ttyl!
@Quis Thank-you! :D And no, I don't have a preference. Whichever you think fits in your thread better (I see you used the banner! ^_^) Today was super busy so I didn't get a chance to be online until just now, but hopefully tmr after work I'll look through my dragons and decide who is going to order a fortune. c: Have a wonderful day/night and ttyl!
Ok @obiwan, the prediction for Jeremy and Custard's nest is all finished!
(I read some of your lore while I was over in your pages, and I LOVE your clan! Clan-members-as-Charge is a neat idea, Custard is a beautiful dragon and very fun to read about.)

You can send payment along whenever you're ready and I'll get the writing posted everywhere for you. Thanks again!
Ok @obiwan, the prediction for Jeremy and Custard's nest is all finished!
(I read some of your lore while I was over in your pages, and I LOVE your clan! Clan-members-as-Charge is a neat idea, Custard is a beautiful dragon and very fun to read about.)

You can send payment along whenever you're ready and I'll get the writing posted everywhere for you. Thanks again!


[i]Public posting of the two-egg nest prediction for @obiwan 's [url=]Custard[/url] and [url=]Jeremy[/url]. The tumblr post version [url=]can be found here[/url].[/i] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kimer and Arlandria followed their guide carefully through ancient underground tunnels, making sure to stay close- they had both heard the rumors about undead creatures lurking in the shattered deeps of Dragonhome, and neither one of them wanted a demonstration. Soon enough, and thankfully without any unforseen 'excitement', they arrived at the nesting grounds they had been invited over to see. "Thank you for allowing us to visit," Kimer said, bowing his head. "It is an honor. Let us get to work so we do not overstay our welcome, hm?" He and Arlandria drew as near to the nest as they dared, staying just out of arm's reach of the two precious eggs, and began drawing out the etched stones, one at a time. [img][/img] "Well now, you are a lively little one aren't you." He gave the egg to the left side of the nest a warm smile. "I see a child who will, above all else, be driven by energy. It may make their upbringing difficult when they are reluctant to go to bed, but their sense of drive will serve them well once they are grown. [img][/img] "One thing to be careful of, though- drive is good, but too much focus can be dangerous when it makes us block out the consequences of our choices. This one will have a tendency to chase their curiosities and passions a bit too hard, perhaps forgetting to take care of their other responsibilities. Once they learn to read you'll probably find yourselves needing to remind them to do sensible things like eat and sleep. [img][/img] "The most valuable thing for you to keep in mind to raise this one well is that they will need to learn priorities, and how to protect things of higher importance with more devotion than the lower things. Duties must come before hobbies. If they learn this skill too late it will bring them heartache, but if they pick it up at a young age they will grow to be a near unstoppable force." Arlandria picked the stones back up, shuffled them in their bag, and began laying them out again as Kimer turned his attention to the second egg. "And greetings to you as well, child. What can we find out about you?" [img][/img] He nodded thoughtfully at the first stone. "A bit of a daredevil, here. This young one will be a dragon who is willing to take risks to achieve their goals. They will not scare easily- if they are confronted with what looks like a fearsome consequence, instead of giving up they will instead ask themselves how they can get around it and still come out on top." [img][/img] The second symbol actually made him frown. "Ah. I am glad that I can deliver this caution ahead of time. "You will have here a very [i]tenacious[/i] child, who when given two choices to decide between, will not flinch at choosing what benefits them and inconveniences another. With an otherwise mild temperament this is perhaps not too dangerous of a trait, but when they are already inclined to be a risk taker... raise them carefully, so they will know that [i]other people's[/i] possessions and well being are not to be gambled with for their own reasons." [img][/img] "The best way to be sure that this child grows up on a safe path is to be very firm and open with them. They will not be a fragile child, or a subtle one- straightforward instruction will speak most clearly to their understanding. Lay for them a very clear foundation of what is right and wrong, what is reasonable versus what is too far. They will be sharp minded and willing to learn, and they will be a strong and helpful presence in the lives of their future companions and clanmates because of it."
Public posting of the two-egg nest prediction for @obiwan 's Custard and Jeremy.
The tumblr post version can be found here.

Kimer and Arlandria followed their guide carefully through ancient underground tunnels, making sure to stay close- they had both heard the rumors about undead creatures lurking in the shattered deeps of Dragonhome, and neither one of them wanted a demonstration. Soon enough, and thankfully without any unforseen 'excitement', they arrived at the nesting grounds they had been invited over to see.

"Thank you for allowing us to visit," Kimer said, bowing his head. "It is an honor. Let us get to work so we do not overstay our welcome, hm?" He and Arlandria drew as near to the nest as they dared, staying just out of arm's reach of the two precious eggs, and began drawing out the etched stones, one at a time.

"Well now, you are a lively little one aren't you." He gave the egg to the left side of the nest a warm smile. "I see a child who will, above all else, be driven by energy. It may make their upbringing difficult when they are reluctant to go to bed, but their sense of drive will serve them well once they are grown.

"One thing to be careful of, though- drive is good, but too much focus can be dangerous when it makes us block out the consequences of our choices. This one will have a tendency to chase their curiosities and passions a bit too hard, perhaps forgetting to take care of their other responsibilities. Once they learn to read you'll probably find yourselves needing to remind them to do sensible things like eat and sleep.

"The most valuable thing for you to keep in mind to raise this one well is that they will need to learn priorities, and how to protect things of higher importance with more devotion than the lower things. Duties must come before hobbies. If they learn this skill too late it will bring them heartache, but if they pick it up at a young age they will grow to be a near unstoppable force."

Arlandria picked the stones back up, shuffled them in their bag, and began laying them out again as Kimer turned his attention to the second egg. "And greetings to you as well, child. What can we find out about you?"

He nodded thoughtfully at the first stone. "A bit of a daredevil, here. This young one will be a dragon who is willing to take risks to achieve their goals. They will not scare easily- if they are confronted with what looks like a fearsome consequence, instead of giving up they will instead ask themselves how they can get around it and still come out on top."

The second symbol actually made him frown. "Ah. I am glad that I can deliver this caution ahead of time. "You will have here a very tenacious child, who when given two choices to decide between, will not flinch at choosing what benefits them and inconveniences another. With an otherwise mild temperament this is perhaps not too dangerous of a trait, but when they are already inclined to be a risk taker... raise them carefully, so they will know that other people's possessions and well being are not to be gambled with for their own reasons."

"The best way to be sure that this child grows up on a safe path is to be very firm and open with them. They will not be a fragile child, or a subtle one- straightforward instruction will speak most clearly to their understanding. Lay for them a very clear foundation of what is right and wrong, what is reasonable versus what is too far. They will be sharp minded and willing to learn, and they will be a strong and helpful presence in the lives of their future companions and clanmates because of it."


@Quis [center] [quote][url=] [img][/img] [/url] Columbia glances both ways before she approaches the fortune teller's booth. She had heard many rumours, and wanted to see for herself; but that didn't mean she wanted to be seen by anyone she might know. Her fins ripple a little self-consciously, but with a deep breath and an encouraging thought, she lifts her gaze and meets the Fae's stern, silent expression. Then the Guardian turns to see the Pearlcatcher. It was now or never. "I'd like a fortune, please."[/quote][/center] One basic 25kT fortune, please! :D Let me know when I can send payment. ^_^


Columbia glances both ways before she approaches the fortune teller's booth. She had heard many rumours, and wanted to see for herself; but that didn't mean she wanted to be seen by anyone she might know. Her fins ripple a little self-consciously, but with a deep breath and an encouraging thought, she lifts her gaze and meets the Fae's stern, silent expression. Then the Guardian turns to see the Pearlcatcher. It was now or never.

"I'd like a fortune, please."

One basic 25kT fortune, please! :D Let me know when I can send payment. ^_^
What a lovely dragon, my goodness! Thanks so much for the rp-walkup, that's such a nice perk for me. n_n
I'll add her to the list right away!

Sorry that the fortunes are coming out a little slower this week than they were last, some of my FR time has to go to currency gathering because of the festival.
What a lovely dragon, my goodness! Thanks so much for the rp-walkup, that's such a nice perk for me. n_n
I'll add her to the list right away!

Sorry that the fortunes are coming out a little slower this week than they were last, some of my FR time has to go to currency gathering because of the festival.


I hate to say this, but it looks like I was on the right track when I put this shop on long term hiatus last time- I just don't handle the pressure from this kind of thing well at all, and my anxiety has spiked super hard this last week every time I try to work with them.

@Handsome @Clarax and @Faulty I'm still going to write the fortunes you've ordered! But unfortunately it's probably going to take me while, either a few weeks or (hopefully it won't get this bad) a few months to get through all of them. I'm really sorry about this, but I hope you understand. I just wanted to make sure you know I'm still doing my best, even if I'm slow as molasses. (@Handsome I have yours... about half way done?)

To anyone else who may be interested in this shop- I'll probably try to reopen it again sometime later, after I've gotten though all of the current orders, but if I do it will be the 'nest predictions' and 'solutions to specific questions' options only. The standard 'here's a problem and also a solution' format pieces are just too stressful for me to write.
I hate to say this, but it looks like I was on the right track when I put this shop on long term hiatus last time- I just don't handle the pressure from this kind of thing well at all, and my anxiety has spiked super hard this last week every time I try to work with them.

@Handsome @Clarax and @Faulty I'm still going to write the fortunes you've ordered! But unfortunately it's probably going to take me while, either a few weeks or (hopefully it won't get this bad) a few months to get through all of them. I'm really sorry about this, but I hope you understand. I just wanted to make sure you know I'm still doing my best, even if I'm slow as molasses. (@Handsome I have yours... about half way done?)

To anyone else who may be interested in this shop- I'll probably try to reopen it again sometime later, after I've gotten though all of the current orders, but if I do it will be the 'nest predictions' and 'solutions to specific questions' options only. The standard 'here's a problem and also a solution' format pieces are just too stressful for me to write.


It's alright. I hope that you feel a little better. < 3
And I don't mind waiting. Just take your time and don't stress over it. It's suppos to be fun not a chore.
It's alright. I hope that you feel a little better. < 3
And I don't mind waiting. Just take your time and don't stress over it. It's suppos to be fun not a chore.

Ah thats ok, take your time! Commission anxiety is the worst T wT

Ah thats ok, take your time! Commission anxiety is the worst T wT
@Quis Oh my goodness! Don't worry about it at all, and don't feel pressured to do mine if you can't get around to it. I totally understand ♥ Take all the time you need and I hope you feel better soon! :)
@Quis Oh my goodness! Don't worry about it at all, and don't feel pressured to do mine if you can't get around to it. I totally understand ♥ Take all the time you need and I hope you feel better soon! :)
@Quis could i be pinged when ur taking more orders?
@Quis could i be pinged when ur taking more orders?
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