
Art Sales

For commissions and flat-sale of your creative efforts.
TOPIC | Melori's Everything Shop [BRIBES Open]
[center][img][/img][/center] [b][center]HELLO EVERYONE New categories added! [b] ~ASK ME ABOUT ART TRADES~[/b] [/center][/b] [b]I'm currently seeking a Windbound Plumage in exchange for art. If you have one you'd like to offer, tell me what you'd want for it art wise. :3[/b] [u][b]Rules[/b][/u] [LIST=1] [*]I send wips out for anything higher than a sketch [*]Disclosure: I have an illness that sometimes interferes with how quickly I can deliver a commission. [*]I allow clients to request updates or chat with me (google chat), but allow 24-48 hours for a response for pm! [*]Artistic nudity is ok, but nothing else NSFW [*]I reserve the right to decline any art, or refund and cancel any art in progress at my discretion [*]You may cancel art at the first work in progress stage if there is one- but be prompt and you are expected to pay half. [*]Feel free to ask questions, etc! [*] please credit art when posting to melorious @ :3 [/LIST] @melorious

New categories added!


I'm currently seeking a Windbound Plumage in exchange for art. If you have one you'd like to offer, tell me what you'd want for it art wise. :3

  1. I send wips out for anything higher than a sketch
  2. Disclosure: I have an illness that sometimes interferes with how quickly I can deliver a commission.
  3. I allow clients to request updates or chat with me (google chat), but allow 24-48 hours for a response for pm!
  4. Artistic nudity is ok, but nothing else NSFW
  5. I reserve the right to decline any art, or refund and cancel any art in progress at my discretion
  6. You may cancel art at the first work in progress stage if there is one- but be prompt and you are expected to pay half.
  7. Feel free to ask questions, etc!
  8. please credit art when posting to melorious @ :3

[center][u][b]Samples:[/b][/u] [u][b]Character Sheets[/b][/u] - 1 Million t or item/gem equivalent for 2 colored views. or 25$ USD. Additional views or portrait shot, call outs and weapon views, etc need to be discussed! [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] ----- [u][b]Quick Flat Busts[/b][/u]$7 or 150 k treasure/gem/item equivalent [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [u][b]Rough Color:[/b][/u] 300k T or $15 [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] ------ [u][b]Digital Sketches:[/b][/u] $5 or 100k t (+50k for shading) [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] ----- [u][b]Pencil Sketches:[/b][/u] $5 or 75k t [URL=][IMG][/IMG][/URL] [URL=][IMG][/IMG][/URL] [URL=][IMG][/IMG][/URL] [URL=][IMG][/IMG][/URL] [URL=][IMG][/IMG][/URL] [URL=][IMG][/IMG][/URL] [URL=][IMG][/IMG][/URL] ----- [u][b]5 min animu sketch [/b][/u] 30k t or 2 $ [url=][img][/img][/url] ----- [u][b]Bribe Example:[/u][/b] Bribes are anything more than my regular prices, could be a little, could be a lot, but you get higher quality. [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url] [URL=][IMG][/IMG][/URL] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] ----- [b]Anime/Manga[/b] Same price as other stuff, depends on what it is. [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url] ------ [u][b]Chibis:[/b][/u] $7 or 125k [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url] style A (taller with more added chub) [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] style B (long thin and lankey) [url=][img][/img][/url] style C (more traditional) ----- [u][b] Dragons/Anthro[/b] Same price as other stuff, just depends on if its a headshot/colored/etc. [/u] [url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] ------------------------------------ [/center] ----- ----- ----- [center][u][b]Process:[/b][/u][/center] [center][IMG][/IMG] Rough sketch- Sent to client for corrections. [IMG][/IMG] Final Sketch- Sent to client for corrections & saving. [IMG][/IMG] Rough colors- Sent to client for corrections. [IMG][/IMG] Final image- Sent to client for saving and final adjustments.[/center][u][/u]
Character Sheets - 1 Million t or item/gem equivalent for 2 colored views. or 25$ USD. Additional views or portrait shot, call outs and weapon views, etc need to be discussed!
faith_charactersheet3.jpg charactersheet_01.jpg charactersheet_02.jpg

Quick Flat Busts$7 or 150 k treasure/gem/item equivalent
nakoti.png saint.png petr2.jpg asterpainting.jpg

Rough Color: 300k T or $15

auction_Sample.jpg sample_moongoddess4.jpg jinxmagic6_melorious_SAMPLE.jpg
moongoddess_eredor6_sample.jpg Zhimonster_Merin_4_samplesize.jpg Paradox_Error_4.jpg
mspixiriot_Maximillian5snall.jpg mspixieriot_tennyson5sample.jpg kurloz_avikka4samplesize.jpg

Digital Sketches: $5 or 100k t (+50k for shading)

moongoddess_eredor2_sket_SAMPLE.jpg irefe_anastasia_smallsize.jpg spellplague2_sketch_small.jpg

Pencil Sketches: $5 or 75k t
th_trulla_sketchsample.png th_petr_sketchsample.png th_faith_sketchsample.png th_fern_sketchsample.png th_kuuja_sketchsample.png th_Taiizah_sketchsample.png th_couple_sketchsample.png

5 min animu sketch 30k t or 2 $

Bribe Example: Bribes are anything more than my regular prices, could be a little, could be a lot, but you get higher quality.

rhema_moongoddess_sample_size.jpg rhema_moongoddess_Sample_Color.jpgspellplague_small.jpg th_wuori_zhi4_smallsample.png fullbody_sample_rushersmall.jpg Elverafor_Elvera_Basilisk4small.jpg

Anime/Manga Same price as other stuff, depends on what it is.
iona_ataraxia_AGAIN3small.jpg iona_ataraxia3_small.jpgOmegadelta3.jpg

Chibis: $7 or 125k
female_chibi2.jpg kolae3_small.jpg hive4_sample_size.jpgsylvia_meowsee3small.jpg
style A (taller with more added chub)

male_chibi2.jpg cho_chibi.jpg
style B (long thin and lankey)

style C (more traditional)

Same price as other stuff, just depends on if its a headshot/colored/etc.

flightrisinggift.jpg15f2jvm.jpg garrus.jpg terra2.jpgmonkau2.jpgscarlet_ohare.jpg monkey_KIng_portrait_flat2.jpg demon.jpg monkeyking_2.jpg

Rough sketch- Sent to client for corrections.
Final Sketch- Sent to client for corrections & saving.
Rough colors- Sent to client for corrections.
Final image- Sent to client for saving and final adjustments.
The slots are:
Currently all art is humanoid portraits- I'll do OCs & gijinka - ask me about other stuff.
Sketch or painting:
Payment type: gem / USD / treasure
Character reference(s), poses, expressions, photos, dragon, &/or description:

Regular Slots:
I accept mixed currency so please just let me know~
1g = 560t =
100g = 56k t = 1$
Loose color painting: 15$ OR 300k+ T (depending on complexity)
Quick Flat Bust $7 OR 150k
5 min animu sketch $2 or 50k t
Sketch: 5$ OR 100k T no color/shading *PLEASE specify pencil or digital*
chibi line art: 60k OR 2.50$
chibi color: 125k color OR 7$ color
ref sheet (front and back colored) : 1 million t + 250k for additional view and/or portrait// $25 + $5 for additional view and/or portrait
  1. USD only
  2. USD only
  3. USD only

Want something more complicated or finished. Eg... Half body? Design sheet? A set of painting or sketches? Couples?

Payment- I take sprites, old holiday apparel, treasure, gems, USD regular price can also fill these slots!

Bribe slots are also ALWAYS open

Regular Slot Ping:
  • selfishly
  • zhimonster
  • moonandflowers
  • hips
  • moongoddess
  • sakuradryad
  • Fhtagn
  • Kitto
The slots are:
Currently all art is humanoid portraits- I'll do OCs & gijinka - ask me about other stuff.
Sketch or painting:
Payment type: gem / USD / treasure
Character reference(s), poses, expressions, photos, dragon, &/or description:

Regular Slots:
I accept mixed currency so please just let me know~
1g = 560t =
100g = 56k t = 1$
Loose color painting: 15$ OR 300k+ T (depending on complexity)
Quick Flat Bust $7 OR 150k
5 min animu sketch $2 or 50k t
Sketch: 5$ OR 100k T no color/shading *PLEASE specify pencil or digital*
chibi line art: 60k OR 2.50$
chibi color: 125k color OR 7$ color
ref sheet (front and back colored) : 1 million t + 250k for additional view and/or portrait// $25 + $5 for additional view and/or portrait
  1. USD only
  2. USD only
  3. USD only

Want something more complicated or finished. Eg... Half body? Design sheet? A set of painting or sketches? Couples?

Payment- I take sprites, old holiday apparel, treasure, gems, USD regular price can also fill these slots!

Bribe slots are also ALWAYS open

Regular Slot Ping:
  • selfishly
  • zhimonster
  • moonandflowers
  • hips
  • moongoddess
  • sakuradryad
  • Fhtagn
  • Kitto
Affiliate banners: mine~ [img][/img] [IMG][/IMG] yours~ None! ------- Open!
Affiliate banners:



@melorious can I get a spot on your ping list?
@melorious can I get a spot on your ping list?
Liquidating Accents.
@niharike sure thing!
@niharike sure thing!

Posting this now so I don't forget it later!

Username: Snowcrow
Sketch or painting: Painting
Payment type: Treasure
Character reference(s): 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

He only has the one scar along the ride side of his face and tends to look rather stern or intense. Tends to have a very better-than-you sort of attitude.

Let me know when to send payment and when you're officially open, and thank you again

Posting this now so I don't forget it later!

Username: Snowcrow
Sketch or painting: Painting
Payment type: Treasure
Character reference(s): 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

He only has the one scar along the ride side of his face and tends to look rather stern or intense. Tends to have a very better-than-you sort of attitude.

Let me know when to send payment and when you're officially open, and thank you again
@melorious Ahh could I get booped on the pinglist for regular slots? :D
@melorious Ahh could I get booped on the pinglist for regular slots? :D
Unffff omg I need to be on your pinglist

I need you to paint every single OC I've ever made

six times.

Unffff omg I need to be on your pinglist

I need you to paint every single OC I've ever made

six times.
