

Create, adopt, or show off your adoptables.
TOPIC | Pusill's Pudgy Coatls [OPEN] (FEST)
[center][b]Information | [url=]Bases[/url] | [url=]Prices & Ordering[/url] | [url=]Orders & Pinglist[/url] | [url=]Affiliates[/url][/b][/center] [center][img][/img][/center] [center][SIZE=5][font=Calibri][color=green][b]OPEN[/b][/color] | [color=black]PINGLISTERS[/color] | [color=black]CLOSED[/color][/SIZE][/font][/center] [center]Hello, lovelies! My name's [b]Pusillanimous[/b], but you can call me Pusill! Please, have a look around. And if you see a sausage you like, consider buying one! [b]We're a One-Stop Sausage Shop![/b] [/center] [quote=Rules][LIST] [center][img][/img][/center][/list] [LIST] [*] Please ping me [b]@Pusillanimous[/b] to get my attention! [*] [b]Make sure I am open[/b] before submitting an [url=]order request[/url]. I have a sign right up there! :D [*]My gem ratio is [b]1:1000[/b] [*]My festival currency ratio is also [b]1:1000[/b] [*][b]USD and Gems[/b] are preferred, but I also accept [b]treasure[/b], [b]food[/b], [b]bribe items[/b] [i](just make an offer,if you have anything you think would be of value)[/i], and [b]festival currency[/b] [i](within a week before festival, but not after the Friday of festival)[/i] upon negotiation! [*] [b]Please be patient[/b]. I usually try to finish orders as quickly as I can. If it seems like I'm taking a long time, I promise I'll get to your order as soon as I can! Please don't spam me if I don't get back to you right away. Depending on the complexity of what you are requesting, orders can take anywhere from a [b]few hours to a few weeks[/b] to complete. And please know that I apologize for the inconvenience! [*] You may use my work for whatever you wish. However, [b][color=red]you [u]must[/u] credit me[/color][/b]. [b]Keep my watermark/signature on the adopt, link to my profile, and, if you decide to use my work off site, link to my art blog [URL=]FOUND HERE[/URL].[/b] [*] [b]Exceptions for refunds.[/b] If I find myself unable to complete your request for whatever reason, I [b]will[/b] refund you the price of the request. This is the only time I give refunds. [/LIST][/quote]

Hello, lovelies! My name's Pusillanimous, but you can call me Pusill! Please, have a look around. And if you see a sausage you like, consider buying one!

We're a One-Stop Sausage Shop!

Rules wrote:

  • Please ping me @Pusillanimous to get my attention!

  • Make sure I am open before submitting an order request. I have a sign right up there! :D

  • My gem ratio is 1:1000

  • My festival currency ratio is also 1:1000
  • USD and Gems are preferred, but I also accept treasure, food, bribe items (just make an offer,if you have anything you think would be of value), and festival currency (within a week before festival, but not after the Friday of festival) upon negotiation!

  • Please be patient. I usually try to finish orders as quickly as I can. If it seems like I'm taking a long time, I promise I'll get to your order as soon as I can! Please don't spam me if I don't get back to you right away. Depending on the complexity of what you are requesting, orders can take anywhere from a few hours to a few weeks to complete. And please know that I apologize for the inconvenience!
  • You may use my work for whatever you wish. However, you must credit me. Keep my watermark/signature on the adopt, link to my profile, and, if you decide to use my work off site, link to my art blog FOUND HERE.

  • Exceptions for refunds. If I find myself unable to complete your request for whatever reason, I will refund you the price of the request. This is the only time I give refunds.

[center][b][url=]Information[/url] | Bases | [url=]Prices & Ordering[/url] | [url=]Orders & Pinglist[/url] | [url=]Affiliates[/url][/b][/center] [center][img][/img][/center] [center][b][size=5]Ask me about sponsoring a breed! ($5 - USD ONLY)[/size][/b][/center] [center][img][/img][/center] [center][b][size=4]CHUBBY COATLS[/size][/b][/center] [center]--[/center] [center][size=5][url=][b]FINISHED EXAMPLES[/b][/url][/size][/center]
Ask me about sponsoring a breed! ($5 - USD ONLY)
[center][b][url=]Information[/url] | [url=]Bases[/url] | Prices & Ordering | [url=]Orders & Pinglist[/url] | [url=]Affiliates[/url][/b][/center] [center][img][/img][/center] [font=Segoe Print][size=7][color=#d95fbf][b]Prices:[/b][/color][/size][/font] [size=4]- Base - [b]150kT/150g/$1[/b] - Each Gene - [b][u]+20kT[/u][/b] - Apparel - [b]anywhere ranging from [u]$0.25 - $1[/u][/b] (USD ONLY) - Accents - [b]case-by-case basis (any currency)[/b] - Skins - [b]case-by-case basis (any currency)[/b] - Primal Eyes - [b][u]+20kT[/u][/b][/size] [center][b](Glowing Claws and Scars are FREE)[/b][/center] [center][b](UNDERBELLY & STAINED ARE FREE)[/b][/center] ----- [quote] [center][b][size=6]PLEASE READ:[/size][/b][/center] [LIST] [*] [b]When ordering more than one adoptable[/b] [i](a limit of three)[/i] please put all adopt order forms in [u]ONE[/u] post (otherwise the second post will not count with your order). [*] Please [i]Please[/i] [b][i]PLEASE[/i][/b] look at the title for comfirmation. If you are here to place a new order, and the [b]title says [PINGLIST][/b], that means I am only accepting pinglist orders at that time. You can ask to be on the pinglist, but placing a new order will just clutter the thread, [b]please do not do this![/b] [/LIST][/quote] [columns][font=Segoe Print][size=7][color=#d95fbf][b]Order Form:[/b][/color][/size][/font][nextcol][quote][b]Username: Payment Method: Name of Dragon: Breed of Dragon: BBCode Pic of Dragon:[/b] [i](Find this by clicking the 'Generate Code' button on a dragon and then copying the first URL)[/i] [b]Apparel?:[/b] [i](If none, put 'N/A')[/i] [b]Accent/Skin?[/b] (if any): [i](If none, put 'N/A')[/i] [b]Other specifics: [/b] [/quote][/columns] [code][quote][b]Username: Payment Method: Name of Dragon: Breed of Dragon: BBCode Pic of Dragon:[/b] [i](Find this by clicking the 'Generate Code' button on a dragon and then copying the first URL)[/i] [b]Apparel?:[/b] [i](If none, put 'N/A')[/i] [b]Accent/Skin?[/b] (if any): [i](If none, put 'N/A')[/i] [b]Other specifics: [/b] [/quote][/code]
Information | Bases | Prices & Ordering | Orders & Pinglist | Affiliates


- Base - 150kT/150g/$1

- Each Gene - +20kT

- Apparel - anywhere ranging from $0.25 - $1 (USD ONLY)

- Accents - case-by-case basis (any currency)

- Skins - case-by-case basis (any currency)

- Primal Eyes - +20kT

(Glowing Claws and Scars are FREE)

  • When ordering more than one adoptable (a limit of three) please put all adopt order forms in ONE post (otherwise the second post will not count with your order).

  • Please Please PLEASE look at the title for comfirmation. If you are here to place a new order, and the title says
[PINGLIST], that means I am only accepting pinglist orders at that time. You can ask to be on the pinglist, but placing a new order will just clutter the thread, please do not do this!

Order Form:

Payment Method:

Name of Dragon:

Breed of Dragon:

BBCode Pic of Dragon:
(Find this by clicking the 'Generate Code' button on a dragon and then copying the first URL)

Apparel?: (If none, put 'N/A')

Accent/Skin? (if any): (If none, put 'N/A')

Other specifics:

[quote][b]Username: Payment Method: Name of Dragon: Breed of Dragon: BBCode Pic of Dragon:[/b] [i](Find this by clicking the 'Generate Code' button on a dragon and then copying the first URL)[/i] [b]Apparel?:[/b] [i](If none, put 'N/A')[/i] [b]Accent/Skin?[/b] (if any): [i](If none, put 'N/A')[/i] [b]Other specifics: [/b] [/quote]
[center][b][url=]Information[/url] | [url=]Bases[/url] | [url=]Prices & Ordering[/url] | Orders & Pinglist | [url=]Affiliates[/url][/b][/center] [center][img][/img][/center] [center][img][/img][/center] [center][indent][columns] [u][b]FR CURRENCY[/b] [i]5 Slots[/i][/u] [LIST=1] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [/LIST][nextcol] [indent] [indent] [u][b]U.S. Dollars[/b] [i]Unlimited[/i][/u] [LIST=1] [*][b]OPEN[/b] [*][b]OPEN[/b] [*][b]OPEN[/b] [*][b]OPEN[/b] [*][b]OPEN[/b] [/LIST][/columns][/center] ----- [center][b][img][/img][/b][/center] [center][quote]PINGS FOR BREEDS @fluffytea @Cerf @Twysted @SnoringHyena ----- PINGS FOR SLOTS @RaiStarDragon @Twysted @Twiggies [/quote][/center]
Information | Bases | Prices & Ordering | Orders & Pinglist | Affiliates


U.S. Dollars Unlimited
  1. OPEN
  2. OPEN
  3. OPEN
  4. OPEN
  5. OPEN



@fluffytea @Cerf @Twysted @SnoringHyena


@RaiStarDragon @Twysted @Twiggies
[center][b][url=]Information[/url] | [url=]Bases[/url] | [url=]Prices & Ordering[/url] | [url=]Orders & Pinglist[/url] | Affiliates[/b][/center] [center][img][/img][/center] [center][size=4][b](If you want to affiliate, just ask!)[/b][/size][/center] [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [center][url=][img][/img][/url][center] ----- [center][b][size=6][font=bookman old style][OUR BANNER][/font][/size][/b] [center][img][/img][/center] [code][center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center][/code]
(If you want to affiliate, just ask!)





Hello! Welcome to the Chubby Sausage shop! A one-stop shop for chubby dragon adopts! [b][size=5]GIANT PING POST:[/size][/b] [b][size=4]To people from the interest check:[/size][/b] It's open now! :D [quote]@SnoringHyena , @AsylumBat , @Katemere , @Necrotizing , @starbelly , @PheonixPonder , @fluffytea , @peepsnibbles , @Jestro , @wintercovers , @MidnightAxolotl[/quote] [b][size=4]To people from my old adopt shop: [/size][/b] I'm very sorry if this is annoying, but I thought that since you seemed to like my art before, you might be interested in my new shop! I won't ping you again, and this is a one-time thing, but I wanted to make sure! [quote]@Kyomu , @Nogivox , @Zanate , @Lolschen , S@erpentineSage , @LHshey , @Lucatri , @spiderling , @RyuuMael , @PuzzBeef , @MasterSnuffles , @ChibiHearts249 , @BloodyAngel12 , @chaoticCorvus , @DapperQueen , @Magnolia , @MamaRi , @ansgdf , @seepratintti , @Ototo , @ButterVanCreme , @Roanx , @LostSerenity , @TallyMark , @ophia , @arlip , @WhiteMantis , @FlareSolaire , @Espeon5712 , @Apothecaria , @wordless , @Fireworks , @Panderz , @Coins , @InkZylorn , @MusicalMaladies , @paigyp01 , @Rictus , @WeyrLeader , @HarrowingMishap , @Zith , @VenomousRose , @Yukichan , @tunatuna , @Revelare , @Tessalia , @Airis , @tyminator , @EliasAinsworth , @Angeleina , @BlackWinter , @Aloha , @Simply , @HugQueen , @phvntxms , @SushiKitteh , @Angeleina , @Amphiptere , @Felox , @Moonwater , @jurobii , @DecemberStar , @Toriel , @UnbridledPassion , @InfinityLlama , @Silvermoon49 , @Starly , @Alohomora , @TsuneEmbers , @MawkishMuse , @ClearLakes44 , @Killjoy2170 , @Grimalkkin , @Zenandrox[/quote]
Hello! Welcome to the Chubby Sausage shop! A one-stop shop for chubby dragon adopts!


To people from the interest check:

It's open now! :D

To people from my old adopt shop:

I'm very sorry if this is annoying, but I thought that since you seemed to like my art before, you might be interested in my new shop! I won't ping you again, and this is a one-time thing, but I wanted to make sure!

Yesss!! [b]Username:[/b] AsylumBat [b]Payment Method:[/b] USD [b]Name of Dragon:[/b] Symphony [b]Breed of Dragon:[/b] Coatl [b]BBCode Pic of Dragon:[/b] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] (Adult scry in her info.) [b]Apparel?:[/b] N/A [b]Accent/Skin?[/b] N/A [b]Other specifics:[/b] N/A

Username: AsylumBat

Payment Method: USD

Name of Dragon: Symphony

Breed of Dragon: Coatl

BBCode Pic of Dragon:

(Adult scry in her info.)

Apparel?: N/A

Accent/Skin? N/A

Other specifics: N/A
[b]Username:[/b] PheonixPonder [b]Payment Method:[/b] Treasure [b]Name of Dragon:[/b] Fred [b]Breed of Dragon:[/b] Coatl [b]BBCode Pic of Dragon:[/b] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [b]Apparel?:[/b] [item=veteran's eye scar] [b]Accent/Skin?[/b] (if any): N/A [b]Other specifics: [/b] I don't think so ^^
Username: PheonixPonder

Payment Method: Treasure

Name of Dragon: Fred

Breed of Dragon: Coatl

BBCode Pic of Dragon:

Apparel?: Veteran's Eye Scar

Accent/Skin? (if any): N/A

Other specifics: I don't think so ^^