Day 97 in the fields. They still suspect nothing. (Special thanks to Chlorine!)
Most fodder is self hatched, but per occasion I’ll purchase some if the prices are low enough/need to flip for a different currency. Don’t want them exalted, you can buy each fodder back at 15,000t or 15g!
Fodder Breeders are usually only here for a short time and will most likely go to any public buy available.
Want to purchase a fodder breeder? Same price applies!
This dragon is currently enjoying the company of a familiar.
This dragon is on a Coliseum team.
This dragon is currently listed in a Crossroads Trade.
This dragon is benefiting from the effects of eternal youth.
This dragon is an ancient breed.
This dragon is currently nesting.
This dragon is under the permanent effect of a Silhouette Scroll. A toggle in the dragon's customization options allows the owner to swap between the artwork poses available for their breed.
This dragon is under the permanent effect of a Reflection Scroll. A toggle in the dragon's customization options allows the owner to flip which direction they are facing.