An impressively long poem telling the legend of the First Four dragon gods. Generations have colored the tale to be more cynical and critical.
Unfortunately not all dragons are chosen by the Shade. Those outcasts are sent into the void.
- Prices are negotiable - 7000 Base Price
Double X +8000
Triple X +12000
Fae/Guardian/Mirror/Tundra +1000
Pearlcatcher/Ridgeback/Snapper/Spiral/Gaoler/Banescale +2000
Skydancer/Bogsneak(Obelisk/Abberation/Veilspun) +3000
Imperial/Nocturne +4000
Coatl/Wildclaw +5000
Adult +1000
Ready to Breed +1000
Female +1000
Special eyes +1000
Energy: 0 out of 50
Energy: 0 out of 50
Energy: 0 out of 50
Energy: 0 out of 50
Energy: 0 out of 50
Energy: 0 out of 50
Energy: 0 out of 50
Energy: 0 out of 50
Energy: 0 out of 50
Energy: 0 out of 50
Energy: 0 out of 50
Energy: 0 out of 50
Energy: 0 out of 50
Energy: 0 out of 50
Energy: 0 out of 50
Energy: 0 out of 50
Energy: 0 out of 50
Energy: 0 out of 50
Energy: 0 out of 50
Energy: 0 out of 50
Energy: 0 out of 50
Energy: 0 out of 50
Energy: 0 out of 50
Energy: 0 out of 50
Coatl Female
Lvl 1
ID#: 81479185
Age: 2 years
Parents: Bloodwing, Inferno
Primary Gene: Charcoal Metallic
Secondary Gene: Ice Noxtide
Tertiary Gene: Strawberry Circuit
Eye Type: Shadow Common
Diet: Seafood
[Click to see details about this dragon.]
Coatl Female
Lvl 1
ID#: 81479186
Age: 2 years
Parents: Bloodwing, Inferno
Primary Gene: Lead Iridescent
Secondary Gene: Coral Noxtide
Tertiary Gene: Platinum Circuit
Eye Type: Shadow Faceted
Diet: Seafood
[Click to see details about this dragon.]
Coatl Male
Lvl 1
ID#: 81479187
Age: 2 years
Parents: Bloodwing, Inferno
Primary Gene: Lead Metallic
Secondary Gene: Pink Noxtide
Tertiary Gene: Coral Circuit
Eye Type: Shadow Common
Diet: Seafood
[Click to see details about this dragon.]
Wildclaw Male
Lvl 1
ID#: 81933485
Age: 2 years
Parents: Shadowclaw, Whiteclaw
Primary Gene: Smoke Crystal
Secondary Gene: Platinum Alloy
Tertiary Gene: Lead Glimmer
Eye Type: Shadow Uncommon
Diet: Meat
[Click to see details about this dragon.]
Coatl Female
Lvl 1
ID#: 82067543
Age: 2 years
Parents: Bloodwing, Inferno
Primary Gene: Obsidian Metallic
Secondary Gene: Magenta Noxtide
Tertiary Gene: Carmine Circuit
Eye Type: Shadow Rare
Diet: Seafood
[Click to see details about this dragon.]
Wildclaw Male
Lvl 1
ID#: 82067545
Age: 2 years
Parents: Bloodwing, Inferno
Primary Gene: Oilslick Metallic
Secondary Gene: Charcoal Noxtide
Tertiary Gene: Moon Circuit
Eye Type: Shadow Common
Diet: Meat
[Click to see details about this dragon.]
Ridgeback Male
Lvl 1
ID#: 82514699
Age: 2 years
Parents: Maddox, Spiff
Primary Gene: Obsidian Iridescent
Secondary Gene: Obsidian Alloy
Tertiary Gene: Blood Circuit
Eye Type: Shadow Goat
Diet: Seafood
[Click to see details about this dragon.]
Spiral Female
Lvl 1
ID#: 86086114
Age: 1 year
Parents: Rordin, Lynx
Primary Gene: Obsidian Metallic
Secondary Gene: Obsidian Bee
Tertiary Gene: Wine Circuit
Eye Type: Shadow Unusual
Diet: Insects, Meat
[Click to see details about this dragon.]
Spiral Male
Lvl 1
ID#: 86086115
Age: 1 year
Parents: Rordin, Lynx
Primary Gene: Obsidian Iridescent
Secondary Gene: Obsidian Bee
Tertiary Gene: Steel Circuit
Eye Type: Shadow Faceted
Diet: Insects, Meat
[Click to see details about this dragon.]
Mirror Female
Lvl 1
ID#: 88544928
Age: 1 year
Parents: Sunset, Astrape
Primary Gene: Crimson Iridescent
Secondary Gene: Pearl Shimmer
Tertiary Gene: Metals Circuit
Eye Type: Shadow Uncommon
Diet: Meat, Seafood
[Click to see details about this dragon.]
Mirror Male
Lvl 1
ID#: 88544930
Age: 1 year
Parents: Sunset, Astrape
Primary Gene: Blush Iridescent
Secondary Gene: Mulberry Shimmer
Tertiary Gene: Teal Circuit
Eye Type: Shadow Common
Diet: Meat, Seafood
[Click to see details about this dragon.]
Wildclaw Male
Lvl 1
ID#: 88565536
Age: 1 year
Parents: Iayu, Saisho
Primary Gene: Obsidian Metallic
Secondary Gene: Obsidian Alloy
Tertiary Gene: Black Circuit
Eye Type: Shadow Bright
Diet: Meat
[Click to see details about this dragon.]
Wildclaw Female
Lvl 1
ID#: 88565537
Age: 1 year
Parents: Iayu, Saisho
Primary Gene: Obsidian Metallic
Secondary Gene: Obsidian Alloy
Tertiary Gene: Silver Glimmer
Eye Type: Shadow Uncommon
Diet: Meat
[Click to see details about this dragon.]
Aberration Female
Lvl 1
ID#: 88616436
Age: 1 year
Parents: Deficiency, Saroon
Primary Gene: Maroon Wasp (Aberration)
Secondary Gene: Fuchsia Sarcophagus (Aberration)
Tertiary Gene: Chocolate Glowtail (Aberration)
Eye Type: Shadow Common
Diet: Meat, Insects, Plants, Seafood
[Click to see details about this dragon.]
Coatl Female
Lvl 1
ID#: 88640024
Age: 1 year
Parents: Bloodwing, Inferno
Primary Gene: Black Metallic
Secondary Gene: Cottoncandy Noxtide
Tertiary Gene: Cerise Circuit
Eye Type: Shadow Common
Diet: Seafood
[Click to see details about this dragon.]
Wildclaw Female
Lvl 1
ID#: 88640025
Age: 1 year
Parents: Bloodwing, Inferno
Primary Gene: Black Metallic
Secondary Gene: Cottoncandy Noxtide
Tertiary Gene: Cerise Circuit
Eye Type: Shadow Uncommon
Diet: Meat
[Click to see details about this dragon.]
Veilspun Male
Lvl 1
ID#: 88660758
Age: 1 year
Parents: Endless, Ender
Primary Gene: Obsidian Wasp (Veilspun)
Secondary Gene: Obsidian Bee (Veilspun)
Tertiary Gene: Obsidian Opal (Veilspun)
Eye Type: Shadow Common
Diet: Insects, Meat, Plants, Seafood
[Click to see details about this dragon.]
Veilspun Male
Lvl 1
ID#: 88660759
Age: 1 year
Parents: Endless, Ender
Primary Gene: Obsidian Wasp (Veilspun)
Secondary Gene: Obsidian Constellation (Veilspun)
Tertiary Gene: Obsidian Opal (Veilspun)
Eye Type: Shadow Common
Diet: Insects, Meat, Plants, Seafood
[Click to see details about this dragon.]
Ridgeback Female
Lvl 1
ID#: 88759686
Age: 1 year
Parents: Maddox, Spiff
Primary Gene: Obsidian Starmap
Secondary Gene: Obsidian Shimmer
Tertiary Gene: Shadow Circuit
Eye Type: Shadow Uncommon
Diet: Seafood
[Click to see details about this dragon.]
Ridgeback Female
Lvl 1
ID#: 88759687
Age: 1 year
Parents: Maddox, Spiff
Primary Gene: Obsidian Iridescent
Secondary Gene: Obsidian Alloy
Tertiary Gene: Black Circuit
Eye Type: Shadow Unusual
Diet: Seafood
[Click to see details about this dragon.]
Ridgeback Male
Lvl 1
ID#: 88759688
Age: 1 year
Parents: Maddox, Spiff
Primary Gene: Obsidian Starmap
Secondary Gene: Obsidian Shimmer
Tertiary Gene: Wine Circuit
Eye Type: Shadow Uncommon
Diet: Seafood
[Click to see details about this dragon.]
Imperial Male
Lvl 1
ID#: 88759695
Age: 1 year
Parents: Redden, Rashida
Primary Gene: Obsidian Metallic
Secondary Gene: Obsidian Alloy
Tertiary Gene: Cream Glimmer
Eye Type: Shadow Common
Diet: Seafood, Meat, Plants, Insects
[Click to see details about this dragon.]
Imperial Female
Lvl 1
ID#: 88759696
Age: 1 year
Parents: Redden, Rashida
Primary Gene: Obsidian Metallic
Secondary Gene: Obsidian Alloy
Tertiary Gene: Wine Circuit
Eye Type: Shadow Common
Diet: Seafood, Meat, Plants, Insects
[Click to see details about this dragon.]
Imperial Male
Lvl 1
ID#: 88759697
Age: 1 year
Parents: Redden, Rashida
Primary Gene: Obsidian Metallic
Secondary Gene: Obsidian Alloy
Tertiary Gene: Gloom Glimmer
Eye Type: Shadow Common
Diet: Seafood, Meat, Plants, Insects
[Click to see details about this dragon.]
This dragon is currently enjoying the company of a familiar.
This dragon is on a Coliseum team.
This dragon is currently listed in a Crossroads Trade.
This dragon is benefiting from the effects of eternal youth.
This dragon is an ancient breed.
This dragon is currently nesting.
This dragon is under the permanent effect of a Silhouette Scroll. A toggle in the dragon's customization options allows the owner to swap between the artwork poses available for their breed.
This dragon is under the permanent effect of a Reflection Scroll. A toggle in the dragon's customization options allows the owner to flip which direction they are facing.