
cantrip's Lair

You are viewing the active dragons in cantrip's lair.
Click this button to swap to the Hibernal Den.
Grouse Basilisk Field Notes Dragons in Limbo

this tab is set aside for:
- new arrivals
- dragons previously hibernating who need to come off cooldown
- dragons whose future is undecided -- will they stay and migrate to the den? be demoted to fodder? who knows! in the meantime they're going to sit here eating everyone else's food and do nothing to earn it.
This dragon is currently enjoying the company of a familiar.
This dragon is on a Coliseum team.
This dragon is currently listed in a Crossroads Trade.
This dragon is benefiting from the effects of eternal youth.
This dragon is an ancient breed.
This dragon is currently nesting.
This dragon is under the permanent effect of a Silhouette Scroll. A toggle in the dragon's customization options allows the owner to swap between the artwork poses available for their breed.
This dragon is under the permanent effect of a Reflection Scroll. A toggle in the dragon's customization options allows the owner to flip which direction they are facing.