
Dragons For Sale

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TOPIC | [OFFER] Christmas / New Year Doubles
[color=purple][size=6]Welcome![/size] [size=4]It looks like you made it through the maelstrom of posts and pings with the rampant sales of Christmas time and the end of 2024 & beginning of 2025. Now it's my turn. You can offer practically anything within website boundaries (and art), but I do have a preference for gems. [size=6]Christmas Doubles:[/size] [columns][url=][img],29067,5399,19649,3629,3683,3627,3684,3696,3628,3639,3640,3641,3689,771,22847,22849&xt=dressing.png[/img][/url][nextcol][url=][img][/img][/url][center][size=5] Obsidian Sky Obsidian [/size]- Dec 25 -[/columns] [columns][url=][img],47122,35529,35523,35528,10365,10372,10386,10380,10393,10400,10721,10751&xt=dressing.png[/img][/url][nextcol][url=][img][/img][/url][center][size=5] Pink Dust Pink [/size]- Dec 25 -[/columns] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol][url=][img][/img][/url][center][size=5] Ivory Ivory Oilslick [/size]- Dec 25 -[/columns] [columns][url=][img],6958,7843,7845,47434,47425,47415,6967,7291,7290,20859,20864,20863&xt=dressing.png[/img][/url][nextcol][url=][img][/img][/url][center][size=5] Tarnish Vermilion Vermilion [/size]- Dec 25 -[/columns] [columns][url=][img],776,59458,59460,59459,59457,59461,2128,667,1706,59948,59950,19642,2596&xt=dressing.png[/img][/url][nextcol][url=][img][/img][/url][center][size=5] Beige Beige Soil [/size]- Dec 26 -[/columns] [columns][url=][img],50776,30849,20848,20846,20845,614,40094,30851,27999,23128,41515,331,42029,1792&xt=dressing.png[/img][/url][nextcol][url=][img][/img][/url][center][size=5] Magenta Umber Umber [/size]- Dec 26 -[/columns] [columns][url=][img],40424,547,50750,40434,40419,40439,40429,45166,25859,25863,45182&xt=dressing.png[/img][/url][nextcol][url=][img][/img][/url][center][size=5] Avocado Avocado Fern [/size]- Dec 26 -[/columns] [size=6]New Year's Doubles:[/size] [columns][url=][img],13790,50765,52535,55541,49663,52548,52551,48803,52363,13774,13846,13854,2118&xt=dressing.png[/img][/url][nextcol][url=][img][/img][/url][center][size=5] Plum Plum Algea [/size]- Dec 31 -[/columns] [columns][url=][img],12187,49103,35533,35540,37374,35539,37365,37375,35551,37394,35546,949&xt=dressing.png[/img][/url][nextcol][url=][img][/img][/url][center][size=5] Mantis Mantis Grape [/size]- Jan 1 -[/columns]

It looks like you made it through the maelstrom of posts and pings with the rampant sales of Christmas time and the end of 2024 & beginning of 2025. Now it's my turn.

You can offer practically anything within website boundaries (and art), but I do have a preference for gems.

Christmas Doubles:

scry?sdid=5130040&skin=19533&apparel=32283,29067,5399,19649,3629,3683,3627,3684,3696,3628,3639,3640,3641,3689,771,22847,22849&xt=dressing.png 99913348.png

- Dec 25 -
scry?sdid=5130108&skin=45647&apparel=51123,47122,35529,35523,35528,10365,10372,10386,10380,10393,10400,10721,10751&xt=dressing.png 99913615.png

- Dec 25 -
scry?sdid=5130185&skin=44206&apparel=&xt=dressing.png 99917439.png

- Dec 25 -
scry?sdid=5130162&skin=24429&apparel=4783,6958,7843,7845,47434,47425,47415,6967,7291,7290,20859,20864,20863&xt=dressing.png 99916133.png

- Dec 25 -
scry?sdid=5130301&skin=54166&apparel=7327,776,59458,59460,59459,59457,59461,2128,667,1706,59948,59950,19642,2596&xt=dressing.png 99967641.png

- Dec 26 -
scry?sdid=5130635&skin=59764&apparel=1752,50776,30849,20848,20846,20845,614,40094,30851,27999,23128,41515,331,42029,1792&xt=dressing.png 99967759.png

- Dec 26 -
scry?sdid=5130759&skin=40529&apparel=18029,40424,547,50750,40434,40419,40439,40429,45166,25859,25863,45182&xt=dressing.png 99968342.png

- Dec 26 -

New Year's Doubles:
scry?sdid=5130878&skin=27422&apparel=48805,13790,50765,52535,55541,49663,52548,52551,48803,52363,13774,13846,13854,2118&xt=dressing.png 100121520.png

- Dec 31 -
scry?sdid=5131056&skin=38390&apparel=55322,12187,49103,35533,35540,37374,35539,37365,37375,35551,37394,35546,949&xt=dressing.png 100143000.png

- Jan 1 -
Join us for Project Egg!
More info here.
General pinglists: Offer
Ping for: XYX, XXY, XYY, Shadow Normal Eyes, Earth Normal Eyes, Nature Bright, Fire Normal Eyes, Plague Normal Eyes, Light Normal Eyes, Water Normal Eyes, Modern, Nocturne

-Pings auto hidden-
@SilverQuark @Aidan @GrimmRaven @Locked @Aeraki @Seonais @Cerion @Cynil @Eseren @Caoineadh @sifenke @Tinytalkingtina @Raidye @Tofubear @warn @AngelOfFate @mercurialwings @Cyrya @Natron @Aviv @Revius @Makomo @laffayette @CinamonPizza @Coward @JunS2 @Yukorusshi @5H4D0WDU57 @KiteM @Twye @Lokey @Ryuuna @xxxx @halforq @Centennial @Caribou @puppicino @Empyreal @DarkRemorse @Rarumara @InfectedWolf @crimsonpixie @frogmom @Blessings5x @xarilin @Heart @eternatus @Novetteus @BraveEguana @yurihands @EonShinato @kageshi @moosesushi @CryptidPossum @bitmap @Laegjarn @SarcasticHawke @Tues @Blushunt @Azure @dayliqht @Serendipia @Zenzic @alixander @Hessonite @Whymsical @scylla @Home @snapdragonfruit @thanksmeg @Qazzie9 @Ravka @IndigoCat @pokelover150 @GreenAtlas @Chichi @Rowdy @crowful @Cirrostratus @Lykos @RoyalTundra @Voidshadow @Are @jr413 @Sarcosanct @bothriolepis @mayanaz @AquaPaladin @kievan @Croissants @evilwave @DobbyisFree @Kaneun @Mitski @crogge @Zayev @evidence @Desecrated @Garizard @Alanon @sucrose @meanling @Miloki @Silverlately @Lemonquartz @Calibris @fernbrake @Gypae @LightFall @menghuancat @AcretoSorien @l0ser @virtue @Ysdaar @Firra @Charias @SaintMotel @FrostSkyder @mists @matejko @kavalkade @mizpah @Graff @Avessa @NorthernLiights @Plushie @Flamenco @Sotherin @Scamper @ClockworkEclipse @malarkeii @Hydrixz404 @despoinai @Neoprene @AbsoluteZeroK @Tunfischhai @Isyrii @Silksharp @Iphegenia @elegia @Irrwahn @Miuv @AwayfromBirdland @Mintso @UNIVERSO @Phay @London @sensitivepigeon @Steel @Apothecaria @Verosa @eternitysgate @Moonweaverr @Manifesting @Peisinoe @Suliko @SeaShanty @Psi @carlyle @Lych @Raestrao @SabrinaB @Kyoya @Caydence @stones @Fluttering @Smalldoll @Glum @Swampbird @Toxiac @Suntouched @Lupen @HoneyedBee @Mariposas @Why @bvvvvvm @Moirne @FallingStar275 @TheDEV1L @borb @jennycatmystique @AquaEmperor @seablueheart @Hemophobia @Cassaroz @Yelo @Lackess @Helsing @distaste @LABS107 @Abril @Synthsational @Tune @LunaBun @shanshui @Susurrar @furo @Xemriss @CharlotteHornets @Aberration @Rathsin @Princesco @Kuzco @MysticOfLight @RydeTheHype @WaterMaloneDraws @Barok @TheWildThings @sinistea @1sun1spirit @Allaprima @ShiftingFoxx @Kasalin @AzaRein @Luluwi @0hzarks @Helixstorm @Hiltain @EzRadiant @Ajax4life14 @Zelie @kyruiz @ShadowFire1 @Vampier @Embroid @acrobat @Scintillia @Runi @frogletfern @NavRea @Deliverance @chraze @LordRaikage @Maila @souls @zeniths @juga @Syldaya @Lomon @TaroQueen @Blayne @undertones @StarWolfQueen @robsypi @Bee141 @mcpearlie @kinyobi @Bunnu @Artifacts @Lino @Iminox @xenofaun @saltymew @silks @plesioth @deadend @TigersMane @Azhdaha @Yelloweye @SnowLynx @loulemon @fugo @Naralex @DaDragon @Flatbooty @Ferascal @Voidsight @seniph @HOVERCRAFT @crowskullz @Incarnate @sinodyc @plutou @tthheeoo @Gaaming @cowl @nimomerole @zebraffe @elv @umbralhorror @tight @Angler @cind @Xendra @tibullus @Sozo @acherontian @Talonmaster @Ginkoi @systemhell @dafatduck @Zarathusa @Liliyanna @DismasYves @Aurelyon @ShadowLessHC98 @1864 @Ashee @crackyoin @SullivanMaurus @RATTTTT @Anky @corsploot @finnamony @Kapro @Inwe @Ketrilla @Starfire0 @DocKnockout @siridescence @Heathers @CeriothOfCinders @InviPorcelain @Asterodea @LaAstaria @Xef @SageSilentfire @notioscopus @mikeythespikey @rdesklamp @liramyne @WildFlora @Mudguts @Avys @SidMaggotSK @cierii @Revue @polychromatic @Clee @Isabella @Glories @Rohi @Marceline @ladylilitu @Equive @renly @saphariadragon @Conviction @smalldoll @Cove @cartel @AkaneChaan @Anhinga @SunbakedBiscuit @scared @Kaboomafoo

Color and Date specifics:
Dragon 1 #99913348 (Shadow Common) (Obsidian/Sky/Obsidian) 2024-12-25
Date pings: @sifenke @xxxx @Sionainn @Blushunt @mayanaz @Kikatzu @Avessa @ClockworkEclipse @fernbrake @minuets @LABS107 @alexmonstrous @Manifesting @ShiftingFoxx @runelore @Luluwi @frogletfern @zeniths @TaroQueen @mcpearlie @seamists @EbonyBriars @CreatorsDilemma @Tsukimayu @blueri @SnowFractal @siridescence @LaAstaria
Specific pings: @mercurialwings @Blessings5x @Soulykins @Overcoat @Nukleer @Naught @cokl @LilyBound @4Jen @LABS107 @alphias @Barok @Osteoderm @Luluwi @EzRadiant @Aeroden @RydeTheHype @HermitBirb @Feety @EtnaFire @SnekOnALantern @Quivira @SharkBa1t @PrincessTaozi @SnowFractal @AngelicAvian @Terboherbo @Yuu

Dragon 2 #99913615 (Earth Common) (Pink/Dust/Pink) 2024-12-25
Date pings: @sifenke @xxxx @Sionainn @Blushunt @mayanaz @Kikatzu @Avessa @ClockworkEclipse @fernbrake @minuets @LABS107 @alexmonstrous @Manifesting @Tauriel @ShiftingFoxx @runelore @Luluwi @frogletfern @zeniths @TaroQueen @mcpearlie @seamists @CreatorsDilemma @Tsukimayu @blueri @SnowFractal @siridescence @LaAstaria
Specific pings: @mercurialwings @cokl @LABS107 @Luluwi @Maybells @GLIGAR @Feety @EtnaFire @Variant @Quivira @Yuu @Hazelgem

Dragon 3 #99917439 (Earth Common) (Ivory/Ivory/Oilslick) 2024-12-25
Date pings: @sifenke @xxxx @Sionainn @Blushunt @mayanaz @Kikatzu @Avessa @ClockworkEclipse @fernbrake @minuets @LABS107 @alexmonstrous @Manifesting @Tauriel @ShiftingFoxx @runelore @Luluwi @frogletfern @zeniths @TaroQueen @mcpearlie @seamists @CreatorsDilemma @Tsukimayu @blueri @SnowFractal @siridescence @LaAstaria
Specific pings: @mercurialwings @Neoprene @Khayria @cokl @Halflife @radiance @LABS107 @X3X @Osteoderm @Luluwi @bergamot @Shrimpedcats @xie @Lino @milkchai @HermitBirb @Feety @Goldensong @EtnaFire @Hermitbirb @gnosiphobia @SnekOnALantern @Quivira @tnecho @PrincessTaozi @Avurdios @lyova @AngelicAvian @Terboherbo @CeriothOfCinders @Yuu @Hazelgem @Santal

Dragon 4 #99916133 (Nature Bright) (Tarnish/Vermilion/Vermilion) 2024-12-25
Date pings: @sifenke @xxxx @Sionainn @Blushunt @mayanaz @Kikatzu @Avessa @ClockworkEclipse @fernbrake @minuets @LABS107 @alexmonstrous @Manifesting @ShiftingFoxx @runelore @Luluwi @frogletfern @zeniths @TaroQueen @mcpearlie @seamists @EbonyBriars @CreatorsDilemma @Tsukimayu @blueri @SnowFractal @siridescence @LaAstaria
Specific pings: @mercurialwings @cokl @vehicons @LABS107 @InfiniteOblivion @seamists @Feety @EtnaFire @Variant @SnekOnALantern @Quivira @SharkBa1t @extinction @NixusHiver @CeriothOfCinders @Yuu

Dragon 5 #99967641 (Shadow Common) (Beige/Beige/Soil) 2024-12-26
Date pings:
Specific pings: @mercurialwings @Coward @chants @ladoslee @Zayev @aeons @Khayria @cokl @Necramancy @puppicino @radiance @Cassaroz @Elidibus @LABS107 @HoraDusk @Aquatlcs @heuksom @X3X @Feet @pensive @Osteoderm @Deva @Cattleya @Gunk @bergamot @Shrimpedcats @snailmilk @collude @unmarkedgrave @milkchai @Torrey @seamists @Feety @TheCicadas @Aurax @Goldensong @EtnaFire @Hermitbirb @okcomputer @Variant @SnekOnALantern @Quivira @SharkBa1t @tnecho @Avurdios @lyova @AngelicAvian @Terboherbo @CeriothOfCinders @Yuu @Santal

Dragon 6 #99967759 (Fire Uncommon) (Magenta/Umber/Umber) 2024-12-26
Date pings:
Specific pings: @mercurialwings @cokl @LABS107 @Barok @seamists @Feety @EtnaFire @Variant @SnekOnALantern @Quivira @ghostpath @extinction @Yuu

Dragon 7 #99968342 (Plague Uncommon) (Avocado/Avocado/Fern) 2024-12-26
Date pings:
Specific pings: @mercurialwings @chants @Necramancy @cokl @radiance @LABS107 @Pesticide @X3X @RydeTheHype @Gunk @Ursaw @seamists @Feety @Goldensong @Variant @Quivira @Avurdios @CeriothOfCinders @Yuu

Dragon 8 #100121520 (Light Common) (Plum/Plum/Algae) 2024-12-31
Date pings:
Specific pings: @mercurialwings @auroshen @cokl @radiance @LABS107 @X3X @Tauriel @Osteoderm @Alyxsandre @Feety @EtnaFire @RunTooLong @macintalk @SnekOnALantern @Quivira @Avurdios @SnowFractal @NixusHiver @CeriothOfCinders @Yuu @fehn

Dragon 9 #100143000 (Water Common) (Mantis/Mantis/Grape) 2025-01-01
Date pings: @sifenke @Nukleer @Novetteus @Putrefaction @Sionainn @Blushunt @dayliqht @mercurialwings @mayanaz @Kikatzu @l0ser @ClockworkEclipse @fernbrake @assiduendo @LABS107 @Cassaroz @alexmonstrous @Manifesting @Jeon @ShiftingFoxx @runelore @Luluwi @frogletfern @TaroQueen @mcpearlie @AquamarineNaga @JackalopShepherd @seamists @Anivia @TheCicadas @acherontian @Tsukimayu @blueri @Danger @EbonyBriars @siridescence @Reybrella @LaAstaria
Specific pings: @mercurialwings @cokl @radiance @LABS107 @X3X @friendhamster @anacroniccobra @Feety @Variant @macintalk @SnekOnALantern @Quivira @Avurdios @NixusHiver @CeriothOfCinders @Yuu

Please do not copy/paste pings from this post. (V4.1)
Click here for the full thread and here for the website

General pinglists: Offer
Ping for: XYX, XXY, XYY, Shadow Normal Eyes, Earth Normal Eyes, Nature Bright, Fire Normal Eyes, Plague Normal Eyes, Light Normal Eyes, Water Normal Eyes, Modern, Nocturne

-Pings auto hidden-
@SilverQuark @Aidan @GrimmRaven @Locked @Aeraki @Seonais @Cerion @Cynil @Eseren @Caoineadh @sifenke @Tinytalkingtina @Raidye @Tofubear @warn @AngelOfFate @mercurialwings @Cyrya @Natron @Aviv @Revius @Makomo @laffayette @CinamonPizza @Coward @JunS2 @Yukorusshi @5H4D0WDU57 @KiteM @Twye @Lokey @Ryuuna @xxxx @halforq @Centennial @Caribou @puppicino @Empyreal @DarkRemorse @Rarumara @InfectedWolf @crimsonpixie @frogmom @Blessings5x @xarilin @Heart @eternatus @Novetteus @BraveEguana @yurihands @EonShinato @kageshi @moosesushi @CryptidPossum @bitmap @Laegjarn @SarcasticHawke @Tues @Blushunt @Azure @dayliqht @Serendipia @Zenzic @alixander @Hessonite @Whymsical @scylla @Home @snapdragonfruit @thanksmeg @Qazzie9 @Ravka @IndigoCat @pokelover150 @GreenAtlas @Chichi @Rowdy @crowful @Cirrostratus @Lykos @RoyalTundra @Voidshadow @Are @jr413 @Sarcosanct @bothriolepis @mayanaz @AquaPaladin @kievan @Croissants @evilwave @DobbyisFree @Kaneun @Mitski @crogge @Zayev @evidence @Desecrated @Garizard @Alanon @sucrose @meanling @Miloki @Silverlately @Lemonquartz @Calibris @fernbrake @Gypae @LightFall @menghuancat @AcretoSorien @l0ser @virtue @Ysdaar @Firra @Charias @SaintMotel @FrostSkyder @mists @matejko @kavalkade @mizpah @Graff @Avessa @NorthernLiights @Plushie @Flamenco @Sotherin @Scamper @ClockworkEclipse @malarkeii @Hydrixz404 @despoinai @Neoprene @AbsoluteZeroK @Tunfischhai @Isyrii @Silksharp @Iphegenia @elegia @Irrwahn @Miuv @AwayfromBirdland @Mintso @UNIVERSO @Phay @London @sensitivepigeon @Steel @Apothecaria @Verosa @eternitysgate @Moonweaverr @Manifesting @Peisinoe @Suliko @SeaShanty @Psi @carlyle @Lych @Raestrao @SabrinaB @Kyoya @Caydence @stones @Fluttering @Smalldoll @Glum @Swampbird @Toxiac @Suntouched @Lupen @HoneyedBee @Mariposas @Why @bvvvvvm @Moirne @FallingStar275 @TheDEV1L @borb @jennycatmystique @AquaEmperor @seablueheart @Hemophobia @Cassaroz @Yelo @Lackess @Helsing @distaste @LABS107 @Abril @Synthsational @Tune @LunaBun @shanshui @Susurrar @furo @Xemriss @CharlotteHornets @Aberration @Rathsin @Princesco @Kuzco @MysticOfLight @RydeTheHype @WaterMaloneDraws @Barok @TheWildThings @sinistea @1sun1spirit @Allaprima @ShiftingFoxx @Kasalin @AzaRein @Luluwi @0hzarks @Helixstorm @Hiltain @EzRadiant @Ajax4life14 @Zelie @kyruiz @ShadowFire1 @Vampier @Embroid @acrobat @Scintillia @Runi @frogletfern @NavRea @Deliverance @chraze @LordRaikage @Maila @souls @zeniths @juga @Syldaya @Lomon @TaroQueen @Blayne @undertones @StarWolfQueen @robsypi @Bee141 @mcpearlie @kinyobi @Bunnu @Artifacts @Lino @Iminox @xenofaun @saltymew @silks @plesioth @deadend @TigersMane @Azhdaha @Yelloweye @SnowLynx @loulemon @fugo @Naralex @DaDragon @Flatbooty @Ferascal @Voidsight @seniph @HOVERCRAFT @crowskullz @Incarnate @sinodyc @plutou @tthheeoo @Gaaming @cowl @nimomerole @zebraffe @elv @umbralhorror @tight @Angler @cind @Xendra @tibullus @Sozo @acherontian @Talonmaster @Ginkoi @systemhell @dafatduck @Zarathusa @Liliyanna @DismasYves @Aurelyon @ShadowLessHC98 @1864 @Ashee @crackyoin @SullivanMaurus @RATTTTT @Anky @corsploot @finnamony @Kapro @Inwe @Ketrilla @Starfire0 @DocKnockout @siridescence @Heathers @CeriothOfCinders @InviPorcelain @Asterodea @LaAstaria @Xef @SageSilentfire @notioscopus @mikeythespikey @rdesklamp @liramyne @WildFlora @Mudguts @Avys @SidMaggotSK @cierii @Revue @polychromatic @Clee @Isabella @Glories @Rohi @Marceline @ladylilitu @Equive @renly @saphariadragon @Conviction @smalldoll @Cove @cartel @AkaneChaan @Anhinga @SunbakedBiscuit @scared @Kaboomafoo

Color and Date specifics:
Dragon 1 #99913348 (Shadow Common) (Obsidian/Sky/Obsidian) 2024-12-25
Date pings: @sifenke @xxxx @Sionainn @Blushunt @mayanaz @Kikatzu @Avessa @ClockworkEclipse @fernbrake @minuets @LABS107 @alexmonstrous @Manifesting @ShiftingFoxx @runelore @Luluwi @frogletfern @zeniths @TaroQueen @mcpearlie @seamists @EbonyBriars @CreatorsDilemma @Tsukimayu @blueri @SnowFractal @siridescence @LaAstaria
Specific pings: @mercurialwings @Blessings5x @Soulykins @Overcoat @Nukleer @Naught @cokl @LilyBound @4Jen @LABS107 @alphias @Barok @Osteoderm @Luluwi @EzRadiant @Aeroden @RydeTheHype @HermitBirb @Feety @EtnaFire @SnekOnALantern @Quivira @SharkBa1t @PrincessTaozi @SnowFractal @AngelicAvian @Terboherbo @Yuu

Dragon 2 #99913615 (Earth Common) (Pink/Dust/Pink) 2024-12-25
Date pings: @sifenke @xxxx @Sionainn @Blushunt @mayanaz @Kikatzu @Avessa @ClockworkEclipse @fernbrake @minuets @LABS107 @alexmonstrous @Manifesting @Tauriel @ShiftingFoxx @runelore @Luluwi @frogletfern @zeniths @TaroQueen @mcpearlie @seamists @CreatorsDilemma @Tsukimayu @blueri @SnowFractal @siridescence @LaAstaria
Specific pings: @mercurialwings @cokl @LABS107 @Luluwi @Maybells @GLIGAR @Feety @EtnaFire @Variant @Quivira @Yuu @Hazelgem

Dragon 3 #99917439 (Earth Common) (Ivory/Ivory/Oilslick) 2024-12-25
Date pings: @sifenke @xxxx @Sionainn @Blushunt @mayanaz @Kikatzu @Avessa @ClockworkEclipse @fernbrake @minuets @LABS107 @alexmonstrous @Manifesting @Tauriel @ShiftingFoxx @runelore @Luluwi @frogletfern @zeniths @TaroQueen @mcpearlie @seamists @CreatorsDilemma @Tsukimayu @blueri @SnowFractal @siridescence @LaAstaria
Specific pings: @mercurialwings @Neoprene @Khayria @cokl @Halflife @radiance @LABS107 @X3X @Osteoderm @Luluwi @bergamot @Shrimpedcats @xie @Lino @milkchai @HermitBirb @Feety @Goldensong @EtnaFire @Hermitbirb @gnosiphobia @SnekOnALantern @Quivira @tnecho @PrincessTaozi @Avurdios @lyova @AngelicAvian @Terboherbo @CeriothOfCinders @Yuu @Hazelgem @Santal

Dragon 4 #99916133 (Nature Bright) (Tarnish/Vermilion/Vermilion) 2024-12-25
Date pings: @sifenke @xxxx @Sionainn @Blushunt @mayanaz @Kikatzu @Avessa @ClockworkEclipse @fernbrake @minuets @LABS107 @alexmonstrous @Manifesting @ShiftingFoxx @runelore @Luluwi @frogletfern @zeniths @TaroQueen @mcpearlie @seamists @EbonyBriars @CreatorsDilemma @Tsukimayu @blueri @SnowFractal @siridescence @LaAstaria
Specific pings: @mercurialwings @cokl @vehicons @LABS107 @InfiniteOblivion @seamists @Feety @EtnaFire @Variant @SnekOnALantern @Quivira @SharkBa1t @extinction @NixusHiver @CeriothOfCinders @Yuu

Dragon 5 #99967641 (Shadow Common) (Beige/Beige/Soil) 2024-12-26
Date pings:
Specific pings: @mercurialwings @Coward @chants @ladoslee @Zayev @aeons @Khayria @cokl @Necramancy @puppicino @radiance @Cassaroz @Elidibus @LABS107 @HoraDusk @Aquatlcs @heuksom @X3X @Feet @pensive @Osteoderm @Deva @Cattleya @Gunk @bergamot @Shrimpedcats @snailmilk @collude @unmarkedgrave @milkchai @Torrey @seamists @Feety @TheCicadas @Aurax @Goldensong @EtnaFire @Hermitbirb @okcomputer @Variant @SnekOnALantern @Quivira @SharkBa1t @tnecho @Avurdios @lyova @AngelicAvian @Terboherbo @CeriothOfCinders @Yuu @Santal

Dragon 6 #99967759 (Fire Uncommon) (Magenta/Umber/Umber) 2024-12-26
Date pings:
Specific pings: @mercurialwings @cokl @LABS107 @Barok @seamists @Feety @EtnaFire @Variant @SnekOnALantern @Quivira @ghostpath @extinction @Yuu

Dragon 7 #99968342 (Plague Uncommon) (Avocado/Avocado/Fern) 2024-12-26
Date pings:
Specific pings: @mercurialwings @chants @Necramancy @cokl @radiance @LABS107 @Pesticide @X3X @RydeTheHype @Gunk @Ursaw @seamists @Feety @Goldensong @Variant @Quivira @Avurdios @CeriothOfCinders @Yuu

Dragon 8 #100121520 (Light Common) (Plum/Plum/Algae) 2024-12-31
Date pings:
Specific pings: @mercurialwings @auroshen @cokl @radiance @LABS107 @X3X @Tauriel @Osteoderm @Alyxsandre @Feety @EtnaFire @RunTooLong @macintalk @SnekOnALantern @Quivira @Avurdios @SnowFractal @NixusHiver @CeriothOfCinders @Yuu @fehn

Dragon 9 #100143000 (Water Common) (Mantis/Mantis/Grape) 2025-01-01
Date pings: @sifenke @Nukleer @Novetteus @Putrefaction @Sionainn @Blushunt @dayliqht @mercurialwings @mayanaz @Kikatzu @l0ser @ClockworkEclipse @fernbrake @assiduendo @LABS107 @Cassaroz @alexmonstrous @Manifesting @Jeon @ShiftingFoxx @runelore @Luluwi @frogletfern @TaroQueen @mcpearlie @AquamarineNaga @JackalopShepherd @seamists @Anivia @TheCicadas @acherontian @Tsukimayu @blueri @Danger @EbonyBriars @siridescence @Reybrella @LaAstaria
Specific pings: @mercurialwings @cokl @radiance @LABS107 @X3X @friendhamster @anacroniccobra @Feety @Variant @macintalk @SnekOnALantern @Quivira @Avurdios @NixusHiver @CeriothOfCinders @Yuu

Please do not copy/paste pings from this post. (V4.1)
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Join us for Project Egg!
More info here.
[center]super in love with you beige double <3 i've got some gen1s that might interest you for a trade, as well as a small array of UMAs c: [item=accent: beetle friend][item=accent: bad intentions m][item=accent: a requiem for peace][item=accent: vampiric thirst coatl m][item=accent: robotic ripper][item=skin: bluish nightmare][item=accent: sweet growth][item=accent: ss-jade branches][item=accent: queen of the cosmos][item=accent: floating feeling][item=accent: gustbound][item=accent: broken chains][item=accent: red celest][item=accent: sunrise mane][item=accent: lover boy][item=accent: kk- DEADCora][item=skin: gone to ground][item=skin: water to wine] [left][b]dragons:[/b] i've got two tabs of dragons that are gen1s for sales/grabbies [url=]one in my lair[/url] and [url=]one in my HibDen[/url]. i'll list some highlights from those :D XYY [url=]Fuchsia/thistle/thisle[/url] XYY [url=]Marigold/wisteria/wisteria[/url] XYY [url=]Cyan/orange/orange[/url] XYX [url=]Gloom/driftwood/gloom[/url] [url=]fully-gened Phthalo/metals/grapefruit[/url] [url=]fully-gened Cantaloupe/green/cobalt[/url] [url=]fully-gened Wine/azure/fog[/url] [url=]fully-gened Wisteria/carmine/tomato[/url]
super in love with you beige double <3 i've got some gen1s that might interest you for a trade, as well as a small array of UMAs c:
Accent: Beetle Friend Accent: Bad Intentions M Accent: A Requiem for Peace Accent: Vampiric Thirst Coatl M Accent: Robotic Ripper Skin: Bluish Nightmare Accent: Sweet Growth Accent: SS-Jade Branches Accent: Queen of the Cosmos Accent: Floating Feeling Accent: Gustbound Accent: Broken Chains Accent: Red celest Accent: Sunrise Mane Accent: Lover Boy Accent: KK- DEADcora Skin: gone to ground Skin: water to wine
tumblr_inline_mv8czvMKYv1qid2nw.gif tumblr_inline_p7w055E7yG1snulow_75sq.gif tumblr_inline_mmxswaUumx1qz4rgp.gif
used to be SoullessRogue/SoullessARMY
send me a friend request or message, i'm happy to chat~ if you need help or have any questions i'm always open!

wishlist|Hibernal Den Item Trading Hub|i'll pay you to brew!
tumblr_inline_mmxswaUumx1qz4rgp.gif tumblr_inline_p7w055E7yG1snulow_75sq.gif tumblr_inline_mv8czvMKYv1qid2nw.gif
Thanks for the offer @scared ! I'm rather notoriously picking with UMAs - I'm afraid none are quite what I'm looking for. The gloom/driftwood is rather tempting, but I already have a ton of projects and I can't really afford another one or the ones I already have for that matter ^^;
Thanks for the offer @scared ! I'm rather notoriously picking with UMAs - I'm afraid none are quite what I'm looking for. The gloom/driftwood is rather tempting, but I already have a ton of projects and I can't really afford another one or the ones I already have for that matter ^^;
Join us for Project Egg!
More info here.
all good! thank you for considering <3
all good! thank you for considering <3
tumblr_inline_mv8czvMKYv1qid2nw.gif tumblr_inline_p7w055E7yG1snulow_75sq.gif tumblr_inline_mmxswaUumx1qz4rgp.gif
used to be SoullessRogue/SoullessARMY
send me a friend request or message, i'm happy to chat~ if you need help or have any questions i'm always open!

wishlist|Hibernal Den Item Trading Hub|i'll pay you to brew!
tumblr_inline_mmxswaUumx1qz4rgp.gif tumblr_inline_p7w055E7yG1snulow_75sq.gif tumblr_inline_mv8czvMKYv1qid2nw.gif