
Bug Report Forums

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TOPIC | Eye Types
I’m not sure if this is happening to anybody else, but recently I’ve noticed that getting an eye type other than Common has not been happening for me. In the past four or five nests I’ve had, which would be about 7-12 hatchlings, almost none have had an eye type other than Common? Is this normal? I know it’s supposed to be random, but I feel like it’s too rare of a thing. I got a Multi-gaze eye type exactly ONCE when the update first came out and haven’t had any Faceted or Primal or especially interesting types at all. I’ve been getting almost all Common, maybe one or two Uncommon eye types pretty much every nest for the past few months. Is this a bug? Because if it’s not, I feel like the probabilities should be skewed slightly, just so I’m not getting all Common all the time.
I’m not sure if this is happening to anybody else, but recently I’ve noticed that getting an eye type other than Common has not been happening for me. In the past four or five nests I’ve had, which would be about 7-12 hatchlings, almost none have had an eye type other than Common? Is this normal? I know it’s supposed to be random, but I feel like it’s too rare of a thing. I got a Multi-gaze eye type exactly ONCE when the update first came out and haven’t had any Faceted or Primal or especially interesting types at all. I’ve been getting almost all Common, maybe one or two Uncommon eye types pretty much every nest for the past few months. Is this a bug? Because if it’s not, I feel like the probabilities should be skewed slightly, just so I’m not getting all Common all the time.
@starshine45 not a bug. Common is the most common type, with uncommon, unusual, and rare being less common, and faceted, Multi-Gaze, and primal being the rarest.
Here’s a thread with probabilities
@starshine45 not a bug. Common is the most common type, with uncommon, unusual, and rare being less common, and faceted, Multi-Gaze, and primal being the rarest.
Here’s a thread with probabilities

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Aaah ok. Thanks. I still think the probability for getting a different eye type should be higher, but maybe that’s just me.
Aaah ok. Thanks. I still think the probability for getting a different eye type should be higher, but maybe that’s just me.