
Dragon Share

Show off your favorite dragons.
TOPIC | A Dragon a Day Share (Star-watchers)
[url=][img][/img][/url] another coatl for the insufferable jerks pile :] this is Nerium! He tends to wear a charming, pretty little mask until he's dug up enough blackmail to put his target under his thumb, and he views most of his fellow clan members as beneath him. Any relationships he's cultivated are insincere and built upon using them for his own ends.

another coatl for the insufferable jerks pile :] this is Nerium! He tends to wear a charming, pretty little mask until he's dug up enough blackmail to put his target under his thumb, and he views most of his fellow clan members as beneath him. Any relationships he's cultivated are insincere and built upon using them for his own ends.
Call me Sky!
+0 FR Time
[center]@pinglist-9133[/center] [center][size=6][b]Today is 19 June[/b][/size] This has been one heck of a year. and today's dragon is [size=6][color=#555555][font=georgia][b]TECTOR BOMBARDIER[/b][/font][/color][/size] [size=2][color=#555555][color=#FF9200]creative[/color] | [color=#FF9200]thorough[/color] | [color=#FF9200]simple[/color] [img][/img] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol][center][item=Firebrand Tungsten] [b][url=][img][/img][/url][color=#0C6919] Raider[/color][/b][/center] making stuff go [i]boom[/i] [b]Age:[/b] 19 years old [b]MBTI:[/b] [url=]ESTP[/url] [b]Strengths[/b] - chaotic and adaptable [b]Weaknesses[/b] - delays dealing with big problems [/columns] [img][/img][/center] I bought Tector with no idea what I was going to do with him because I thought he looked amazing. Brick’ll really get you. If you’re me, I guess. Good color. I finally decided to use him for a fandragon for my (second) favorite character in a TV show no one remembers (probably rightly) because Coatls just have this odd-crazy look in their eyes? I honestly, have no idea. This character isn’t green, but it’s vibes, you know. Tector is a raider that works with [url=]Abbey[/url] and her brother [url=]Merle[/url], who we’ve met. He fights and generally sets stuff on fire. I thought that was a fun thing for a Nature dragon to do. Not that nature doesn’t set stuff on fire - it totally does. So really it makes sense when you think about it. Show me a dragon that [b]Starts fires[/b]! This could be literally, like maybe they blow things up on purpose or on accident like a good Fire dragon or a bad cook or maybe a good or bad chemist, which I think could go either way. Or it could be metaphorically, like they aren’t easy to get along with and tries to make others angry. [center]Tomorrow we celebrate [b]Summer[/b] with [url=]Pacha[/url].[/center]
Today is 19 June
This has been one heck of a year.

and today's dragon is
creative | thorough | simple


Firebrand Tungsten
zuKl4tj.png Raider
making stuff go boom

Age: 19 years old

Strengths - chaotic and adaptable
Weaknesses - delays dealing with big problems

I bought Tector with no idea what I was going to do with him because I thought he looked amazing. Brick’ll really get you. If you’re me, I guess. Good color. I finally decided to use him for a fandragon for my (second) favorite character in a TV show no one remembers (probably rightly) because Coatls just have this odd-crazy look in their eyes? I honestly, have no idea. This character isn’t green, but it’s vibes, you know.

Tector is a raider that works with Abbey and her brother Merle, who we’ve met. He fights and generally sets stuff on fire. I thought that was a fun thing for a Nature dragon to do. Not that nature doesn’t set stuff on fire - it totally does. So really it makes sense when you think about it.

Show me a dragon that Starts fires! This could be literally, like maybe they blow things up on purpose or on accident like a good Fire dragon or a bad cook or maybe a good or bad chemist, which I think could go either way. Or it could be metaphorically, like they aren’t easy to get along with and tries to make others angry.
Tomorrow we celebrate Summer with Pacha.
Cheerful Chime Almedha | share project
Lore Starts Here (WIP)
I collect Pulsing Relics!
candle-smol.png ____
[url=][img][/img][/url] Sanguis is very chaotic, Loves fire, Setting things on fire, Burning things, etc. That's all he really does, He's a generally okay dude though! But leaving him around matches or firepits alone isn't the best idea.

Sanguis is very chaotic, Loves fire, Setting things on fire, Burning things, etc. That's all he really does, He's a generally okay dude though! But leaving him around matches or firepits alone isn't the best idea.
Ohh yes, brick will definitely get you. Brick flaunt/flair especially, such a good palette - love how Tector's glimmer brings out those deep greens it gets. Easy pick for me - it's gotta be Camaraderie (Rad for short!), a draconic version of one of my D&D characters. He's the classic "I didn't ask how big the room is, I said I cast fireball!" archetype. Also an absolute sweetheart, very much living up to his name. Which is good, because it makes folks a bit more forgiving of being set on fire so often. [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center]
Ohh yes, brick will definitely get you. Brick flaunt/flair especially, such a good palette - love how Tector's glimmer brings out those deep greens it gets.

Easy pick for me - it's gotta be Camaraderie (Rad for short!), a draconic version of one of my D&D characters. He's the classic "I didn't ask how big the room is, I said I cast fireball!" archetype. Also an absolute sweetheart, very much living up to his name. Which is good, because it makes folks a bit more forgiving of being set on fire so often.
[url=][img][/img][/url] Amber here is a little fire hazard! not on purpose, mind you, her capsule's just full of hot oil. Luckily she's got [url=]her guardian[/url] keeping an eye out for any accidental arson attempts

Amber here is a little fire hazard! not on purpose, mind you, her capsule's just full of hot oil. Luckily she's got her guardian keeping an eye out for any accidental arson attempts
Call me Sky!
+0 FR Time
[url=][img][/img][/url] Patron saint of arsonists... she's been here before but its her niche

Patron saint of arsonists... she's been here before but its her niche
tumblr_inline_nbe8duyTA81qg78ij.png QwBJb5P.png f9NQhcL.png Xx3ZGyj.png
[url=][img][/img][/url] Will never pass an opportunity to show off one of my favourite fandragons :D

Will never pass an opportunity to show off one of my favourite fandragons :D
[center]@pinglist-9133[/center] [center][size=6][b]Today is 20 June[/b][/size] I need to make an outfit for [url=]Indy[/url]. and today's dragon is [size=6][color=#555555][font=georgia][b]PACHA GROOVERVE[/b][/font][/color][/size] [size=2][color=#555555][color=#F6A738]caring[/color] | [color=#F6A738]patient[/color] | [color=#F6A738]deferential[/color] [img][/img] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol][center][item=Longneck Pack] [b][url=][img][/img][/url][color=#002FAD] Herder[/color][/b][/center] taking care of the ungulates [b]Age:[/b] 15 years old [b]MBTI:[/b] [url=]ISFJ[/url] [b]Strengths[/b] - sees the best in just about everyone [b]Weaknesses[/b] - has a hard time standing up for himself sometimes [/columns] [img][/img][/center] Pacha is an Emperor’s New Groove fandragon. [url=]And I feel like that’s all that needs to be said about that[/url]. I don’t know what made me want to make a Pacha fandragon? I feel like maybe it was the Skullcap. I don’t have any plans for this guy yet, so I don’t actually have much to say. Just that the colors of the movie and the colors of this particular dragon are very summer-y to me. And up here in the northern hemisphere, it’s that time of year. So I think I’ll actually leave it at that. You all know what summer is like, right? Show me [b]Summer[/b]! Dragons that represent summer or that you got during the summer or that really like summer. [center]Tomorrow we celebrate [b]Assassins[/b] with [url=]Leshen[/url].[/center]
Today is 20 June
I need to make an outfit for Indy.

and today's dragon is
caring | patient | deferential


Longneck Pack
bQKtPA9.png Herder
taking care of the ungulates

Age: 15 years old

Strengths - sees the best in just about everyone
Weaknesses - has a hard time standing up for himself sometimes

Pacha is an Emperor’s New Groove fandragon. And I feel like that’s all that needs to be said about that.

I don’t know what made me want to make a Pacha fandragon? I feel like maybe it was the Skullcap.

I don’t have any plans for this guy yet, so I don’t actually have much to say. Just that the colors of the movie and the colors of this particular dragon are very summer-y to me. And up here in the northern hemisphere, it’s that time of year. So I think I’ll actually leave it at that. You all know what summer is like, right?

Show me Summer! Dragons that represent summer or that you got during the summer or that really like summer.

Tomorrow we celebrate Assassins with Leshen.
Cheerful Chime Almedha | share project
Lore Starts Here (WIP)
I collect Pulsing Relics!
candle-smol.png ____
[url=][img][/img][/url] She's based on the beach, Mainly the specific part where the water just barely glides over the sand. She's a great swimmer as well, Perfect for summer themed things ^^
95169343_350.png She's based on the beach, Mainly the specific part where the water just barely glides over the sand. She's a great swimmer as well, Perfect for summer themed things ^^
[url=][img][/img][/url] This as yet to be named oldie was born on midsummer 6 years ago. I love her bright eyes contrasting with the stark white, so probably will not be giving her a primary. She's a nice bright day with a pleasant cool breeze, perfect.

This as yet to be named oldie was born on midsummer 6 years ago. I love her bright eyes contrasting with the stark white, so probably will not be giving her a primary. She's a nice bright day with a pleasant cool breeze, perfect.
tumblr_inline_nbe8duyTA81qg78ij.png QwBJb5P.png f9NQhcL.png Xx3ZGyj.png