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TOPIC | What is good inspiration for Lair Lore?
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Hello! As someone who has been around on FR for around 5-ish years, I've had my fair share of attempts at establishing lore for my Lair. Most Lairs that I look at out of curiosity seem to have some sort of lore, whether it be a monarchy or a theme, there's a lot that people do to set up their lair. So, I'm wondering what was the process for figuring that out for you users that have figured out that lore? What do you do with dragons that don't quite fit in? I'm mainly looking for the hows and whys, to try and create a solid story for the dragons I have.

Feel free to share stories, inspirations, and processes below :D!
Hello! As someone who has been around on FR for around 5-ish years, I've had my fair share of attempts at establishing lore for my Lair. Most Lairs that I look at out of curiosity seem to have some sort of lore, whether it be a monarchy or a theme, there's a lot that people do to set up their lair. So, I'm wondering what was the process for figuring that out for you users that have figured out that lore? What do you do with dragons that don't quite fit in? I'm mainly looking for the hows and whys, to try and create a solid story for the dragons I have.

Feel free to share stories, inspirations, and processes below :D!
i use media like songs and games i like! things like rainworld and bloodborne :)
i use media like songs and games i like! things like rainworld and bloodborne :)
(@art by Caprexes)
i pull inspiration from video games i like typically then sort of mold it into my own thing. what sort of things do you enjoy? maybe start there:D
i pull inspiration from video games i like typically then sort of mold it into my own thing. what sort of things do you enjoy? maybe start there:D
Mooncake Festival 2024 - Light ConquestDom WatchPublic BuyIlluminartiMooncake Festival 2024 - Light Conquest
When I first joined FR, it felt a bit odd just to have my main tab named "Main," so I named it after an RPG city (Kaiator from TERA) because it was a cool name and a cool city. It was a totally off-the-cuff decision that shaped my entire lore.

To be clear, my setting isn't canon Kaiator (we aren't a fanlair) but the general vibe of "high-tech industrial metropolis" stuck very hard. My progens are basically RPG protagonists who came to the city in search of adventure and glory. I have a lot of RPG-esque characters: rulers & insurrectionists, an annoying duo of rivals who eventually end up joining the party, armorsmiths & potion sellers, etc. But I also have more mundane characters, such as sisters who run a paranormal investigation podcast, and a dragon who works at a pizzeria.

As you can see, my lore is very character-based. I don't really have an overarching plot outside of individual characters' arcs. But the nice thing about a big-city setting is that everyone fits. We have a warmachina that guards the city gates. We also have a hedge fund manager and a beekeeper.

I had already worked out my lore and general vibe before I realized this site has canon lore. So I decided we aren't in Sornieth. But Sornieth still exists, and we sometimes get immigrants, meaning that I can also write stuff that connects to site lore if I want.
When I first joined FR, it felt a bit odd just to have my main tab named "Main," so I named it after an RPG city (Kaiator from TERA) because it was a cool name and a cool city. It was a totally off-the-cuff decision that shaped my entire lore.

To be clear, my setting isn't canon Kaiator (we aren't a fanlair) but the general vibe of "high-tech industrial metropolis" stuck very hard. My progens are basically RPG protagonists who came to the city in search of adventure and glory. I have a lot of RPG-esque characters: rulers & insurrectionists, an annoying duo of rivals who eventually end up joining the party, armorsmiths & potion sellers, etc. But I also have more mundane characters, such as sisters who run a paranormal investigation podcast, and a dragon who works at a pizzeria.

As you can see, my lore is very character-based. I don't really have an overarching plot outside of individual characters' arcs. But the nice thing about a big-city setting is that everyone fits. We have a warmachina that guards the city gates. We also have a hedge fund manager and a beekeeper.

I had already worked out my lore and general vibe before I realized this site has canon lore. So I decided we aren't in Sornieth. But Sornieth still exists, and we sometimes get immigrants, meaning that I can also write stuff that connects to site lore if I want.
Bubbly Buddy Razanei Lineage Project
Virtual Hibden
Breed Out the Ugly Challenge (Koi Edition)
when i first started out playing FR, i also didn’t have any set lore! just a few bios for dragons who i liked and had some interesting character ideas for.

recently i’ve started the process of a lore overhaul, and i can say that my personal jumping point was site lore about my home flight, Light! i thought a lot of the lore regarding imperials, emperors, and the location “the emperor’s wake” had a lot to play around with. so i went ahead and formed my clan as a sort of refugee camp and community to protect against luminax, and a lot of previous character points for my dragons i am actively recycling!

if integrating with site canon sounds like a fun challenge to you, i would recommend taking a look at canon material in the Encyclopedia like BotE, and you could peruse other people’s lore or headcanons regarding their flights. :0 there’s a lot of lore threads that have yet to be addressed in Adventure mode!
when i first started out playing FR, i also didn’t have any set lore! just a few bios for dragons who i liked and had some interesting character ideas for.

recently i’ve started the process of a lore overhaul, and i can say that my personal jumping point was site lore about my home flight, Light! i thought a lot of the lore regarding imperials, emperors, and the location “the emperor’s wake” had a lot to play around with. so i went ahead and formed my clan as a sort of refugee camp and community to protect against luminax, and a lot of previous character points for my dragons i am actively recycling!

if integrating with site canon sounds like a fun challenge to you, i would recommend taking a look at canon material in the Encyclopedia like BotE, and you could peruse other people’s lore or headcanons regarding their flights. :0 there’s a lot of lore threads that have yet to be addressed in Adventure mode!
A drawing of a blue and yellow Spiral dragon (art by me). Click to go to the dragon! | @Quebeal
| ♦ ¤ ——−−--
| FR +1 DST
| Any pronouns
| My current avatar dragon!
| i hope you have a good day!
———-Recolored treeshroud icon by yascherritsa. Click for resource thread!
A lot of my lore is actually just site lore extended. I know some people like going off the beaten track, but reading up on the site lore actually gives me a lot of ideas. There's a saying I once read that 'Restriction breeds Creativity', and it really holds true for me cause knowing what is and isn't possible in the world of Sornieth really lets me play around with the ideas it has.

Combined with my love for adventure stories and I just found a lair of adventure dragons just sort of arose from it.
A lot of my lore is actually just site lore extended. I know some people like going off the beaten track, but reading up on the site lore actually gives me a lot of ideas. There's a saying I once read that 'Restriction breeds Creativity', and it really holds true for me cause knowing what is and isn't possible in the world of Sornieth really lets me play around with the ideas it has.

Combined with my love for adventure stories and I just found a lair of adventure dragons just sort of arose from it.
Come visit my lore lair! It's a fun time here.

Something strange is happening on Sornieth. All across the world, dragons have begun to be born with multiple elements. How? Why? As dragons all across Sornieth takes notice, the wheel of fate begins to turn, as one fae's search for her mysterious origins leads her down a path that could change Sornieth forever.
Gonna go against the grain here a little bit lol, because the thing that inspired me was that I didn't like 90% of site lore and wanted to do my own world-building. I wasn't enjoying trying to write dragons in Sornieth. The freeing thing for me was realizing that my characters didn't have to live there--they didn't even really have to be dragons, they could be magic creature-shaped Fey! Now, there's not really any over-arcing plotline aside from some hints at Fey-politics and rebellion, mostly everything I have written down is character-centric, but it's fun :) I love coming up with origin stories and personalities for my lil guys and having them terrorize interact with the nearby Mortals lol

So my advice: do what's fun for you, whether using the site lore or throwing it away entirely, that's what the site is for ^^ now excuse me, I need to go consider over a hundred empty bios
Gonna go against the grain here a little bit lol, because the thing that inspired me was that I didn't like 90% of site lore and wanted to do my own world-building. I wasn't enjoying trying to write dragons in Sornieth. The freeing thing for me was realizing that my characters didn't have to live there--they didn't even really have to be dragons, they could be magic creature-shaped Fey! Now, there's not really any over-arcing plotline aside from some hints at Fey-politics and rebellion, mostly everything I have written down is character-centric, but it's fun :) I love coming up with origin stories and personalities for my lil guys and having them terrorize interact with the nearby Mortals lol

So my advice: do what's fun for you, whether using the site lore or throwing it away entirely, that's what the site is for ^^ now excuse me, I need to go consider over a hundred empty bios
__________________My Random Progen, Faendal Avatar Dragon
Dragons For Sale
I enjoy being pinged :) I also like Stars on my dragons!
My Custom Progen, Iselene
I'm super boring and just mashed together whatever popped into my head. There is no logic. A fair bit has, over time, ended up inspired by stories I grew up with and some kind of take on Norse Mythology, but I still just... mash stuff together. It's very casual lol
I'm super boring and just mashed together whatever popped into my head. There is no logic. A fair bit has, over time, ended up inspired by stories I grew up with and some kind of take on Norse Mythology, but I still just... mash stuff together. It's very casual lol
___________________ 70571229.png adult player | FR+9 | lore fanatic
Mourning Flowers
Clan Valhall
Tragic Tales Hatchery
Teeny Tiny Lore Shop
Troll Hunters
none of mine is written down yet BUT i like to use books, movies, and music for inspiration !! :D my lair lore is heavily based off of book series i read as a kid (guardians of gahoole and warriors mainly), and i tend to get ideas of particular dragon's roles and personalities just based on looks or vibes, which i then further develop by getting inspired by songs :>

i also include some canon site lore, such as dominance and exalting!
none of mine is written down yet BUT i like to use books, movies, and music for inspiration !! :D my lair lore is heavily based off of book series i read as a kid (guardians of gahoole and warriors mainly), and i tend to get ideas of particular dragon's roles and personalities just based on looks or vibes, which i then further develop by getting inspired by songs :>

i also include some canon site lore, such as dominance and exalting!
55008.png 37395.png 20829.png
shadow flight is the best flight!! >:3c - he/him
- adult
- scorpio
- avatar dragon
- g1s for sale

i dont love site lore, but i like exploring symbolism and themes within each flight and the nuances they each have. I love themes in culture and human iconography, and storytelling. Like the Hero's Journey, ouroboros and psychopomps and death gods. One example of my "funny flight exploration themes" is my mire flyer, her bio isn't really done, i just rambled a bit and hoped it was a lil entertaining, ;w;

My goal for my lore is to give each dragon a question or challenge, and write each of their bios defining their perspective and how they intend to tackle them.
newest example and the first dragon I've reworked is Maiolicia, though I'll probably have to rewrite her lore soon. Her biggest obstacle rn is finding her missing twin brother.

Lore for me has become mostly a puzzle, in which I try to communicate ideas and fit it all plausible into site lore. As I want many of my dragons to originate from dragonhome, as the implications of them actually being from other regions is odd for me? For the story I want to tell. So I've created some tweaks to how magic works in my lore. My worldbuilding dragon is currently this lass.

So yeah, basically... i have things I like in stories, and I'm attempting to mimic them in my lore ;w;

i dont love site lore, but i like exploring symbolism and themes within each flight and the nuances they each have. I love themes in culture and human iconography, and storytelling. Like the Hero's Journey, ouroboros and psychopomps and death gods. One example of my "funny flight exploration themes" is my mire flyer, her bio isn't really done, i just rambled a bit and hoped it was a lil entertaining, ;w;

My goal for my lore is to give each dragon a question or challenge, and write each of their bios defining their perspective and how they intend to tackle them.
newest example and the first dragon I've reworked is Maiolicia, though I'll probably have to rewrite her lore soon. Her biggest obstacle rn is finding her missing twin brother.

Lore for me has become mostly a puzzle, in which I try to communicate ideas and fit it all plausible into site lore. As I want many of my dragons to originate from dragonhome, as the implications of them actually being from other regions is odd for me? For the story I want to tell. So I've created some tweaks to how magic works in my lore. My worldbuilding dragon is currently this lass.

So yeah, basically... i have things I like in stories, and I'm attempting to mimic them in my lore ;w;
wqnTQE2.png Adult Player | She/they | 3+ FR Time | Wishlist
  • i'm actually the prettiest yiny princess
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