
Dragon Share

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TOPIC | Giving Dragon Reviews for Likes!
Left likes for Windsing, Alya, and Astra! (And your friends dragons I really love the simple apparel on her imp <3) Windsong is probably my fav, I love female skydancers that are all windy and bright. The halo really ties it all together too! Here's my newest windy sky, Umi. Then Laguna and Boreal which are two of my most recents and don't have many likes :) [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url]
Left likes for Windsing, Alya, and Astra! (And your friends dragons I really love the simple apparel on her imp <3)

Windsong is probably my fav, I love female skydancers that are all windy and bright. The halo really ties it all together too!

Here's my newest windy sky, Umi.
Then Laguna and Boreal which are two of my most recents and don't have many likes :)



Those skydancers are all gorgeous!
Windsong: 96, Alya: 63, Astra: 143, Daybreak: 42, Irenic: 49, Sovari: 33

Can you do Whimsy, Heartfire, Starlight, one of my projects, and somebody random? (hopefully that's not too many. thanks in advance!)
Those skydancers are all gorgeous!
Windsong: 96, Alya: 63, Astra: 143, Daybreak: 42, Irenic: 49, Sovari: 33

Can you do Whimsy, Heartfire, Starlight, one of my projects, and somebody random? (hopefully that's not too many. thanks in advance!)
a922ec5c573bccc1d57aef84d78cfa19067bc414.pngWishlist || Cauldron
Ah, I see! Thanks! I have some good recommendations for you, then. :) And good luck writing your lore! I use various methods to help motivate me, but the one that helps the most is reading the thoughts of people who enjoy what I write/design! I won't go too much into it since that would be getting a bit off topic, though. For now, I'll throw a few dragons your way for your to review who have lore I think you'll enjoy! First up is Jonas! He has links in his bio to a few short stories he appears in, but I'll go ahead and link them here. (Don't worry; everything I link is located here on FR unless it's music!) ([url=]This one[/url]'s not about him, but he does appear in it. [url=]This[/url] one is very much about him. [url=]This one[/url] half features him and half features my other detective! It's a bit more serious in tone than the other two, though.) [url=][img][/img][/url] Now that that doozey's out of the way, let's focus on a dragon whose lore isn't as...much. XD; (I did, after all, link several stories for that last one.) Hmmm how about Tabian? I don't show her off that much, but I really do like the concept in her lore. [url=][img][/img][/url] And finally.... Hmm surewhynot- Medjool. (His lore is VERY light, but he has a fun thread linked in his bio if you want to see him interact with other dragons. It goes...sideways. At a diagonal.) [url=][img][/img][/url] It was so hard choosing only 3! XD I hope you enjoy them, though. :) But no pressure if you're all "Man, this dragon his horrible" -- these are reviews after all! XD I don't want you to feel like you have to lie if you don't like them! (But DANG do I want to show you more than just these guys! Let me know if you want more recommendations from my lair picked out to your taste!)
Ah, I see! Thanks! I have some good recommendations for you, then. :) And good luck writing your lore! I use various methods to help motivate me, but the one that helps the most is reading the thoughts of people who enjoy what I write/design! I won't go too much into it since that would be getting a bit off topic, though.

For now, I'll throw a few dragons your way for your to review who have lore I think you'll enjoy!

First up is Jonas! He has links in his bio to a few short stories he appears in, but I'll go ahead and link them here. (Don't worry; everything I link is located here on FR unless it's music!) (This one's not about him, but he does appear in it. This one is very much about him. This one half features him and half features my other detective! It's a bit more serious in tone than the other two, though.)


Now that that doozey's out of the way, let's focus on a dragon whose lore isn't as...much. XD; (I did, after all, link several stories for that last one.)

Hmmm how about Tabian? I don't show her off that much, but I really do like the concept in her lore.


And finally.... Hmm surewhynot- Medjool. (His lore is VERY light, but he has a fun thread linked in his bio if you want to see him interact with other dragons. It goes...sideways. At a diagonal.)


It was so hard choosing only 3! XD I hope you enjoy them, though. :) But no pressure if you're all "Man, this dragon his horrible" -- these are reviews after all! XD I don't want you to feel like you have to lie if you don't like them!

(But DANG do I want to show you more than just these guys! Let me know if you want more recommendations from my lair picked out to your taste!)
Gave them all likes, and I decided to pick some from your lair! Some of my favorites were your flight reps, who are extremely well-decorated- and the fact that nearly all of them are primal is really impressive! My favorite of them all was difficult to choose, but I picked Iris, who represents the Shadow Flight quite well with all those purples and blues. I also noticed I also noticed the Transformers fandragon, Cogs, whom I had to mention- his accent looks great and he represents the character well! I also noticed Tapeworm and Terror, both great looking (and adorable) Undertides. Would definitely try Cestodes as well-
Gave them all likes, and I decided to pick some from your lair! Some of my favorites were your flight reps, who are extremely well-decorated- and the fact that nearly all of them are primal is really impressive! My favorite of them all was difficult to choose, but I picked Iris, who represents the Shadow Flight quite well with all those purples and blues. I also noticed I also noticed the Transformers fandragon, Cogs, whom I had to mention- his accent looks great and he represents the character well! I also noticed Tapeworm and Terror, both great looking (and adorable) Undertides. Would definitely try Cestodes as well-
FR Time + 3
Wind flight
Semi hiatus
adoptions and starter packs here
I like how the Trailing Storm contrasts agains Zeus's color scheme, matching his role as the God of the Sky and storms. His gilded rose apparel matches the skin nicely as well, and the wings add a touch of brown. The concept in his lore about him absorbing light is quite a unique and cool one to me, usually people depict light-themed dragons as giving off radiance, not absorbing it.
Spydrone and Supernova immediately caught my eye upon looking at your lair- their gene combo looks really cool and gives off a mechanical feel. Surge was also quite cool, and although I usually don't like male ridgebacks that much he pulled it off! His spines gene looks like mechanical implements, a great use of them, and the apparel matches his theme well! Magpie is also a good-looking permababy who's name matches his lore and I especially liked the part where the dragons in his clan play along to humor him- it kind of adds a detail that is present in the real world.
I like how the Trailing Storm contrasts agains Zeus's color scheme, matching his role as the God of the Sky and storms. His gilded rose apparel matches the skin nicely as well, and the wings add a touch of brown. The concept in his lore about him absorbing light is quite a unique and cool one to me, usually people depict light-themed dragons as giving off radiance, not absorbing it.
Spydrone and Supernova immediately caught my eye upon looking at your lair- their gene combo looks really cool and gives off a mechanical feel. Surge was also quite cool, and although I usually don't like male ridgebacks that much he pulled it off! His spines gene looks like mechanical implements, a great use of them, and the apparel matches his theme well! Magpie is also a good-looking permababy who's name matches his lore and I especially liked the part where the dragons in his clan play along to humor him- it kind of adds a detail that is present in the real world.
FR Time + 3
Wind flight
Semi hiatus
adoptions and starter packs here
Liked everyone! Very pretty dragons tbh! These two are probably my nicest dragons currently. Lanie is my pride and joy he is very pretty. His outfit is a wip at the moment. [url=][img][/img][/url] Wither is super edgy looking but I love his colors sm eheheh [url=][img][/img][/url]
Liked everyone! Very pretty dragons tbh!
These two are probably my nicest dragons currently.

Lanie is my pride and joy he is very pretty. His outfit is a wip at the moment.

Wither is super edgy looking but I love his colors sm eheheh
Sorry for the late responses!

I really like your lair's pastel theme, the rainbow starswifl seems made for them and I like how you layered the rainbow/moondust starsilks for a more muted effect. It's hard to pick. favorite, as they all look amazing, but I liked how the change of colors (pink-blue) rainbow star swirl on Cirdan was matched by his apparel/genes and colors! I also liked Moonstone partially because I like skydancers, but also because the skin fits him well and, just like the other dragons, the apparel was well-chosen! Cupcake is also an awesome G1 (who was also probably quite expensive-)
Okay here goes... uhh... (help how-)

I would say that he looks like an ugly swamp, choked with reeds and stinking algae, with bugs flying over it's surface. But saying that would be in insult... to the swamp.

He is the reason the Tidelord disappeared- he was splashing around in a saltwater marsh. When the Tidelord saw him, he screamed a thousand silent bubbles and fled to the depths of the sea to escape. He hasn't surfaced since then for fear of encountering this hideous creature.

If every decent looking spot on him turned into boiling acid, he would not have a single scale on him harmed.

He looks like a chunk of wet cheese was left in the corner of a bathroom to rot.

And now for FrulAaz, who looks infinitely better than that... creature.
the purple tint of the Nightvision skin matches well with the glowing purple apparel, and together they provide a pop of color amid the blues ad greens. I also like the lore in his bio about him only seeming kind in order to exploit others- something I've seldom seen in lore I've read so far.
Sorry for the late responses!

I really like your lair's pastel theme, the rainbow starswifl seems made for them and I like how you layered the rainbow/moondust starsilks for a more muted effect. It's hard to pick. favorite, as they all look amazing, but I liked how the change of colors (pink-blue) rainbow star swirl on Cirdan was matched by his apparel/genes and colors! I also liked Moonstone partially because I like skydancers, but also because the skin fits him well and, just like the other dragons, the apparel was well-chosen! Cupcake is also an awesome G1 (who was also probably quite expensive-)
Okay here goes... uhh... (help how-)

I would say that he looks like an ugly swamp, choked with reeds and stinking algae, with bugs flying over it's surface. But saying that would be in insult... to the swamp.

He is the reason the Tidelord disappeared- he was splashing around in a saltwater marsh. When the Tidelord saw him, he screamed a thousand silent bubbles and fled to the depths of the sea to escape. He hasn't surfaced since then for fear of encountering this hideous creature.

If every decent looking spot on him turned into boiling acid, he would not have a single scale on him harmed.

He looks like a chunk of wet cheese was left in the corner of a bathroom to rot.

And now for FrulAaz, who looks infinitely better than that... creature.
the purple tint of the Nightvision skin matches well with the glowing purple apparel, and together they provide a pop of color amid the blues ad greens. I also like the lore in his bio about him only seeming kind in order to exploit others- something I've seldom seen in lore I've read so far.
FR Time + 3
Wind flight
Semi hiatus
adoptions and starter packs here
I should really get around to writing the rest of FrulAaz's lore... eh one day.

I'm so happy with any insults for Sobek, the Tidelord one is so good! It made me laugh and that's what I strive for <3 <3
I should really get around to writing the rest of FrulAaz's lore... eh one day.

I'm so happy with any insults for Sobek, the Tidelord one is so good! It made me laugh and that's what I strive for <3 <3
Any pronouns He/She/They
Wishlist Dragon
Thanio's accent caught my eye the moment I looked into the tab, it looks really cool, and matches with her dark blue theming well! Scion also looks great, with his lustrous mantle matching well with the unicorn mane, and the Lace gene looks as if he glows from the inside. He would be a great-looking light rep! I especially liked Estelle, her green/dark purple-blue color combo is one that stood out to me, and look really good on her. Her skin also adds a nice touch along the wings, with the Fortune Teller's cards both matching her lore and colors. (as for her lore, it was well-written and has a good concept that I haven't seen before!) And some honorable mentions: Nylia, who looks a bit like a cat, her genes colors are matchy and look really cool, and Zygon, really like the spooky red-black theme he has!
Thanio's accent caught my eye the moment I looked into the tab, it looks really cool, and matches with her dark blue theming well! Scion also looks great, with his lustrous mantle matching well with the unicorn mane, and the Lace gene looks as if he glows from the inside. He would be a great-looking light rep! I especially liked Estelle, her green/dark purple-blue color combo is one that stood out to me, and look really good on her. Her skin also adds a nice touch along the wings, with the Fortune Teller's cards both matching her lore and colors. (as for her lore, it was well-written and has a good concept that I haven't seen before!) And some honorable mentions: Nylia, who looks a bit like a cat, her genes colors are matchy and look really cool, and Zygon, really like the spooky red-black theme he has!
FR Time + 3
Wind flight
Semi hiatus
adoptions and starter packs here
Dragon Reviews? How intresting, never saw one of these type of threads before. Left a like on every dragon both yours and your friends! Guess Ill throw some of my guys on here, lets see what happens. [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url]
Dragon Reviews? How intresting, never saw one of these type of threads before. Left a like on every dragon both yours and your friends!

Guess Ill throw some of my guys on here, lets see what happens.
