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[center][item=diaphanous wing][item=golden key][item=simple harp][item=light runestone][/center] [center][size=6]Chapter 2:[/size][/center] [center][size=4]Following the Light[/size][/center] Most view Prismseeker as a valiant warrior, who brought her dragons on a great quest to the Sunbeam Ruins. This couldn't be farther from the truth. Prismseeker was a harpist, who entered the village on a dare. The villagers yelled at her as soon as she came into sight, but that didn't bother her. She played her harp, and they quieted down. She was wickedly smart, easily figuring out all of the facets of the curse. That's why she became the unofficial leader of the SWE. She fought hard to save Karoon, but it ended in his demise. Racked with nightmarish visions, she came up with a plan. They would leave the beach and look for somewhere with enough positive magical energy to cancel out the negative magical energy of the curse. For a smart dragon, it wasn't much of a plan, but for a dragon racked with nightmarish visions, it was perfect. With nowhere else to go but to their deaths, the remaining villagers followed Prismseeker in hope that they could one day live a life of peace. And so they traveled and traveled, the visions picking off their weakest members. They traveled and traveled, struggling ever closer toward their sanctuary. And finally, they found it. As they came to rest one afternoon in the Sunbeam Ruins, an Imperial who presented himself as Apollo ushered them to follow him as he made his way out onto a vacant field. As soon as they landed on the field, Prismseeker felt a strange magical energy reverberating through the field, one like no other. As they settled down for the night, they realized that the visions had vanished. They were [i]finally[/i] free. They had finally found their sanctuary. They thanked Apollo, who was very confused about why they were thanking him (he just wanted them to see this cool place he found), as if he was the best dragon that ever walked on Sornieth. A few Earth dragons in the group rose a mountain for them to live in, and a few other magic users made their territory only assessable through a dark patch in the forest surrounding the field. They hoped that it would keep away the curse forever. They hoped that whatever darkness the curse came from would never find them in their new home. Prismseeker eventually fell in love with Apollo. He was a kind and funny dragon, and she was fond of him. Unfortunately, he died less than a year later. Prismseeker would spend the rest of her life with Indra, a former SWE dragon and friend of hers. They had many hatchlings though Prismseeker would have liked to have them with Apollo. Prismseeker lived a long and happy life in Prism Mountain. She died with a promise. She promised that Prism Clan would never face the curse or any other form it would take for as long as Prism Clan existed. She kept this promise for about 1000 years. [center]Prismseeker as she's known:[/center] [center][img],20853,41514,18599,11218,20856,41501,41521&xt=dressing.png[/img][/center] [center]Prismseeker as she was:[/center] [center][img],22166,32987,331,32991,6024,6032,491,17231&xt=dressing.png[/img][/center]
Diaphanous Wing Golden Key Simple Harp Light Runestone
Chapter 2:
Following the Light

Most view Prismseeker as a valiant warrior, who brought her dragons on a great quest to the Sunbeam Ruins. This couldn't be farther from the truth.

Prismseeker was a harpist, who entered the village on a dare. The villagers yelled at her as soon as she came into sight, but that didn't bother her. She played her harp, and they quieted down. She was wickedly smart, easily figuring out all of the facets of the curse. That's why she became the unofficial leader of the SWE. She fought hard to save Karoon, but it ended in his demise.

Racked with nightmarish visions, she came up with a plan. They would leave the beach and look for somewhere with enough positive magical energy to cancel out the negative magical energy of the curse. For a smart dragon, it wasn't much of a plan, but for a dragon racked with nightmarish visions, it was perfect.

With nowhere else to go but to their deaths, the remaining villagers followed Prismseeker in hope that they could one day live a life of peace. And so they traveled and traveled, the visions picking off their weakest members. They traveled and traveled, struggling ever closer toward their sanctuary. And finally, they found it.

As they came to rest one afternoon in the Sunbeam Ruins, an Imperial who presented himself as Apollo ushered them to follow him as he made his way out onto a vacant field. As soon as they landed on the field, Prismseeker felt a strange magical energy reverberating through the field, one like no other. As they settled down for the night, they realized that the visions had vanished. They were finally free. They had finally found their sanctuary. They thanked Apollo, who was very confused about why they were thanking him (he just wanted them to see this cool place he found), as if he was the best dragon that ever walked on Sornieth.

A few Earth dragons in the group rose a mountain for them to live in, and a few other magic users made their territory only assessable through a dark patch in the forest surrounding the field. They hoped that it would keep away the curse forever. They hoped that whatever darkness the curse came from would never find them in their new home.

Prismseeker eventually fell in love with Apollo. He was a kind and funny dragon, and she was fond of him. Unfortunately, he died less than a year later. Prismseeker would spend the rest of her life with Indra, a former SWE dragon and friend of hers. They had many hatchlings though Prismseeker would have liked to have them with Apollo. Prismseeker lived a long and happy life in Prism Mountain. She died with a promise. She promised that Prism Clan would never face the curse or any other form it would take for as long as Prism Clan existed. She kept this promise for about 1000 years.

Prismseeker as she's known:

Prismseeker as she was:
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[center][item=prismatic token][item=aged book collection][item=crystal ball][item=beautiful boulder] [size=6]Chapter 3:[/size] [size=4]The Legendary Prism Clan[/size][/center] In those 1000 years, Prism Clan rose to prominence in the Sunbeam Ruins. The clan members were no longer cursed and were free to go wherever they pleased. And so, they traded and spread their stories across the lands. They invited new members into the clan often, and those dragons brought great tales and research to fill the shelves of their burgeoning library. Mages and scientists from all over Sornieth came to study the positive magical energy reverberating through the ground, which had saved Prism Clan so long ago. Eventually, the clan became a hub for research and magic alike. Over those 1000 years, Prism Clan developed a diverse, multi-elemental culture. Dragons from all flights joined together within the caverns of Prism Clan to rejoice and celebrate their dragonhood. Many festivals and feasts were held there, year after year, while the library grew to become one of the greatest hubs of knowledge in Sornieth. The clan was extremely wealthy, and the dragons wore the finest of fabrics and flew the skies of Sornieth, spreading their wealth. Prism Clan members felt as if they were on top of the world... until it all came crashing down.
Prismatic Token Aged Book Collection Crystal Ball Beautiful Boulder

Chapter 3:

The Legendary Prism Clan

In those 1000 years, Prism Clan rose to prominence in the Sunbeam Ruins. The clan members were no longer cursed and were free to go wherever they pleased. And so, they traded and spread their stories across the lands. They invited new members into the clan often, and those dragons brought great tales and research to fill the shelves of their burgeoning library. Mages and scientists from all over Sornieth came to study the positive magical energy reverberating through the ground, which had saved Prism Clan so long ago. Eventually, the clan became a hub for research and magic alike.

Over those 1000 years, Prism Clan developed a diverse, multi-elemental culture. Dragons from all flights joined together within the caverns of Prism Clan to rejoice and celebrate their dragonhood. Many festivals and feasts were held there, year after year, while the library grew to become one of the greatest hubs of knowledge in Sornieth. The clan was extremely wealthy, and the dragons wore the finest of fabrics and flew the skies of Sornieth, spreading their wealth.

Prism Clan members felt as if they were on top of the world... until it all came crashing down.
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[center][item=Plague Aura][item=ferberus skull][item=ceremonial scythe][item=tarnished chain] [size=6]Chapter 4:[/size] [Size=4]Death of a Legend[/size][/center] While Prism Clan prospered, something was... watching them... No one knew for sure what it was. Most didn't know it was there, and those who did were called paranoid. Whatever it was, it was out for revenge... No one knew how The Sickness began, just that one dragon became sick one day and spread it another dragon and then another. Within a few years, the clan was infested with illness with no way to stop it. This virus was like none that healers and medical researchers had ever seen before, and it spread and killed like wildfire. One young dragon, known as [url=]Juno[/url], became the forefront of the fight against the great plague. She spent several years of her life, looking for a cure, but it was all in vain. After all, Juno never knew the truth behind The Sickness. A mage named Desdemona had learned part of the truth during her extensive research. Like Juno, Desdemona, had spent years looking for a cure and quickly discovered that the plague was magical in source. For whatever reason, it had been created by some magical entity, perhaps that which her ancestors were running away from so long ago, when they built a mountain on another plane of existence. That history was lost to them now. She did everything in her power to find a cure, going mad in the process and losing her life to The Sickness. Her notebook was found by the [url=]healer[/url] that was with her when she died, a dragon with a peculiar genetic mutation that caused him to be immune to magical forces and therefore The Sickness. In her last days, Desdemona had created a device that had allowed her to speak to the entity that created The Sickness. However, she had failed, and it cost her her life. The healer, Chocolatine, found no reason not to attempt to use the device himself, so he did and he spoke the entity. Their conversation was brief, but the entity promised to release Prism Clan from The Sickness in exchange for a sacrifice, Chocolatine's eyesight. He had become a great healer because of his keen vision, and he was afraid that he was nothing without it. Chocolatine reluctantly agreed, and the clan was released from the illness. Chocolatine has never told a soul about his encounter with the entity nor that the plague had been magical. This is partially due to his social anxiety and partially due to the terrifying questions it presented. What had created the entity? Why The Sickness? Why Prism Clan? And the most terrifying of all... Later, when Chocolatine, had learned to heal blind... Why had the entity gone to sleep after a sacrifice that had turned out to be so miniscule? What did it want now? What would it do next? No matter the answers, Chocolatine knew it was not gone. It rests under the clan. Waiting. Watching. [center][pinglist=19791][/center]
Plague Aura Ferberus Skull Ceremonial Scythe Tarnished Chain

Chapter 4:

Death of a Legend

While Prism Clan prospered, something was... watching them... No one knew for sure what it was. Most didn't know it was there, and those who did were called paranoid. Whatever it was, it was out for revenge...

No one knew how The Sickness began, just that one dragon became sick one day and spread it another dragon and then another. Within a few years, the clan was infested with illness with no way to stop it. This virus was like none that healers and medical researchers had ever seen before, and it spread and killed like wildfire.

One young dragon, known as Juno, became the forefront of the fight against the great plague. She spent several years of her life, looking for a cure, but it was all in vain. After all, Juno never knew the truth behind The Sickness.

A mage named Desdemona had learned part of the truth during her extensive research. Like Juno, Desdemona, had spent years looking for a cure and quickly discovered that the plague was magical in source. For whatever reason, it had been created by some magical entity, perhaps that which her ancestors were running away from so long ago, when they built a mountain on another plane of existence. That history was lost to them now.

She did everything in her power to find a cure, going mad in the process and losing her life to The Sickness. Her notebook was found by the healer that was with her when she died, a dragon with a peculiar genetic mutation that caused him to be immune to magical forces and therefore The Sickness. In her last days, Desdemona had created a device that had allowed her to speak to the entity that created The Sickness. However, she had failed, and it cost her her life. The healer, Chocolatine, found no reason not to attempt to use the device himself, so he did and he spoke the entity.

Their conversation was brief, but the entity promised to release Prism Clan from The Sickness in exchange for a sacrifice, Chocolatine's eyesight. He had become a great healer because of his keen vision, and he was afraid that he was nothing without it. Chocolatine reluctantly agreed, and the clan was released from the illness.

Chocolatine has never told a soul about his encounter with the entity nor that the plague had been magical. This is partially due to his social anxiety and partially due to the terrifying questions it presented. What had created the entity? Why The Sickness? Why Prism Clan? And the most terrifying of all... Later, when Chocolatine, had learned to heal blind... Why had the entity gone to sleep after a sacrifice that had turned out to be so miniscule? What did it want now? What would it do next? No matter the answers, Chocolatine knew it was not gone. It rests under the clan. Waiting. Watching.
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[center][item=Stardust Sap Lamp][item=Prismatic Sweetheart Bouquet][item=Shadowbinder's Tears][item=ghostly aura][/center] [center][size=6]Epilogue:[/size][/center] [center] [size=4]Starfall's Promise[/size][/center] The Sickness may have been gone, but what the clan was lost was insurmountable. The halls, which once held grand feasts and parties, were now cold and empty. Dens that once held families and loved ones were now filled with ghosts. The smell of death lingered... Only a handful of dragons remained from the once large, prominent clan. The Sickness had ended but at what cost? The fledgling group chose [url=]Juno[/url] as their leader for the work she had done to save their clan. Juno, ridden by guilt and grief, tried to shove down her feelings to be the leader her clan needed. But how could she create hope from nothing, when she was just as lost and hurt as these dragons? What they needed was an outsider, someone who hadn't been harmed by The Sickness, and that came to them in the form of Fae named Starfall. [url=]Starfall[/url], a young runaway from a clan of mages who blamed her for their curse, arrived in the Shining Territories one day after a long journey. She had been wandering for many long moons since the day she ran away, searching for a purpose. She had entered the empty caverns of the mountain out of curiosity and was surprised to find that it wasn't empty. She came face to face with the fledgling clan, and after offering her a meal, they regaled her with the sad tale of how their great clan once fell. She spent the rest of the day with the tale stuck in her mind, wishing she could do something, [i]anything [/i]about it. As the sun was setting, she stood up on the podium in the Plaza with the small groups of dragons before her, and she promised them all that she would help them rebuild their clan. They were immediately skeptical of this, believing she would not follow through with it, and that if she did, thew outsiders would turn the clan into something unrecognizable (even thought it had become unrecognizable at this point anyway). Starfall tried to soothe these worries, but it ultimately led to argument after argument. After much back-and-forth, a [url=]dragon[/url] who had remained silent throughout stepped up to the podium. Gloomingo argued in favor of Starfall, the first dragon who had shown actual interest in helping them since the end of The Sickness. She argued that Starfall had given them something they hadn't had in a long time: hope - hope that would allow them to finally move forward instead of being trapped in the past. The Prism Clan of old may be gone. However, this Fae promised to uphold its legacy and tradition. She could bring life back to these empty halls and return the clan to its former glory. It may not be the same, but it would be much better than what it is now. If they refused to give her a chance, they would be absolute fools for doing so. This, coming from a usually mellow dragon, stunned the clan to silence. Slowly, they came to consensus. They would give this outsider a chance... Within the next several months, Starfall traveled all over the Sunbeam Ruins, inviting anyone lost and without a home to join Prism Clan. The clan grew exponentially. Dragons from all around joined the clan, filling the once-empty dens. They invited others to the clan and hatched a new generation of Prism Clan members. In the 30-something years (which is shorter for dragons than it is for humans) since the promise was made, neo-Prism Clan is now large enough to be recognized as a prominent clan. Starfall has taken on the role of leader, recruiting a group of intelligent and compassionate dragons to help her in providing for the clan. The clan is admittedly not how it once was. They may have refurbished the library, the theater, and the shops. They may practice the same festivals of old and follow many of the same traditions. However, the clan is made up of a ragtag group of dragons from all flights, often refugees or runaways. Some of the original members, known now as the Originals, are proud of the way the clan has turned out, a diverse clan where everyone can find a home and a niche. Others are worried about the direction the clan is going, especially with the discovery of the Abyss and its use as a place of banishment. Starfall is not perfect, and she has created enemies inside and outside of the clan. While these worries are valid, there are much more concerning things happening in the clan right under the leaders' noses... One of the [url=]mages[/url] of Prism Clan has been... experimenting with dark magic, playing around with no goal in mind. However, she is reckless and negligent in her experimentation. One day, perhaps soon, she will go too far... She will uncover a darkness that has laid dormant since the healer, [url=]Chocolatine[/url], gave away his sight to save his clan, and the clan may relive its thousand-year nightmare once again. Perhaps, this time... it will not be so resilient. [center]@pinglist-19791 (p.s. While my plans aren't clear, the story is not over yet. Stay tuned!)
Stardust Sap Lamp Prismatic Sweetheart Bouquet Shadowbinder's Tears Ghostly Aura
Starfall's Promise

The Sickness may have been gone, but what the clan was lost was insurmountable. The halls, which once held grand feasts and parties, were now cold and empty. Dens that once held families and loved ones were now filled with ghosts. The smell of death lingered...

Only a handful of dragons remained from the once large, prominent clan. The Sickness had ended but at what cost? The fledgling group chose Juno as their leader for the work she had done to save their clan. Juno, ridden by guilt and grief, tried to shove down her feelings to be the leader her clan needed. But how could she create hope from nothing, when she was just as lost and hurt as these dragons? What they needed was an outsider, someone who hadn't been harmed by The Sickness, and that came to them in the form of Fae named Starfall.

Starfall, a young runaway from a clan of mages who blamed her for their curse, arrived in the Shining Territories one day after a long journey. She had been wandering for many long moons since the day she ran away, searching for a purpose. She had entered the empty caverns of the mountain out of curiosity and was surprised to find that it wasn't empty. She came face to face with the fledgling clan, and after offering her a meal, they regaled her with the sad tale of how their great clan once fell.

She spent the rest of the day with the tale stuck in her mind, wishing she could do something, anything about it. As the sun was setting, she stood up on the podium in the Plaza with the small groups of dragons before her, and she promised them all that she would help them rebuild their clan. They were immediately skeptical of this, believing she would not follow through with it, and that if she did, thew outsiders would turn the clan into something unrecognizable (even thought it had become unrecognizable at this point anyway). Starfall tried to soothe these worries, but it ultimately led to argument after argument.

After much back-and-forth, a dragon who had remained silent throughout stepped up to the podium. Gloomingo argued in favor of Starfall, the first dragon who had shown actual interest in helping them since the end of The Sickness. She argued that Starfall had given them something they hadn't had in a long time: hope - hope that would allow them to finally move forward instead of being trapped in the past. The Prism Clan of old may be gone. However, this Fae promised to uphold its legacy and tradition. She could bring life back to these empty halls and return the clan to its former glory. It may not be the same, but it would be much better than what it is now. If they refused to give her a chance, they would be absolute fools for doing so.

This, coming from a usually mellow dragon, stunned the clan to silence. Slowly, they came to consensus. They would give this outsider a chance...

Within the next several months, Starfall traveled all over the Sunbeam Ruins, inviting anyone lost and without a home to join Prism Clan. The clan grew exponentially. Dragons from all around joined the clan, filling the once-empty dens. They invited others to the clan and hatched a new generation of Prism Clan members. In the 30-something years (which is shorter for dragons than it is for humans) since the promise was made, neo-Prism Clan is now large enough to be recognized as a prominent clan. Starfall has taken on the role of leader, recruiting a group of intelligent and compassionate dragons to help her in providing for the clan.

The clan is admittedly not how it once was. They may have refurbished the library, the theater, and the shops. They may practice the same festivals of old and follow many of the same traditions. However, the clan is made up of a ragtag group of dragons from all flights, often refugees or runaways. Some of the original members, known now as the Originals, are proud of the way the clan has turned out, a diverse clan where everyone can find a home and a niche. Others are worried about the direction the clan is going, especially with the discovery of the Abyss and its use as a place of banishment. Starfall is not perfect, and she has created enemies inside and outside of the clan. While these worries are valid, there are much more concerning things happening in the clan right under the leaders' noses...

One of the mages of Prism Clan has been... experimenting with dark magic, playing around with no goal in mind. However, she is reckless and negligent in her experimentation.

One day, perhaps soon, she will go too far... She will uncover a darkness that has laid dormant since the healer, Chocolatine, gave away his sight to save his clan, and the clan may relive its thousand-year nightmare once again. Perhaps, this time... it will not be so resilient.
@Prism Clan Lore Updates & Short Stories

(p.s. While my plans aren't clear, the story is not over yet. Stay tuned!)
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The Sickness: The name given to the magical plague that killed the vast majority of the original members of Prism Clan, leaving only a few to pick up what was left. The Sickness is an airborne disease, and dying from it is quick yet very painful. The victim will show no visible symptoms throughout the course of the illness. For most of it, they will feel aches all over their body and fatigue, and in the last few days, their entire body will shut down. It takes about two weeks between the start of the symptoms and the victim's death. Surviving The Sickness is possible but rare. However due to it not being a normal disease, one can get The Sickness transmitted to them immediately after recovering with no change in survival rate. More can be learned about The Sickness here.

Note: The Sickness was originally called the Prism Clan Plague.

The Shining Territories: The lands that all of the living dragons in this lore call home. The Shining Territories is split up into three layers of reality. The uppermost layer is simply a field with some magical energy under the surface. The middle layer is brimming with magic and contains Prism Mountain and several structures. The bottom layer is a dark world devoid of magic, which a handful of dragons call home. What created these split layers is unknown though the mages of Prism Clan study this phenomenon frequently. Some speculate that it was always this way, and other speculate that the land was forced apart by some external being or force. More can be learned about the Shining Territories here.

The Sickness: The name given to the magical plague that killed the vast majority of the original members of Prism Clan, leaving only a few to pick up what was left. The Sickness is an airborne disease, and dying from it is quick yet very painful. The victim will show no visible symptoms throughout the course of the illness. For most of it, they will feel aches all over their body and fatigue, and in the last few days, their entire body will shut down. It takes about two weeks between the start of the symptoms and the victim's death. Surviving The Sickness is possible but rare. However due to it not being a normal disease, one can get The Sickness transmitted to them immediately after recovering with no change in survival rate. More can be learned about The Sickness here.

Note: The Sickness was originally called the Prism Clan Plague.

The Shining Territories: The lands that all of the living dragons in this lore call home. The Shining Territories is split up into three layers of reality. The uppermost layer is simply a field with some magical energy under the surface. The middle layer is brimming with magic and contains Prism Mountain and several structures. The bottom layer is a dark world devoid of magic, which a handful of dragons call home. What created these split layers is unknown though the mages of Prism Clan study this phenomenon frequently. Some speculate that it was always this way, and other speculate that the land was forced apart by some external being or force. More can be learned about the Shining Territories here.
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