
Flight Rising Discussion

Discuss everything and anything Flight Rising.
TOPIC | How much do *you* buy permas for?
What factors will make you pay more for a dragon? How much more? (special ID, G1, rare color combo, etc)
G1s that are an XYZ pattern I like, old dragons, and honestly I LOVE rare color combos, but most expensive dragons aren't XYZ so it's rarely an expense.

What will turn you off of buying a dragon?
The opposite of the above! A G2+ that isn't perfect for some reason (old, rare color combo, some sort of sentimental reason) will get immediately passed on by for me. Also any dragon with multi gaze, even though I can change it...I just dislike that eye type so much :') also, extreme over-pricing. Some people go too crazy on pricing young XYZ G1s and I pass on those. But I'll pay a LOT if the dragon feels worth it to me! Uniqueness and rarity determine price for me.

Do you collect any particular types of dragon (G1s, oldies, special IDs, etc) G1s that I like, especially that I like as certain breeds (dust hides , bogsneaks, and wild claws esp), and old dragons (usually 7 digits or less, but I'll go for one that's "just" 6 years old or so if there's some sort of story to them that grabs me!).

Where do you find the dragons you buy? usually AH, or the forums if I feel like browsing tailored lists! I find that AH takes longer to sift through but you're far more likely to find reasonable prices. Anyone going to the trouble of shop-ifying their G1s tends to overprice them (in my opinion!) by several hundreds of gems if not more.

Are there any resources you have found reliably useful in selling a dragon? Just AH, and the auction house for G1s.

How long do dragons you are selling usually take to sell, and are you pricing them as permas or fodder? Dragons I put at slightly-above-fodder price (10g) take anywhere from hours to weeks to sell. I tend to level and exalt at 14 days. G1s take hours to weeks as well, but I usually give them a month before leveling and exalting. I price my doubles high at first and then lower them over time, and my XYZs i price same as my bred dragons.

Where do you normally get sales from? (forums, AH, discord, etc) see first answer.
What factors will make you pay more for a dragon? How much more? (special ID, G1, rare color combo, etc)
G1s that are an XYZ pattern I like, old dragons, and honestly I LOVE rare color combos, but most expensive dragons aren't XYZ so it's rarely an expense.

What will turn you off of buying a dragon?
The opposite of the above! A G2+ that isn't perfect for some reason (old, rare color combo, some sort of sentimental reason) will get immediately passed on by for me. Also any dragon with multi gaze, even though I can change it...I just dislike that eye type so much :') also, extreme over-pricing. Some people go too crazy on pricing young XYZ G1s and I pass on those. But I'll pay a LOT if the dragon feels worth it to me! Uniqueness and rarity determine price for me.

Do you collect any particular types of dragon (G1s, oldies, special IDs, etc) G1s that I like, especially that I like as certain breeds (dust hides , bogsneaks, and wild claws esp), and old dragons (usually 7 digits or less, but I'll go for one that's "just" 6 years old or so if there's some sort of story to them that grabs me!).

Where do you find the dragons you buy? usually AH, or the forums if I feel like browsing tailored lists! I find that AH takes longer to sift through but you're far more likely to find reasonable prices. Anyone going to the trouble of shop-ifying their G1s tends to overprice them (in my opinion!) by several hundreds of gems if not more.

Are there any resources you have found reliably useful in selling a dragon? Just AH, and the auction house for G1s.

How long do dragons you are selling usually take to sell, and are you pricing them as permas or fodder? Dragons I put at slightly-above-fodder price (10g) take anywhere from hours to weeks to sell. I tend to level and exalt at 14 days. G1s take hours to weeks as well, but I usually give them a month before leveling and exalting. I price my doubles high at first and then lower them over time, and my XYZs i price same as my bred dragons.

Where do you normally get sales from? (forums, AH, discord, etc) see first answer.
I would absolutely like to see the final result!

* What factors will make you pay more for a dragon? How much more? (special ID, G1, rare color combo, etc)
Nice eyes and well matched colors. Gen 1 doesn't do much for me.

* What will turn you off of buying a dragon?
If I post a looking for thread and the dragons posted have there prices hitched up a little, I won't buy it.

* Do you collect any particular types of dragon (G1s, oldies, special IDs, etc)
I love collecting Aethers, mostly.

* Where do you find the dragons you buy? (AH, forums, discord, pinglist, etc)
Either AH, hatcheries, or I'll put out a looking for thread.
I would absolutely like to see the final result!

* What factors will make you pay more for a dragon? How much more? (special ID, G1, rare color combo, etc)
Nice eyes and well matched colors. Gen 1 doesn't do much for me.

* What will turn you off of buying a dragon?
If I post a looking for thread and the dragons posted have there prices hitched up a little, I won't buy it.

* Do you collect any particular types of dragon (G1s, oldies, special IDs, etc)
I love collecting Aethers, mostly.

* Where do you find the dragons you buy? (AH, forums, discord, pinglist, etc)
Either AH, hatcheries, or I'll put out a looking for thread.
call me sage
What factors will make you pay more for a dragon? How much more? (special ID, G1, rare color combo, etc)

I've never really cared too much for hunting Special ID dragons; however, I have specifically looked for Gen1 dragons and dragons with very specific color combinations. I've paid 30,000+ gems for a dragon that was a rare color combination XXY Gen1 even though it's color combination in general was pretty common for non-Gen1 dragons. I've also spent 200 kt on buying breeding dragons for a non-Gen1 project I had where I couldn't find the color combination I wanted on the AH.

Special eyes used to have an impact on how much I'd pay for a dragon but now they have no effect on my concept of price, as I can easily change the dragon eyes myself, regardless of whether it's a treasure or gem eye type I ultimately want.

What will turn you off of buying a dragon?

A rude seller. I often contact AH sellers through DMs asking if they are willing to haggle, accept mixed payments of items I have on their wishlists, or accept gems instead of treasure or vice versa. A rude seller will usually make me look for alternative purchase options.

Other than that, an offspring list. I don't know why but I like my dragons to have zero offspring - so if I see a dragon has an offspring list, I generally won't buy it unless it's a really rare dragon (Gen1, age-wise/digits, specific date/year of hatching for a birthday dragon), in which I will consider it... but still likely not keep it long-term.

Do you collect any particular types of dragon (G1s, oldies, special IDs, etc)

Not anymore. I used to collect XXY and XYX Algae Gen1 dragons that were unbred (x | x | x)... but I'm too prone to lair purges and lore flips to commit long-term to collecting specific types of dragons. Now my 'particular types of dragons to collect' are focused on dragons that are based on my OCs.

Where do you find the dragons you buy? (AH, forums, discord, pinglist, etc)

I search the AH and the forums (hatcheries often, I'm on a few pinglists, and I'll occasionally post a 'wanted dragon' thread), I use the search function to see active dragons, I ask around.
What factors will make you pay more for a dragon? How much more? (special ID, G1, rare color combo, etc)

I've never really cared too much for hunting Special ID dragons; however, I have specifically looked for Gen1 dragons and dragons with very specific color combinations. I've paid 30,000+ gems for a dragon that was a rare color combination XXY Gen1 even though it's color combination in general was pretty common for non-Gen1 dragons. I've also spent 200 kt on buying breeding dragons for a non-Gen1 project I had where I couldn't find the color combination I wanted on the AH.

Special eyes used to have an impact on how much I'd pay for a dragon but now they have no effect on my concept of price, as I can easily change the dragon eyes myself, regardless of whether it's a treasure or gem eye type I ultimately want.

What will turn you off of buying a dragon?

A rude seller. I often contact AH sellers through DMs asking if they are willing to haggle, accept mixed payments of items I have on their wishlists, or accept gems instead of treasure or vice versa. A rude seller will usually make me look for alternative purchase options.

Other than that, an offspring list. I don't know why but I like my dragons to have zero offspring - so if I see a dragon has an offspring list, I generally won't buy it unless it's a really rare dragon (Gen1, age-wise/digits, specific date/year of hatching for a birthday dragon), in which I will consider it... but still likely not keep it long-term.

Do you collect any particular types of dragon (G1s, oldies, special IDs, etc)

Not anymore. I used to collect XXY and XYX Algae Gen1 dragons that were unbred (x | x | x)... but I'm too prone to lair purges and lore flips to commit long-term to collecting specific types of dragons. Now my 'particular types of dragons to collect' are focused on dragons that are based on my OCs.

Where do you find the dragons you buy? (AH, forums, discord, pinglist, etc)

I search the AH and the forums (hatcheries often, I'm on a few pinglists, and I'll occasionally post a 'wanted dragon' thread), I use the search function to see active dragons, I ask around.
i've known you for forever and a day . . .
I buy a dragon I want for the price the seller wants. My wants are very specific.
I buy a dragon I want for the price the seller wants. My wants are very specific.
For buyers:
* What factors will make you pay more for a dragon? How much more? (special ID, G1, rare color combo, etc)

G1s, genes and breeds I like, preferred color combos.

* What will turn you off of buying a dragon?

Mostly price, especially for gems. I'm much less stingy about treasure prices, though if I feel a G1 is too expensive I'll often just look for a non-G1 with the same or very similar colors/genes.

* Do you collect any particular types of dragon (G1s, oldies, special IDs, etc)

Nothing in particular, though I do like G1s and red/black and blue/purple palettes.

* Where do you find the dragons you buy? (AH, forums, discord, pinglist, etc)
I almost exclusively find them in the AH, though I'll sometimes look in the dragon sales forum. Several of my permas were originally bought to be fodder that I later realized were actually super pretty.
For buyers:
* What factors will make you pay more for a dragon? How much more? (special ID, G1, rare color combo, etc)

G1s, genes and breeds I like, preferred color combos.

* What will turn you off of buying a dragon?

Mostly price, especially for gems. I'm much less stingy about treasure prices, though if I feel a G1 is too expensive I'll often just look for a non-G1 with the same or very similar colors/genes.

* Do you collect any particular types of dragon (G1s, oldies, special IDs, etc)

Nothing in particular, though I do like G1s and red/black and blue/purple palettes.

* Where do you find the dragons you buy? (AH, forums, discord, pinglist, etc)
I almost exclusively find them in the AH, though I'll sometimes look in the dragon sales forum. Several of my permas were originally bought to be fodder that I later realized were actually super pretty.
* What factors will make you pay more for a dragon? How much more? (special ID, G1, rare color combo, etc)
Lineages, old dragons, particularly pleasing G1s, and lore will easily make me willing to shell out a bit more, but in general, if it's a dragon I want, I'm getting it anyway lol.

* What will turn you off of buying a dragon?
Offspring list, especially if it's a long one and it's not, like, nice to look at?? If that makes sense? Odd looking names, joke names, etc. Tert colour tends to factor in for G1s cause I cannot leave the tert basic for some reason. General vibes.

And, more than anything, sellers that want to enforce some kind of rules or terms when selling dragons. That's an instant nope. I don't mind folks politely asking not to exalt/sell back, though, that's fine. Polite requests are cool, demands are not.

* Do you collect any particular types of dragon (G1s, oldies, special IDs, etc)
Not really, but I am partial to old dragons and lineage dragons.

* Where do you find the dragons you buy? (AH, forums, discord, pinglist, etc)
Accidentally, most of the time. I prowl the AH from time to time, the forums, and I'm on a few pinglists here and there, so there's not one specific spot. I have made a fair few LF threads though.

* Are there any resources you have found reliably useful in selling a dragon?
No, not really. I'm winging it and have no idea what I'm doing, even after reading numerous tip threads and guides in my early days on FR.

* How long do dragons you are selling usually take to sell, and are you pricing them as permas or fodder?
It depends so darn much. I used to try and sell all dragons at a 'perma' price and such before, but it didn't work out. A few pairs of mine are still sort of in that camp, but very few. Most of my pairs now are kind of mid/leaning towards fodder prices, I think??

There's no predicting timeline though. I've held onto some dragons for literal years, other dragons barely have time to grow up. Makes no sense!

* Where do you normally get sales from? (forums, AH, discord, etc)
Definitively AH, but forums would be a decent second. I'm not really in any FR discords or anything though.
* What factors will make you pay more for a dragon? How much more? (special ID, G1, rare color combo, etc)
Lineages, old dragons, particularly pleasing G1s, and lore will easily make me willing to shell out a bit more, but in general, if it's a dragon I want, I'm getting it anyway lol.

* What will turn you off of buying a dragon?
Offspring list, especially if it's a long one and it's not, like, nice to look at?? If that makes sense? Odd looking names, joke names, etc. Tert colour tends to factor in for G1s cause I cannot leave the tert basic for some reason. General vibes.

And, more than anything, sellers that want to enforce some kind of rules or terms when selling dragons. That's an instant nope. I don't mind folks politely asking not to exalt/sell back, though, that's fine. Polite requests are cool, demands are not.

* Do you collect any particular types of dragon (G1s, oldies, special IDs, etc)
Not really, but I am partial to old dragons and lineage dragons.

* Where do you find the dragons you buy? (AH, forums, discord, pinglist, etc)
Accidentally, most of the time. I prowl the AH from time to time, the forums, and I'm on a few pinglists here and there, so there's not one specific spot. I have made a fair few LF threads though.

* Are there any resources you have found reliably useful in selling a dragon?
No, not really. I'm winging it and have no idea what I'm doing, even after reading numerous tip threads and guides in my early days on FR.

* How long do dragons you are selling usually take to sell, and are you pricing them as permas or fodder?
It depends so darn much. I used to try and sell all dragons at a 'perma' price and such before, but it didn't work out. A few pairs of mine are still sort of in that camp, but very few. Most of my pairs now are kind of mid/leaning towards fodder prices, I think??

There's no predicting timeline though. I've held onto some dragons for literal years, other dragons barely have time to grow up. Makes no sense!

* Where do you normally get sales from? (forums, AH, discord, etc)
Definitively AH, but forums would be a decent second. I'm not really in any FR discords or anything though.
___________________ 70571229.png adult player | FR+9 | lore fanatic
Mourning Flowers
Clan Valhall
Tragic Tales Hatchery
Teeny Tiny Lore Shop
Troll Hunters
For buyers:
* What factors will make you pay more for a dragon? How much more? (special ID, G1, rare color combo, etc)
If I have an OC that I want a dragon rep for, I will pay a LOT for the right/rare color combos. Other than that, what would make be pay more is:
If it is a gen1 with colors I really wanna have,
If it is a very old dragon.
But I will never ever go more than up to 1000 gems for a dragon. And I have to be REALLY desperate to even pay that much. mostly I will stay in a range up to 500 gems.

* What will turn you off of buying a dragon?
Having unnamed offspring. but if I want the dragon for breeding fodder anyway than I don't care about that.
Or if a gen1 has a green tert that I can't work with.
AND silly names for the parents.

* Do you collect any particular types of dragon (G1s, oldies, special IDs, etc)
Nah not really. If I hatch a special ID I will keep it but I will not go out of my way to buy those.

* Where do you find the dragons you buy? (AH, forums, discord, pinglist, etc)
AH. Very rarely the forum. I left all discord servers so those are my only options.

For sellers:
* Are there any resources you have found reliably useful in selling a dragon?
Not really.

* How long do dragons you are selling usually take to sell, and are you pricing them as permas or fodder?
Up to two weeks, then I will either dump them for like 4 gems to have them gone, or if I have time I will train and exalt them. My price for my ragons is usually 6-8 gems an not more.

* Where do you normally get sales from? (forums, AH, discord, etc)
I am only using the AH. When I was in discord servers, people never bought them there, not even for fodder price.
And I don't have time to maintain a forum post for my dragon sales.
For buyers:
* What factors will make you pay more for a dragon? How much more? (special ID, G1, rare color combo, etc)
If I have an OC that I want a dragon rep for, I will pay a LOT for the right/rare color combos. Other than that, what would make be pay more is:
If it is a gen1 with colors I really wanna have,
If it is a very old dragon.
But I will never ever go more than up to 1000 gems for a dragon. And I have to be REALLY desperate to even pay that much. mostly I will stay in a range up to 500 gems.

* What will turn you off of buying a dragon?
Having unnamed offspring. but if I want the dragon for breeding fodder anyway than I don't care about that.
Or if a gen1 has a green tert that I can't work with.
AND silly names for the parents.

* Do you collect any particular types of dragon (G1s, oldies, special IDs, etc)
Nah not really. If I hatch a special ID I will keep it but I will not go out of my way to buy those.

* Where do you find the dragons you buy? (AH, forums, discord, pinglist, etc)
AH. Very rarely the forum. I left all discord servers so those are my only options.

For sellers:
* Are there any resources you have found reliably useful in selling a dragon?
Not really.

* How long do dragons you are selling usually take to sell, and are you pricing them as permas or fodder?
Up to two weeks, then I will either dump them for like 4 gems to have them gone, or if I have time I will train and exalt them. My price for my ragons is usually 6-8 gems an not more.

* Where do you normally get sales from? (forums, AH, discord, etc)
I am only using the AH. When I was in discord servers, people never bought them there, not even for fodder price.
And I don't have time to maintain a forum post for my dragon sales.
He/Him - It/It's
One/One's - Xe/Xem
My Pronouns Page

For Sale (With a coin and gem symbol)Wishlist (With a starsymbol)
 This user does Roleplay
A male black anthro wolf character who is laying down. He has long curly white hair, wears a purple sweater and black pants. His eyes are red. He has a golden hoop earring. His name is Valerion and he is this users fursona character.
Pings are welcome!
Though I might not always reply due to social anxiety or bad mental health

A heart shaped genderfluid pride flagA heart shaped omnisexual pride flagA heart shaped polyamory pride flag
This User is a Furry
This user is a writer
Credits for the Free to use identity buttons goes to fluffmoth
For buyers:

* What factors will make you pay more for a dragon? How much more? (special ID, G1, rare color combo, etc)
I pay more for a dragon if it is older (I like 6-7 digit imps and will pay up to 500g if I find a cheap one to my fancy), Gen 2 imps (due to rarity) or a combo of colours I've been after for a while (around 150g is top cap as I usually regene them). I also like special eyes, so I will pay more for them as well.

* What will turn you off of buying a dragon?

Basic Genes unless I am after a set colour combo, hungry dragons, that's really about it.

* Do you collect any particular types of dragon (G1s, oldies, special IDs, etc)
I casually collect oldies, but otherwise matchy gene combos.

* Where do you find the dragons you buy? (AH, forums, discord, pinglist, etc)
Mostly the auction house, occasionally through the selling or trade forums.

For sellers:

* Are there any resources you have found reliably useful in selling a dragon?
I post in the 'The Hatchery Masterlist' which I believe has got me extra sales, as well as the 'Lightning Sub Species Sales Thread' if I have a relevant dragon.

There use to be a lot more threads likes these for themed dragons like 'dark dragon sales' and 'circuit breeders' but appears to have died off.

* How long do dragons you are selling usually take to sell, and are you pricing them as permas or fodder?
Usually within a week (once they become an adult), through this is getting harder of late. Some will take a few months to sell or I will level exalt myself. I price as permas as I will just level and exalt them myself otherwise.

* Where do you normally get sales from? (forums, AH, discord, etc)
Most of my dragons sell through the auction house, but I get decent sales through my Hatchery, Pretties For Fodder board, and the 'Find A Dragon' forum.

I would be interested in learning about the end result of the survey :D
For buyers:

* What factors will make you pay more for a dragon? How much more? (special ID, G1, rare color combo, etc)
I pay more for a dragon if it is older (I like 6-7 digit imps and will pay up to 500g if I find a cheap one to my fancy), Gen 2 imps (due to rarity) or a combo of colours I've been after for a while (around 150g is top cap as I usually regene them). I also like special eyes, so I will pay more for them as well.

* What will turn you off of buying a dragon?

Basic Genes unless I am after a set colour combo, hungry dragons, that's really about it.

* Do you collect any particular types of dragon (G1s, oldies, special IDs, etc)
I casually collect oldies, but otherwise matchy gene combos.

* Where do you find the dragons you buy? (AH, forums, discord, pinglist, etc)
Mostly the auction house, occasionally through the selling or trade forums.

For sellers:

* Are there any resources you have found reliably useful in selling a dragon?
I post in the 'The Hatchery Masterlist' which I believe has got me extra sales, as well as the 'Lightning Sub Species Sales Thread' if I have a relevant dragon.

There use to be a lot more threads likes these for themed dragons like 'dark dragon sales' and 'circuit breeders' but appears to have died off.

* How long do dragons you are selling usually take to sell, and are you pricing them as permas or fodder?
Usually within a week (once they become an adult), through this is getting harder of late. Some will take a few months to sell or I will level exalt myself. I price as permas as I will just level and exalt them myself otherwise.

* Where do you normally get sales from? (forums, AH, discord, etc)
Most of my dragons sell through the auction house, but I get decent sales through my Hatchery, Pretties For Fodder board, and the 'Find A Dragon' forum.

I would be interested in learning about the end result of the survey :D
* What factors will make you pay more for a dragon? How much more? (special ID, G1, rare color combo, etc): oldies, G1s, or dragons that I just really like! My hard limit is about 2000G, but if I just like (but not absolutely adore) the dragon, I'll pay only about 100G or so.

* What will turn you off of buying a dragon? Offspring is mildly off-putting but not a huge deal, especially with oldies. An unfortunate tert is usually a bigger deal as 9/10 I like no Basic genes in a design. Additionally, I'm not sure if this counts, but I am also a 'mono-element' lair and as such, won't buy any dragons that aren't ice dragons, but I guess those aren't even considered (as much as it stings sometimes. :'))

* Do you collect any particular types of dragon (G1s, oldies, special IDs, etc)
As mentioned, I've started to collect oldies (2013-2014), G1s, and (exclusively) ice dragons.

* Where do you find the dragons you buy? (AH, forums, discord, pinglist, etc) The Auction House, almost exclusively. Sometimes I look through hatcheries, but that's rare.
* What factors will make you pay more for a dragon? How much more? (special ID, G1, rare color combo, etc): oldies, G1s, or dragons that I just really like! My hard limit is about 2000G, but if I just like (but not absolutely adore) the dragon, I'll pay only about 100G or so.

* What will turn you off of buying a dragon? Offspring is mildly off-putting but not a huge deal, especially with oldies. An unfortunate tert is usually a bigger deal as 9/10 I like no Basic genes in a design. Additionally, I'm not sure if this counts, but I am also a 'mono-element' lair and as such, won't buy any dragons that aren't ice dragons, but I guess those aren't even considered (as much as it stings sometimes. :'))

* Do you collect any particular types of dragon (G1s, oldies, special IDs, etc)
As mentioned, I've started to collect oldies (2013-2014), G1s, and (exclusively) ice dragons.

* Where do you find the dragons you buy? (AH, forums, discord, pinglist, etc) The Auction House, almost exclusively. Sometimes I look through hatcheries, but that's rare.
For buyers:
* What factors will make you pay more for a dragon? How much more? (special ID, G1, rare color combo, etc)
If its a perfect fit for what I'm looking ill go above my budget (perfect genes, color, breed, eye color esp)! I don't really care for anything else but extra bonuses are pretty neat. I only go for looks as everything else doesn't really add anything other than them being a lil more special ig

* What will turn you off of buying a dragon?
I know I said would go above my budget for the previous question but if its a ridiculous price I'm not going to buy it.. I could always do a breeding project or wait for another dragon to pop up in AH. I'm patient and I get fodder from the project :>

* Do you collect any particular types of dragon (G1s, oldies, special IDs, etc)
Looking at my lair and projects I'm realizing that I go for XXYs a lot. They just fit a lot of things and are never ugly :> I also go for special dates (birthday, leap day, account anniversary, yknow) except for holidays those are meh.

* Where do you find the dragons you buy? (AH, forums, discord, pinglist, etc)
For looking pretty, AH. For special dates, forums.
For buyers:
* What factors will make you pay more for a dragon? How much more? (special ID, G1, rare color combo, etc)
If its a perfect fit for what I'm looking ill go above my budget (perfect genes, color, breed, eye color esp)! I don't really care for anything else but extra bonuses are pretty neat. I only go for looks as everything else doesn't really add anything other than them being a lil more special ig

* What will turn you off of buying a dragon?
I know I said would go above my budget for the previous question but if its a ridiculous price I'm not going to buy it.. I could always do a breeding project or wait for another dragon to pop up in AH. I'm patient and I get fodder from the project :>

* Do you collect any particular types of dragon (G1s, oldies, special IDs, etc)
Looking at my lair and projects I'm realizing that I go for XXYs a lot. They just fit a lot of things and are never ugly :> I also go for special dates (birthday, leap day, account anniversary, yknow) except for holidays those are meh.

* Where do you find the dragons you buy? (AH, forums, discord, pinglist, etc)
For looking pretty, AH. For special dates, forums.