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TOPIC | show me dragons with fire flight apparel
[center][url=][img][/img][/url] my Fire rep [url=][img][/img][/url] my patriarch, Mars and my three fire sign Zodiac reps [url=][img][/img][/url] Aries [url=][img][/img][/url] Leo [url=][img][/img][/url] Sagittarius who's more sun themed and not really fire themed, but i still had to include her [url=][img][/img][/url] and here's Krig as a little bonus, he's not fire themed but he's wearing a Flameforger's Festival skin and matching enhancement apparel[/center]
my Fire rep

my patriarch, Mars

and my three fire sign Zodiac reps



who's more sun themed and not really fire themed, but i still had to include her

and here's Krig as a little bonus, he's not fire themed but he's wearing a Flameforger's Festival skin and matching enhancement apparel
BQc0zeB.png TtwDY9f.png 3tb5M5M.png
I got my boy, Verthos! [url=][img][/img][/url]
I got my boy, Verthos!

I'm Moe! He/They
my clan racecar: [url=][img][/img][/url] my azure lad Bedwyr is not that fire themed but still rocks the incense mantle: [url=][img][/img][/url]
my clan racecar:


my azure lad Bedwyr is not that fire themed but still rocks the incense mantle:

Bubbly Buddy Razanei Lineage Project
Virtual Hibden
Breed Out the Ugly Challenge (Koi Edition)
[url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url]
[url=][img][/img][/url] mightbing has only fire apparel and a firefest skin!!! :D

mightbing has only fire apparel and a firefest skin!!! :D
I have some time to kill before an appointment, so I'm going to do that by dumping a bunch of my fiery dragons in this thread and there's nothing you can do about it. No--sit down. Running is not an option. You're stuck here, now. You and me, for the long haul, looking at the results of years of fantasy reptile dress up. Top up your tea because we got a LIST and, boy, I sure am posting it and wondering what the hell I'm doing with my life. Why did I do this? Why do I have over 500 dragons with roles and personalities for almost all of them, even if I didn't write them all profiles yet? Come, friend. Let us suffer the consequences of my questionable life choices together. [img][/img] Apparel: Khrath, one of the clan leaders. He doesn't take guff and is kind of a warmonger. Currently the reason why the clan is so actively involved with fighting for territory dominance. He's good at fighting and keeping order, but I don't know if I'd want him as a leader in much else. This is balanced out by his mate and a great administrative branch. [url=][img][/img][/url] One of the leaders' kids, Volaaniv. She fights in clan wars with her dad and does a pretty good job with it. More reasonable than her father. Her underlings like and respect her, her enemies try to avoid getting too close. The lava is only part of the reason. [url=][img][/img][/url] One of their other kids, also a beatstick. Unlike Vol, he's cut-throat with ambitions to wrest power away from his parents, or at least raise a rebel cut-off faction of his own. While he's very cunning, he's not [i]quite[/i] thinky enough in the right way to pull this off to constructively work longterm. Currently being unknowingly used by a much smarter dragon who knows this to further their own similar goals. [url=][img][/img][/url] Gravmagnus is also with the military as a battlemage. He likes flying fast and blasting hot volleys as he goes. While he can't take a hit, he sure can dish them out. Very quickly. While each individual shot doesn't do a ton of damage, it's annoying and adds up with repeated sweeps. [url=][img][/img][/url] Thus, Ceobaszil's support is appreciated. He isn't as fast as the peer above, but he's agile and good at providing both distractions and mid-range cover. Currently training in healing magic, as well. [url=][img][/img][/url] Quesla, a clan page. Her mom is an artist and her other mom is a writer/scrivener, so not sure where the administrative political streak came from. She's also uncharacteristically serious compared to both. [url=][img][/img][/url] The armor on Jhenkafrin is actually a weapon and powered by her Lightning magicks, the result of another Lightning (a magitechnician) dragon's obsession with elemental conversion. It's pretty effective at being dangerous, to the point it's not even safe for the wearer. Good luck convincing her to take off what is essentially a lightning-powered deathmelt laser she's described as "freaking sweet", though. A few burns are a small price to pay. [url=][img][/img][/url] Basshou works more in stealth than out in the open, sort of a rogue/assassin kind of deal. He suffers from the same problem as all tundras when it comes to holding memories longterm but he can sniff almost out any target you give him. If you need someone's face turned into a smoking crater very quickly and precisely then he's your dragon. [url=][img][/img][/url] This is Tehaghra. She is a snapper. Those are bulky and very heavy. She is also a Fire dragon, and uses this to get very hot. You do not want to go near this in a fight. Even if you do, you will get crushed by her hard bits and skewered by her pointy armor. Every army should have a bunch of super-heated tanks with spikes strapped to them, really. [url=][img][/img][/url] One of the crowd control dragons. Xacaranda's favorite thing to do is crash through groups of smaller fighters/mages, leaving them too stunned to do anything. He's quicker than he looks, especially if you let him build up speed in a charge or dive. When paired with dragons of his own size, he's still good for a tussle, it's just not as satisfying and takes too long. [url=][img][/img][/url] Ildura has a similar list of threats as our wee snapper, but she gives up some bulk and heat aura for the ability to fly, turn to stone, and puke lava on things. Charming. Lovely. Bad for the furniture. [url=][img][/img][/url] Another battlemage, Fyarflem just lobs fire magic from a distance and tries to create openings for others. At the moment, her spells are more dazzle than razzle since she needs to work on potency. Basically a 2/5, military filler. [url=][img][/img][/url] Gridila liked to dig around as a hatchling using all her limbs. This gave her some beefy wings, so it's only natural she load them up with hard, hot things and start wing-punching anyone who's a problem. Rough 'n' tumble, will probably noogie you if you're new to the barracks. This WILL feel like getting a hug from a sandstone cliff that doesn't realize you're squishy. [url=][img][/img][/url] Honestly, Karfletch is just based of the meme that is "fire arrows". How do they stay lit and actually do damage? His magic. How does both he aim and fire a bow with those stubby arms? Also some kind of magic, probably. Just don't think too hard about it, it's fine. It's fine. [url=][img][/img][/url] Though Ramos is tough physically, he wasn't really cut out for fighting nature-wise. Right now he mostly works as a scout and messenger. Had aspirations to work in the food industry in some way, but also can't cook very well and seems to lack the drive and creativity to make stuff in general. It's rough being good at only something you don't like very much. Despite this, he gets along with almost anyone and likes his job, which sends him lots of interesting places to meet interesting peoples. He'll likely never find his passion and that's okay. [url=][img][/img][/url] To contrast, Relvanja knows exactly what she loves and it's making fancy stuff out of metal. Mostly jewelry, but she also makes other forms of decorative art and some practical things (provided they have a lot of embellishment). Anyone new to the clan is probably going to get ambushed by her eventually to get used as a guinea pig for her latest designs to see what looks good on whatever you have going on. [url=][img][/img][/url] Fracisol is the clan undertaker, one of the dragons dealing with those that have passed on. He's not morbid at all, despite his job and appearance. He's a romantic but can't seem to find a love that matches the ones in all the trash media he drinks in like water. Cannot into plants. [url=][img][/img][/url] Under all that armor is Pyrixmn, a self-hating Plague dragon. She doesn't feel like she fits in anywhere and almost getting booted from her clan without being consulted didn't help, so she's going all-in and giving Fire a chance. Good at her work, keeps to herself, likely needs therapy but won't take it. We've all been there. [url=][img][/img][/url] Working man Pyrrhflor and his team are in charge of the molten rock channels on clan lands. Kind of like a civil engineer, he has to know where all of them are and if building stuff there is a good idea. Logistics nightmare. [url=][img][/img][/url] All of the fireworks and holiday/deity-honoring banners you see around the clan likely came from Zonan's workshop. He's an enthusiastic follower of the Flamecaller and this is how he goes about showing it. [url=][img][/img][/url] And Ulagra shows it by living and forging deep in areas that are hot enough to make even other Fire dragons very uncomfortable. The armor that comes out of there is something else. Sometimes gets petitioned by scientists to help with high-heat experiments. [url=][img][/img][/url] Bosvalus has no idea what he wants to be or what career to get into, so he's just a general servant dragon helping out around the place for now. He's a bit cocky and self-important, so I can see him taking some fancy helper position with important dragons so he can brag to himself about it. [url=][img][/img][/url] If you need mineral samples and crystals from around the lava pits and magma caves, Gurizzupar is who you ask and it'll make his day. Knows where pretty much anything is likely to turn up. He's kind of weird, but most Bogsneaks are. [url=][img][/img][/url] Helek's left side got hurt in an attack when she was younger so she can't really fly anymore or walk as easily. Probably the most religiously-dedicated dragon in the whole clan, performing appropriate rites and duties. [url=][img][/img][/url] Nahidana would like to contest the title because clearly SHE is the most faithful to the Flamecaller. WILL fight over this. No one knew what to do with her, so they stuck her on scouting patrol duty to keep her busy and not causing brawls to show off how dedicated she is. [url=][img][/img][/url] Almost forgot Eyrxe. She's a field medic and part-time ambulance due to her size. She's actually done her fair share of fighting when pushed, either to protect herself or her patients. [url=][img][/img][/url] General: Vithrenyx, the family weirdo. Accidentally turned himself into a hairy primal beast, or maybe it was on purpose, who even knows with that guy. Also low-key genius, but no one really thinks that unless they know how to analyze his work. Makes gene scrolls. Very chill, probably needs to sleep. [url=][img][/img][/url] Little Krosskorbyn causes a lot of problems for enemies on the battlefield. Especially big ones, whose armor he can slip into if given the chance. Nothing like giant fangs attached to something that can superheat itself sinking into the soft, bendy parts of your anatomy to make your day awful and walking much harder. [url=][img][/img][/url] Nanhsho got a little crazy with the amount of Fire magic she hatched with, and she actually hurts a bit to look at without eye protection. Things catch fire if she's around and she's not concentrating on keeping her aura close. Obviously not used in stealth missions. [url=][img][/img][/url] A surprise element, Praxidi is actually a mage, though a high-precision one that works in small and exact places. This mostly gets used for "sniping" and melting out support points in buildings/constructs. He has this fixation on researching how high heat affects different things, and so especially loves chances to attack different materials or mess up anything that uses magnetism. [url=][img][/img][/url] The needs-to-be-renamed Sugi is working under a pseudonym because she's currently "philosophically" paranoid about anyone knowing her actual name. This works since she actually is a philosopher, and divides her time teaching and performing Flamecaller duties. Her being a Light dragon plays into all this, including not revealing personal details. It's a whole thing. [url=][img][/img][/url] Dreinaa is an apprentice healer, though she gives off too much heat to work too closely with dragons that aren't fellow Fire dragons. The orangey parts of her are actually the [i]cooler[/i] bits. She can still warm their bandages, fresh sheets, the room, or their soup. Or, you know, cauterize something. Whatever works. [url=][img][/img][/url] Yinthrais is a burstdancer, a sort of dancer that works with the graceful and explosive style of volcanic paroxyms and solar coronas. A big thing with them is making costumes by hand and passing them down to new generations when you retire. You tend to see a lot of them in certain places during the peak of Flameforger's. [url=][img][/img][/url] Not everyone works in metal here. Ssaethia uses her magic to work as a stone sculptor. Stone that's frequently molten, but it counts. [url=][img][/img][/url] Sparkly Auxragab works as a religious scholar and orator. She's no slouch with putting on a show with her elemental powers, and her blazing sun-like countenance also a common sight during firefests. [url=][img][/img][/url] Sharpshooting privateer, Mounrik will blast blobs of lava out of her cannon in the direction of anyone unfortunate enough to be a target. She and her merry band of annoyances disrupted enough supply lines that the clan simply ended up hiring her to do it somewhere else, instead. [url=][img][/img][/url] There's not much to say about Oatrakis, she just really likes burning stuff and indulging in her violent primal nature. Sticking her on a squad then pointing at whatever needs to get attacked was a natural thing to do. [url=][img][/img][/url] Hystbak is the son of two first-generation soldiers that ended up falling into the family trade. He got a little too into it and got carried away with magitech modifications, but at least it looks cool. [url=][img][/img][/url] Another marksdragon. Froxna turns anything far away into a pincushion for giant crossbow bolts, and anything that gets closer into one for her claws and spines. Seems intimidating, but she actually likes to hang around playing card games with war buddies. [url=][img][/img][/url] I think this guy can best be described as "you know that little dog in Looney Tunes that would follow the big dog around calling him amazing?" That's him, but with the clan's other leader, who is a fellow Plague dragon. Mokirr basically just took on the fiery look to show he's loyal to his idol's clan, her Fire-element mate (first guy in the post), and to dab on Nature dragons. Kind of sad but hey, he's useful. [url=][img][/img][/url] Basengrin is another priest and another dragon who accidentally sets fire to stuff due to the Flamecaller's blessing. He's friendly and a good listener, just make sure you cast heat protection on any books you bring over. [url=][img][/img][/url] There's more but they're not done enough to link yet, and I've been typing for like an hour. Fire Flight out.
I have some time to kill before an appointment, so I'm going to do that by dumping a bunch of my fiery dragons in this thread and there's nothing you can do about it. No--sit down. Running is not an option. You're stuck here, now. You and me, for the long haul, looking at the results of years of fantasy reptile dress up. Top up your tea because we got a LIST and, boy, I sure am posting it and wondering what the hell I'm doing with my life. Why did I do this? Why do I have over 500 dragons with roles and personalities for almost all of them, even if I didn't write them all profiles yet? Come, friend. Let us suffer the consequences of my questionable life choices together.



Khrath, one of the clan leaders. He doesn't take guff and is kind of a warmonger. Currently the reason why the clan is so actively involved with fighting for territory dominance. He's good at fighting and keeping order, but I don't know if I'd want him as a leader in much else. This is balanced out by his mate and a great administrative branch.

One of the leaders' kids, Volaaniv. She fights in clan wars with her dad and does a pretty good job with it. More reasonable than her father. Her underlings like and respect her, her enemies try to avoid getting too close. The lava is only part of the reason.

One of their other kids, also a beatstick. Unlike Vol, he's cut-throat with ambitions to wrest power away from his parents, or at least raise a rebel cut-off faction of his own. While he's very cunning, he's not quite thinky enough in the right way to pull this off to constructively work longterm. Currently being unknowingly used by a much smarter dragon who knows this to further their own similar goals.

Gravmagnus is also with the military as a battlemage. He likes flying fast and blasting hot volleys as he goes. While he can't take a hit, he sure can dish them out. Very quickly. While each individual shot doesn't do a ton of damage, it's annoying and adds up with repeated sweeps.

Thus, Ceobaszil's support is appreciated. He isn't as fast as the peer above, but he's agile and good at providing both distractions and mid-range cover. Currently training in healing magic, as well.

Quesla, a clan page. Her mom is an artist and her other mom is a writer/scrivener, so not sure where the administrative political streak came from. She's also uncharacteristically serious compared to both.

The armor on Jhenkafrin is actually a weapon and powered by her Lightning magicks, the result of another Lightning (a magitechnician) dragon's obsession with elemental conversion. It's pretty effective at being dangerous, to the point it's not even safe for the wearer. Good luck convincing her to take off what is essentially a lightning-powered deathmelt laser she's described as "freaking sweet", though. A few burns are a small price to pay.

Basshou works more in stealth than out in the open, sort of a rogue/assassin kind of deal. He suffers from the same problem as all tundras when it comes to holding memories longterm but he can sniff almost out any target you give him. If you need someone's face turned into a smoking crater very quickly and precisely then he's your dragon.

This is Tehaghra. She is a snapper. Those are bulky and very heavy. She is also a Fire dragon, and uses this to get very hot. You do not want to go near this in a fight. Even if you do, you will get crushed by her hard bits and skewered by her pointy armor. Every army should have a bunch of super-heated tanks with spikes strapped to them, really.

One of the crowd control dragons. Xacaranda's favorite thing to do is crash through groups of smaller fighters/mages, leaving them too stunned to do anything. He's quicker than he looks, especially if you let him build up speed in a charge or dive. When paired with dragons of his own size, he's still good for a tussle, it's just not as satisfying and takes too long.

Ildura has a similar list of threats as our wee snapper, but she gives up some bulk and heat aura for the ability to fly, turn to stone, and puke lava on things. Charming. Lovely. Bad for the furniture.

Another battlemage, Fyarflem just lobs fire magic from a distance and tries to create openings for others. At the moment, her spells are more dazzle than razzle since she needs to work on potency. Basically a 2/5, military filler.

Gridila liked to dig around as a hatchling using all her limbs. This gave her some beefy wings, so it's only natural she load them up with hard, hot things and start wing-punching anyone who's a problem. Rough 'n' tumble, will probably noogie you if you're new to the barracks. This WILL feel like getting a hug from a sandstone cliff that doesn't realize you're squishy.

Honestly, Karfletch is just based of the meme that is "fire arrows". How do they stay lit and actually do damage? His magic. How does both he aim and fire a bow with those stubby arms? Also some kind of magic, probably. Just don't think too hard about it, it's fine. It's fine.

Though Ramos is tough physically, he wasn't really cut out for fighting nature-wise. Right now he mostly works as a scout and messenger. Had aspirations to work in the food industry in some way, but also can't cook very well and seems to lack the drive and creativity to make stuff in general. It's rough being good at only something you don't like very much. Despite this, he gets along with almost anyone and likes his job, which sends him lots of interesting places to meet interesting peoples. He'll likely never find his passion and that's okay.

To contrast, Relvanja knows exactly what she loves and it's making fancy stuff out of metal. Mostly jewelry, but she also makes other forms of decorative art and some practical things (provided they have a lot of embellishment). Anyone new to the clan is probably going to get ambushed by her eventually to get used as a guinea pig for her latest designs to see what looks good on whatever you have going on.

Fracisol is the clan undertaker, one of the dragons dealing with those that have passed on. He's not morbid at all, despite his job and appearance. He's a romantic but can't seem to find a love that matches the ones in all the trash media he drinks in like water. Cannot into plants.

Under all that armor is Pyrixmn, a self-hating Plague dragon. She doesn't feel like she fits in anywhere and almost getting booted from her clan without being consulted didn't help, so she's going all-in and giving Fire a chance. Good at her work, keeps to herself, likely needs therapy but won't take it. We've all been there.

Working man Pyrrhflor and his team are in charge of the molten rock channels on clan lands. Kind of like a civil engineer, he has to know where all of them are and if building stuff there is a good idea. Logistics nightmare.

All of the fireworks and holiday/deity-honoring banners you see around the clan likely came from Zonan's workshop. He's an enthusiastic follower of the Flamecaller and this is how he goes about showing it.

And Ulagra shows it by living and forging deep in areas that are hot enough to make even other Fire dragons very uncomfortable. The armor that comes out of there is something else. Sometimes gets petitioned by scientists to help with high-heat experiments.

Bosvalus has no idea what he wants to be or what career to get into, so he's just a general servant dragon helping out around the place for now. He's a bit cocky and self-important, so I can see him taking some fancy helper position with important dragons so he can brag to himself about it.

If you need mineral samples and crystals from around the lava pits and magma caves, Gurizzupar is who you ask and it'll make his day. Knows where pretty much anything is likely to turn up. He's kind of weird, but most Bogsneaks are.

Helek's left side got hurt in an attack when she was younger so she can't really fly anymore or walk as easily. Probably the most religiously-dedicated dragon in the whole clan, performing appropriate rites and duties.

Nahidana would like to contest the title because clearly SHE is the most faithful to the Flamecaller. WILL fight over this. No one knew what to do with her, so they stuck her on scouting patrol duty to keep her busy and not causing brawls to show off how dedicated she is.

Almost forgot Eyrxe. She's a field medic and part-time ambulance due to her size. She's actually done her fair share of fighting when pushed, either to protect herself or her patients.


Vithrenyx, the family weirdo. Accidentally turned himself into a hairy primal beast, or maybe it was on purpose, who even knows with that guy. Also low-key genius, but no one really thinks that unless they know how to analyze his work. Makes gene scrolls. Very chill, probably needs to sleep.

Little Krosskorbyn causes a lot of problems for enemies on the battlefield. Especially big ones, whose armor he can slip into if given the chance. Nothing like giant fangs attached to something that can superheat itself sinking into the soft, bendy parts of your anatomy to make your day awful and walking much harder.

Nanhsho got a little crazy with the amount of Fire magic she hatched with, and she actually hurts a bit to look at without eye protection. Things catch fire if she's around and she's not concentrating on keeping her aura close. Obviously not used in stealth missions.

A surprise element, Praxidi is actually a mage, though a high-precision one that works in small and exact places. This mostly gets used for "sniping" and melting out support points in buildings/constructs. He has this fixation on researching how high heat affects different things, and so especially loves chances to attack different materials or mess up anything that uses magnetism.

The needs-to-be-renamed Sugi is working under a pseudonym because she's currently "philosophically" paranoid about anyone knowing her actual name. This works since she actually is a philosopher, and divides her time teaching and performing Flamecaller duties. Her being a Light dragon plays into all this, including not revealing personal details. It's a whole thing.

Dreinaa is an apprentice healer, though she gives off too much heat to work too closely with dragons that aren't fellow Fire dragons. The orangey parts of her are actually the cooler bits. She can still warm their bandages, fresh sheets, the room, or their soup. Or, you know, cauterize something. Whatever works.

Yinthrais is a burstdancer, a sort of dancer that works with the graceful and explosive style of volcanic paroxyms and solar coronas. A big thing with them is making costumes by hand and passing them down to new generations when you retire. You tend to see a lot of them in certain places during the peak of Flameforger's.

Not everyone works in metal here. Ssaethia uses her magic to work as a stone sculptor. Stone that's frequently molten, but it counts.

Sparkly Auxragab works as a religious scholar and orator. She's no slouch with putting on a show with her elemental powers, and her blazing sun-like countenance also a common sight during firefests.

Sharpshooting privateer, Mounrik will blast blobs of lava out of her cannon in the direction of anyone unfortunate enough to be a target. She and her merry band of annoyances disrupted enough supply lines that the clan simply ended up hiring her to do it somewhere else, instead.

There's not much to say about Oatrakis, she just really likes burning stuff and indulging in her violent primal nature. Sticking her on a squad then pointing at whatever needs to get attacked was a natural thing to do.

Hystbak is the son of two first-generation soldiers that ended up falling into the family trade. He got a little too into it and got carried away with magitech modifications, but at least it looks cool.

Another marksdragon. Froxna turns anything far away into a pincushion for giant crossbow bolts, and anything that gets closer into one for her claws and spines. Seems intimidating, but she actually likes to hang around playing card games with war buddies.

I think this guy can best be described as "you know that little dog in Looney Tunes that would follow the big dog around calling him amazing?" That's him, but with the clan's other leader, who is a fellow Plague dragon. Mokirr basically just took on the fiery look to show he's loyal to his idol's clan, her Fire-element mate (first guy in the post), and to dab on Nature dragons. Kind of sad but hey, he's useful.

Basengrin is another priest and another dragon who accidentally sets fire to stuff due to the Flamecaller's blessing. He's friendly and a good listener, just make sure you cast heat protection on any books you bring over.

There's more but they're not done enough to link yet, and I've been typing for like an hour. Fire Flight out.
Dukono’s my fire rep [url=][img][/img][/url]
Dukono’s my fire rep
alPnWye.png3mRCtgv.pngWj3N42A.pnguPmWqKd.pngEypKCgu.png ezgif-5-24c6881ba1.png
Citron's got the kilt and the aura! [url=][img][/img][/url] And my Fire Ambassador has the aura and the standard! [url=][img][/img][/url] Both have Fire fest skins!
Citron's got the kilt and the aura!


And my Fire Ambassador has the aura and the standard!


Both have Fire fest skins!
Always thought if I weren't in light flight I might be in fire [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url]
Always thought if I weren't in light flight I might be in fire

+3 hrs FR time