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TOPIC | Lore Etiquette?
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Ah, I did misunderstand the situation.

My own stance is still that I personally wouldn't mind. (Say, for instance, I bought a hatchling from someone. Later I check out their siblings in different clans and find that one of them has incorporated my dragon into their lore. I would actually think that's pretty neat.)

I will say that I don't think you need to acknowledge the siblings if you're not comfortable with it. In my own lore, dragons grow up fast, are relatively independent from young, and often leave the nest early. So a sibling may be hugely influential or not influential at all, and I don't consider it a "plot hole" not to mention siblings in a dragon's lore.
Ah, I did misunderstand the situation.

My own stance is still that I personally wouldn't mind. (Say, for instance, I bought a hatchling from someone. Later I check out their siblings in different clans and find that one of them has incorporated my dragon into their lore. I would actually think that's pretty neat.)

I will say that I don't think you need to acknowledge the siblings if you're not comfortable with it. In my own lore, dragons grow up fast, are relatively independent from young, and often leave the nest early. So a sibling may be hugely influential or not influential at all, and I don't consider it a "plot hole" not to mention siblings in a dragon's lore.
Bubbly Buddy Razanei Lineage Project
Virtual Hibden
Breed Out the Ugly Challenge (Koi Edition)
No one can tell you what to do with your dragons. If the owner wants to develop something along the lines of parentage or sibling-displayed lore, cool. If they want a different direction, cool. I think of it as a fiction the other dragon wrote, or a dream they had. Their cosplay background or gaming storyline.

Don't feel bad either way. I have had folks reach out and ask if they can continue my bio stories with hatchlings, and some have asked if I mind that they are going in a different direction. All okay.

Some subspecies also have some fun storyline or bio suggestions, but in the end, let's play and play well. Write the storyline, design the bios that you and the other players will enjoy.
No one can tell you what to do with your dragons. If the owner wants to develop something along the lines of parentage or sibling-displayed lore, cool. If they want a different direction, cool. I think of it as a fiction the other dragon wrote, or a dream they had. Their cosplay background or gaming storyline.

Don't feel bad either way. I have had folks reach out and ask if they can continue my bio stories with hatchlings, and some have asked if I mind that they are going in a different direction. All okay.

Some subspecies also have some fun storyline or bio suggestions, but in the end, let's play and play well. Write the storyline, design the bios that you and the other players will enjoy.
[quote name="Achaius" date="2024-05-17 12:38:50" ] I can only speak for myself, but as someone with a lore lair, I'd totally enjoy if someone bought a hatchling and incorporated siblings/parents into their lore, even if it didn't 100% dovetail with my own lore. I have a couple who are pirates, and once I gave away a hatchling and later found the new owner incorporated the pirate thing into their lore. I thought it was really cool. I also wouldn't mind if the new owner came up with lore that was entirely different from mine. Like, I have a dragon who's a coat tailor. If I sell one of his hatchlings, and the new owner writes that his father is the cruel God-Emperor of the Seven Kingdoms, I would actually really enjoy that. [/quote] This this
Achaius wrote on 2024-05-17 12:38:50:
I can only speak for myself, but as someone with a lore lair, I'd totally enjoy if someone bought a hatchling and incorporated siblings/parents into their lore, even if it didn't 100% dovetail with my own lore.

I have a couple who are pirates, and once I gave away a hatchling and later found the new owner incorporated the pirate thing into their lore. I thought it was really cool.

I also wouldn't mind if the new owner came up with lore that was entirely different from mine. Like, I have a dragon who's a coat tailor. If I sell one of his hatchlings, and the new owner writes that his father is the cruel God-Emperor of the Seven Kingdoms, I would actually really enjoy that.
This this
Personally I don't mind if users mentioned my dragons in their lore as long as it wasn't a huge part of the story. Preferably, if my dragon also had lore and was going to be mentioned enough that it would matter, I'd like it to be taken into account.

Example: if my dragon's a mother to yours and mine is a very loving dragon, I'd like that taken into account rather than saying "Name's mother abandoned them at an early age" or "Name's mother despised them"
Or saying that their profession is an architect when I've written them as a chef.

But I know a lot of lairs won't have the same lore/lore theme and not everyone checks (Plus I haven't even gotten all my lore written yet for each dragon). Heck I don't even check every dragon I've sold to see if they've even gotten lore written so it's very likely I'd never know.
If I saw something like the examples, I probably wouldn't say anything tbh because I don't want to control other people's lore & it's not that difficult to ignore it.

Even when writing my own lore I tend to have my own idea in mind. I may check for inspiration if a parent has lore to say "Name's father was a warrior so Name grew up learning how to fight".
But I don't give in depth details beyond stuff like that and usually it's only in the beginning few paragraphs family is even mentioned. Most of the dragons I own either have exalted parents or inactive and/or non-lore parents anyway so their backstories can be really open

If it's something you're super worried about though I'd just ask (or have your friend ask) if it's okay. Alternatively, it's perfectly fine to omit siblings entirely! The likely hood of anyone happening to come across and read that dragon's lore is very unlikely to look into whether or not a dragon had siblings
Personally I don't mind if users mentioned my dragons in their lore as long as it wasn't a huge part of the story. Preferably, if my dragon also had lore and was going to be mentioned enough that it would matter, I'd like it to be taken into account.

Example: if my dragon's a mother to yours and mine is a very loving dragon, I'd like that taken into account rather than saying "Name's mother abandoned them at an early age" or "Name's mother despised them"
Or saying that their profession is an architect when I've written them as a chef.

But I know a lot of lairs won't have the same lore/lore theme and not everyone checks (Plus I haven't even gotten all my lore written yet for each dragon). Heck I don't even check every dragon I've sold to see if they've even gotten lore written so it's very likely I'd never know.
If I saw something like the examples, I probably wouldn't say anything tbh because I don't want to control other people's lore & it's not that difficult to ignore it.

Even when writing my own lore I tend to have my own idea in mind. I may check for inspiration if a parent has lore to say "Name's father was a warrior so Name grew up learning how to fight".
But I don't give in depth details beyond stuff like that and usually it's only in the beginning few paragraphs family is even mentioned. Most of the dragons I own either have exalted parents or inactive and/or non-lore parents anyway so their backstories can be really open

If it's something you're super worried about though I'd just ask (or have your friend ask) if it's okay. Alternatively, it's perfectly fine to omit siblings entirely! The likely hood of anyone happening to come across and read that dragon's lore is very unlikely to look into whether or not a dragon had siblings
Reach out to the owners of the dragons you intend to include and ask if they're okay with it. Or, you could refer to the siblings vaguely, no names or direct connection with the dragons you don't own. Personally, when a dragon leaves my lair, I don't really care what happens to them or if their new owner wants to write lore but if it includes my dragons, I would prefer to at least be informed.
Reach out to the owners of the dragons you intend to include and ask if they're okay with it. Or, you could refer to the siblings vaguely, no names or direct connection with the dragons you don't own. Personally, when a dragon leaves my lair, I don't really care what happens to them or if their new owner wants to write lore but if it includes my dragons, I would prefer to at least be informed.
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everyday i get on this website and i hope an owner to a relative of my dragons reaches out and wants to collaborate on lore...

i have a very lore heavy lair!! typically i do what spiderspot above suggests, i send a dm to the other players and i've never been shot down. i'm sure theres some people who won't want their dragons involved in other lair's lore but in my experience i've never had a problem with it. people are pretty agreeable when it comes to lore etiquette.
everyday i get on this website and i hope an owner to a relative of my dragons reaches out and wants to collaborate on lore...

i have a very lore heavy lair!! typically i do what spiderspot above suggests, i send a dm to the other players and i've never been shot down. i'm sure theres some people who won't want their dragons involved in other lair's lore but in my experience i've never had a problem with it. people are pretty agreeable when it comes to lore etiquette.
[quote name="paintminion" date="2024-05-18 09:40:21" ] No one can tell you what to do with your dragons. [/quote]
paintminion wrote on 2024-05-18 09:40:21:
No one can tell you what to do with your dragons.
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i don't see the problem, it's that dragon's personal lore, it doesn't affect anyone else.
i don't see the problem, it's that dragon's personal lore, it doesn't affect anyone else.
I just write the lore however I feel like writing it. When it involves hatchlings that I no longer own, I usually just write general statements like, "Their siblings--" yadda yadda. It typically doesn't matter *which* sibling so blanket statements are fine.

No one can tell you what you can do with your dragons. I've purchased dragons off the AH in the past and have written lore for them that is completely different from the clan they came from because I needed them to fit my own stories -- at the end of the day, its my dragon and my lore and it has no bearing on anyone else. Likewise what people write about my hatchlings or what I write about my dragon's offspring/siblings also have no bearing on what anyone else can do with them.

But like others have said, you could always message the sibling owners and ask if they'd also like to collab on lore. If they say no, just switch to blanket statements.
I just write the lore however I feel like writing it. When it involves hatchlings that I no longer own, I usually just write general statements like, "Their siblings--" yadda yadda. It typically doesn't matter *which* sibling so blanket statements are fine.

No one can tell you what you can do with your dragons. I've purchased dragons off the AH in the past and have written lore for them that is completely different from the clan they came from because I needed them to fit my own stories -- at the end of the day, its my dragon and my lore and it has no bearing on anyone else. Likewise what people write about my hatchlings or what I write about my dragon's offspring/siblings also have no bearing on what anyone else can do with them.

But like others have said, you could always message the sibling owners and ask if they'd also like to collab on lore. If they say no, just switch to blanket statements.
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