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TOPIC | The Warrior Cat Clan Game Rebooted
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[center][emoji=flowering tree size=1][size=7][font=Cursive]Forestclan[/size][/font][emoji=flowering tree size=1] [size=5]Year 4 - Moon 49 - newleaf (1/3)[/size] [b]Roll: 11[/b][/center] Foxes! They have attacked Forestclan. The first group of foxes first savaged the nursery, and although Brookstream, Swanpaw, and the queens protected the kits fiercely, they ripped Darkkit into pieces. Moonsong is visibly devastated, but fought off the foxes for the rest of her kits. The second group of foxes ambushed the warrior's den! While Dreamflight, Fogfrost, Daffodilcloud, Cloudfern, and Smokewing fought off bravely, Dreamflight and Daffodilcloud perished, and Fogfrost, Cloudfern, and Smokewing were badly hurt. Fogfrost and Cloudfern will be healed in 5 moons, and Smokewing in 1 moon. They were able to get rid of the foxes, although the damage was unmistakable. Saffronleaf was devastated to see her littermates gone, but she had a secret in her that was overjoyful. Glimmerfall was brave enough to focus on his medicine cat work, although he was silently grieving. Breezestripe's little are born! They are called Yewkit and Apricotkit. They bring hope to the clan. Meanwhile, Wishpaw and Purepaw have succeeded their assessments. They are now Wishstorm and Pureheart. Ivoryshine realized that she had a crush on Peacewhisker. [s]-----------------[/s] @Gadriel Hey! I realized that we both have a Fogfrost now :D
Year 4 - Moon 49 - newleaf (1/3)

Roll: 11

Foxes! They have attacked Forestclan. The first group of foxes first savaged the nursery, and although Brookstream, Swanpaw, and the queens protected the kits fiercely, they ripped Darkkit into pieces. Moonsong is visibly devastated, but fought off the foxes for the rest of her kits.

The second group of foxes ambushed the warrior's den! While Dreamflight, Fogfrost, Daffodilcloud, Cloudfern, and Smokewing fought off bravely, Dreamflight and Daffodilcloud perished, and Fogfrost, Cloudfern, and Smokewing were badly hurt. Fogfrost and Cloudfern will be healed in 5 moons, and Smokewing in 1 moon.

They were able to get rid of the foxes, although the damage was unmistakable. Saffronleaf was devastated to see her littermates gone, but she had a secret in her that was overjoyful. Glimmerfall was brave enough to focus on his medicine cat work, although he was silently grieving.

Breezestripe's little are born! They are called Yewkit and Apricotkit. They bring hope to the clan.

Meanwhile, Wishpaw and Purepaw have succeeded their assessments. They are now Wishstorm and Pureheart.

Ivoryshine realized that she had a crush on Peacewhisker.

Hey! I realized that we both have a Fogfrost now :D
FjordClan Update

Year 2 - Moon 12 - Leaffall

Event Roll: 14, 1

New arrival(s)! Cat(s) outside the clans are interested in joining your clan. Generate a number between 1-3 to determine how many new cats join the clan.

- A young kittypet is found abandoned in the snow just inside FjordClan territory. The patrol that discovers her takes her back to the clan, where she is warmed up and fed. She says her name is Aurora and is desperate to be reunited with her two-legs, but as the moon goes by, it becomes clear that they are not coming back for her.

- Ashpaw touches noses with Crowcall and silently promises to make Flamekit proud, wherever she now may be.

- Thorn also warms up to Scratch, and they become an intimidating pair of skilled, sour-faced warriors.

2.12 Recap
  • Aurora (F, 9m) has joined the clan.
  • Scratch and Thorn will confess in one moon.
  • Year 2 is over! Another review will be in the works... eventually. Could be today, could be next week haha.

FjordClan Update

Year 2 - Moon 12 - Leaffall

Event Roll: 14, 1

New arrival(s)! Cat(s) outside the clans are interested in joining your clan. Generate a number between 1-3 to determine how many new cats join the clan.

- A young kittypet is found abandoned in the snow just inside FjordClan territory. The patrol that discovers her takes her back to the clan, where she is warmed up and fed. She says her name is Aurora and is desperate to be reunited with her two-legs, but as the moon goes by, it becomes clear that they are not coming back for her.

- Ashpaw touches noses with Crowcall and silently promises to make Flamekit proud, wherever she now may be.

- Thorn also warms up to Scratch, and they become an intimidating pair of skilled, sour-faced warriors.

2.12 Recap
  • Aurora (F, 9m) has joined the clan.
  • Scratch and Thorn will confess in one moon.
  • Year 2 is over! Another review will be in the works... eventually. Could be today, could be next week haha.

lIF7tSw.png ...........................................he/him » eng/no » frt + 9 » wishlist
The Revelers

Year 3 - Moon 6 - Summer

Roll: 8
  • While Calypso continues to lurk near the Revelers' territories as agreed, another newcomer shows up unexpectedly. They're a gorgeous, fluffy, bicolour ragdoll named Daphne, and after some discussions, they're offered the same deal as Calypso. The two ex-housecats decide to stick their trial period out together.
  • Light, having now grow into a fine, nimble tom, is finally allowed to graduate into a full-fledged Agent. His graceful gait, lilac fur, and newly gained confidence often cause cats to turn their heads whenever he passes by - especially those outside the group. The once shy runt of the litter is now the most popular cat on the block, and he seems to enjoy the attention too.
  • Mousey finally recovers from her injuries, but her spirits are still wounded now that her mate is missing. Without Amber's company, Mousey can't help but feel like she doesn't belong, and she hardly has anyone to talk to. Lily, who's also a little mopey over her missing sister, approaches Mousey one day and starts up a gentle covnersation. Though hesitant at first, Mousey soon warms up to the young, kind she-cat. The two form a new, tentative friendship.

In the moonless night, the sky was barren of stars; the city lights drowned them out completely. The streets thinned, but plenty of Twolegs didn't care if it was night or day, prowling around whenever they wished. They were loud in their merrymaking, often uncoordinated, and easy to avoid, at least.

But that didn't matter - ahead of him was a shadow, and Grim focused his attention on following it. They leapt over trash, slinked past cars, and dove into the darkness whenever an unwanted presence drew near. It was the usual routine. A patrol, Grim supposed, though they often strayed outside their territory. It wasn't exactly safe, but he wouldn't complain about it. He preferred to stay by Jester's side whenever possible, but Jester disappeared sometimes, and even Grim couldn't track him down then.

The shadow slowed down, and so Grim did the same. Out of the corner of his eye, he watched as Jester stepped past a puddle, its oily surface catching his reflection. It seemed to blend with the black sky above; only the golden of his eye glimmered against the substance for a moment. It looked, Grim thought, like the moon, and for some reason it compelled him to ask something he'd been wondering about for the longest time.

"Do they ever speak to you?"

Jester glanced over his shoulder, a playful expression marking his features. "Only Vice," he replied nonchalantly.

"Not the others?"


"Then how do you know they're still there?" Grim asked. How do you know it's not just a delusion, he meant, but he knew better than to voice his doubts.

"Because I see them," Jester said as the two of them stepped past another puddle. The black concrete was damp beneath their paws.

Grim, unconvinced, tried again. "But you can't be sure it's them. It could be a dream, for all you know."

"Are visions not dreams, my friend?" Jester countered with a chuckle. "There are stranger things in this world, are there not? Take Vanity."

Grim was silent. That Vanity had some unnatural powers was undeniable - he'd witnessed them himself when they'd attacked The Circus all those moons ago, and even before then. She had a few tricks to her name, but her biggest and most infamous one was the vanishing. It was the strangest thing: she was right there in front of his eyes for a moment, and then she'd simply disappeared. His mind couldn't make sense of it.

"It's not just her. Take any Luminaries, and see if you can still claim we're only dreaming," Jester went on.

"Yes," Grim muttered. "But their abilities are unquestionable, because the rest of us can see them."

"And yet the others follow me, and think it worthy to pay me for the position of my ally."

"I'm glad they believe you, but your reputation might precede you."

Jester slowed down to a halt, and turned to look at Grim proper. "Do you doubt me?"

"I do not doubt you," Grim reassured hurriedly, then struggled for a few moments to pick his next words. "I... I'm only speaking out of concern."

Jester's countenance softened. "I know," he said, brushing the tip of his tail against his deputy's shoulder. "But you needn't worry. I'd like for you to concentrate on the Revelers for me. We'll need them yet..."

Grim sighed, watching as Jester began walking again. "And what do you want me to do, exactly?"

"Manage them. Observe them. And most importantly of all, ascertain your faith in me," Jester instructed, leaping on top of a stone fence.

Grim remained on the ground, continuing to trail after the kingpin. He could barely see Jester's silhouette as he glanced up, so dark was the night. "Faith, is it?"

"Oh yes. Tell them, and anyone who asks. Tell them I speak to the dead, and I see the future. Let them flock to me. The more we have in our band, the merrier, don't you think?"

Grim had some other thoughts, but he only shook his head. "If that's what you wish," he said, and they fell into silence once more.

Up-to date doc.

i've been meaning to add a little exposition like this, because the tax system does bring the question of, why would cats pay tax instead of living it out solo? what benefits can a group or the individual in charge offer them to make it worth the investment?

i made jester have a connection with the dead from the beginning instead of the medic to make the revelers pledging allegiance to him make sense, but then i thought maybe there are other equally powerful cats around. that's how i came up with the luminary idea, which basically means cats with supernatural abilities. it doesn't feel too far-fetched from the original series, since starclan has always been fantasy-adjacent, but i like putting my own twist on things, haha.
The Revelers

Year 3 - Moon 6 - Summer

Roll: 8
  • While Calypso continues to lurk near the Revelers' territories as agreed, another newcomer shows up unexpectedly. They're a gorgeous, fluffy, bicolour ragdoll named Daphne, and after some discussions, they're offered the same deal as Calypso. The two ex-housecats decide to stick their trial period out together.
  • Light, having now grow into a fine, nimble tom, is finally allowed to graduate into a full-fledged Agent. His graceful gait, lilac fur, and newly gained confidence often cause cats to turn their heads whenever he passes by - especially those outside the group. The once shy runt of the litter is now the most popular cat on the block, and he seems to enjoy the attention too.
  • Mousey finally recovers from her injuries, but her spirits are still wounded now that her mate is missing. Without Amber's company, Mousey can't help but feel like she doesn't belong, and she hardly has anyone to talk to. Lily, who's also a little mopey over her missing sister, approaches Mousey one day and starts up a gentle covnersation. Though hesitant at first, Mousey soon warms up to the young, kind she-cat. The two form a new, tentative friendship.

In the moonless night, the sky was barren of stars; the city lights drowned them out completely. The streets thinned, but plenty of Twolegs didn't care if it was night or day, prowling around whenever they wished. They were loud in their merrymaking, often uncoordinated, and easy to avoid, at least.

But that didn't matter - ahead of him was a shadow, and Grim focused his attention on following it. They leapt over trash, slinked past cars, and dove into the darkness whenever an unwanted presence drew near. It was the usual routine. A patrol, Grim supposed, though they often strayed outside their territory. It wasn't exactly safe, but he wouldn't complain about it. He preferred to stay by Jester's side whenever possible, but Jester disappeared sometimes, and even Grim couldn't track him down then.

The shadow slowed down, and so Grim did the same. Out of the corner of his eye, he watched as Jester stepped past a puddle, its oily surface catching his reflection. It seemed to blend with the black sky above; only the golden of his eye glimmered against the substance for a moment. It looked, Grim thought, like the moon, and for some reason it compelled him to ask something he'd been wondering about for the longest time.

"Do they ever speak to you?"

Jester glanced over his shoulder, a playful expression marking his features. "Only Vice," he replied nonchalantly.

"Not the others?"


"Then how do you know they're still there?" Grim asked. How do you know it's not just a delusion, he meant, but he knew better than to voice his doubts.

"Because I see them," Jester said as the two of them stepped past another puddle. The black concrete was damp beneath their paws.

Grim, unconvinced, tried again. "But you can't be sure it's them. It could be a dream, for all you know."

"Are visions not dreams, my friend?" Jester countered with a chuckle. "There are stranger things in this world, are there not? Take Vanity."

Grim was silent. That Vanity had some unnatural powers was undeniable - he'd witnessed them himself when they'd attacked The Circus all those moons ago, and even before then. She had a few tricks to her name, but her biggest and most infamous one was the vanishing. It was the strangest thing: she was right there in front of his eyes for a moment, and then she'd simply disappeared. His mind couldn't make sense of it.

"It's not just her. Take any Luminaries, and see if you can still claim we're only dreaming," Jester went on.

"Yes," Grim muttered. "But their abilities are unquestionable, because the rest of us can see them."

"And yet the others follow me, and think it worthy to pay me for the position of my ally."

"I'm glad they believe you, but your reputation might precede you."

Jester slowed down to a halt, and turned to look at Grim proper. "Do you doubt me?"

"I do not doubt you," Grim reassured hurriedly, then struggled for a few moments to pick his next words. "I... I'm only speaking out of concern."

Jester's countenance softened. "I know," he said, brushing the tip of his tail against his deputy's shoulder. "But you needn't worry. I'd like for you to concentrate on the Revelers for me. We'll need them yet..."

Grim sighed, watching as Jester began walking again. "And what do you want me to do, exactly?"

"Manage them. Observe them. And most importantly of all, ascertain your faith in me," Jester instructed, leaping on top of a stone fence.

Grim remained on the ground, continuing to trail after the kingpin. He could barely see Jester's silhouette as he glanced up, so dark was the night. "Faith, is it?"

"Oh yes. Tell them, and anyone who asks. Tell them I speak to the dead, and I see the future. Let them flock to me. The more we have in our band, the merrier, don't you think?"

Grim had some other thoughts, but he only shook his head. "If that's what you wish," he said, and they fell into silence once more.

Up-to date doc.

i've been meaning to add a little exposition like this, because the tax system does bring the question of, why would cats pay tax instead of living it out solo? what benefits can a group or the individual in charge offer them to make it worth the investment?

i made jester have a connection with the dead from the beginning instead of the medic to make the revelers pledging allegiance to him make sense, but then i thought maybe there are other equally powerful cats around. that's how i came up with the luminary idea, which basically means cats with supernatural abilities. it doesn't feel too far-fetched from the original series, since starclan has always been fantasy-adjacent, but i like putting my own twist on things, haha.
The Fortress of Ice - Rollocke


dottore... DOTTORE!!!
Year 1 - Moon 5 - greenleaf (2/3)
Roll: 65

Iceclan attacked the camp! They entered the apprentices' den first, cruelly killed Sagepaw, and ambushed the queen's den. Luckily, the queens were able to keep most of the kits safe, until Ravenfrost realized that Elmkit was missing. Then she saw her tiny purple and gray kit lying on the moss, dead. Ravenfrost, outraged, slaughtered the Iceclan cats with all her might, and grieving for her lost kit.

Meanwhile, Starclan seemed to hold their luck as they outnumbered the Iceclan cats, but it didn't last long. As an Iceclan tom called Wavelight sliced Aspentail's throat, the warriors were suddenly determined to rip that tom's fur off, but Vibrantheart stopped at the last moment, convincing the warriors that it was against the warrior code to carelessly kill cats. Quite a number of cats, especially Lilytuft and Birdflower, glared at the calico, but Darkface nuzzled Vibrantheart and said it was the right thing to do.

Mistpaw, Shadowpaw, and Graypaw are ready to be warriors! While Mistpaw and Shadowpaw successfully completed their assessments and became Mistlight and Shadowbranch, Graypaw will have to try another moon. While they're at it, Doepaw was prized to be a TwilightClan warrior and became Doeleap. And yet the clan had no idea that Doeleap and Splashwater became very close...

Vibrantheart started to crush on Darkface as he helped her get into TwilightClan, helped her get used to the hostile glances of her new clanmates, and always stood up for her. Probably Darkface feels the same too.

Wisteriastar is expecting kits!

Poor Aspentail. I liked him.
Year 1 - Moon 5 - greenleaf (2/3)
Roll: 65

Iceclan attacked the camp! They entered the apprentices' den first, cruelly killed Sagepaw, and ambushed the queen's den. Luckily, the queens were able to keep most of the kits safe, until Ravenfrost realized that Elmkit was missing. Then she saw her tiny purple and gray kit lying on the moss, dead. Ravenfrost, outraged, slaughtered the Iceclan cats with all her might, and grieving for her lost kit.

Meanwhile, Starclan seemed to hold their luck as they outnumbered the Iceclan cats, but it didn't last long. As an Iceclan tom called Wavelight sliced Aspentail's throat, the warriors were suddenly determined to rip that tom's fur off, but Vibrantheart stopped at the last moment, convincing the warriors that it was against the warrior code to carelessly kill cats. Quite a number of cats, especially Lilytuft and Birdflower, glared at the calico, but Darkface nuzzled Vibrantheart and said it was the right thing to do.

Mistpaw, Shadowpaw, and Graypaw are ready to be warriors! While Mistpaw and Shadowpaw successfully completed their assessments and became Mistlight and Shadowbranch, Graypaw will have to try another moon. While they're at it, Doepaw was prized to be a TwilightClan warrior and became Doeleap. And yet the clan had no idea that Doeleap and Splashwater became very close...

Vibrantheart started to crush on Darkface as he helped her get into TwilightClan, helped her get used to the hostile glances of her new clanmates, and always stood up for her. Probably Darkface feels the same too.

Wisteriastar is expecting kits!

Poor Aspentail. I liked him.
You can tell that I don't often read other posts on this thread, because I seem to have also created a duplicate cat (Ravenfrost in TwilightClan and Ravenfrost in FjordClan). Ahaha... oops.
You can tell that I don't often read other posts on this thread, because I seem to have also created a duplicate cat (Ravenfrost in TwilightClan and Ravenfrost in FjordClan). Ahaha... oops.
lIF7tSw.png ...........................................he/him » eng/no » frt + 9 » wishlist
quick note: good thing i changed birchclan scratch's name to scratchtuft, cause im only seeing now that there was another scratch lol. birchclan update coming soon!
quick note: good thing i changed birchclan scratch's name to scratchtuft, cause im only seeing now that there was another scratch lol. birchclan update coming soon!
Year 7 / Moon 1 / Leafbare
Sunclan Times
News from the Wise and Corageous

Roll: 63

Going into leaf-bare, Sunclan experiences a prey shortage. They try to ration their food supply, but it is unsuccessful. Hawkpaw and Swiftpaw both succumb to starvation. They will be missed greatly, especially by Minnowsplash who has lost most of her family and the last remnant of Clearflight.

Fidgetfeather and Willowtuft are seen sharing tongues but no confessions have seemed to be made.

Henfeather and Foxflame spend a lot of time together these days. They are now the oldest she-cats in Sunclan and rely on each other in their duties as senior warriors. In the early moons of Leafbare, they seek solace in each other during the hardship of famine and realize that their feelings extend beyond what they had originally believed. Only time will tell if their feelings change their relationship, or if they are ripped apart by death.


Interesting to see the crossover cats. I'm not sure I have any duplicate cats, but it would be interesting if I did.

I decided to pair up Henfeather and Foxflame because they deserve it after everything.

Year 7 / Moon 1 / Leafbare
Sunclan Times
News from the Wise and Corageous

Roll: 63

Going into leaf-bare, Sunclan experiences a prey shortage. They try to ration their food supply, but it is unsuccessful. Hawkpaw and Swiftpaw both succumb to starvation. They will be missed greatly, especially by Minnowsplash who has lost most of her family and the last remnant of Clearflight.

Fidgetfeather and Willowtuft are seen sharing tongues but no confessions have seemed to be made.

Henfeather and Foxflame spend a lot of time together these days. They are now the oldest she-cats in Sunclan and rely on each other in their duties as senior warriors. In the early moons of Leafbare, they seek solace in each other during the hardship of famine and realize that their feelings extend beyond what they had originally believed. Only time will tell if their feelings change their relationship, or if they are ripped apart by death.


Interesting to see the crossover cats. I'm not sure I have any duplicate cats, but it would be interesting if I did.

I decided to pair up Henfeather and Foxflame because they deserve it after everything.

LGBT+  Progress Queer

Nonbinary They/She
xx4VlncxY.png xx uPOLOvt.png

Year One, Moon Ten. Current Season: Leaffall.
Event Roll: 46, 1 - Early Warriors; 19, 9 - Twoleg.
While Greymoon is out on a solo patrol, he catches a sickeningly sweet scent. Curious but still hesitant, he follows it...and gets stuck in a cat cage trap! No matter how much he tried to shake the cage and claw and yowl, nobody heard him. A twoleg eventually picked up the cage and went off with it. Whether he will return or not, only time will tell...

A patrol did witness Greymoon's capture, but couldn't do anything to stop it. Birchclan was devastated at Greymoon going missing once again. Sootsteps is upset too, but is angry at herself for the selfish thought that now she didn't have to worry about competing for Antlerprance- after all, she had found out Greymoon had a crush on the cat too.

On a more positive note, Fluffypaw has actually grown a lot as a doctor and easily adapted to thr knowledge about all the herbs. Her and Raccooncatcher go to the Starfall for her ceremony, and she returns as Fluffybelly. Daisypaw, Creekwind and Willowspin are very happy for her.

To add on, new apprentices are arriving. Twistedkit, Mintykit, Noblekit and Shimmer are old enough to become apprentices. Snowglare is given Twistedpaw to mentor, Antlerprance is given Mintypaw, Sootsteps is given Noblepaw and surprisingly enough, Fallenstar decides to let one of the new cats, Sunfishskip, mentor Shimmer. This decision was so Shimmer could actually feel comfortable with his mentor and train with him properly, since Sunfishskip was the young tom's brother.

Snowglare finally confesses to Cloudflower. Though the calico she cant give a proper answer, she tells Snowglare she needs time to think. Snowglare is a little sad, but understanding and respectful of Cloudflower's decision. Besides, she hadnt said no.
Greymoon is now MISSING from Birchclan. Fluffypaw has become a doctor, her name now Fluffybelly. Twistedkit, Mintykit and Noblekit have become Twistedpaw, Mintypaw and Noblepaw.

really? greymoon went missing AGAIN? this is the second time now :[
at least we have new apprentices. and antlersoot might happen.

snowcloud moment, but the rng will determine if cloudflower says yes. i hope it does, im genuinely rooting for these lesbians.

also shimmer didnt change his name, hes still an apprentice tho. something im more happy about is fluffybelly! im so proud of that girl, hopefully pigeonpaw is proud of his sister too.

allegiances will be updated soon!

Year One, Moon Ten. Current Season: Leaffall.
Event Roll: 46, 1 - Early Warriors; 19, 9 - Twoleg.
While Greymoon is out on a solo patrol, he catches a sickeningly sweet scent. Curious but still hesitant, he follows it...and gets stuck in a cat cage trap! No matter how much he tried to shake the cage and claw and yowl, nobody heard him. A twoleg eventually picked up the cage and went off with it. Whether he will return or not, only time will tell...

A patrol did witness Greymoon's capture, but couldn't do anything to stop it. Birchclan was devastated at Greymoon going missing once again. Sootsteps is upset too, but is angry at herself for the selfish thought that now she didn't have to worry about competing for Antlerprance- after all, she had found out Greymoon had a crush on the cat too.

On a more positive note, Fluffypaw has actually grown a lot as a doctor and easily adapted to thr knowledge about all the herbs. Her and Raccooncatcher go to the Starfall for her ceremony, and she returns as Fluffybelly. Daisypaw, Creekwind and Willowspin are very happy for her.

To add on, new apprentices are arriving. Twistedkit, Mintykit, Noblekit and Shimmer are old enough to become apprentices. Snowglare is given Twistedpaw to mentor, Antlerprance is given Mintypaw, Sootsteps is given Noblepaw and surprisingly enough, Fallenstar decides to let one of the new cats, Sunfishskip, mentor Shimmer. This decision was so Shimmer could actually feel comfortable with his mentor and train with him properly, since Sunfishskip was the young tom's brother.

Snowglare finally confesses to Cloudflower. Though the calico she cant give a proper answer, she tells Snowglare she needs time to think. Snowglare is a little sad, but understanding and respectful of Cloudflower's decision. Besides, she hadnt said no.
Greymoon is now MISSING from Birchclan. Fluffypaw has become a doctor, her name now Fluffybelly. Twistedkit, Mintykit and Noblekit have become Twistedpaw, Mintypaw and Noblepaw.

really? greymoon went missing AGAIN? this is the second time now :[
at least we have new apprentices. and antlersoot might happen.

snowcloud moment, but the rng will determine if cloudflower says yes. i hope it does, im genuinely rooting for these lesbians.

also shimmer didnt change his name, hes still an apprentice tho. something im more happy about is fluffybelly! im so proud of that girl, hopefully pigeonpaw is proud of his sister too.

allegiances will be updated soon!
@Warrior Cats Clan Game Daily Reminder

Here's your (somewhat late) daily reminder to update your clans today if you would like to but haven't already!

Lol, funny seeing all of the duplicate names! I'm not surprised in the least though, especially since there are only so many 2-letter names that sound both reasonable and good for a group of wild cats (for example, Fogfrost seems like a really cool sounding name to me, so I'm not surprised someone already had it)
@Warrior Cats Clan Game Daily Reminder

Here's your (somewhat late) daily reminder to update your clans today if you would like to but haven't already!

Lol, funny seeing all of the duplicate names! I'm not surprised in the least though, especially since there are only so many 2-letter names that sound both reasonable and good for a group of wild cats (for example, Fogfrost seems like a really cool sounding name to me, so I'm not surprised someone already had it)
Goop (SpiritMaask Adopt (link))

Moon: 10
Year: 1
Season: Leafbare
Population: 20

Leader: Rookstar - 81 moons - they/he - 9/9 lives left
Parents: Driftwhisper - Siblings: 0 - Mate: X - Kits: Lilackit, Lavenderkit, Wisteriakit
Broad-shouldered and humble, with thick, solid light grey fur and yellow eyes.
Short Bio (wip)

Deputy: Tinypurr - 66 moons - he/him
Parents: Unknown - Siblings: Littlehawk - Mate: Luckymist - Kits: 0
Tinypurr is a graceful, self-sufficent, and unreliable warrior, with sleek, caramel fur and bright orange eyes. He is friends with just about everyone in his clan!

Medicine Cat/s: Ratsplash - 63 moons - he/him
Parents: Unknown - Siblings: 0
Ratsplash is a graceful, protective, and irritable medicine cat, with tangled, dark brown tabby fur, a dark nose, and jade-colored eyes.

Birdbite - 18 moons - she/her
Parents: Unknown - Siblings: 0
Birdpaw is a long-legged, mature, and mellow medicine cat, with thick, golden shaded fur, curly belly fur, and forest green eyes. She is a relatively clumsy cat.
Senior Warriors:

Dustdance - 57 moons - she/her
Parents: Unknown - Siblings: 0 - Mate: X - Kits: 0
Dustdance is a short-legged, self-reliant warrior, with coarse, tortoiseshell fur and crisp green eyes. She is a good mentor.

Violetfoot - 54 moons - she/her
Parents: Unknown - Siblings: 0 - Mate: X - Kits: 0
Violetfoot is an average built, whimsical, and irritable warrior, with warm, light grey tabby fur, a scarred muzzle, and bright brown eyes. She is gentle with kits.
Apprentice: Hawkpaw
Non-Senior Warriors:

Birdscream - 69 moons - he/him
Parents: Unknown - Siblings: 0 - Mate: Reed - Kits: Salmonpaw
Birdscream is a short-legged, responsive, and overimaginative warrior, with well-groomed, red tabby fur and oval-shaped olive eyes.

Hollowpuddle - 16 moons - she/her
Parents: Unknown - Siblings: 0
Hollowpaw is a long-legged, disciplined, and rigid warrior, with tangled, mottled dark grey fur, speckled pawpads, and saffron eyes. She decorates her fur with starling feathers.

Buttercup - 59 moons - they/them
Parents: Unknown - Siblings: Unknown - Mate: X - Kits: 0
This pale ginger cat is very much a fighter and not a lover. While heavily scarred and with a permanent limp, they are more than willing to take on a foe more than twice their size. Despite this, they have grown to worry over their health and are on the look out for a community that can look after them if anything bad happens. They're a bit tough and don't trust easily due to being betrayed by someone close to them in the past, but once you win them over, they'll be loyal to you for life.
Apprentice: Snail

Ghost - 63 moons - he/him
Parents: Unknown - Siblings: Unkown - Mate: X - Kits: 0
Ghost is an angular, observant, and responsible warrior, with sleek, pale grey fur and crossed, hyacinth eyes. He is blind in his left eye due to a fight with another loner.


Snail - 10 moons - she/her
Parents: Unknown - Siblings: Unknown - Mate: X - Kits: 0
Snail is a slender, softspoken, and withdrawn apprentice, with bushy, black and white fur, a primordial pouch, and almond-shaped green eyes.

Hawkpaw - 6 moons - she/her
Parents: Luckymist, Tinypurr - Siblings: 0 Mate: X - Kits: 0
She is small yet strong, with caramel fur like her father - and her namesake, Littlehawk.


Luckymist - 29 moons - she/they
Parents: Unknown - Siblings: 0 - Mate: Tinypurr - Kits: Hawkkit
Luckymist is an abnormally large, easily annoyed, and controlling warrior, with kinked, golden shaded fur and clear grey eyes. She is a little too friendly with cats outside her clan.
Currently fostering:
- Lilackit - 5 moons
- Lavenderkit - 5 moons
- Wisteriakit - 5 moons

Reed - 51 moons - she/they
Parents: Unknown - Siblings: 0 - Mate: Birdscream - Kits: Salmonpaw
Reed is a muscular, admirable, and clumsy warrior, with silken, dark grey tabby fur and heather colored eyes. They smell like honey.
- Poppykit - 3 moons
- Bearkit - 3 moons

Driftwhisper - 142 moons - he/him
Parents: Unknown - Siblings: 0 - Mate: X - Kits: Rookstar
Driftwhisper is a slender, determined, and abrasive elder, with dirty, cream ticked tortoiseshell fur, freckles, and emerald eyes. He used to be the best hunter in his clan.
Former Deputy: Littlehawk - 57 moons - he/him
Parents: Unknown - Siblings: Tinypurr - Mate: 0 - Kits: 0
Lithehawk is a well-built, idealistic, and secretive warrior, with soft, caramel shaded fur and seafoam green eyes. He can climb trees better than anyone in his clan.
History: Died of unknown causes on year 1, moon 1.

Salmonpaw - 10 moons - he/him
Salmonpaw is an abnormally small, charismatic, and inquisitive apprentice, with ginger tabby fur, large paws, and starry blue eyes.
History: Died of unknown causes on year 1, moon 4.

Troutswoop - 15 moons - she/her
Parents: Unknown - Siblings: 0
Troutswoop is a fragile, calm, and careful warrior, with bristly, fawn-cream calico fur and bright blue eyes. She gets in trouble a lot.
History: Died of unknown causes on year 1, moon 5.

Iceskip - 43 moons - she/her
Parents: Unknown - Siblings: 0 - Crush: Rookstar - Kits: 0
Iceskip is an abnormally small, practical, and friendly warrior, with hairless fur, a bob tail, and bronze eyes. She is a valued clan member.
History: Died of unknown causes on year 1, moon 7.


Moon: 10
Year: 1
Season: Leafbare
Population: 20

Leader: Rookstar - 81 moons - they/he - 9/9 lives left
Parents: Driftwhisper - Siblings: 0 - Mate: X - Kits: Lilackit, Lavenderkit, Wisteriakit
Broad-shouldered and humble, with thick, solid light grey fur and yellow eyes.
Short Bio (wip)

Deputy: Tinypurr - 66 moons - he/him
Parents: Unknown - Siblings: Littlehawk - Mate: Luckymist - Kits: 0
Tinypurr is a graceful, self-sufficent, and unreliable warrior, with sleek, caramel fur and bright orange eyes. He is friends with just about everyone in his clan!

Medicine Cat/s: Ratsplash - 63 moons - he/him
Parents: Unknown - Siblings: 0
Ratsplash is a graceful, protective, and irritable medicine cat, with tangled, dark brown tabby fur, a dark nose, and jade-colored eyes.

Birdbite - 18 moons - she/her
Parents: Unknown - Siblings: 0
Birdpaw is a long-legged, mature, and mellow medicine cat, with thick, golden shaded fur, curly belly fur, and forest green eyes. She is a relatively clumsy cat.
Senior Warriors:

Dustdance - 57 moons - she/her
Parents: Unknown - Siblings: 0 - Mate: X - Kits: 0
Dustdance is a short-legged, self-reliant warrior, with coarse, tortoiseshell fur and crisp green eyes. She is a good mentor.

Violetfoot - 54 moons - she/her
Parents: Unknown - Siblings: 0 - Mate: X - Kits: 0
Violetfoot is an average built, whimsical, and irritable warrior, with warm, light grey tabby fur, a scarred muzzle, and bright brown eyes. She is gentle with kits.
Apprentice: Hawkpaw
Non-Senior Warriors:

Birdscream - 69 moons - he/him
Parents: Unknown - Siblings: 0 - Mate: Reed - Kits: Salmonpaw
Birdscream is a short-legged, responsive, and overimaginative warrior, with well-groomed, red tabby fur and oval-shaped olive eyes.

Hollowpuddle - 16 moons - she/her
Parents: Unknown - Siblings: 0
Hollowpaw is a long-legged, disciplined, and rigid warrior, with tangled, mottled dark grey fur, speckled pawpads, and saffron eyes. She decorates her fur with starling feathers.

Buttercup - 59 moons - they/them
Parents: Unknown - Siblings: Unknown - Mate: X - Kits: 0
This pale ginger cat is very much a fighter and not a lover. While heavily scarred and with a permanent limp, they are more than willing to take on a foe more than twice their size. Despite this, they have grown to worry over their health and are on the look out for a community that can look after them if anything bad happens. They're a bit tough and don't trust easily due to being betrayed by someone close to them in the past, but once you win them over, they'll be loyal to you for life.
Apprentice: Snail

Ghost - 63 moons - he/him
Parents: Unknown - Siblings: Unkown - Mate: X - Kits: 0
Ghost is an angular, observant, and responsible warrior, with sleek, pale grey fur and crossed, hyacinth eyes. He is blind in his left eye due to a fight with another loner.


Snail - 10 moons - she/her
Parents: Unknown - Siblings: Unknown - Mate: X - Kits: 0
Snail is a slender, softspoken, and withdrawn apprentice, with bushy, black and white fur, a primordial pouch, and almond-shaped green eyes.

Hawkpaw - 6 moons - she/her
Parents: Luckymist, Tinypurr - Siblings: 0 Mate: X - Kits: 0
She is small yet strong, with caramel fur like her father - and her namesake, Littlehawk.


Luckymist - 29 moons - she/they
Parents: Unknown - Siblings: 0 - Mate: Tinypurr - Kits: Hawkkit
Luckymist is an abnormally large, easily annoyed, and controlling warrior, with kinked, golden shaded fur and clear grey eyes. She is a little too friendly with cats outside her clan.
Currently fostering:
- Lilackit - 5 moons
- Lavenderkit - 5 moons
- Wisteriakit - 5 moons

Reed - 51 moons - she/they
Parents: Unknown - Siblings: 0 - Mate: Birdscream - Kits: Salmonpaw
Reed is a muscular, admirable, and clumsy warrior, with silken, dark grey tabby fur and heather colored eyes. They smell like honey.
- Poppykit - 3 moons
- Bearkit - 3 moons

Driftwhisper - 142 moons - he/him
Parents: Unknown - Siblings: 0 - Mate: X - Kits: Rookstar
Driftwhisper is a slender, determined, and abrasive elder, with dirty, cream ticked tortoiseshell fur, freckles, and emerald eyes. He used to be the best hunter in his clan.
Former Deputy: Littlehawk - 57 moons - he/him
Parents: Unknown - Siblings: Tinypurr - Mate: 0 - Kits: 0
Lithehawk is a well-built, idealistic, and secretive warrior, with soft, caramel shaded fur and seafoam green eyes. He can climb trees better than anyone in his clan.
History: Died of unknown causes on year 1, moon 1.

Salmonpaw - 10 moons - he/him
Salmonpaw is an abnormally small, charismatic, and inquisitive apprentice, with ginger tabby fur, large paws, and starry blue eyes.
History: Died of unknown causes on year 1, moon 4.

Troutswoop - 15 moons - she/her
Parents: Unknown - Siblings: 0
Troutswoop is a fragile, calm, and careful warrior, with bristly, fawn-cream calico fur and bright blue eyes. She gets in trouble a lot.
History: Died of unknown causes on year 1, moon 5.

Iceskip - 43 moons - she/her
Parents: Unknown - Siblings: 0 - Crush: Rookstar - Kits: 0
Iceskip is an abnormally small, practical, and friendly warrior, with hairless fur, a bob tail, and bronze eyes. She is a valued clan member.
History: Died of unknown causes on year 1, moon 7.

Orion | They/He | Time: FR+3
1 2 ... 42 43 44 45 46 ... 56 57