@Axiomatix I'd love to take 1 and 5. You can random name then if you don't want to send them unnamed
TOPIC | Night Warrior Project 2E (Free dragons!)
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@Axiomatix I'd love to take 1 and 5. You can random name then if you don't want to send them unnamed
@beanutbutter @sinha27 @SylvanLady @Taishiro @ZenithNadir @CerberusGuard @Shalynn @Jeth
Hello, I'd like to register Nezha! She's a gen 13 warrior :)
@beanutbutter @sinha27 @SylvanLady @Taishiro @ZenithNadir @CerberusGuard @Shalynn @Jeth
Hello, I'd like to register Nezha! She's a gen 13 warrior :)
Hello, I'd like to register Nezha! She's a gen 13 warrior :)
@Disillusionist I did in fact breed Duoyun! I found a really nice male who is also an XYY Blood/Obsidan! While I'm still getting Duoyun leveled look at her adorable babies!
I got super lucky with this lil baby. Only girl of the clutch, a natural multigaze and a near carbon copy of her mom. She's just missing the Constellation secondary. I'm definitely keeping her and her brother below
This second lil boy has one of my favorite colors in a copper primary! I just had to give him Cinder. I also plan to give him glimmer but I gotta save up a lil more. I have lore planned for both him and his sister above.
Now the two I'm not keeping are the oldest brother and the lil redhead brother. I love Hickory but I can't keep them all
@Disillusionist I did in fact breed Duoyun! I found a really nice male who is also an XYY Blood/Obsidan! While I'm still getting Duoyun leveled look at her adorable babies!
I got super lucky with this lil baby. Only girl of the clutch, a natural multigaze and a near carbon copy of her mom. She's just missing the Constellation secondary. I'm definitely keeping her and her brother below
This second lil boy has one of my favorite colors in a copper primary! I just had to give him Cinder. I also plan to give him glimmer but I gotta save up a lil more. I have lore planned for both him and his sister above.
Now the two I'm not keeping are the oldest brother and the lil redhead brother. I love Hickory but I can't keep them all
I got super lucky with this lil baby. Only girl of the clutch, a natural multigaze and a near carbon copy of her mom. She's just missing the Constellation secondary. I'm definitely keeping her and her brother below
This second lil boy has one of my favorite colors in a copper primary! I just had to give him Cinder. I also plan to give him glimmer but I gotta save up a lil more. I have lore planned for both him and his sister above.
Now the two I'm not keeping are the oldest brother and the lil redhead brother. I love Hickory but I can't keep them all
@Gilnora @mxluxray @NSRachel @rosemarycaravan @JaydedOni @2Pencil @AceCavalier @Adeya @Agartha @WyrmeeWyvern @Alastriona1 @Apothecaria @Aquarreon @Asgeirr @Ashborne @AshenFall @ashnick @Axiomatix @beanutbutter @Berri @Bluecupcake52 @blushbird @BODTF @boggbody @Boltninja75 @BonafideBrack @Breshcandra @briestarr @ButterMuffle @Calyypso @CaptianCookie @Catrisa @ozvena @Chicanery @ChiefWhiz @cooljewel @randomfriend @Cvhruig @Cyanidium @Dancer08 @Fenrys @demonslayr62 @Divinos @DracoMalfoysWife @dragonhorselover @dragonlover1003 @Drakenhart @Capricat @DreamingSunset @Dylluminati @Eiira @Zikul @Ensign @Eturna @FaerieDae @FakeHearts @FaronaValkyrie @Feldunost @FierceStrike @Florescent @Foreverkinght @Frostglitter @frostyferelden @Furyan @galaxymaster @Ghostray @GingerGirl @GirlyRedFox @GoldenLining @GoldenThief @icehorsestar@Gubbins @Hakon @Harana @TypeFull @heinousTB @HelgaHalfHeart @HippieJuice @hithere @Holopunk @HorseCrazy @Ikilou @kiryne @InfectedWolf @Jata @jesterthecleric @Joshdaawsome @JustNatureThings @kijauni @Kingofthenight @Kitarial @KitsuneEbi @Kittykat8904 @Kiwith @Kougraness @Kristan @LadyAria @LadyFairchild @LadyMillennia @Lambertisaprick @Lithuania @Lokadrottning @Luminance @Lunadropz @Macari @Maedhras @Maegelcarwyn @MakeshiftHeart @MamaFloof @Marsomlight @Meowruff @Milkyteax @MiniJewel @Macuil @MissFortune17 @Mohya @IndigoStarshine@Morgai @Morifinde @MyungJin @Natiss @Nebulaeyes @Nefarian17 @NickyJade156 @NobleSavage @NotAllBloodMages @Nourish @Nyxic @Painrivers @PastaTea @prismwolf @psylla @PUMPKINCAW @purplediamond29 @PurpleHibiscus @pyrotech2 @Ratercheese @Raydioactive @Ridgehill @rnorningstar @Rotkeeper @RubyWolf33 @SapphireAppy @Saraceaser @Deladria @SassyDragonlady @ScarletLion @ScrewThisDriver @SemperVictor @Shadari @ShadowPhoenix900 @Shalynn @sheepm8tr @ShouLyon @SilverInky @Silwyna @Raivus @SleepyAnnie @smeen @Snowsilver @Solarwing @someonesusie @SparkyFlames @Spedmyha @SSakuras @starsight2217 @StormyDragon @StrawberryRiddle @SummersBreeze @SwordsmanLuciel @Sylvanlady @Tadie @Taishiro @Takemi @TheCell @thewildpack @topazsunset04 @toro @TrailgillRoad @TsuneEmbers @Ttiuronohon @UseTheWord @Vailee @Vancara @ViaCurro @VulpixSerpens @weeveryin @WillowThorn @WolfandCrow @Xhilde @XiangEr @xibo @XxBlueExorcistxX @XxNoodleNovaxX @Yoggiecast @Yolotli @ZenithNadir @ZephyrDaDragon @PringleSnake @Dragonraven21 @Moonweaverr @Sekine @KalicoKat @EverlastingRoses @SunsetRising @elficstar @WasabiSwimp @inkino @WeeveryinMyLady @sp580s @Lirillith @That1Pyro @Kalorin @Yangxin @SnowFrost620 @seaofspace @Atavan @FloofinBird @Novamouy17 @HeyElliott @PinkSwan @CrazyChaos @anaknyte @Archiy @QuanTea @Penjikenji @pawnsvictory @caelafireheart @sinha27 @Impception @Lola96 @FireDraco365 @Wizardly @Disillusionist @lastghostling @vidcundrexina @wolfguardian1 @Ducknuckle @IronTide @RisenWolf @Jeth @cardnassac @AmrynthNoAoi @KyaTessa @L0veyD0vey @sm06sm @leagueofshadows @ClassicToneJakal @ruijun @Foxolotl @AceCavalier @AquaSoars @Asgeirr @Breshcandra @Cvhruig @DealtaDeath (any crosses) @DeathPhoenix (Naomi) @drakenhart @Fenrys @Harana @papersparrow @kiryne @KitsuneEbi @Restless @SSakuras @Sturmflux (any cross) @Tadie (Naomi) @TypeFull @Yangxin @BlitzedUp @ducknuckle @ArcaneBanker @seamists @Venalli @clockworkbun
Got some gen 24 babies up for nabs!
@Gilnora @mxluxray @NSRachel @rosemarycaravan @JaydedOni @2Pencil @AceCavalier @Adeya @Agartha @WyrmeeWyvern @Alastriona1 @Apothecaria @Aquarreon @Asgeirr @Ashborne @AshenFall @ashnick @Axiomatix @beanutbutter @Berri @Bluecupcake52 @blushbird @BODTF @boggbody @Boltninja75 @BonafideBrack @Breshcandra @briestarr @ButterMuffle @Calyypso @CaptianCookie @Catrisa @ozvena @Chicanery @ChiefWhiz @cooljewel @randomfriend @Cvhruig @Cyanidium @Dancer08 @Fenrys @demonslayr62 @Divinos @DracoMalfoysWife @dragonhorselover @dragonlover1003 @Drakenhart @Capricat @DreamingSunset @Dylluminati @Eiira @Zikul @Ensign @Eturna @FaerieDae @FakeHearts @FaronaValkyrie @Feldunost @FierceStrike @Florescent @Foreverkinght @Frostglitter @frostyferelden @Furyan @galaxymaster @Ghostray @GingerGirl @GirlyRedFox @GoldenLining @GoldenThief @icehorsestar@Gubbins @Hakon @Harana @TypeFull @heinousTB @HelgaHalfHeart @HippieJuice @hithere @Holopunk @HorseCrazy @Ikilou @kiryne @InfectedWolf @Jata @jesterthecleric @Joshdaawsome @JustNatureThings @kijauni @Kingofthenight @Kitarial @KitsuneEbi @Kittykat8904 @Kiwith @Kougraness @Kristan @LadyAria @LadyFairchild @LadyMillennia @Lambertisaprick @Lithuania @Lokadrottning @Luminance @Lunadropz @Macari @Maedhras @Maegelcarwyn @MakeshiftHeart @MamaFloof @Marsomlight @Meowruff @Milkyteax @MiniJewel @Macuil @MissFortune17 @Mohya @IndigoStarshine@Morgai @Morifinde @MyungJin @Natiss @Nebulaeyes @Nefarian17 @NickyJade156 @NobleSavage @NotAllBloodMages @Nourish @Nyxic @Painrivers @PastaTea @prismwolf @psylla @PUMPKINCAW @purplediamond29 @PurpleHibiscus @pyrotech2 @Ratercheese @Raydioactive @Ridgehill @rnorningstar @Rotkeeper @RubyWolf33 @SapphireAppy @Saraceaser @Deladria @SassyDragonlady @ScarletLion @ScrewThisDriver @SemperVictor @Shadari @ShadowPhoenix900 @Shalynn @sheepm8tr @ShouLyon @SilverInky @Silwyna @Raivus @SleepyAnnie @smeen @Snowsilver @Solarwing @someonesusie @SparkyFlames @Spedmyha @SSakuras @starsight2217 @StormyDragon @StrawberryRiddle @SummersBreeze @SwordsmanLuciel @Sylvanlady @Tadie @Taishiro @Takemi @TheCell @thewildpack @topazsunset04 @toro @TrailgillRoad @TsuneEmbers @Ttiuronohon @UseTheWord @Vailee @Vancara @ViaCurro @VulpixSerpens @weeveryin @WillowThorn @WolfandCrow @Xhilde @XiangEr @xibo @XxBlueExorcistxX @XxNoodleNovaxX @Yoggiecast @Yolotli @ZenithNadir @ZephyrDaDragon @PringleSnake @Dragonraven21 @Moonweaverr @Sekine @KalicoKat @EverlastingRoses @SunsetRising @elficstar @WasabiSwimp @inkino @WeeveryinMyLady @sp580s @Lirillith @That1Pyro @Kalorin @Yangxin @SnowFrost620 @seaofspace @Atavan @FloofinBird @Novamouy17 @HeyElliott @PinkSwan @CrazyChaos @anaknyte @Archiy @QuanTea @Penjikenji @pawnsvictory @caelafireheart @sinha27 @Impception @Lola96 @FireDraco365 @Wizardly @Disillusionist @lastghostling @vidcundrexina @wolfguardian1 @Ducknuckle @IronTide @RisenWolf @Jeth @cardnassac @AmrynthNoAoi @KyaTessa @L0veyD0vey @sm06sm @leagueofshadows @ClassicToneJakal @ruijun @Foxolotl @AceCavalier @AquaSoars @Asgeirr @Breshcandra @Cvhruig @DealtaDeath (any crosses) @DeathPhoenix (Naomi) @drakenhart @Fenrys @Harana @papersparrow @kiryne @KitsuneEbi @Restless @SSakuras @Sturmflux (any cross) @Tadie (Naomi) @TypeFull @Yangxin @BlitzedUp @ducknuckle @ArcaneBanker @seamists @Venalli @clockworkbun
Got some gen 24 babies up for nabs!
Got some gen 24 babies up for nabs!
[quote name="Kalorin" date="2024-03-20 08:04:51" ]
That first kid has my whole heart -- can I nab em with the name Diolas?
gotcha sending em now!
Kalorin wrote on 2024-03-20 08:04:51:
Free hatchlings. Name to claim please
@Jeth Ooh, they look great! I'm so happy to see the NW lineage continue with Duoyun, and to hear that you've got lore for the kiddos too! Best of luck finding homes for the other ones. Thanks for showing them all to me! ^^
@Jeth Ooh, they look great! I'm so happy to see the NW lineage continue with Duoyun, and to hear that you've got lore for the kiddos too! Best of luck finding homes for the other ones. Thanks for showing them all to me! ^^
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Please check the spelling of my name when pinging me: @Disillusionist. Thanks!
I would love to take on this youngster, if he's still available. Could you name him Umaro?
I would love to take on this youngster, if he's still available. Could you name him Umaro?
I would love to take on this youngster, if he's still available. Could you name him Umaro?
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