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StormyDragon's Clan
Variety is the Spice of Life!
Clan Info
Welcome to the StormyWoods Clan!
Hello! And good day to all of you! At the moment most of the clan lore can be found on my dragons' profiles. For a full view of my clan it would be best to read all of the dragons. I do some letter-based FR RP*, but only with people I do business with or who are on my friend list.
(*It can take me up to 3 weeks to respond to RP letters at times...sorry 'bout that...)
Check out this awesome Subspecies!
New Hatchery Coming Soon! Here's my old Hatchery!
Note: If you choose to exalt one of my dragons, please let it mature and give it a name first.
Other Note: I adore hatchling letters! I adore sending and receiving them!
A brief bit about how the StormyWoods Clan works: Instead of have a true clan leader, this clan is a democracy. The Founders, Rhiannon and Superstition wanted it this way, as they believe it will make sure all dragon breeds are fairly represented. Each dragon breed has 2 representatives, these representatives are elected by the breed in question, and the members of the council. The first 2 members of each breed to join the clan automatically become the first councilmembers, but any dragon may request to replace them, at which point an election would take place. The councilmembers also decide which two representatives will be the Head Councilmembers, they all voted unanimously on the founders.
Now things I am seeking:
*Meat Food Items that aren't alive
*Seafood Items that aren't vertabrites
*Most Apparel
*Some Battle Stones
*Elemental Eggs (Any but Plague or Ice)
*Nocturne Eggs
*Most Familiars
If you'd like to barter with me and have one or more of these items, I usually have items available to barter with and sometimes dragons as well. (Dragons for sale will become more common later.)
I do not accept random friend requests! If you talk to me even once, or I know you IRL, I will probably accept though, so feel free to ask!
And now a bit about me. You may all abbreviate my name to Stormy if you wish (no this is not my real name...I just like storms...) I am female and would prefer being referred to as such but I won't get mad if you call me an it. I may not always be available as I will be a sophomore in college this fall majoring in Pre-Vet Animal Science, and minoring in English with an emphasis on writing. I am planning on being an author-illustrator, so writing dragon bios and lore is a lovely way for me to practice. I also hope to work as a zoo vet, because it's difficult to make a living on writing alone. As a result I have vast reservoirs of knowledge on folklore, mythology, animals, and herbalogy*. (*I like the idea of making home remedies.) My friends often joke that I'm a walking encyclopedia. I have extreme obsessions with the following animals: Dragons, Lizards, Dinosaurs, and Wolves. I also like horses, turtles, snakes, crocodealians, foxes, water fowl, salamanders, newts, toads, frogs, pigeons, doves, and parrots. I read a lot (mostly adventure), I watch anime, and I play video games (PC and DS.) I can't pick a favorite anything (they're all good!) a fact I blame on being a Pisces. If you ask what my favorite anything is I will stare at you blankly as I try to narrow the list to under ten in my head. The exception to this is favorite characters. Not sure why. I'm a germaphobic because I got horribly sick in kindergarten and it traumatized me.
I have a pet Bearded Dragon Lizard named Luna that I love very much. She's obsessed with Anime, and I'm pretty sure she fangirls over Natsu Dragneel, Vash the Stampede, and L. She acts grumpy but is really a sweetheart. She also has sharp claws and a sadistic streak if annoyed... She is my second Beardie, my first died while I was in seventh grade, from stomach cancer. He was a gentle fellow named Cuddles, and was super tolerant. (I dressed him as a drag queen once. With lipstick. He ate it.) He loved old sitcoms especially Gilligan's Island. I've kept Beardies since second grade, so if you'd like to know about them just pm me, I'd be happy to drone on about them more than I already have.
you're still reading this I would like to apologize for my atrocious spelling...
Recent Comments

Lumina was on the front page!

Fury was on the front page!

Starwood (#16948675) was on the front page!

Rosalie was on the FP :)!

Ahane was on the front page!! :3

Wire was on the random dragon spotlight!

Thank you!

If anyone tried to contact me from late August to now and never got a response, homework was really piling up so I didn't check FR much and some of my notifications were lost in the void.

I have returned from the homework abyss...

No idea if you're active, but Mystic was on the front page! She has nice colors!

Thank you! I didn’t think I’d ever get a front page feature ;u;

Hi, would you be interested in adopting a Todoroki dragon?
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