TOPIC | Steal a Gen One!

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I love how soft her purple and blues, and I like how well you used the gene's accent colours to make it match. The familiar and background is also very fitting!
np: all my g1s are on this [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/dragon/14464954]bio[/url]
@lostplanetvoltia yoink
this friends colors are gorgeous.
[center][font=book antiqua]@Dr3m1ly [s]*CLAIMED!*[/s]
Epoch is such a cutie! What a gremlin! *snatches* :3
[i]Next person[/i]: My mostly finished G1's are in [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/lair/488332/1718638?name=&type=undefined]this[/url] tab, with a few more WIP's in [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/lair/488332/1809418?name=&type=undefined]here[/url]! (their planned scries are in their bio!)
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[ Sakura | she/her | G1 Lair ]
[center][font=calibri]@SakuraSundae i love the scry you have planned for mika. i did not realize that lightning eyes could be that perfect light blue that goes so well with all of the other colors! she looks gorgeous with that skin and apparel combination!
@SakuraSundae i love the scry you have planned for mika. i did not realize that lightning eyes could be that perfect light blue that goes so well with all of the other colors! she looks gorgeous with that skin and apparel combination!

@everlastingecho just... wow. The understated elegance of your lair is something I could only dream of. I could happily get lost in there. I wanted to avoid taking a first-page dragon, but while Qulin was a close second there was just something so bewitching about Maldwyn that I couldn't ignore. 10/10 lair, would steal from again!
@everlastingecho just... wow. The understated elegance of your lair is something I could only dream of. I could happily get lost in there. I wanted to avoid taking a first-page dragon, but while Qulin was a close second there was just something so bewitching about Maldwyn that I couldn't ignore. 10/10 lair, would steal from again!

She's so pretty and she has a little bunny! The apparel colours match really well with her colours, and it adds a little bit of sparkle.

She's so pretty and she has a little bunny! The apparel colours match really well with her colours, and it adds a little bit of sparkle.

She's so pretty and she has a little bunny! The apparel colours match really well with her colours, and it adds a little bit of sparkle.
As I was going through your lair I couldn't stop looking at Xylona! She is absolutely gorgeous! Pearl stained makes her look ethereal
I know its just dragon pixels but omg shes real to me and I love her
Heartfire has stolen my heart, the way fire capsule looks is just amazing!
His apparel matches so well too!
As I was going through your lair I couldn't stop looking at Xylona! She is absolutely gorgeous! Pearl stained makes her look ethereal
I know its just dragon pixels but omg shes real to me and I love her

Heartfire has stolen my heart, the way fire capsule looks is just amazing!
His apparel matches so well too!

OMG OMG I adore this little lad so much!! His goat eyes and little teeth go together so well. Great match of accent colors, too! Such a lovely boy!

OMG OMG I adore this little lad so much!! His goat eyes and little teeth go together so well. Great match of accent colors, too! Such a lovely boy!

OMG OMG I adore this little lad so much!! His goat eyes and little teeth go together so well. Great match of accent colors, too! Such a lovely boy!
All of your aethers (g1 and otherwise) are so darling! I just had to pick Ira though, I have such a fondness for these kinds of funky color combinations with fun terts - to me, cyan belongs anywhere! I also just love cinder/blaze and wine is such a gorgeous one, you can never go wrong c:

All of your aethers (g1 and otherwise) are so darling! I just had to pick Ira though, I have such a fondness for these kinds of funky color combinations with fun terts - to me, cyan belongs anywhere! I also just love cinder/blaze and wine is such a gorgeous one, you can never go wrong c:

All of your aethers (g1 and otherwise) are so darling! I just had to pick Ira though, I have such a fondness for these kinds of funky color combinations with fun terts - to me, cyan belongs anywhere! I also just love cinder/blaze and wine is such a gorgeous one, you can never go wrong c:
Uggh, I got myself stuck between an almost impossible choice D:
Both Ranni and Vera were vying for my eye, and since they're conveniently next next to each other I clicked the arrow keys a few times... Maroon Constellation is beautiful on both, but I [i]really love[/i] veils with two-tone Constellation and I'm fond of the accent you chose for Ranni <3
Uggh, I got myself stuck between an almost impossible choice D:
Both Ranni and Vera were vying for my eye, and since they're conveniently next next to each other I clicked the arrow keys a few times... Maroon Constellation is beautiful on both, but I really love veils with two-tone Constellation and I'm fond of the accent you chose for Ranni <3
Uggh, I got myself stuck between an almost impossible choice D:
Both Ranni and Vera were vying for my eye, and since they're conveniently next next to each other I clicked the arrow keys a few times... Maroon Constellation is beautiful on both, but I really love veils with two-tone Constellation and I'm fond of the accent you chose for Ranni <3

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