
Dragon Share

Show off your favorite dragons.
TOPIC | Steal a Gen One!
@vortexbreakdown [url=][img][/img][/url] it was difficult to pick only one because you had so many nice g1s, but I ended up going with this guy. I like the dark browns with the bright yellow pop fro the apparel and skin.
it was difficult to pick only one because you had so many nice g1s, but I ended up going with this guy. I like the dark browns with the bright yellow pop fro the apparel and skin.
@ALMostADragon Heartfire's lovely! The coordination between sunset noxtide and fire capsule is stellar, and they're both so vivid against the deep darkness of navy. The perfect eye color to match too! [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center]
@ALMostADragon Heartfire's lovely! The coordination between sunset noxtide and fire capsule is stellar, and they're both so vivid against the deep darkness of navy. The perfect eye color to match too!
@wildewinged I love Vokama! The gene choices are great and I love how well you've color matched the skin and apparel to the dragon. The silver-spruce color scheme is so nice. [url=][img][/img][/url] Next Person: Vast majority of my G1s are a tab labeled G1s in my hibden, with the exception of Moonlight in Scholars.

I love Vokama!
The gene choices are great and I love how well you've color matched the skin and apparel to the dragon. The silver-spruce color scheme is so nice.


Next Person: Vast majority of my G1s are a tab labeled G1s in my hibden, with the exception of Moonlight in Scholars.
[center]@TheTypingDragon [url=][img][/img][/url] I flipping LOVE purple and orange combos, and this girl looks amazing! Also, that accent looks like it was made for her! [/center]


I flipping LOVE purple and orange combos, and this girl looks amazing! Also, that accent looks like it was made for her!
@Frostbite1370 [url=][img][/img][/url] My favorite character from one of my favorite games? Ahh! Summer is perfect! She is such a lovely representation of the character and is just...ugh, the best!


My favorite character from one of my favorite games? Ahh! Summer is perfect! She is such a lovely representation of the character and is just...ugh, the best!
@Jesteroo [url=][img][/img][/url] Not [i]usually[/i] a fan of Veilspuns,, but man is Fina an exception. Would absolutely snatch her lol Everything about her matches so well. From her tertiary to her accent.. Even her familiar is perfect for her!! Complete eyecandy. note for the next person: My g1's are in my Flowerfall lair tab and Foliage hibden tab :]


Not usually a fan of Veilspuns,, but man is Fina an exception. Would absolutely snatch her lol
Everything about her matches so well. From her tertiary to her accent.. Even her familiar is perfect for her!! Complete eyecandy.

note for the next person: My g1's are in my Flowerfall lair tab and Foliage hibden tab :]
@PokiBiscuit I'll snag Marsherise if could! He's very soft with the pastel primary and secondary colours, and I love the way his accent matches with his starry wings, like an early sunset. The long spikes from stinger look like mountains reflecting the reddish light from the sun too. [url=][img][/img][/url] [rule] np: all my g1s are on this [url=]bio[/url]
I'll snag Marsherise if could! He's very soft with the pastel primary and secondary colours, and I love the way his accent matches with his starry wings, like an early sunset. The long spikes from stinger look like mountains reflecting the reddish light from the sun too.


np: all my g1s are on this bio
vpK3i5m.png Mf8oDc5.png fC7kNsQ.png
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@lostplanetvoltia You've got LOTS of lovely G1s, but I just... idk i like him. I have such a hard time making mantis and radioactive work together and this makes me happy. [url=][img][/img][/url]

You've got LOTS of lovely G1s, but I just... idk i like him. I have such a hard time making mantis and radioactive work together and this makes me happy.

[center][font=calibri]@Dagmaar magnolia is too precious with those pastel colors and the blossom gene! [url=][img][/img][/url]
magnolia is too precious with those pastel colors and the blossom gene!


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@everlastingecho You have so many pretty g1s omg! ;v; [url=][img][/img][/url] I love how soft Jupiter looks. The flecks gene combined with her skin makes me think of those late autumn days with winter coming close. I get such comfy vibes from her. She is so beautiful!
You have so many pretty g1s omg! ;v;

I love how soft Jupiter looks. The flecks gene combined with her skin makes me think of those late autumn days with winter coming close. I get such comfy vibes from her. She is so beautiful!
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