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TOPIC | Dev Update: Pinglists & More
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so this just kills GASP?

As a suggestion: A description of the pinglist with support for the same bbcode you could use in a forum on the pinglist page itself would be cool
so this just kills GASP?

As a suggestion: A description of the pinglist with support for the same bbcode you could use in a forum on the pinglist page itself would be cool
clyCaLS.png .

20s, male, he/him
.np7f4Fm.png about me
.np7f4Fm.png current icon:
NUuorfS.png .
I'm so hyped for what changes and updates are going to be made to the current pinglist system with all the feedback! I hope that staff are able to make a great middleground of functionality from previous types of pinglists, as well as prevent harassment shenanigans. Personally, I think the potential of this new feature is really exciting, and I can't wait to see what's in store!

Also on my initial post, due to my confusion I forgot to mention that I'm very excited about all the cool mockups for the skin system! These sound so neat and so much more efficient than the current way it works, and I'm sure it'll make the accepting process so much smoother with more checks in place to guarantee a skin isn't rejected for some of the more common issues.

All the mockups look so dang cool! And being able to choose the skin's preview / item is absolutely golden! I haven't made very many skins, but with some of my recent submissions, I've been playing a small game of "oh, I wonder what part of it the staff members will make into the icon?" just out of curiosity / for fun to see which section of the skin seemed to draw the staff's eyes the most, haha. It'll be so nice to get to choose it ourself though, to feature what we'd like! That gives the artist so much more control over their own skin, I love that!

Thank you for all of these cool updates, and for everything that y'all do for the site. (And I hope the team members are hydrating + getting sustenance, ah!) This makes it so much easier to get into skin / accent-making, which is something I've wanted to sort of participate in a little more (despite being such a massively slow artist...), so thank you for the awesome quality-of-life updates, and I can't wait to see what other things y'all might have in store, especially for additions to the pinglist feature! Cheers! :D
I'm so hyped for what changes and updates are going to be made to the current pinglist system with all the feedback! I hope that staff are able to make a great middleground of functionality from previous types of pinglists, as well as prevent harassment shenanigans. Personally, I think the potential of this new feature is really exciting, and I can't wait to see what's in store!

Also on my initial post, due to my confusion I forgot to mention that I'm very excited about all the cool mockups for the skin system! These sound so neat and so much more efficient than the current way it works, and I'm sure it'll make the accepting process so much smoother with more checks in place to guarantee a skin isn't rejected for some of the more common issues.

All the mockups look so dang cool! And being able to choose the skin's preview / item is absolutely golden! I haven't made very many skins, but with some of my recent submissions, I've been playing a small game of "oh, I wonder what part of it the staff members will make into the icon?" just out of curiosity / for fun to see which section of the skin seemed to draw the staff's eyes the most, haha. It'll be so nice to get to choose it ourself though, to feature what we'd like! That gives the artist so much more control over their own skin, I love that!

Thank you for all of these cool updates, and for everything that y'all do for the site. (And I hope the team members are hydrating + getting sustenance, ah!) This makes it so much easier to get into skin / accent-making, which is something I've wanted to sort of participate in a little more (despite being such a massively slow artist...), so thank you for the awesome quality-of-life updates, and I can't wait to see what other things y'all might have in store, especially for additions to the pinglist feature! Cheers! :D
[quote name="butcherbaby" date="2023-10-26 16:54:05" ] [quote name="Xhaztol" date="2023-10-26 14:51:36" ] [quote name="jackaling" date="2023-10-26 14:13:38" ] [quote name="Aequorin" date="2023-10-26 14:05:32" ] [quote name="Flaxen" date="2023-10-26 13:58:21" ] I don't understand the thought process behind adding new features for skin/accent artists, and then taking another one away in the same update. [/quote] Hi @Flaxen! There's been a misunderstanding. Nothing's been taken away in this update. We offered players some transparency in today's update and communicated future plans about the functionality of pings. These plans currently do not have a set date or timeline for implementation. I hope this helps. [/quote] [i]the moment it’s implemented[/i], there will be massive repercussions for many communities. giving us time to adjust does [i]not[/i] allow us to come up with solutions for the functionality that is being taken away with absolutely 0 replacement in sight. the community can’t ‘play around’ with a tool that has [i]none[/i] of the functions of off-site pinglists because the functions cannot be replicated. this is a massive burden for users who have already spent years creating and maintaining tools. [/quote] If I can make an observation... It feels like you're saying here that our viewpoint will not change between now and then (a "then" that we have communicated several times does not yet exist), even in light of the feedback we're getting today. We're not solely treating this as a transitionary period, it's 100% an opportunity, on our side, to make further refinements - and that goes for most things we launch. There's 0 replacement in sight because we've yet to build one, it doesn't mean it'll [i]never[/i] exist—remember that the feature launched only a few hours ago! I'd also like to take the time to mention: [LIST] [*]We've implemented one change based on player feedback (see Site Status) since the launch and are working on another right now. [*]We have removed nothing today, and we don't have plans to remove anything tomorrow, or the next day. This is an open-ended period for a reason. [*]We have shown pretty consistently that we listen and try to implement improvements that will benefit as many of you as possible, especially in the wake of feature launches that have a lot of lively discussion, feedback, and concerns. We're not perfect, but we've got a great track record. This is no different. [*]Mass-pinging, in its current form, has to change in some capacity for both security and infrastructural reasons. It is very clear, given today's discussions, that we can't wholesale remove the premise behind mass-pinging without bridging the gap and providing a solution. We will be absorbing every drop of feedback we get today and beyond to help inform what those changes are, and how they can best serve a majority of our community. [*]The first step was having the feature at all in order to mitigate what was already widespread abuse targeting hundreds of our players in very public settings. [/LIST] [/quote] @Xhaztol I’m going to make an observation of my own, that what it feels like to myself and probably many (if not most) of the people making complaints here is that the on-site pinglist - while a long needed and very much appreciated addition- was developed without taking into account how the people who utilize pinglists on the site actually use them, which is generally in far more complex ways than are currently addressed by this update. And this “[b] It is very clear, given today's discussions, that we can't wholesale remove the premise behind mass-pinging without bridging the gap and providing a solution.[/b]” makes it feel like it really does come as a surprise to the people behind the scenes that players require a different solution, rather than you all were aware, but just needed to get the more basic structure in place/bug free before you could work on the more complex & detailed mass & public pinglists that dom groups, hatcheries, g1 & other dragon/rare item search hubs, the swipp list and others require. And that’s just frustrating & disappointing if after a decade, the people behind the scenes are that unaware of how people are currently using the site & its available functionalities. I think people would have been very understanding if the announcement had been something like, “we understand that this doesn’t address all the ways pinglists are currently used by players but to mitigate harassment we wanted to get the basic structure into place/working bug free before we work on those more complex mechanics, with the help of use feedback since you know what features will be most useful!” or something along those lines. Instead, there is only the most basic of pinglist functionality with no indication that needed changes/additions will be made before the ability to use the specialized mass pinglists they’ve perfected over many years is gone altogether (and I’ve already encountered one skin artist who did not realize that the ability to mass ping wasn’t being shut off immediately so that part was definitely not made clear enough.) I’ve been here a long time and while the site was always pretty good about responding to user feedback with positive changes, I’ve watched it improve a LOT over the years as well*, and I have no reason to think people won’t be listened to here (I mean I honestly don’t anyone wants to deal with the fallout otherwise- “Human sacrifice! Dogs and cats living together! Mass hysteria!” [emoji=coatl laughing size=1] ) It would have been a lot more reassuring to players if their real pinglist needs had been considered to begin with, though. *[s]though legible coli captcha screens and more active lair space WHEN lol[/s] [/quote] ------ [quote name="Xaz" date="2023-10-26 16:59:31" ] [quote name="butcherbaby" date="2023-10-26 16:54:05" ] I’m going to make an observation of my own, that what it feels like to myself and probably many (if not most) of the people making complaints here is that the on-site pinglist - while a long needed and very much appreciated addition- was developed without taking into account how the people who utilize pinglists on the site actually use them, which is generally in far more complex ways than are currently addressed by this update. And this “ It is very clear, given today's discussions, that we can't wholesale remove the premise behind mass-pinging without bridging the gap and providing a solution.” makes it feel like it really does come as a surprise to the people behind the scenes that players require a different solution, rather than you all were aware, but just needed to get the more basic structure in place/bug free before you could work on the more complex & detailed mass & public pinglists that dom groups, hatcheries, g1 & other dragon/rare item search hubs, the swipp list and others require. And that’s just frustrating & disappointing if after a decade, the people behind the scenes are that unaware of how people are currently using the site & its available functionalities. [/quote] I just wanna highlight this part here. I feel like sometimes part of the problem with staff, even though you are all quite lovely people, is you don't... play the game? No one who makes the game plays the game. At least not for real except maybe our CM? And so when changes are made or things added they can sometimes feel completely alienating because the behind the scene staff just don't play the game at all so have very little grasp on what people actually need or want beyond a 'pinglist function'. And it's a nice foundation don't get me wrong! But it desperately needed real player feedback before this point. Someone mentioned some posts back encouraging staff to go look at shops, look at hatcheries, look at how people are actually using pinglists and I'm seconding. I also think staff as a whole should be more open to the idea of beta testers. Make them sign an NDA like you do artists and have real players actually test things like this. Features like this can become an echo chamber of everyone agreeing about how something was implemented and then its a shock when you do implement it and people bring up their very real concerns and worries. I know people would be falling foot over mouth to sign up for beta testing and if they breach then ban them from the program. [/quote] Thank you, both @Xaz and @butcherbaby, for putting into words so eloquently something I have seen a few players too concerned to talk about on site for over a year. You two worded things perfectly and I cannot be more behind what you both have said. I have not seen a more polite discourse in this area to date and I am so relieved to see this finally being confidently said. No need to reply: just wanted to thank you and hope that more people can see this. Absolute royalty here, the both of you [emoji=familiar heart size=1]
butcherbaby wrote on 2023-10-26 16:54:05:
Xhaztol wrote on 2023-10-26 14:51:36:
jackaling wrote on 2023-10-26 14:13:38:
Aequorin wrote on 2023-10-26 14:05:32:
Flaxen wrote on 2023-10-26 13:58:21:
I don't understand the thought process behind adding new features for skin/accent artists, and then taking another one away in the same update.

Hi @Flaxen! There's been a misunderstanding. Nothing's been taken away in this update. We offered players some transparency in today's update and communicated future plans about the functionality of pings. These plans currently do not have a set date or timeline for implementation. I hope this helps.
the moment it’s implemented, there will be massive repercussions for many communities. giving us time to adjust does not allow us to come up with solutions for the functionality that is being taken away with absolutely 0 replacement in sight. the community can’t ‘play around’ with a tool that has none of the functions of off-site pinglists because the functions cannot be replicated. this is a massive burden for users who have already spent years creating and maintaining tools.
If I can make an observation...

It feels like you're saying here that our viewpoint will not change between now and then (a "then" that we have communicated several times does not yet exist), even in light of the feedback we're getting today. We're not solely treating this as a transitionary period, it's 100% an opportunity, on our side, to make further refinements - and that goes for most things we launch. There's 0 replacement in sight because we've yet to build one, it doesn't mean it'll never exist—remember that the feature launched only a few hours ago!

I'd also like to take the time to mention:
  • We've implemented one change based on player feedback (see Site Status) since the launch and are working on another right now.
  • We have removed nothing today, and we don't have plans to remove anything tomorrow, or the next day. This is an open-ended period for a reason.
  • We have shown pretty consistently that we listen and try to implement improvements that will benefit as many of you as possible, especially in the wake of feature launches that have a lot of lively discussion, feedback, and concerns. We're not perfect, but we've got a great track record. This is no different.
  • Mass-pinging, in its current form, has to change in some capacity for both security and infrastructural reasons. It is very clear, given today's discussions, that we can't wholesale remove the premise behind mass-pinging without bridging the gap and providing a solution. We will be absorbing every drop of feedback we get today and beyond to help inform what those changes are, and how they can best serve a majority of our community.
  • The first step was having the feature at all in order to mitigate what was already widespread abuse targeting hundreds of our players in very public settings.


I’m going to make an observation of my own, that what it feels like to myself and probably many (if not most) of the people making complaints here is that the on-site pinglist - while a long needed and very much appreciated addition- was developed without taking into account how the people who utilize pinglists on the site actually use them, which is generally in far more complex ways than are currently addressed by this update. And this “ It is very clear, given today's discussions, that we can't wholesale remove the premise behind mass-pinging without bridging the gap and providing a solution.” makes it feel like it really does come as a surprise to the people behind the scenes that players require a different solution, rather than you all were aware, but just needed to get the more basic structure in place/bug free before you could work on the more complex & detailed mass & public pinglists that dom groups, hatcheries, g1 & other dragon/rare item search hubs, the swipp list and others require. And that’s just frustrating & disappointing if after a decade, the people behind the scenes are that unaware of how people are currently using the site & its available functionalities.

I think people would have been very understanding if the announcement had been something like, “we understand that this doesn’t address all the ways pinglists are currently used by players but to mitigate harassment we wanted to get the basic structure into place/working bug free before we work on those more complex mechanics, with the help of use feedback since you know what features will be most useful!” or something along those lines. Instead, there is only the most basic of pinglist functionality with no indication that needed changes/additions will be made before the ability to use the specialized mass pinglists they’ve perfected over many years is gone altogether (and I’ve already encountered one skin artist who did not realize that the ability to mass ping wasn’t being shut off immediately so that part was definitely not made clear enough.)

I’ve been here a long time and while the site was always pretty good about responding to user feedback with positive changes, I’ve watched it improve a LOT over the years as well*, and I have no reason to think people won’t be listened to here (I mean I honestly don’t anyone wants to deal with the fallout otherwise- “Human sacrifice! Dogs and cats living together! Mass hysteria!” ) It would have been a lot more reassuring to players if their real pinglist needs had been considered to begin with, though.

*though legible coli captcha screens and more active lair space WHEN lol

Xaz wrote on 2023-10-26 16:59:31:
butcherbaby wrote on 2023-10-26 16:54:05:
I’m going to make an observation of my own, that what it feels like to myself and probably many (if not most) of the people making complaints here is that the on-site pinglist - while a long needed and very much appreciated addition- was developed without taking into account how the people who utilize pinglists on the site actually use them, which is generally in far more complex ways than are currently addressed by this update. And this “ It is very clear, given today's discussions, that we can't wholesale remove the premise behind mass-pinging without bridging the gap and providing a solution.” makes it feel like it really does come as a surprise to the people behind the scenes that players require a different solution, rather than you all were aware, but just needed to get the more basic structure in place/bug free before you could work on the more complex & detailed mass & public pinglists that dom groups, hatcheries, g1 & other dragon/rare item search hubs, the swipp list and others require. And that’s just frustrating & disappointing if after a decade, the people behind the scenes are that unaware of how people are currently using the site & its available functionalities.

I just wanna highlight this part here. I feel like sometimes part of the problem with staff, even though you are all quite lovely people, is you don't... play the game? No one who makes the game plays the game. At least not for real except maybe our CM? And so when changes are made or things added they can sometimes feel completely alienating because the behind the scene staff just don't play the game at all so have very little grasp on what people actually need or want beyond a 'pinglist function'. And it's a nice foundation don't get me wrong! But it desperately needed real player feedback before this point.

Someone mentioned some posts back encouraging staff to go look at shops, look at hatcheries, look at how people are actually using pinglists and I'm seconding.

I also think staff as a whole should be more open to the idea of beta testers. Make them sign an NDA like you do artists and have real players actually test things like this. Features like this can become an echo chamber of everyone agreeing about how something was implemented and then its a shock when you do implement it and people bring up their very real concerns and worries. I know people would be falling foot over mouth to sign up for beta testing and if they breach then ban them from the program.

Thank you, both @Xaz and @butcherbaby, for putting into words so eloquently something I have seen a few players too concerned to talk about on site for over a year. You two worded things perfectly and I cannot be more behind what you both have said. I have not seen a more polite discourse in this area to date and I am so relieved to see this finally being confidently said.

No need to reply: just wanted to thank you and hope that more people can see this. Absolute royalty here, the both of you
This all sound really cool, but I don't think you'll be able to get rid of offsite pinglists entirely. Things like GASP, G1s, Dom, etcetera in order to still function will need to continue to happen offsite in spreadsheets. It is not possible to use those with the onsite pinglist feature. (Both because too many specifics for things like skins or g1 combos, and because onlu the thread creator can access the pinglist)

But additionally, in order for those things to work at all, the ping cap cannot be put in place. Please please don't go through with the cap. That's the real major killer for GASP/G1/Dom/etc threads. The site has run fine without the cap, I don't see a reason to change it now.
This all sound really cool, but I don't think you'll be able to get rid of offsite pinglists entirely. Things like GASP, G1s, Dom, etcetera in order to still function will need to continue to happen offsite in spreadsheets. It is not possible to use those with the onsite pinglist feature. (Both because too many specifics for things like skins or g1 combos, and because onlu the thread creator can access the pinglist)

But additionally, in order for those things to work at all, the ping cap cannot be put in place. Please please don't go through with the cap. That's the real major killer for GASP/G1/Dom/etc threads. The site has run fine without the cap, I don't see a reason to change it now.
12. lol. lmao.
12. lol. lmao.
The reduction in limit of mass pings seems like the downfall of community pings. I can see ways where multiple people must make posts all at the same time to ping everyone to get around such a limit, but groups like GASP would require possibly hundreds of people to pull off such a feat. The pinglist feature itself is quite the improvement, reducing the number of spreadsheets required, but its limitations do concern me for the future of community run pinglists that, I personally, require to even be able to get some items. Specifically from Swipp
The reduction in limit of mass pings seems like the downfall of community pings. I can see ways where multiple people must make posts all at the same time to ping everyone to get around such a limit, but groups like GASP would require possibly hundreds of people to pull off such a feat. The pinglist feature itself is quite the improvement, reducing the number of spreadsheets required, but its limitations do concern me for the future of community run pinglists that, I personally, require to even be able to get some items. Specifically from Swipp

Ohhh, the skin optimization is so exciting! I want to make my own soon, and this makes it so much easier!!
Ohhh, the skin optimization is so exciting! I want to make my own soon, and this makes it so much easier!!
- Rents out nests
- Rents out space in Hibernation Den
- Rents out dragons for breeding projects
Mssg me to make offer/request
[quote name="Chimalus" date="2023-10-26 17:57:44" ] Word of advice for people dreading the loss of mass pings: do your business on Discord instead. There are great servers for art, skins, nesting, and all the rest. [/quote] AFAIK this is quite literally what most of the people who are dreading this change want to avoid. I'm not anti-Discord as I'm in quite a few myself, but I've seen plenty of people lament the rise of the app as its pretty directly lead to a decline in the forums. Things are still kicking for the most part, thank goodness, but we shouldn't have more reasons to motivate migrating.
Chimalus wrote on 2023-10-26 17:57:44:
Word of advice for people dreading the loss of mass pings: do your business on Discord instead. There are great servers for art, skins, nesting, and all the rest.
AFAIK this is quite literally what most of the people who are dreading this change want to avoid. I'm not anti-Discord as I'm in quite a few myself, but I've seen plenty of people lament the rise of the app as its pretty directly lead to a decline in the forums.

Things are still kicking for the most part, thank goodness, but we shouldn't have more reasons to motivate migrating.
Pressed Morning Glory Venex
23378621.png Pressed Moonflower
Pinglists are a great idea but I'm a hard pass on the Sunsetting Mass Pings since the Gen 1 Hoarders pinglist has even made a dedicated web page that allows you to copy and paste your dragons whole info page and automatically makes a pinglist for the people who filled out the pinglist form so you're not pinging the wrong groups which used to happen when using individual pinglists, except the new system is only for the creator of the pinglist to use so how are people going to be able to ping the group for their sale? Sounds like someone would need to be the *ping person* to go around and use the pinglist for every sale/auction thread as people request them to do so? That sounds completely horrible.
The new pinglist feature would need several additional features to have all the functionality that these groups have literally spent YEARS building into the fantastic easy to use system that it has for the mass pings to be phased out.

The only pinglists I've been wanting to make for example a G2 (non-imp pinglist) wouldn't work with the new system at all because the entire purpose is for other people to be able to ping the list whenever they have a G2 (non-imp) to sell. If I make the pinglist and I'm the only person who can ping the people on the list then I would have to orchestrate ALL the sales/auctions or at least ping each one of them upon request and that just won't work. So even though I have a couple pinglists in mind, none of them are possible with the current capabilities of the new pinglists, unless hundreds of us all make the same pinglist and then all subscribe to each others pinglists, which means that anyone who is new to selling that kind of dragon has no way to ping unless again, they request other users with those pinglists will make the ping for them which just sounds uncomfortable.

I was so excited when I read the first part but now I'm so sad that I can't use this pinglist feature since it doesn't do the one thing that I use pinglists for, allowing other people to ping those who are interested in the types of dragons/items that are being sold/auctioned. Otherwise I would be forced into some kind of pinglist management role where I'd have to go around pinging everyone's threads upon request. :(

I'm realizing now that a majority of my FR use is heavily reliant on the existing pinglists and if the mass-pings are phased out then my ability to continue playing FR the way I like to will basically be cut off. My plan to try making Skins/Accents would be pointless since I wouldn't be able to use the GASP pinglist. I'm not going to lie, the idea of no mass pings is super freaking me out right now.
Pinglists are a great idea but I'm a hard pass on the Sunsetting Mass Pings since the Gen 1 Hoarders pinglist has even made a dedicated web page that allows you to copy and paste your dragons whole info page and automatically makes a pinglist for the people who filled out the pinglist form so you're not pinging the wrong groups which used to happen when using individual pinglists, except the new system is only for the creator of the pinglist to use so how are people going to be able to ping the group for their sale? Sounds like someone would need to be the *ping person* to go around and use the pinglist for every sale/auction thread as people request them to do so? That sounds completely horrible.
The new pinglist feature would need several additional features to have all the functionality that these groups have literally spent YEARS building into the fantastic easy to use system that it has for the mass pings to be phased out.

The only pinglists I've been wanting to make for example a G2 (non-imp pinglist) wouldn't work with the new system at all because the entire purpose is for other people to be able to ping the list whenever they have a G2 (non-imp) to sell. If I make the pinglist and I'm the only person who can ping the people on the list then I would have to orchestrate ALL the sales/auctions or at least ping each one of them upon request and that just won't work. So even though I have a couple pinglists in mind, none of them are possible with the current capabilities of the new pinglists, unless hundreds of us all make the same pinglist and then all subscribe to each others pinglists, which means that anyone who is new to selling that kind of dragon has no way to ping unless again, they request other users with those pinglists will make the ping for them which just sounds uncomfortable.

I was so excited when I read the first part but now I'm so sad that I can't use this pinglist feature since it doesn't do the one thing that I use pinglists for, allowing other people to ping those who are interested in the types of dragons/items that are being sold/auctioned. Otherwise I would be forced into some kind of pinglist management role where I'd have to go around pinging everyone's threads upon request. :(

I'm realizing now that a majority of my FR use is heavily reliant on the existing pinglists and if the mass-pings are phased out then my ability to continue playing FR the way I like to will basically be cut off. My plan to try making Skins/Accents would be pointless since I wouldn't be able to use the GASP pinglist. I'm not going to lie, the idea of no mass pings is super freaking me out right now.
Same as FR
5G1dR62.pngjW6M6Gx.png 1IJZqsC.png
I love everything about this update!
I love the pingligsts, the skin reprints, and I'm so excited to hear an update about the coliseum. These were things I didn't even know I wanted but HERE THEY ARE! Manual pinglists were the bane of my existence.
I love everything about this update!
I love the pingligsts, the skin reprints, and I'm so excited to hear an update about the coliseum. These were things I didn't even know I wanted but HERE THEY ARE! Manual pinglists were the bane of my existence.
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