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TOPIC | Vitali's Warriors [Lineage Project!]

Added! :)

Added! :)
Looking for free lineage dragons? Level 25 rentals? Join an active community with frequent free raffles? Check out Vitali's Warriors!
@Lunartwist Annnnd another two to 25, and for adoption :3 Phew, had these two sitting around stalled at level 15 since the levelling contest! [center][url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url]
@Lunartwist Annnnd another two to 25, and for adoption :3 Phew, had these two sitting around stalled at level 15 since the levelling contest!
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Hi @Lunartwist ! I hope I'm doing this correctly. I have a descendant of Vitali with lore who I've just finished leveling to 25. The Vitali's Lineage/Warriors project was what inspired me to try the coliseum again after years away! This is Littlewing, my pride and joy: [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center]
Hi @Lunartwist ! I hope I'm doing this correctly. I have a descendant of Vitali with lore who I've just finished leveling to 25. The Vitali's Lineage/Warriors project was what inspired me to try the coliseum again after years away!

This is Littlewing, my pride and joy:

Added to the front page and to the adoption page!


He looks amazing! Love how much care you put into training and dressing him! I added him to the front page! :)


Added to the front page and to the adoption page!


He looks amazing! Love how much care you put into training and dressing him! I added him to the front page! :)

Looking for free lineage dragons? Level 25 rentals? Join an active community with frequent free raffles? Check out Vitali's Warriors!
@Lunartwist Thank you!!

Also: I wasn't aware that the bio of each descendant is supposed to contain a path of its lineage. I was sold Littlewing with the badge that linked me here to this thread but no direct record of lineage. I'll try to sleuth out exactly how he's related! Thank you for taking me at my word in the meantime.
@Lunartwist Thank you!!

Also: I wasn't aware that the bio of each descendant is supposed to contain a path of its lineage. I was sold Littlewing with the badge that linked me here to this thread but no direct record of lineage. I'll try to sleuth out exactly how he's related! Thank you for taking me at my word in the meantime.
@ARKnight24 I got you! ;) [b]Gen 8[/b] [url=]Vitali[/url] > [url=]BeeBee[/url] > [url=]DeltaDawn[/url] > [url=]Desarrae[/url] > [url=]Singewing[/url] > [url=]Hana[/url] > [url=]James[/url] > [url=]Evanmene[/url] > Littlewing [code][b]Gen 8[/b] [url=]Vitali[/url] > [url=]BeeBee[/url] > [url=]DeltaDawn[/url] > [url=]Desarrae[/url] > [url=]Singewing[/url] > [url=]Hana[/url] > [url=]James[/url] > [url=]Evanmene[/url] > Littlewing[/code]

I got you! ;)

Gen 8
Vitali > BeeBee > DeltaDawn > Desarrae > Singewing > Hana > James > Evanmene > Littlewing
[b]Gen 8[/b] [url=]Vitali[/url] > [url=]BeeBee[/url] > [url=]DeltaDawn[/url] > [url=]Desarrae[/url] > [url=]Singewing[/url] > [url=]Hana[/url] > [url=]James[/url] > [url=]Evanmene[/url] > Littlewing
Looking for free lineage dragons? Level 25 rentals? Join an active community with frequent free raffles? Check out Vitali's Warriors!
@Lunartwist omg thank you so much! I've added the code to Littlewing's bio. Glad to know he's for sure part of the family! I'll be sure to include lineage record in the bios of his offspring [emoji=tundra tongue size=1]
@Lunartwist omg thank you so much! I've added the code to Littlewing's bio. Glad to know he's for sure part of the family! I'll be sure to include lineage record in the bios of his offspring
@Lunartwist Gah, can't believe I barely missed the cutoff, lol. *facepalm* Well anyway, here, I finally got this dragon trained up! [url=][img][/img][/url] Regardless, this was an amazing project you started! Thank you for the lvl 10 headstart on her, the initiative to get her trained up, and also for my lvl 25 I got for free as a newbie. <3 Have fun with gene projects and life in general!
@Lunartwist Gah, can't believe I barely missed the cutoff, lol. *facepalm*

Well anyway, here, I finally got this dragon trained up!


Regardless, this was an amazing project you started! Thank you for the lvl 10 headstart on her, the initiative to get her trained up, and also for my lvl 25 I got for free as a newbie. <3 Have fun with gene projects and life in general!


Come visit my free hatchery, Leaves of Teahl, for pretty dragons,
or come order a Sushi Dragon!

@Lunartwist - I just got this lovely lady to Level 25, can I please add her to the gallery? (I hope it’s okay to keep posting to have them added to the warrior list, I know you’re taking a well-deserved break - let me know if you’d prefer not to have a ping!) [url=][img][/img][/url]
@Lunartwist - I just got this lovely lady to Level 25, can I please add her to the gallery? (I hope it’s okay to keep posting to have them added to the warrior list, I know you’re taking a well-deserved break - let me know if you’d prefer not to have a ping!)


Of course! I'm so happy to see Flicker's journey from level 10 to 25! She is certainly spoiled! Added to the hall of fame!


Oh pretty! I love her monochrome look! Added her to the hall of fame!

Of course! I'm so happy to see Flicker's journey from level 10 to 25! She is certainly spoiled! Added to the hall of fame!


Oh pretty! I love her monochrome look! Added her to the hall of fame!
Looking for free lineage dragons? Level 25 rentals? Join an active community with frequent free raffles? Check out Vitali's Warriors!