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TOPIC | Headcanon a Dragon Above You
@sneesnaw [url=][img][/img][/url] When Lethe was little, they came across a skeleton, from an ox or something, and it scared the bajeezus outta them. When they got older and wanted to make themself look scarier, they painted themselves with the thing that terrified them when they were little. Looking like a living shadow is one thing but looking like death is better!


When Lethe was little, they came across a skeleton, from an ox or something, and it scared the bajeezus outta them. When they got older and wanted to make themself look scarier, they painted themselves with the thing that terrified them when they were little. Looking like a living shadow is one thing but looking like death is better!
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[center]@Felawnie [s]Claim, may take a while [/s] Edit: done! Hope you like it. Of you wanna use it in her bio please credit me as the writer! c: ---------------- [url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [indent]Have you ever wondered what lay beyond the mist and fog that permeates the Shadow's territory on certain dark nights? Have you ever wanted to traverse the fog, but found yourself unable to force your legs into working, as if your entire body had gone stiff from fear? You are not the only one. In fact, this fog has been a phenomenon that many a clan and wandering dragon have encountered throughout the years; and though it may be a relatively new occurrence in the grand scheme of Sornieth's history, it has been around long enough for rumors to begin spreading about what this fog really is. For one, many believe it to just be that- fog. The Shadow territories are full of bogs, swamps and thick brush that form the perfect conditions for fogs to form, especially at night, when the temperatures change. Others think that the fog is of magic creation, either made by dragon or beastclan, as a means to scare off any intruder from their homes, or even hidden treasure. Truth of the matter is that the fog originates from Adolin, an imperial born and raised in the shadowlands under the protective blanket of mist, smoke and fog. When flying, she spreads this fog around her, thick and heavy, falling onto the ground like smoke, and settling like low hanging clouds. Shes not malicious about it of course- in fact, she's rather shy about it, preferring to fly only on particularly dark nights when no one can see her as the source of the fog ans mist. She flies low, just above the tree tops, because should she fly higher, the amount of fog she creates from her body and wings would alert anyone ans everyone as to her presence- and she'd prefer not to have to explain that's she's been the origin the whole time, especially since she can't even explain WHY she has this ability. She just does. (And besides, the clan she now lives in benefits from her fog, as it helps keep them hidden. Most of the clan members don't even know about her existence, funny enough). She'd like to remain a mystery if it means being able to exist in peace a while longer. [/indent] ---------------- [b]Next person[/b]! Please only use dragons from the tabs listed below, particularly those who may have less or no lore ^^ thank you ! [LIST] [*][url=]Ysbraviar[/url] (don't pick Strata though) [*][url=]Duszobor[/url] (page 2) [*][url=]Cult of Mor[/url] (both pages) [*][url=]July 27[/url] (page 1) [*][url=]Specials[/url] (Tea shop, page 2) [/LIST]
Claim, may take a while
Edit: done! Hope you like it. Of you wanna use it in her bio please credit me as the writer! c:
Have you ever wondered what lay beyond the mist and fog that permeates the Shadow's territory on certain dark nights? Have you ever wanted to traverse the fog, but found yourself unable to force your legs into working, as if your entire body had gone stiff from fear? You are not the only one. In fact, this fog has been a phenomenon that many a clan and wandering dragon have encountered throughout the years; and though it may be a relatively new occurrence in the grand scheme of Sornieth's history, it has been around long enough for rumors to begin spreading about what this fog really is.

For one, many believe it to just be that- fog. The Shadow territories are full of bogs, swamps and thick brush that form the perfect conditions for fogs to form, especially at night, when the temperatures change. Others think that the fog is of magic creation, either made by dragon or beastclan, as a means to scare off any intruder from their homes, or even hidden treasure.

Truth of the matter is that the fog originates from Adolin, an imperial born and raised in the shadowlands under the protective blanket of mist, smoke and fog. When flying, she spreads this fog around her, thick and heavy, falling onto the ground like smoke, and settling like low hanging clouds. Shes not malicious about it of course- in fact, she's rather shy about it, preferring to fly only on particularly dark nights when no one can see her as the source of the fog ans mist. She flies low, just above the tree tops, because should she fly higher, the amount of fog she creates from her body and wings would alert anyone ans everyone as to her presence- and she'd prefer not to have to explain that's she's been the origin the whole time, especially since she can't even explain WHY she has this ability. She just does. (And besides, the clan she now lives in benefits from her fog, as it helps keep them hidden. Most of the clan members don't even know about her existence, funny enough).

She'd like to remain a mystery if it means being able to exist in peace a while longer.

Next person! Please only use dragons from the tabs listed below, particularly those who may have less or no lore ^^ thank you !
OL0ORxb.png Kyuu || Polish || They/Them || FR +9
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[center]@kyuubird [url=][img][/img][/url] • the ringlets on their body is literal brown moss. has some bits of lichen by his ears and face, appears to be facial hair. • was self-named after looking up moss facts because he was curious about growing the fuzzy fungi. • his familiar had fallen off of his childhood home’s front door and turned sentient/has the ability to speak and move on it’s own. • dyed all the hair on his body to match the fade of his wings. • sharpens his claws on the trees and stones around his home where he currently resides. ——— next person: any dragon without lore is okay! hibden has dergs too :)(: [/center]
• the ringlets on their body is literal brown moss. has some bits of lichen by his ears and face, appears to be facial hair.
• was self-named after looking up moss facts because he was curious about growing the fuzzy fungi.
• his familiar had fallen off of his childhood home’s front door and turned sentient/has the ability to speak and move on it’s own.
• dyed all the hair on his body to match the fade of his wings.
• sharpens his claws on the trees and stones around his home where he currently resides.
next person: any dragon without lore is okay! hibden has dergs too :)(:
Featherback Pelt Sandstone
@Lynz [url=][img][/img][/url] Ulyssamiltray's horns grow really quick, so she often shortens them or experiments with different styles. The flowers growing on them vary by season If you look at her wings very closely, you can see a faint pattern on them resembling that of leaves Ulyssamiltray likes to make little noises whenever she's working on something np: my permas are in hibden, so feel free to pick anyone from there or my projects tab!

Ulyssamiltray's horns grow really quick, so she often shortens them or experiments with different styles. The flowers growing on them vary by season
If you look at her wings very closely, you can see a faint pattern on them resembling that of leaves
Ulyssamiltray likes to make little noises whenever she's working on something

np: my permas are in hibden, so feel free to pick anyone from there or my projects tab!
hi! welcome to the
secret text i use bc i
cant figure centering
columns out
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@ostoserottelija [url=][img][/img][/url] lily was actually a very sweet and naive dragon early on in her life, her name was inspired from such an innocent looking flower. despite the changes she went through that led to her current state, her favourite colour still remains orange- specifically a shade of orange that certain lily breeds come in. it not only reminds her of her late brother but also of her old home and peaceful childhood, this nostalgia influenced the "haunting grasp" that still flows among her wings. her familiar, the 'death seeker', brings small gifts to her similar to real life crows and she was able to bond with it through giving small gifts as well. they take turns guarding the lair, using their appearances to blend into the darkest of corners.


lily was actually a very sweet and naive dragon early on in her life, her name was inspired from such an innocent looking flower.
despite the changes she went through that led to her current state, her favourite colour still remains orange- specifically a shade of orange that certain lily breeds come in. it not only reminds her of her late brother but also of her old home and peaceful childhood, this nostalgia influenced the "haunting grasp" that still flows among her wings.

her familiar, the 'death seeker', brings small gifts to her similar to real life crows and she was able to bond with it through giving small gifts as well. they take turns guarding the lair, using their appearances to blend into the darkest of corners.

_ qpX0bY5.png

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@Rocki [url=][img][/img][/url] Euchre actually struggles to fly because of his old age. Embarrassed by this, he attempts to hide the mechanical aids on his wings by covering himself in fancy, flaunting apparel. It doesn't work; even the sentinels gossip about his mechanical wings behind his back. if anyone directly asks him about them, he'll reply with "oh, they're just for show! That's all!" (any of my dragons are free for a hc, except hib den :) also, feel free to ping me! ill probably forget otherwise)


Euchre actually struggles to fly because of his old age. Embarrassed by this, he attempts to hide the mechanical aids on his wings by covering himself in fancy, flaunting apparel. It doesn't work; even the sentinels gossip about his mechanical wings behind his back. if anyone directly asks him about them, he'll reply with "oh, they're just for show! That's all!"

(any of my dragons are free for a hc, except hib den :) also, feel free to ping me! ill probably forget otherwise)
@CrystalAvian [url=][img][/img][/url] Akali is the absolute champion at card games. It seems as though luck is on her side every time she goes against somebody. Some have said that her familiar aids her to gain an advantage against her opponent, but nobody has proved this yet.


Akali is the absolute champion at card games. It seems as though luck is on her side every time she goes against somebody. Some have said that her familiar aids her to gain an advantage against her opponent, but nobody has proved this yet.
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@ConfusedUnknown [url=][img][/img][/url] Definitely that one sassy friend in the group. He gives off Kevin Hart or Jimmy Wang vibes and no I will not explain why The opal is his favorite part about himself(next to his amazing looks) and will fight you for saying that its ugly lowkey scared of his familiar but its ok because its cute <3


Definitely that one sassy friend in the group.

He gives off Kevin Hart or Jimmy Wang vibes and no I will not explain why

The opal is his favorite part about himself(next to his amazing looks) and will fight you for saying that its ugly

lowkey scared of his familiar but its ok because its cute <3

[size=3][font=times]@Scintillia [columns][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol][size=3][font=times][b]Pajac[/b] is not an adept ritualist. He would never claim to be - but, yet, he found himself picking up the vial all the same. Caravan drives from the Plaguelands weren't uncommon; whether it was a blood drive or those looking to gather the deceased for morbid research or scientific gain, survivalists from the Boneyard and beyond always had a motive to venture into other territories. The vial, labeled 'GAOLER F' in crude scrawl, glinted to him from the cart as the mirror passed him on the road with an acknowledging nod, and when it tumbled from her cargo and rolled to a stop right before his claws, something deep in him clamped his mouth shut, kept him from announcing the mishap. Still warm in his claws, it beamed to him, whispered of his greatest desire. Surely, one drop wouldn't hurt, dabbed upon his tongue. Surely, with enough time, and, incense, and dark doing, he would make the blood his own.[/columns] [center][size=3][font=times][b]To whoever may be after me, please only headcanon dragons from the first lair tab (or Selethra)![/b][/center]

14044228_350.png Pajac is not an adept ritualist. He would never claim to be - but, yet, he found himself picking up the vial all the same. Caravan drives from the Plaguelands weren't uncommon; whether it was a blood drive or those looking to gather the deceased for morbid research or scientific gain, survivalists from the Boneyard and beyond always had a motive to venture into other territories. The vial, labeled 'GAOLER F' in crude scrawl, glinted to him from the cart as the mirror passed him on the road with an acknowledging nod, and when it tumbled from her cargo and rolled to a stop right before his claws, something deep in him clamped his mouth shut, kept him from announcing the mishap. Still warm in his claws, it beamed to him, whispered of his greatest desire. Surely, one drop wouldn't hurt, dabbed upon his tongue. Surely, with enough time, and, incense, and dark doing, he would make the blood his own.

To whoever may be after me, please only headcanon dragons from the first lair tab (or Selethra)!
RfsQVuR.jpg animalism#228827
any pronouns
fr + 2
there is meaning in the dirt.
[center]@worldpillar [url=][img][/img][/url] He never leaves. Never. Always following short behind, crawling, mewling. He had been alone for lifetimes, his bones cracking and his mouth aching from endless hunger. His flesh and fur burned from the endless aching. Dragging himself over the earth, blindly after Mesa's scent, as if he were merely sleep-walking. She does not want him, but she cannot do anything about it, the beast at her heals. Always following, mewling, begging to be taken into her embrace.
He never leaves. Never. Always following short behind, crawling, mewling. He had been alone for lifetimes, his bones cracking and his mouth aching from endless hunger. His flesh and fur burned from the endless aching. Dragging himself over the earth, blindly after Mesa's scent, as if he were merely sleep-walking. She does not want him, but she cannot do anything about it, the beast at her heals. Always following, mewling, begging to be taken into her embrace.
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