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TOPIC | A Writer's Doors Game
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@Opaldreams Hey, I'll claim door three [emoji=coatl laughing size=1]

Hey, I'll claim door three
buffer text buffer text Tropical post card that says, Hello from The Explorer's Club.  Wish you were here
buffer text

Claiming door one please =)

Claiming door one please =)

I'll take door 2!

I'll take door 2!
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< pat?

@Miere You push as hard as you can but the block of ice won’t budge. You breathe fire on it, carving a hole you can squeeze through. You see the mountain ahead and decide to climb it. Before you can reach it, you hear a snarl behind you. A pack of giant wolves led by a big black wolf circles you. Before you can blink, they toss a net over your wings so you can’t fly. Being vastly outnumbered, you decide to negotiate. “If you spare me, I will find you enough food for the entire pack” The black one raizes their hackles and glares at you with piercing bloodshot eyes. “You think I’d believe that?! The moment we let you go, you’d run away. I think it's better to just feast on your rich flesh now” Before you can say another word, the black one leaps for your throat and the rest follow. Instinctively you fight back; years of hidden training on your side. The wolves were fast but you were faster, in one single calculated move you do a fatal blow to the leader's head. A few of the wolves keep fighting but most step back as their leader has fallen. Soon it is your victory and the wolves that haven't run off, bow in respect. You make a coat from the leader's furr and use that to help keep you warm in the frigid temperatures. The small pack untrapps your wings and keeps you company up the steep slopes. You reach the top and the view is priceless. [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] @SilencedRose You open the door and a metalsmith workshop lies behind it. A female imperial that looks to be made of Metals and Rubies herself hammers away at a hot metal sword. A Tigerfoo lays on their feet. You decide to not disturb them and explore the shop. You see various swords and armor, each displayed on walls or shelves. Your eye is drawn to a curious twisted wooden staff with a pulsing emerald, an ivory dagger with yellow glowing ancient symbols in it, and a simple looking sword that shimmers like rainbows in the light. You marvel at the other curiosities in this shop. Giant teeth from an ancient now extinct monster whale, green and blue feathers the size of a young dragon, a pristine unicorn horn that spirals up towards the ceiling, an old leather bound book with celtic drawings on it and a curious ink black robe collecting dust in the corner. There also is an abundance of potion ingredients, unicorn tears, lavender, salamander blood, sage, frosted violet roots, rosemary, a tiny box labeled hens teeth, etc. The Imperial seemed to be done with their sword she was working on so you go up to meet her. Turns out her name is Ironheart and her shop has rarities from across Sornieth and beyond! You two become fast friends and she tells stories to you about other worlds. [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] @Azurenight You turn open the door and the sound of gears turning hits your ears. You find yourself facing a steampunk factory that seems to run on its own. You enter and look up seeing giant gold gears turning and smoke billowing upwards towards the high arched ceiling. You keep walking through the maze of golden pipes and mechanics. Piles of pocket watches, alarm clocks, and other odds n ends clutter the sides. Coppercoil creeper webs decorate the old grandfather clocks and you find some beautiful steampunk wings. The floor is dusty and your footprints leave a path in your wake. Something glows up ahead and you find a gilded treasure chest. Before you can open it, something bites your leg. You look down and see a ghost grandfather clock, its teeth bared and sunk down into your flesh. You shake it off just to have another one of a different color bite your other leg. Suddenly everything comes to life and is chasing you. You hightail out of there with the chest and some goods, almost tripping over pocket mouses that scurry in front of your claws. As you close the door, your wounds miraculously heal and you sigh in relief. [img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img]
You push as hard as you can but the block of ice won’t budge. You breathe fire on it, carving a hole you can squeeze through. You see the mountain ahead and decide to climb it. Before you can reach it, you hear a snarl behind you. A pack of giant wolves led by a big black wolf circles you. Before you can blink, they toss a net over your wings so you can’t fly. Being vastly outnumbered, you decide to negotiate. “If you spare me, I will find you enough food for the entire pack” The black one raizes their hackles and glares at you with piercing bloodshot eyes. “You think I’d believe that?! The moment we let you go, you’d run away. I think it's better to just feast on your rich flesh now” Before you can say another word, the black one leaps for your throat and the rest follow. Instinctively you fight back; years of hidden training on your side. The wolves were fast but you were faster, in one single calculated move you do a fatal blow to the leader's head. A few of the wolves keep fighting but most step back as their leader has fallen. Soon it is your victory and the wolves that haven't run off, bow in respect. You make a coat from the leader's furr and use that to help keep you warm in the frigid temperatures. The small pack untrapps your wings and keeps you company up the steep slopes. You reach the top and the view is priceless.
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You open the door and a metalsmith workshop lies behind it. A female imperial that looks to be made of Metals and Rubies herself hammers away at a hot metal sword. A Tigerfoo lays on their feet. You decide to not disturb them and explore the shop. You see various swords and armor, each displayed on walls or shelves. Your eye is drawn to a curious twisted wooden staff with a pulsing emerald, an ivory dagger with yellow glowing ancient symbols in it, and a simple looking sword that shimmers like rainbows in the light. You marvel at the other curiosities in this shop. Giant teeth from an ancient now extinct monster whale, green and blue feathers the size of a young dragon, a pristine unicorn horn that spirals up towards the ceiling, an old leather bound book with celtic drawings on it and a curious ink black robe collecting dust in the corner. There also is an abundance of potion ingredients, unicorn tears, lavender, salamander blood, sage, frosted violet roots, rosemary, a tiny box labeled hens teeth, etc. The Imperial seemed to be done with their sword she was working on so you go up to meet her. Turns out her name is Ironheart and her shop has rarities from across Sornieth and beyond! You two become fast friends and she tells stories to you about other worlds.
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You turn open the door and the sound of gears turning hits your ears. You find yourself facing a steampunk factory that seems to run on its own. You enter and look up seeing giant gold gears turning and smoke billowing upwards towards the high arched ceiling. You keep walking through the maze of golden pipes and mechanics. Piles of pocket watches, alarm clocks, and other odds n ends clutter the sides. Coppercoil creeper webs decorate the old grandfather clocks and you find some beautiful steampunk wings. The floor is dusty and your footprints leave a path in your wake. Something glows up ahead and you find a gilded treasure chest. Before you can open it, something bites your leg. You look down and see a ghost grandfather clock, its teeth bared and sunk down into your flesh. You shake it off just to have another one of a different color bite your other leg. Suddenly everything comes to life and is chasing you. You hightail out of there with the chest and some goods, almost tripping over pocket mouses that scurry in front of your claws. As you close the door, your wounds miraculously heal and you sigh in relief.
@Bxy26 [b]Portal 1:[/b] Skava looks at the green portal, drawing in closer. Suddenly vines burst from the portal, ripping the Fae inwards until she tumbled onto the forest floor. This realm was a lush jungle, filled with trees and foliage that were several times larger than herself. Amongst the dirt and roots, there was a pleasant coolness under the shade of the branches that towered over her. She inhaled the earthy scent of this place, it made her think so much- "Of home?" a voice rumbled as the Fae spun around to meet it. A Barkback Boar walked along the path he was standing, its bark and branches rumbling as it crept closer. "How'd you know that?" Skava murmured, eyeing the creature with suspicion. "Ah it's a predictable answer, this place is one that dragons and beasts venture to find something or remember their past," the Boar huffed, seemingly tired of talking, "But I do not have the luxury of leaving like you do." "What does that mean?" Skava titled her crests, moving closer to the Boar. "It doesn't matter what it means," the Boar gritted out as the foliage started to wilt around them, its golden eyes flitting to the plants frantically. The air became frigid, the shade no longer a comfort. The earth trembled and shook, trees crashing down at random. The Boar rushed to the Fae, pushing her out of the way as another crashed where she had stood. "Sir, what's going on?" Skava yelled over the cracking of the earth. "The realm is dying, the cursed game is over," it narrowed its eyes at Skava, "There's no more time." Its eyes glowed, becoming beams of light in the darkness as Skava fell through the cracks. She awoke with a start in her den, finding the Boar standing in front of her with a solemn expression, shaking its head softly. [item=Barkback Boar] @Coldpaw [b]Portal 2:[/b] Starmap darts the yellow portal, hoping for a quick escape. Instead she winds up in a glided room, decorated in lavish silks and trimmed in gold. The marble floors under her paws were smooth, scrubbed clean of any dirt. The floor-to-ceiling windows on her left let in soft lighting of the afternoon, no harshness at all. But that's when she heard it, the unassuming notes of a harp rang through the air, drawing her in. The music was so soothing, almost a lullaby. The culprit was a Veilspun Verse that sat in the center of the floor, playing on its own accord. "It's been so long since I've been able to play for another," it sang, its voice somehow bleeding into the melody of the song. Starmap smiled, sitting in front of the Veilspun, its bronze hue glinting in the light, "I don't know why they wouldn't want to hear you play, it sounds so beautiful." "Oh no, it's not that they don't want to hear me, much on the contrary," the Veilspun smiled sweetly, the song growing more hurried, reaching a crescendo, "They simply fall quiet after too long." Starmap fought against the droop of her eyelids as she looked around on the furniture throughout the room, they had been so silent that she had missed them, dragons littered the room, all blissfully asleep. "I haven't added an Imperial to my collection," the Veilspun chirped, whimsical notes fluttered from its strings, "I'm glad one as pretty as you will be my first!" Starmap tried to shake off the darkness that clouded her eyes, the aching of her limbs as she tried to stand. Everything just felt so, heavy. "Don't fight it, dear," the Veilspun's music grew louder, a new wave of exhaustion hitting Starmap, "Just listen to the notes, they shall help you." "No, I want to go home," Starmap slurred, shaking her head. "I don't think you do." "You're wrong, this realm is a nightmare!" The music came to a screeching halt, the room deathly still. "A n-nightmare?" the Veilspun whispered, eyes wide in horror, "No, it's a wonderful dream, I designed it so!" But the marble was already cracking, the Veilspun now sobbing, strings shaking, "Please!" it wept, "I don't want to have to go back there!" Starmap recoiled back from the harp, her vision fading to dark before she woke up at home. The Veilspun Verse sat in the corner, now inanimate and as quiet as the ones lulled to sleep. [item=Veilspun Verse] @Maharatiplam [b]Portal 3:[/b] Kulu calmly floated into the searing orange, immediately feeling the searing heat on his scales as he went through. He was now in an unforgiving desert, the sun high in the sky. Sandy dunes stretched on in either directions for miles and now he wished he had drank more water before entering this place. He walked for hours, following the sun as it started to set in the west, the sky turning a violent orange hue. The sands seemed to glow under this light, sparkling red grains sticking out against the sunlight. "Kulu!" a hiss sounded out, a cry of help that sounded oddly familiar. "Chavi?" Kulu found himself saying, trying to find the source of the voice. "Kulu help, please!" Chavi's pained yell rang out, coming from just over the large dune in front of him. Kulu's usual indifference faltered, his heart dropping at the call, "Hold on Chavi!" he responded, scrambling up the dune, "I'll be right there!" When he finally reached the top, blood rushing through his crests, he saw how steeply the dune dropped off, a large black pit sticking out at the bottom. He heard Chavi's labored breathing and flew down to the edge. "Chavi, are you down there?" worry spiking in Kulu's chest. "Yes! Please come down!" Against Kulu's better judgement, he flew down into the darkness, only to find a small cave burning with a single candle. A large Imperial hatchling curled up at the edge of the light, smiling wickedly. "Congratulations," she hummed, looking up and down the Fae, "You've won the game." "What game? Where's Chavi?!" Kulu hissed. "Ah seems you've forgotten why you're here, the deal you've struck," she stalked closer to Kulu without any fear, "Not that it matters, I suppose." Kulu narrowed his eyes as the Imperial blew out the candle, submerging them in darkness. He woke up to someone gently nudging his shoulder. "Kulu? Are you alright?" Kulu opened his eyes to see a Mirror looking down at him in concern. "Chavi!" relief flooded through him, happy to see him safe. The Mirror smiled, glancing to the Imperial sitting just a few feet away, "Thanks for bringing Kulu home." "Oh it's no problem at all!" An unnerving grin on her whiskers once again, "It was just a little game." [url=][img][/img][/url]
Portal 1: Skava looks at the green portal, drawing in closer. Suddenly vines burst from the portal, ripping the Fae inwards until she tumbled onto the forest floor.

This realm was a lush jungle, filled with trees and foliage that were several times larger than herself. Amongst the dirt and roots, there was a pleasant coolness under the shade of the branches that towered over her. She inhaled the earthy scent of this place, it made her think so much-

"Of home?" a voice rumbled as the Fae spun around to meet it. A Barkback Boar walked along the path he was standing, its bark and branches rumbling as it crept closer.

"How'd you know that?" Skava murmured, eyeing the creature with suspicion.

"Ah it's a predictable answer, this place is one that dragons and beasts venture to find something or remember their past," the Boar huffed, seemingly tired of talking, "But I do not have the luxury of leaving like you do."

"What does that mean?" Skava titled her crests, moving closer to the Boar.

"It doesn't matter what it means," the Boar gritted out as the foliage started to wilt around them, its golden eyes flitting to the plants frantically.

The air became frigid, the shade no longer a comfort. The earth trembled and shook, trees crashing down at random. The Boar rushed to the Fae, pushing her out of the way as another crashed where she had stood.

"Sir, what's going on?" Skava yelled over the cracking of the earth.

"The realm is dying, the cursed game is over," it narrowed its eyes at Skava, "There's no more time." Its eyes glowed, becoming beams of light in the darkness as Skava fell through the cracks.

She awoke with a start in her den, finding the Boar standing in front of her with a solemn expression, shaking its head softly.
Barkback Boar

Portal 2: Starmap darts the yellow portal, hoping for a quick escape. Instead she winds up in a glided room, decorated in lavish silks and trimmed in gold. The marble floors under her paws were smooth, scrubbed clean of any dirt. The floor-to-ceiling windows on her left let in soft lighting of the afternoon, no harshness at all.

But that's when she heard it, the unassuming notes of a harp rang through the air, drawing her in. The music was so soothing, almost a lullaby. The culprit was a Veilspun Verse that sat in the center of the floor, playing on its own accord.

"It's been so long since I've been able to play for another," it sang, its voice somehow bleeding into the melody of the song.

Starmap smiled, sitting in front of the Veilspun, its bronze hue glinting in the light, "I don't know why they wouldn't want to hear you play, it sounds so beautiful."

"Oh no, it's not that they don't want to hear me, much on the contrary," the Veilspun smiled sweetly, the song growing more hurried, reaching a crescendo, "They simply fall quiet after too long."

Starmap fought against the droop of her eyelids as she looked around on the furniture throughout the room, they had been so silent that she had missed them, dragons littered the room, all blissfully asleep.

"I haven't added an Imperial to my collection," the Veilspun chirped, whimsical notes fluttered from its strings, "I'm glad one as pretty as you will be my first!"

Starmap tried to shake off the darkness that clouded her eyes, the aching of her limbs as she tried to stand. Everything just felt so, heavy.

"Don't fight it, dear," the Veilspun's music grew louder, a new wave of exhaustion hitting Starmap, "Just listen to the notes, they shall help you."

"No, I want to go home," Starmap slurred, shaking her head.

"I don't think you do."

"You're wrong, this realm is a nightmare!"

The music came to a screeching halt, the room deathly still. "A n-nightmare?" the Veilspun whispered, eyes wide in horror, "No, it's a wonderful dream, I designed it so!"

But the marble was already cracking, the Veilspun now sobbing, strings shaking, "Please!" it wept, "I don't want to have to go back there!"

Starmap recoiled back from the harp, her vision fading to dark before she woke up at home. The Veilspun Verse sat in the corner, now inanimate and as quiet as the ones lulled to sleep.
Veilspun Verse

Portal 3: Kulu calmly floated into the searing orange, immediately feeling the searing heat on his scales as he went through. He was now in an unforgiving desert, the sun high in the sky. Sandy dunes stretched on in either directions for miles and now he wished he had drank more water before entering this place.

He walked for hours, following the sun as it started to set in the west, the sky turning a violent orange hue. The sands seemed to glow under this light, sparkling red grains sticking out against the sunlight.

"Kulu!" a hiss sounded out, a cry of help that sounded oddly familiar.

"Chavi?" Kulu found himself saying, trying to find the source of the voice.

"Kulu help, please!" Chavi's pained yell rang out, coming from just over the large dune in front of him.

Kulu's usual indifference faltered, his heart dropping at the call, "Hold on Chavi!" he responded, scrambling up the dune, "I'll be right there!"

When he finally reached the top, blood rushing through his crests, he saw how steeply the dune dropped off, a large black pit sticking out at the bottom. He heard Chavi's labored breathing and flew down to the edge.

"Chavi, are you down there?" worry spiking in Kulu's chest.

"Yes! Please come down!"

Against Kulu's better judgement, he flew down into the darkness, only to find a small cave burning with a single candle. A large Imperial hatchling curled up at the edge of the light, smiling wickedly.

"Congratulations," she hummed, looking up and down the Fae, "You've won the game."

"What game? Where's Chavi?!" Kulu hissed.

"Ah seems you've forgotten why you're here, the deal you've struck," she stalked closer to Kulu without any fear, "Not that it matters, I suppose."

Kulu narrowed his eyes as the Imperial blew out the candle, submerging them in darkness. He woke up to someone gently nudging his shoulder.

"Kulu? Are you alright?" Kulu opened his eyes to see a Mirror looking down at him in concern.

"Chavi!" relief flooded through him, happy to see him safe.

The Mirror smiled, glancing to the Imperial sitting just a few feet away, "Thanks for bringing Kulu home."

"Oh it's no problem at all!" An unnerving grin on her whiskers once again, "It was just a little game."
[center](Long because I love to write, the door parts will be bolded) You wake up in a daze, finding yourself transported somewhere else than where you had fallen asleep. Looking around, you appeared to be in some kind of subterranean den, dimly lit by greenish lanterns that were strung up in the center of the hollow. It was hard to see in the darkness, but the walls and ground seemed to be covered in the creeping tendrils of rot that were common in the Plague Territory. "What do we have here, Ascan?" a whispering voice sounded in the darkness. "I don't know, Raja, it looks like three intruders to me..." a second voice hissed. Two twin veilspuns moved forward into the light of the lanterns. [url=][img][/img][url=][img][/img][/url] The female moved forward to study their visitors. "How did they get down here?" she asked her brother. "I don't think it matters. They will never get out." The male stated ominously. "Do we turn them over to Afar?" "I don't think that sounds very fun." Raja replied. "I think we should give them a chance to escape, let's play a game." "That isn't smart, Raja, we should only give one the chance to live." Ascan chided. "You sound like Chavi." "Well, you sound like Kelvar." These statements seemed intended as insults, though you had no idea what they were referring to. The two looked at each other. "Oh, I know." They said in unison. "They can pick their own fate." Raja nodded, and Ascan smiled, glad to be back on the same page again. Raja turned to the intruders. "There are hundreds of tunnels in this place." she told them. "We dug them all." Ascan added. "You'll spend eternity trying to find you way out without our direction." Raja continued. "We'll give you three paths, you pick one each." Ascan interjected. "It isn't fun if you don't know the stakes. One of them, will lead to the Church." "Probable death." Raja commented. "Another to the Wyrmwound." "Certain death." "And another will lead to the border. You'll be free." The two nodded together. "Yes this will be fun." They said together. Raja moved to the left, standing in the darkness. In the dim light, the outline of a tunnel could be seen. [b]"Choice one." You squinted your eyes, trying to tell what you were looking at. It was impossible, it seemed to be a tunnel so dark, you couldn't be certain it wasn't a black hole.[/b] Ascan moved to the other side of the cave. [b]"Choice two." You looked towards him. He stood by a tall tunnel, it was slightly illuminated by two red candles. It was filled with the melted wax of what must have been a hundred other candles at some point.[/b] The two then moved to the back of the cave at the same time. [b]"Choice three." They stood by a narrow cave, only barely big enough for a gaoler to fit through, any larger dragon would be stuck immediately. It was barely lit at intervals through the tunnel by the same green lanterns that lit this little den.[/b] The two nodded at the trespassers before climbing up the cave walls and slipping into two tiny holes like tiny snakes. They turned back, their red eyes peering down from above. "Good luck." Raja whispered. "You'll need it." Ascan hissed.
(Long because I love to write, the door parts will be bolded)

You wake up in a daze, finding yourself transported somewhere else than where you had fallen asleep. Looking around, you appeared to be in some kind of subterranean den, dimly lit by greenish lanterns that were strung up in the center of the hollow. It was hard to see in the darkness, but the walls and ground seemed to be covered in the creeping tendrils of rot that were common in the Plague Territory.

"What do we have here, Ascan?" a whispering voice sounded in the darkness.

"I don't know, Raja, it looks like three intruders to me..." a second voice hissed.

Two twin veilspuns moved forward into the light of the lanterns.


The female moved forward to study their visitors.

"How did they get down here?" she asked her brother.

"I don't think it matters. They will never get out." The male stated ominously. "Do we turn them over to Afar?"

"I don't think that sounds very fun." Raja replied. "I think we should give them a chance to escape, let's play a game."

"That isn't smart, Raja, we should only give one the chance to live." Ascan chided.

"You sound like Chavi."

"Well, you sound like Kelvar." These statements seemed intended as insults, though you had no idea what they were referring to. The two looked at each other.

"Oh, I know." They said in unison. "They can pick their own fate." Raja nodded, and Ascan smiled, glad to be back on the same page again. Raja turned to the intruders.

"There are hundreds of tunnels in this place." she told them.

"We dug them all." Ascan added.

"You'll spend eternity trying to find you way out without our direction." Raja continued.

"We'll give you three paths, you pick one each." Ascan interjected. "It isn't fun if you don't know the stakes. One of them, will lead to the Church."

"Probable death." Raja commented.

"Another to the Wyrmwound."

"Certain death."

"And another will lead to the border. You'll be free." The two nodded together.

"Yes this will be fun." They said together. Raja moved to the left, standing in the darkness. In the dim light, the outline of a tunnel could be seen.

"Choice one." You squinted your eyes, trying to tell what you were looking at. It was impossible, it seemed to be a tunnel so dark, you couldn't be certain it wasn't a black hole. Ascan moved to the other side of the cave.

"Choice two." You looked towards him. He stood by a tall tunnel, it was slightly illuminated by two red candles. It was filled with the melted wax of what must have been a hundred other candles at some point. The two then moved to the back of the cave at the same time.

"Choice three." They stood by a narrow cave, only barely big enough for a gaoler to fit through, any larger dragon would be stuck immediately. It was barely lit at intervals through the tunnel by the same green lanterns that lit this little den.

The two nodded at the trespassers before climbing up the cave walls and slipping into two tiny holes like tiny snakes. They turned back, their red eyes peering down from above.

"Good luck." Raja whispered.

"You'll need it." Ascan hissed.
@Maharatiplam [url=][img][/img][/url] Achlys smirked at the Veilspun. Tiny, unnerving beasts that they were, she couldn't help but wonder if they knew what she was. This was her homeland, Plague was her magic, and she was a Necromancer. "Church?" she said aloud. "I'll be the judge of that. Wyrmwound? Either I die and return to the Mother or I survive for Her greater glory. As to returning home...I'll make my own decision." Without another word she strode confidently down the tunnel directly ahead of her. Her iridescent, slightly slimy hide glistened in the light of the lanterns.


Achlys smirked at the Veilspun. Tiny, unnerving beasts that they were, she couldn't help but wonder if they knew what she was. This was her homeland, Plague was her magic, and she was a Necromancer.

"Church?" she said aloud. "I'll be the judge of that. Wyrmwound? Either I die and return to the Mother or I survive for Her greater glory. As to returning home...I'll make my own decision."

Without another word she strode confidently down the tunnel directly ahead of her. Her iridescent, slightly slimy hide glistened in the light of the lanterns.
V9b7SpH.png Check out my Elemental Sneks project!
@Maharatiplam [url=][img][/img][/url] Deianira scanned their expressions, then weighed her options. Definitely not the narrow cave, Talfryn had warned her never to approach these things. That left the black hole and the candles. Hellebore might have liked the candles, but she certainly didn’t. The Symbiont inside her hissed and growled, telling her to head for the [b]black tunnel[/b]. She did so quickly, leaving a trail of red rose petals in her wake. Just as she was about to step into it, she heard them wish her good luck. A grim smile appeared on her face, and she looked up at them with eyes blazing with fire. “I don’t believe in luck.” And then she stepped through.


Deianira scanned their expressions, then weighed her options. Definitely not the narrow cave, Talfryn had warned her never to approach these things. That left the black hole and the candles.

Hellebore might have liked the candles, but she certainly didn’t. The Symbiont inside her hissed and growled, telling her to head for the black tunnel. She did so quickly, leaving a trail of red rose petals in her wake.

Just as she was about to step into it, she heard them wish her good luck. A grim smile appeared on her face, and she looked up at them with eyes blazing with fire.

“I don’t believe in luck.”

And then she stepped through.
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< pat?

@Maharatiplam door 2 [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] “[i]There[/i]?” Arleya rose an eyebrow, jerking his head towards the tunnel with the red candles. Carlyassa’s Gustvul — who they [i]still[/i] haven’t gotten a name for, given that the Gustvul seemed to reject all of the ones they’d thought up for them — timidly nodded. Arleya glanced back again dubiously. It… was definitely certain death, or at least a possibility of it. Really, he should suggest to Carlyassa to get the Gustvul’s head checked out. But well… “Fine,” he sighed, as the Gustvul brightened up. “Let’s head in there now.”
@Maharatiplam door 2

There?” Arleya rose an eyebrow, jerking his head towards the tunnel with the red candles. Carlyassa’s Gustvul — who they still haven’t gotten a name for, given that the Gustvul seemed to reject all of the ones they’d thought up for them — timidly nodded.

Arleya glanced back again dubiously. It… was definitely certain death, or at least a possibility of it. Really, he should suggest to Carlyassa to get the Gustvul’s head checked out. But well…

“Fine,” he sighed, as the Gustvul brightened up. “Let’s head in there now.”
lore sales!! ==

it’s imginate without an a!



[center]@SilencedRose[/center] The tunnel was so dark that sight was worthless, and the twisting path could only really be navigated by touch alone. The walls were cold and damp, and in some places, soft and squishy. running her claws along the walls to feel that she was still moving forward, Deianira continued through the tunnel. It twisted and turned, left and right, up and down, for so long and so far that she could not be certain where she was anymore. Escape seemed futile, this place seemed unworldly, but the Symbiont inside her assured her to keep moving forward. And so she did. After an immeasurable amount of time inside the tunnel, a deep red light could be seen in front of her, shining down from above. She rushed towards it, practically bursting from the tunnel at the feet of a statue-esque Obelisk holding a red lantern. [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] Pink eyes moved to look at her. "What brings you here?" She asked, mouth unmoving. Deianira told the Obelisk about the twin veilspuns and their 'game'. [i]This certainly isn't the Wyrmwound.[/i] she thought. [i]Did I choose right? Or is this the church they spoke of.[/i] "To the border, one path leads." The Obelisk said. "You've made it to the Obelisk border, I guess luck was on your side. I'll take you home." The Obelisk began to move and wandered off into the Wastes. [i]Luck had nothing to do with it.[/i] Deianira thought bitterly as she followed the Obelisk away from the tunnel. [center]@imginate[/center] Arleya headed into the waxy tunnel, doing his best to ignore the snickering sounding from the eyes of the twin veilspuns. "That can't be a good sign." He muttered to himself, but there was no turning back now. The two veilspuns seemed eerie, somehow, despite their size. He had no doubt that they had a trick up their sleeves if he or the other two tried to break the rules of the game. That was the only logical reason such small creatures would challenge dragons much bigger than them so freely. He continued down the path, claws sinking into half melted wax and nearly trapping him at several points. Carlyassa's Gustval clung to his back, tentatively touching the wax as they passed by and then withdrawing its paw frantically. It continued to look back over their shoulder as they continued. Further down the path, the candles grew in number, until their were so many lit in one spot that Arleya couldn't imagine how this tunnel wouldn't end in a horrible blaze. The wax covered ground gradually turned into brick steps, that lead up and out into a massive building beyond. Arching walls stretched into the sky, coming to point at a height the size of a mountain. Candles illuminated the place ominously, and the only other light was the red glow of the Wasteland sky through the massive stained glass windows. A statue in the Plaguebringer's likeness towered over him in front of a candle-covered altar. "Probable death." He lamented, this place must be the Church. A foul stench flooded his senses as something massive stirred in the shadows behind the altar, an enormous Ridgeback rising from her rest and gazing down at him with horrible red eyes. [i]"Witness!"[/i] she hissed, spreading her wings and bearing down on him. [i]"Another servant for our Mother!"[/i] he heard the muffled cheers of what sounded like a thousand dragons, but the hall was empty other than him and the Ridgeback as as far as he could tell. The Gustval cowered behind him, and he made a mental note to scold Carlyassa about its poor decision making if he made it out of this in one piece. The Ridgeback moved in closer, and he braced himself for something horrible, when something small moved in front of him. "Sister." It spoke in a raspy voice. A tiny red Veilspun had made its way over from a hole in the wall nearby. Its wings were flayed and torn, and it was covered in bandages and bone charms. "Afar." The Ridgeback regarded her, a scowl appearing on its face. "I claim this one." Afar said, closing her eyes. "Its come from the tunnels, it is part of my clan." The Ridgeback reared back in disappointment, but for some reason it did not decide to simply eat the bug-like dragon, and instead laid back down behind the altar. "So be it. There will be more." It said ominously. Afar turned to face Arleya. "Who are you?" She asked. He told her who he was and how he'd awoken in a cave and been subject to a pair of twin veilspun's depraved game. She sighed in a rasp and shook her head. "Those trouble-makers. Let's get you home then." She lead him out of the building and far into the Abinding Boneyard, where she left him with a pair of Obelisks that guard the border. After giving the two instructions to bring him home, she left him with a couple of scrolls. "For the trouble." She said, taking her leave. [center][item=Breed Change: Tundra][item=Primary Gene: Clown][/center] [center]@Bxy26[/center] The narrow tunnel stretched forward in an unwavering path, lit green by the lanterns strewn about within. It tightened in spots, and she knocked against a couple of the lanterns, accidentally shattering them against the walls. She swore under her breath, determined to proceed and pass this test in the name of the Plaguebringer. She had been through worse before. The tunnel continued on and on, and then widened suddenly, almost like a contraction, and the ground moved out from underneath her, sending her tumbling below. The sky was red above her as she noticed a hissing and bubbling noise coming from behind her. The tunnel didn't just lead [i]to[/i] the Wyrmwound, she was already inside it, struggling against its grasp. [i]They dug the tunnel themselves? Those lunatics![/i] she thought frantically, [i]how did they come out unscathed?[/i] The gore of the rim wrapped around her claws, sealing her in place and seeming to drag her in towards the churning, disease-filled cauldron below, and for a moment, she was reminded of her struggles through the trials as a hatchling. She clung to her confidence, striving to get out and survive, just as she had done before. Her mind suddenly filled with images of her friends and family, Courage and Precision came to mind. [i]Now is not the time! Focus![/i] she thought, but she could almost feel the hissing acid below her feet, and for a split second it seemed too late. Suddenly, a massive Imperial swooped down from above, clasping her in his claws and yanking her out of the rot. He flew them out of the Wyrmwound, dropping her bodily beside the Rim and gazing down at her disapprovingly. "A death wish? Not very Plague of you." He commented, his black and green scales shimmering in the glow from the Wyrmwound. She scowled at him, her fear from before replaced by insult. "I don't have a death wish!" She snapped. "I was tricked!" Now the Imperial was listening, tilting his horned head thoughtfully. Achyls continued. "These golden veilspuns, they told me to pick a tunnel so I did. They said it might lead out, but it might lead to the Wyrmwound. Not [i]in[/i] the Wyrmwound!" The Imperial heaved a heavy sigh. "Ascan and Raja." He guessed correctly. "What a pain. Well, being a survivor like yourself, you must have got those marks somehow, you can probably make it from here. I'm not supposed to leave the Biohazard, so bye." He rudely didn't wait around for her to respond, taking off into the sky again as if this was just another boring event of the day to him. She really didn't like him or his attitude, not to mention the veilspuns from before. With a sigh she once again pictured Courage and Precision, suddenly longing to return home to visit them. Before she decided to take off and leave this encounter behind her, a small claw touched her lightly. She turned to see an Enduring Goblin, staring at her expectantly. She stared back, giving it a nod. It then climbed onto her back, accepting her nod as an invitation to join her. She sighed, shrugging and deciding to keep it, and took off towards her home. [center][item=Enduring Goblin][/center]

The tunnel was so dark that sight was worthless, and the twisting path could only really be navigated by touch alone. The walls were cold and damp, and in some places, soft and squishy. running her claws along the walls to feel that she was still moving forward, Deianira continued through the tunnel. It twisted and turned, left and right, up and down, for so long and so far that she could not be certain where she was anymore. Escape seemed futile, this place seemed unworldly, but the Symbiont inside her assured her to keep moving forward. And so she did.

After an immeasurable amount of time inside the tunnel, a deep red light could be seen in front of her, shining down from above. She rushed towards it, practically bursting from the tunnel at the feet of a statue-esque Obelisk holding a red lantern.

Pink eyes moved to look at her.

"What brings you here?" She asked, mouth unmoving. Deianira told the Obelisk about the twin veilspuns and their 'game'.

This certainly isn't the Wyrmwound. she thought. Did I choose right? Or is this the church they spoke of.

"To the border, one path leads." The Obelisk said. "You've made it to the Obelisk border, I guess luck was on your side. I'll take you home." The Obelisk began to move and wandered off into the Wastes.

Luck had nothing to do with it. Deianira thought bitterly as she followed the Obelisk away from the tunnel.

Arleya headed into the waxy tunnel, doing his best to ignore the snickering sounding from the eyes of the twin veilspuns.

"That can't be a good sign." He muttered to himself, but there was no turning back now. The two veilspuns seemed eerie, somehow, despite their size. He had no doubt that they had a trick up their sleeves if he or the other two tried to break the rules of the game. That was the only logical reason such small creatures would challenge dragons much bigger than them so freely.

He continued down the path, claws sinking into half melted wax and nearly trapping him at several points. Carlyassa's Gustval clung to his back, tentatively touching the wax as they passed by and then withdrawing its paw frantically. It continued to look back over their shoulder as they continued. Further down the path, the candles grew in number, until their were so many lit in one spot that Arleya couldn't imagine how this tunnel wouldn't end in a horrible blaze.

The wax covered ground gradually turned into brick steps, that lead up and out into a massive building beyond. Arching walls stretched into the sky, coming to point at a height the size of a mountain. Candles illuminated the place ominously, and the only other light was the red glow of the Wasteland sky through the massive stained glass windows. A statue in the Plaguebringer's likeness towered over him in front of a candle-covered altar.

"Probable death." He lamented, this place must be the Church. A foul stench flooded his senses as something massive stirred in the shadows behind the altar, an enormous Ridgeback rising from her rest and gazing down at him with horrible red eyes.

"Witness!" she hissed, spreading her wings and bearing down on him. "Another servant for our Mother!" he heard the muffled cheers of what sounded like a thousand dragons, but the hall was empty other than him and the Ridgeback as as far as he could tell. The Gustval cowered behind him, and he made a mental note to scold Carlyassa about its poor decision making if he made it out of this in one piece.

The Ridgeback moved in closer, and he braced himself for something horrible, when something small moved in front of him.

"Sister." It spoke in a raspy voice. A tiny red Veilspun had made its way over from a hole in the wall nearby. Its wings were flayed and torn, and it was covered in bandages and bone charms.

"Afar." The Ridgeback regarded her, a scowl appearing on its face.

"I claim this one." Afar said, closing her eyes. "Its come from the tunnels, it is part of my clan."

The Ridgeback reared back in disappointment, but for some reason it did not decide to simply eat the bug-like dragon, and instead laid back down behind the altar.

"So be it. There will be more." It said ominously. Afar turned to face Arleya.

"Who are you?" She asked. He told her who he was and how he'd awoken in a cave and been subject to a pair of twin veilspun's depraved game. She sighed in a rasp and shook her head. "Those trouble-makers. Let's get you home then."

She lead him out of the building and far into the Abinding Boneyard, where she left him with a pair of Obelisks that guard the border. After giving the two instructions to bring him home, she left him with a couple of scrolls.

"For the trouble." She said, taking her leave.
Breed Change: Tundra Primary Gene: Clown

The narrow tunnel stretched forward in an unwavering path, lit green by the lanterns strewn about within. It tightened in spots, and she knocked against a couple of the lanterns, accidentally shattering them against the walls. She swore under her breath, determined to proceed and pass this test in the name of the Plaguebringer. She had been through worse before.

The tunnel continued on and on, and then widened suddenly, almost like a contraction, and the ground moved out from underneath her, sending her tumbling below. The sky was red above her as she noticed a hissing and bubbling noise coming from behind her.

The tunnel didn't just lead to the Wyrmwound, she was already inside it, struggling against its grasp.

They dug the tunnel themselves? Those lunatics! she thought frantically, how did they come out unscathed?

The gore of the rim wrapped around her claws, sealing her in place and seeming to drag her in towards the churning, disease-filled cauldron below, and for a moment, she was reminded of her struggles through the trials as a hatchling. She clung to her confidence, striving to get out and survive, just as she had done before. Her mind suddenly filled with images of her friends and family, Courage and Precision came to mind.

Now is not the time! Focus! she thought, but she could almost feel the hissing acid below her feet, and for a split second it seemed too late. Suddenly, a massive Imperial swooped down from above, clasping her in his claws and yanking her out of the rot. He flew them out of the Wyrmwound, dropping her bodily beside the Rim and gazing down at her disapprovingly.

"A death wish? Not very Plague of you." He commented, his black and green scales shimmering in the glow from the Wyrmwound. She scowled at him, her fear from before replaced by insult.

"I don't have a death wish!" She snapped. "I was tricked!" Now the Imperial was listening, tilting his horned head thoughtfully. Achyls continued. "These golden veilspuns, they told me to pick a tunnel so I did. They said it might lead out, but it might lead to the Wyrmwound. Not in the Wyrmwound!" The Imperial heaved a heavy sigh.

"Ascan and Raja." He guessed correctly. "What a pain. Well, being a survivor like yourself, you must have got those marks somehow, you can probably make it from here. I'm not supposed to leave the Biohazard, so bye."

He rudely didn't wait around for her to respond, taking off into the sky again as if this was just another boring event of the day to him. She really didn't like him or his attitude, not to mention the veilspuns from before. With a sigh she once again pictured Courage and Precision, suddenly longing to return home to visit them. Before she decided to take off and leave this encounter behind her, a small claw touched her lightly. She turned to see an Enduring Goblin, staring at her expectantly. She stared back, giving it a nod.

It then climbed onto her back, accepting her nod as an invitation to join her. She sighed, shrugging and deciding to keep it, and took off towards her home.
Enduring Goblin
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