
Quests & Challenges

Quests, Challenges, and Festival games.
TOPIC | [RoR 2020] Explore the Scarred Wasteland
@Khi @Saphelle @Regenwasserherz @EssayofThoughts [img][/img] [b]My explorer is[/b]:Nikhat [b]My map marker is[/b]: [emoji=snowflake size=1] [b]I am searching for[/b]: Food [i]Optional for RPers[/i]: [b]I will be moving my map marker again today for the purpose of RP[/b]: No [b]My RP post[/b]: Nikhat took a quiet moment to himself. Irony, of course, that the person not seeking treasure would find some. He contemplated leaving the heavy chest behind, but knew that his clan would stare at him in disbelief if he told them that when he got back. Besides, there COULD be material and other supplies inside - best to wait to get back to the safety of his lair to find out though. In the meantime, he had best get back to searching. He tucked the chest in his pack and went deeper into the Scarred Wasteland. Today, he would search the core of The Wyrmwound and brave the dangers there, quickly, before heading back to the outer rims.
@Khi @Saphelle @Regenwasserherz @EssayofThoughts

My explorer is:Nikhat
My map marker is:
I am searching for: Food

Optional for RPers:
I will be moving my map marker again today for the purpose of RP: No
My RP post:

Nikhat took a quiet moment to himself. Irony, of course, that the person not seeking treasure would find some. He contemplated leaving the heavy chest behind, but knew that his clan would stare at him in disbelief if he told them that when he got back. Besides, there COULD be material and other supplies inside - best to wait to get back to the safety of his lair to find out though.

In the meantime, he had best get back to searching. He tucked the chest in his pack and went deeper into the Scarred Wasteland. Today, he would search the core of The Wyrmwound and brave the dangers there, quickly, before heading back to the outer rims.
@Khi @Saphelle @Regenwasserherz @EssayofThoughts [img][/img] [b]My explorer is[/b]: Diamond [b]My map marker is[/b]: [emoji=guardian happy size=1] [b]I am searching for[/b]: Apparel/Other [b]I will be moving my map marker again today for the purpose of RP[/b]: Yes [b]My RP post[/b]: @Reynette "Explorers!" Diamond exclaimed, half to himself, then regained his caution. He didn't know who these dragons were- of course, that wouldn't stop him from interacting- but their intent? He decided to observe them a bit further before joining this party. He flapped towards the others, landing in a stance similar to a Guardian's. "Join you? Explore the Scarred Wasteland, you mean?" The crimson Spiral who had called him over didn't seem like a threat, now that he could observe them closer. "Well, the name's Diamond, and I'm headed to the Abiding Boneyard, if you all are up to travel that way with me. Anything else you're getting up to?"
@Khi @Saphelle @Regenwasserherz @EssayofThoughts

My explorer is: Diamond
My map marker is:
I am searching for: Apparel/Other

I will be moving my map marker again today for the purpose of RP: Yes
My RP post:
"Explorers!" Diamond exclaimed, half to himself, then regained his caution. He didn't know who these dragons were- of course, that wouldn't stop him from interacting- but their intent? He decided to observe them a bit further before joining this party.
He flapped towards the others, landing in a stance similar to a Guardian's. "Join you? Explore the Scarred Wasteland, you mean?" The crimson Spiral who had called him over didn't seem like a threat, now that he could observe them closer.
"Well, the name's Diamond, and I'm headed to the Abiding Boneyard, if you all are up to travel that way with me. Anything else you're getting up to?"
@Khi @Saphelle @Regenwasserherz @EssayofThoughts [img][/img] [b]My explorer is[/b]: [url=][img][/img][/url] [b]My map marker is[/b]: [emoji=ivy leaf size=1] [b]I am searching for[/b]: Food (P) [i]Optional for RPers[/i]: [b]I will be moving my map marker again today for the purpose of RP[/b]: No [b]My RP post[/b]: "A fighter!" Jade hums to herself as the Nocturne flew away. "I was right! But she did seem friendly..." Or perhaps she was the kind who was really nice but knows how to fight. Unlike others... Jade closed her eyes, dragging herself from her past. Her next destination was the Shattered Plains, the domain of the Earthshaker and his children. And to reach there, she needed to go North, over the Wyrmwound itself, the deadly cauldron of the Filthy One. Jade had better gather the herbs she needed now. Jade took off into the sky, where she could see the pulsing trees surrounding the red lake. She wondered whether she could save those trees, but upon closer inspection, she realized they were beyond saving. They were misshapen and twisted, nothing like the trees Jade knew. At this one aspect, the Plagubringer had triumphed over the Gladekeeper. Jade realized that there were two other dragons below her: a Skydancer and another Nocturne. The Skydancer seemed withdrawn, but her eyes... they were the ultimate symbol of Plague. No, Jade chided herself although she wanted to withdraw from the stranger. One's eyes may not be the window to their soul. The other Nocturne was brightly-colored, and he had a mischievous energy around him that told of epic adventures. Jade decided to approach him first. Hovering in the air, Jade called down, "Hello, Nocturne! You do seem like an adventurous one, no? I'm Jade, and perhaps I could ask you whether you have seen some of the herbs I need around? Or any herbs, in fact. The more the better, as they say." As Spiral had the tendency to move around, Jade was writhing in mid-air. Her spiked tail accidentally brushed one of the Skydancer's wings. Oops. Hopefully she won't notice. @chamilet @tigressRising
@Khi @Saphelle @Regenwasserherz @EssayofThoughts

My explorer is:
My map marker is:
I am searching for: Food (P)

Optional for RPers:
I will be moving my map marker again today for the purpose of RP: No
My RP post: "A fighter!" Jade hums to herself as the Nocturne flew away. "I was right! But she did seem friendly..." Or perhaps she was the kind who was really nice but knows how to fight. Unlike others...

Jade closed her eyes, dragging herself from her past. Her next destination was the Shattered Plains, the domain of the Earthshaker and his children. And to reach there, she needed to go North, over the Wyrmwound itself, the deadly cauldron of the Filthy One. Jade had better gather the herbs she needed now.

Jade took off into the sky, where she could see the pulsing trees surrounding the red lake. She wondered whether she could save those trees, but upon closer inspection, she realized they were beyond saving. They were misshapen and twisted, nothing like the trees Jade knew. At this one aspect, the Plagubringer had triumphed over the Gladekeeper.

Jade realized that there were two other dragons below her: a Skydancer and another Nocturne. The Skydancer seemed withdrawn, but her eyes... they were the ultimate symbol of Plague. No, Jade chided herself although she wanted to withdraw from the stranger. One's eyes may not be the window to their soul.

The other Nocturne was brightly-colored, and he had a mischievous energy around him that told of epic adventures. Jade decided to approach him first. Hovering in the air, Jade called down, "Hello, Nocturne! You do seem like an adventurous one, no? I'm Jade, and perhaps I could ask you whether you have seen some of the herbs I need around? Or any herbs, in fact. The more the better, as they say."

As Spiral had the tendency to move around, Jade was writhing in mid-air. Her spiked tail accidentally brushed one of the Skydancer's wings.

Oops. Hopefully she won't notice.

@chamilet @tigressRising
4f84783726df68aa829be00b8642d465d8caaa83.png x8bDWFu.png
@Khi @Saphelle @Regenwasserherz @EssayofThoughts [img][/img] [b]My explorer is[/b]: Virta [url=][img][/img][/url] [b]My map marker is[/b]: [emoji=spider size=1] [b]I am searching for[/b]: Materials/Apparel/Other (something shiny) [i]Optional for RPers[/i]: [b]I will be moving my map marker again today for the purpose of RP[/b]: Yes [b]My RP post[/b]: [center][img][/img][/center] ----- Virta had never seen a scorpion like this before. The ones back home are all a calming cyan, but this ones blood red; almost the color of her wings. Definitely unique, she picks it up without a second thought, not even one toward the stinger on it's tail. Well, forethought never was her strong suit. Luck though, she's always had that in spades. It doesn't sting her, in fact it seems totally unfazed. Interesting. A discolored scorpion without any fear for dragons, definitely interesting. Animals had never been her specialty, they moved to much for her liking but she'd have to take this back for her clan-mate Conaia, she'd definitely want to experiment on this thing alive. She deposits the little thing in the outer pocket of her bag and resolves to continue her search for something a little more [i]more[/i]. Shiny, eyecatching, she'll know it when she sees it. Just as she finishes rummaging through the latest pile of what appears to be a mirror pack's trash, a shadow passes above her, and a skydancer lands a few yards away. With what appears to be an at least semi-metallic body, [i]definitely interesting.[/i] ----- @Joule
@Khi @Saphelle @Regenwasserherz @EssayofThoughts

My explorer is: Virta
My map marker is:
I am searching for: Materials/Apparel/Other (something shiny)

Optional for RPers:
I will be moving my map marker again today for the purpose of RP: Yes
My RP post:

Virta had never seen a scorpion like this before. The ones back home are all a calming cyan, but this ones blood red; almost the color of her wings. Definitely unique, she picks it up without a second thought, not even one toward the stinger on it's tail. Well, forethought never was her strong suit.

Luck though, she's always had that in spades. It doesn't sting her, in fact it seems totally unfazed. Interesting. A discolored scorpion without any fear for dragons, definitely interesting. Animals had never been her specialty, they moved to much for her liking but she'd have to take this back for her clan-mate Conaia, she'd definitely want to experiment on this thing alive.

She deposits the little thing in the outer pocket of her bag and resolves to continue her search for something a little more more. Shiny, eyecatching, she'll know it when she sees it. Just as she finishes rummaging through the latest pile of what appears to be a mirror pack's trash, a shadow passes above her, and a skydancer lands a few yards away. With what appears to be an at least semi-metallic body, definitely interesting.
@Khi @Saphelle @Regenwasserherz @EssayofThoughts [img][/img] [b]My explorer is[/b]: Mag [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [b]My map marker is[/b]: [emoji=pastel rainbow size=1] [b]I am searching for[/b]: Apparel
@Khi @Saphelle @Regenwasserherz @EssayofThoughts

My explorer is: Mag
My map marker is:
I am searching for: Apparel
art of two hedgehogs with a green Nature symbol teacup, linking to the thread the badge was froma fake item ribbon with trans and rainbow flag colors linking to a thread with more ribbons/art of a traveling green Nature flight Spiral dragon linking to the artist
@Khi @Saphelle @Regenwasserherz @EssayofThoughts [img][/img] [url=][img][/img][/url] [b]My explorer is[/b]: Haxvin [b]My map marker is[/b]: [emoji=plague rune size=1] [b]I am searching for[/b]: Apparel [i]Optional for RPers[/i]: [b]I will be moving my map marker again today for the purpose of RP[/b]: No [b]My RP post[/b]: The biting of the eels caused no pain to Haxvin. They couldn't feel pain, never could. They lifted their tail out of the soup and methodically removed the eels, putting most of them in their travel bag. They pulled down their mask and bit into one of the eels, chowing down. Sure, seafood wasn't their best option, but it worked. When the raft reached the shore, Haxvin abandoned it. They stepped out onto the fleshy ground surrounding the Wyrmwound, running gloved claws of one of their hands along the nearest enormous tooth-like growth in the shore. Edit: forgot their image and link. Added those.
@Khi @Saphelle @Regenwasserherz @EssayofThoughts


My explorer is: Haxvin
My map marker is:
I am searching for: Apparel

Optional for RPers:
I will be moving my map marker again today for the purpose of RP: No
My RP post:

The biting of the eels caused no pain to Haxvin. They couldn't feel pain, never could. They lifted their tail out of the soup and methodically removed the eels, putting most of them in their travel bag. They pulled down their mask and bit into one of the eels, chowing down. Sure, seafood wasn't their best option, but it worked.

When the raft reached the shore, Haxvin abandoned it. They stepped out onto the fleshy ground surrounding the Wyrmwound, running gloved claws of one of their hands along the nearest enormous tooth-like growth in the shore.

Edit: forgot their image and link. Added those.
RYOGC9t.png v886aA7.png etQ32zN.png
@Khi @Saphelle @Regenwasserherz @EssayofThoughts [img][/img] [b]My explorer is[/b]: [url=][img][/img][/url] [b]My map marker is[/b]: [emoji=crystal ball size=1] [b]I am searching for[/b]: Familiars [i]Optional for RPers[/i]: [b]I will be moving my map marker again today for the purpose of RP[/b]: No [b]My RP post[/b]: Yesterday's haul had been pretty sizable, though not particularly valuable. Perhaps today's search would be more profitable? Kalor was about to search the tendrils again when he was suddenly accosted by a Spiral, who introduced herself as Jade and started asking him about herbs. [i]At least she doesn't seem to be searching for treasure like I am... The less competition, the better.[/i] "Hello, Jade," Kalor said as politely as he could once she finished talking. "I'd say you seem quite adventurous yourself. You may call me Kalor, by the way." Suddenly a thought struck him - perhaps he might be able to get some useful info from her. "I'm afraid I haven't seen any herbs around this area, unfortunately. Which herbs are you looking for, and why do you need them? Are they particularly rare or useful?" Kalor preferred his treasures in the form of gold and jewels, but he knew there were gardeners who would pay through the nose for particularly rare plant species. If there were any such plants around here, it would be helpful to know what they looked like. @Enen16106
@Khi @Saphelle @Regenwasserherz @EssayofThoughts

My explorer is:
My map marker is:
I am searching for: Familiars

Optional for RPers:
I will be moving my map marker again today for the purpose of RP: No
My RP post: Yesterday's haul had been pretty sizable, though not particularly valuable. Perhaps today's search would be more profitable? Kalor was about to search the tendrils again when he was suddenly accosted by a Spiral, who introduced herself as Jade and started asking him about herbs. At least she doesn't seem to be searching for treasure like I am... The less competition, the better.

"Hello, Jade," Kalor said as politely as he could once she finished talking. "I'd say you seem quite adventurous yourself. You may call me Kalor, by the way." Suddenly a thought struck him - perhaps he might be able to get some useful info from her. "I'm afraid I haven't seen any herbs around this area, unfortunately. Which herbs are you looking for, and why do you need them? Are they particularly rare or useful?" Kalor preferred his treasures in the form of gold and jewels, but he knew there were gardeners who would pay through the nose for particularly rare plant species. If there were any such plants around here, it would be helpful to know what they looked like.

@Khi @Saphelle @Regenwasserherz @EssayofThoughts [img][/img] [b]My explorer is[/b]: [url=]Soot[/url] [b]My map marker is[/b]: [emoji=bare tree size=1] [b]I am searching for[/b]: Food (M) [i]Optional for RPers[/i]: [b]I will be moving my map marker again today for the purpose of RP[/b]: No [b]My RP post[/b]: Soot had seen the Scarred Wasteland many times in passing. It was right in the center of Sornieth, after all, and most every major roadway passed it at one point or another. What she'd never done was physically [i]enter[/i] it, and that was for many more reasons than its obviously brutal nature. Even standing on the rugged border, Soot's thoughts weren't trained on the barren land in front of her. All she could think of was how much damage one of her outbursts could do to the Wasteland and its denizens, and how much scorn would come her way from freezing Plague's contagion. She knew she couldn't avoid the Wasteland forever, and that, sooner or later, her road would cross through it, but making the first step was never easy. Then again, neither was anguishing in solitude. She could see the evidence of mirror packs even from the very edges of the Wasteland. The scattered remnants of passing groups was evident on the horizon line, promising new acquaintances without too much delay. No other territory's mirrors had been willing to accept her into their midst once they knew of her condition, but Plague's packs, if any, would probably tend towards acceptance. Power was always a great boon in a place of desolation, and she had high hopes that some desperate clan or another would be willing to include her. Taking a deep breath, Soot stepped forward, firmly planting all four of her feet into the Wasteland's ruddy soil. Whether she was ready for the challenges or not, she refused to shy away any longer. It could be her biggest success or her biggest failure, but she'd never know until she tried. As the heavy air of the Scarred Wasteland filled her lungs, Soot had only one thought on her mind, She was in for a ride.
@Khi @Saphelle @Regenwasserherz @EssayofThoughts

My explorer is: Soot
My map marker is:
I am searching for: Food (M)

Optional for RPers:
I will be moving my map marker again today for the purpose of RP: No
My RP post:

Soot had seen the Scarred Wasteland many times in passing. It was right in the center of Sornieth, after all, and most every major roadway passed it at one point or another. What she'd never done was physically enter it, and that was for many more reasons than its obviously brutal nature.

Even standing on the rugged border, Soot's thoughts weren't trained on the barren land in front of her. All she could think of was how much damage one of her outbursts could do to the Wasteland and its denizens, and how much scorn would come her way from freezing Plague's contagion. She knew she couldn't avoid the Wasteland forever, and that, sooner or later, her road would cross through it, but making the first step was never easy.

Then again, neither was anguishing in solitude.

She could see the evidence of mirror packs even from the very edges of the Wasteland. The scattered remnants of passing groups was evident on the horizon line, promising new acquaintances without too much delay. No other territory's mirrors had been willing to accept her into their midst once they knew of her condition, but Plague's packs, if any, would probably tend towards acceptance. Power was always a great boon in a place of desolation, and she had high hopes that some desperate clan or another would be willing to include her.

Taking a deep breath, Soot stepped forward, firmly planting all four of her feet into the Wasteland's ruddy soil. Whether she was ready for the challenges or not, she refused to shy away any longer. It could be her biggest success or her biggest failure, but she'd never know until she tried. As the heavy air of the Scarred Wasteland filled her lungs, Soot had only one thought on her mind,

She was in for a ride.
LhnYpua.png s3-s16-m36-l11-l19-l20-l11-book.pngs3-s16-m36-l11-l19-l20-m36-book.pngs3-s16-m36-l11-l19-l20-s16-book.pngB7_R.png
.. « Mew »
|| 2+ FR Time | She/Her | The Calm Within the Storm | fr__lightning_by_baelfin-d8uyn76.png fr__beastclans_by_baelfin-d92uyiw.png ||

• { Thunder Hollow } - Clan Lore [WIP]
{ Assets: x x x }
LhnYpua.png 89TBw7Q.gif
@Khi @Saphelle @Regenwasserherz @EssayofThoughts [img][/img] [b]My explorer is[/b]: Sein [url=][img][/img][/url] [item=contaminated ambassador] [b]My map marker is[/b]: [emoji=scratch size=1] [b]I am searching for[/b]: Other [i]Optional for RPers[/i]: [b]I will be moving my map marker again today for the purpose of RP[/b]: No [b]My RP post[/b]: (follow up from [url=]this post[/url]) "Oh, those should be edible," Itas said, pointing to a depleted ribcage. The bones were lying in the middle of a small outcrop of trees; it seemed like their owner had come here to seek shelter before ultimately perishing. Sein tilted his head at the Serthis. "Edible bones? You sure about that?" Itas gave a solemn nod and the Spiral went over to investigate. He broke off a few ribs that were embedded in the ground and held them up to inspect them. He really didn't want to break a tooth on this stuff. Sensing his hesitation, his guide chimed in again. "Try the marrow." The marrow? Interesting. Sein scooped out some of the spongy material with his claw and popped it in his mouth. This was... Very different from the hot meals he was used to, but Sein found he didn't mind it. The flavour seemed somehow familiar to him and he was fairly sure he'd already eaten it at some point in his life. If not raw, then probably as an ingredient. He smiled and made a mental note to recommend it to the chefs of his clan once he got back. "Thanks for the suggestion," he remarked to Itas, who simply nodded again. Sein's new travelling companion seemed to be even less talkative than himself, but he certainly didn't mind. Some sort of large shape loomed in the distance, probably another landmark made of bones. Sein broke off another few ribs for later and moved on towards it.
@Khi @Saphelle @Regenwasserherz @EssayofThoughts

My explorer is: Sein
42074136.png Contaminated Ambassador
My map marker is:
I am searching for: Other

Optional for RPers:
I will be moving my map marker again today for the purpose of RP: No
My RP post: (follow up from this post)
"Oh, those should be edible," Itas said, pointing to a depleted ribcage. The bones were lying in the middle of a small outcrop of trees; it seemed like their owner had come here to seek shelter before ultimately perishing. Sein tilted his head at the Serthis. "Edible bones? You sure about that?" Itas gave a solemn nod and the Spiral went over to investigate. He broke off a few ribs that were embedded in the ground and held them up to inspect them. He really didn't want to break a tooth on this stuff. Sensing his hesitation, his guide chimed in again. "Try the marrow."

The marrow? Interesting. Sein scooped out some of the spongy material with his claw and popped it in his mouth. This was... Very different from the hot meals he was used to, but Sein found he didn't mind it. The flavour seemed somehow familiar to him and he was fairly sure he'd already eaten it at some point in his life. If not raw, then probably as an ingredient. He smiled and made a mental note to recommend it to the chefs of his clan once he got back. "Thanks for the suggestion," he remarked to Itas, who simply nodded again. Sein's new travelling companion seemed to be even less talkative than himself, but he certainly didn't mind.

Some sort of large shape loomed in the distance, probably another landmark made of bones. Sein broke off another few ribs for later and moved on towards it.
@Khi @Saphelle @Regenwasserherz @EssayofThoughts [img][/img] [b]My explorer is[/b]: [url=]Skali[/url] [b]My map marker is[/b]:[emoji=fae happy size=1] [b]I am searching for[/b]: Familiar [i]Optional for RPers[/i]: [b]I will be moving my map marker again today for the purpose of RP[/b]: No [b]My RP post[/b]: Skali realized that he didn't really have a clear directive in mind. He was just wandering around willy-nilly. [i]Well, since it's the time of the festival, I guess...the Wyrmwound?[/i] The idea of traveling all the way to the center of Plague territory alone made his frills and crests droop sadly. He wished Skava had come at least. Her own father was a Plague dragon, for deities' sake! He wondered what her problem was. But in any case, he was alone. And he was going to the Wyrmwound. He sincerely hoped he wouldn't run into any other dragons. Or monsters. Or diseases, though he wasn't sure what a disease would look like running around by itself. He gulped, knowing that it was highly likely he'd meet all three before he got home. ((Just because Skali isn't open to interacting with other dragons doesn't mean I'm not!))
@Khi @Saphelle @Regenwasserherz @EssayofThoughts

My explorer is:
My map marker is:
I am searching for: Familiar

Optional for RPers:
I will be moving my map marker again today for the purpose of RP: No
My RP post:

Skali realized that he didn't really have a clear directive in mind. He was just wandering around willy-nilly. Well, since it's the time of the festival, I guess...the Wyrmwound?

The idea of traveling all the way to the center of Plague territory alone made his frills and crests droop sadly. He wished Skava had come at least. Her own father was a Plague dragon, for deities' sake! He wondered what her problem was.

But in any case, he was alone. And he was going to the Wyrmwound. He sincerely hoped he wouldn't run into any other dragons. Or monsters. Or diseases, though he wasn't sure what a disease would look like running around by itself. He gulped, knowing that it was highly likely he'd meet all three before he got home.

((Just because Skali isn't open to interacting with other dragons doesn't mean I'm not!))
V9b7SpH.png Check out my Elemental Sneks project!