
Items For Sale

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TOPIC | Silver's Auctioning Services
Hello! I would put them at:

Jade/Gold/Gold 200g
Flint/Tarnish/Flint 300g

They definitely could go higher of course, especially the second one, these are just my SB recommendations. I don't know about final price, but my guess would be 1kg for the second and a few hundred for the other. Hope that helps!
Welcome! Yes, you are correct about how the 10% fee works. As for pricing, I'm afraid only a few of your dragons would go for what you want. Bred G1s are very cheap, and collectors rarely buy them. I'd recommend to auction these for the prices I'm listing below:

Dirt/Eggplant/Eggplant 500g
Ginger/Buttercup/Clay 80g
Amber/Goldenrod/Driftwood 60g

If these prices are too low for you that's fine, you may instead want to keep them on the AH for what they're currently at and patiently wait for someone to buy. Though if you want to go ahead with the auction anyway, let me know and of course we can arrange that :)
Hi, hope you've kept well! I would say maybe 300-350g to start?
Nice seeing you here! There wasn't a link in your post, is this the tab of G1s you were referring to? If it is, my recommendations are:

Rose/Carmine/Ice 70g
Buttercup/Auburn/Sanguine 50g
Bronze/Thicket/Green 50g
Hickory/Marigold/Beige 60g
Obsidian/Grey/Taupe 100g
Maize/Teal/Maize 500g
Received! I've put you on the list for this Saturday and I'll leave the Nightshade double out :)
Welcome! There's no need to be afraid of posting, there are 400+ pages of evidence that I don't bite lol.
I would recommend 300g and 200g respectively, but if you want to stick to 500g and 300g that's okay with me! Just let me know and I can give you my next slot.
Welcome! Unfortunately I don't think he'd be worth much in an auction, but you can probably make 100-150g for him if you put him on the AH and have some patience. If you do also have other dragons you want sold, I'm happy to appraise them and we can see if there's enough to auction in a group. If not, then good luck!
No problem! I can do 4kg for the SB of the double and you can hold onto the rest of the dragons for as long as you see fit. Also no issue with your specifications in terms of how much treasure you accept, I'll put that in the thread as well! I'll start the auction on Saturday. 7 days sounds good with me and I'd say 2 hours for the snipe guard is usually enough, but if you feel strongly about it being 3 hours I can definitely accommodate that :)
Thank you! This makes it easier for me :) I'll put you on the list for Sunday!
Sorry for the press silence! I had some things coming up last week, but I've finally reserved you a date to start the second auction, the 7th. This one will include the second half of the dragons from your first post, and I'll get back to you after this auction to arrange the third one. Hope all is well!
Hello! I would put them at:

Jade/Gold/Gold 200g
Flint/Tarnish/Flint 300g

They definitely could go higher of course, especially the second one, these are just my SB recommendations. I don't know about final price, but my guess would be 1kg for the second and a few hundred for the other. Hope that helps!
Welcome! Yes, you are correct about how the 10% fee works. As for pricing, I'm afraid only a few of your dragons would go for what you want. Bred G1s are very cheap, and collectors rarely buy them. I'd recommend to auction these for the prices I'm listing below:

Dirt/Eggplant/Eggplant 500g
Ginger/Buttercup/Clay 80g
Amber/Goldenrod/Driftwood 60g

If these prices are too low for you that's fine, you may instead want to keep them on the AH for what they're currently at and patiently wait for someone to buy. Though if you want to go ahead with the auction anyway, let me know and of course we can arrange that :)
Hi, hope you've kept well! I would say maybe 300-350g to start?
Nice seeing you here! There wasn't a link in your post, is this the tab of G1s you were referring to? If it is, my recommendations are:

Rose/Carmine/Ice 70g
Buttercup/Auburn/Sanguine 50g
Bronze/Thicket/Green 50g
Hickory/Marigold/Beige 60g
Obsidian/Grey/Taupe 100g
Maize/Teal/Maize 500g
Received! I've put you on the list for this Saturday and I'll leave the Nightshade double out :)
Welcome! There's no need to be afraid of posting, there are 400+ pages of evidence that I don't bite lol.
I would recommend 300g and 200g respectively, but if you want to stick to 500g and 300g that's okay with me! Just let me know and I can give you my next slot.
Welcome! Unfortunately I don't think he'd be worth much in an auction, but you can probably make 100-150g for him if you put him on the AH and have some patience. If you do also have other dragons you want sold, I'm happy to appraise them and we can see if there's enough to auction in a group. If not, then good luck!
No problem! I can do 4kg for the SB of the double and you can hold onto the rest of the dragons for as long as you see fit. Also no issue with your specifications in terms of how much treasure you accept, I'll put that in the thread as well! I'll start the auction on Saturday. 7 days sounds good with me and I'd say 2 hours for the snipe guard is usually enough, but if you feel strongly about it being 3 hours I can definitely accommodate that :)
Thank you! This makes it easier for me :) I'll put you on the list for Sunday!
Sorry for the press silence! I had some things coming up last week, but I've finally reserved you a date to start the second auction, the 7th. This one will include the second half of the dragons from your first post, and I'll get back to you after this auction to arrange the third one. Hope all is well!

I am good, thanks! Glad to see your auction service is doing well :)

350g SB is lower than what I would have guessed. Is it because Jade isn't very popular, and the tert is Dust? How about 500g for the SB?

I am good, thanks! Glad to see your auction service is doing well :)

350g SB is lower than what I would have guessed. Is it because Jade isn't very popular, and the tert is Dust? How about 500g for the SB?
Oh gosh, I really thought I linked it! I made the post on mobile, so I probably completely missed the lack of link that way.

Those recommendations for starting bids sound good to me! Thanks for getting back to me!
Oh gosh, I really thought I linked it! I made the post on mobile, so I probably completely missed the lack of link that way.

Those recommendations for starting bids sound good to me! Thanks for getting back to me!
Heya, thanks for the recommendations! Let's see what we can sell them for. Can you please add me to the next available openings on your auction schedule? I'll leave all the details (auction length/snipe guard/etc.) to your judgement. Thanks so much!
Heya, thanks for the recommendations! Let's see what we can sell them for. Can you please add me to the next available openings on your auction schedule? I'll leave all the details (auction length/snipe guard/etc.) to your judgement. Thanks so much!

Thank you for the appraisal! I have a few more that might be worth something to form that group! I was intending to keep these guys, but they've been sitting in my lair as untouched projects for *forever* so I might as well see about auctioning them off haha. All unbred G1's:
1. 2 Y/O Hickory/Mint/Mantis (Matching eyes)
2. 1 Y/O Cream/Abyss/Fog
3. New Years Hatch, Mantis/Eldritch/Grapefruit
4. Buttercup/Soil/Charcoal

Thank you for the appraisal! I have a few more that might be worth something to form that group! I was intending to keep these guys, but they've been sitting in my lair as untouched projects for *forever* so I might as well see about auctioning them off haha. All unbred G1's:
1. 2 Y/O Hickory/Mint/Mantis (Matching eyes)
2. 1 Y/O Cream/Abyss/Fog
3. New Years Hatch, Mantis/Eldritch/Grapefruit
4. Buttercup/Soil/Charcoal
See a Mirror, pick it up, all week long you'll have
too many mirrors and no more food
help me please they're eating everything
On an unrelated note, if you have nice Mirrors to sell...

When you said that the G1 that was worth 80g sold lol, but I think we should make a auctioning thread for the remaining G1s!

Edit: forgot this part oops

Tbh I wanna see if the double primal G1 does sell, if it ever does I’d be like “what”

edit two: the double g1 primal might be traded for smth so yeah just to let u know beforehand

When you said that the G1 that was worth 80g sold lol, but I think we should make a auctioning thread for the remaining G1s!

Edit: forgot this part oops

Tbh I wanna see if the double primal G1 does sell, if it ever does I’d be like “what”

edit two: the double g1 primal might be traded for smth so yeah just to let u know beforehand

OO1. @dove .
OO2. she her .
OO3. wishlist .

The SBs you suggested sound fine to me! c:
Whatever slot you have open next is also fine! I’m in no rush.

The SBs you suggested sound fine to me! c:
Whatever slot you have open next is also fine! I’m in no rush.

I have read the terms and conditions of the service in full and I accept them.

Hello! I hatched this girl a bit ago and have been meaning to auction her, but I’m a bit anxious doing that sort of thing myself. I’ve seen you hosting auctions in the auction forum trying to do a bit of research and thought I’d reach out!

she’s a shadow/shadow/oilslick G1

I’ll definitely need some advice on a starting bid, but the rest of your defaults work fine with me. I’ve already had a few people reach out to me out of interest, and I’ll just direct them to the thread when it gets rolling.

Also, there’s definitely no rush on anything so take your time!

I have read the terms and conditions of the service in full and I accept them.

Hello! I hatched this girl a bit ago and have been meaning to auction her, but I’m a bit anxious doing that sort of thing myself. I’ve seen you hosting auctions in the auction forum trying to do a bit of research and thought I’d reach out!

she’s a shadow/shadow/oilslick G1

I’ll definitely need some advice on a starting bid, but the rest of your defaults work fine with me. I’ve already had a few people reach out to me out of interest, and I’ll just direct them to the thread when it gets rolling.

Also, there’s definitely no rush on anything so take your time!
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@SilverQuark Ack, forgot to reply earlier. 2-hour snipe guard is fine!
@SilverQuark Ack, forgot to reply earlier. 2-hour snipe guard is fine!
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Helloo, it's me again. Over some time I have had many G1's and i'm looking to hopefully get rid of some, as I can't take care of them all.
I'd list them here, but I will link their pages instead, haha.

Here You will find some of them, (Disregarding The breeding pairs, the ginger / gold MIRROR and the fuchsia pair!)

And the majority here. (Disregarding Semiazas, Deidra, and Sironachi, Cyra, and Zosar, Talibah)
-Still on the fence about the Scatter project tab, so you don't have to count that if you like, cuz I know their current state isn't too good haha.

Please let me know what you think! If they are not auction worthy, I am willing to try the AH for a while to see if they get sold.
-If so, I can reply back asap with the required info ya' need :)
Helloo, it's me again. Over some time I have had many G1's and i'm looking to hopefully get rid of some, as I can't take care of them all.
I'd list them here, but I will link their pages instead, haha.

Here You will find some of them, (Disregarding The breeding pairs, the ginger / gold MIRROR and the fuchsia pair!)

And the majority here. (Disregarding Semiazas, Deidra, and Sironachi, Cyra, and Zosar, Talibah)
-Still on the fence about the Scatter project tab, so you don't have to count that if you like, cuz I know their current state isn't too good haha.

Please let me know what you think! If they are not auction worthy, I am willing to try the AH for a while to see if they get sold.
-If so, I can reply back asap with the required info ya' need :)
tvxiAL9.png Ray / Katsuki
