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Nightlilac's Clan

There is no calm in the storm.
Ancient Lair
of the
Charged Barrens icon

Clan Info

If you don't want to see your dragon exalted, just PM me and we'll arrange something.
I do not exalt old dragons or free dragons/dragons from giveaways.

24 | Female | Writer/Author | Hoards bones
Tales From the Tempest Order

____A haphazardly constructed mess of tents lies nestled between the mesas, illuminated by small lights strung between each of the tents that pulse at varying intervals with blue electricity. The path to this outpost was difficult, but well trodden by the large clan that came before you, and has migrated through the area for many years. Their symbols are scratched at irregular intervals along the path to their current outpost, the unmistakable sign of The Tempest Order. The largely nomadic group of Mirrors has set up temporary camp here, and though your entrance is not immediately blocked, eyes atop the mesas and between the shadows of the rocks tell you that you are not without surveillance…

____The Tempest Order is a semi nomadic clan made up primarily of Mirrors - 400+ strong and counting, though numbering 500+ in total with those not of Mirror blood. We are a mercenary group, and there is very little we won’t do if the pay is good enough. We patrol the entirety of the Shifting Expanse, with various outposts that we use to better facilitate trade. Many clans live under our protection, for a fee of course. We have come a long way from our roots, and have a long way to go still. We move on only when we have depleted the hunting grounds with our hunger.
____We are separated into four families, of no blood relation. The Immortassacre family are our warriors, led by the furious Captain Virion. The Dejacurse family are our hunters, led by the beloved Captain Internecine. The Cryptic family is home to the clan's seers and scouts, led by the gifted Cryptesthesia. The Rusticaeris, newest of the families, contains many tradeworking ranks that all work together to keep the clan functioning. They are led by the wise Copperwing. Together, they provide protection, provision, prudence, and prosperity to our clan.
____Our leader is General Athanasia, her rank recently reclaimed from the coup that once forced her to share her power with leaders from the other two families. Now she is back in charge, and the spoils of her reign are bountiful.
____We are, at our core, an efficient machine of war. It matters very little to us who you are or why you are here. If you work, can pull your weight, and are willing to do whatever is necessary of you, you are welcome within our ranks. Weak links do not survive long amongst the sand and bones.


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Rhinedottir's avatar
November 29, 2023 19:21:22
Kimita (#35733682) was on the front page!
Swiftstrike5's avatar
September 23, 2023 22:49:31
Coda was on FP! Such a pretty G1!
BadLuckChar1ie's avatar
September 01, 2023 14:29:53
Voluble (#49700203) was on the front page!
Vincastrum's avatar
August 11, 2023 12:03:59
What a coincidence! Your progen is lovely and I love her lore and outfit! I was so tempted to keep the all basic as well, but the swirly tides were too hard to resist! ^^
ShovelKing's avatar
August 05, 2023 20:47:54
Great meeting ya!
noirlecrow's avatar
July 21, 2023 11:00:58
Rudeneja (#40068739) was on the front page!!
SunsPauliiine's avatar
July 16, 2023 15:39:53
Squall was on the front page! Looks so cool
DinosaurFeathers' avatar
June 20, 2023 21:58:57
I greatly admire your mirror collection, if I didn't love ancient so much I would collect mirrors they are wonderful and your lair really shows that
LadyBee's avatar
June 20, 2023 07:07:28
You have given me a new outlook on, and appreciation of, Mirrors!
sockmonkeygerald's avatar
June 16, 2023 16:33:05
Roister was on the front page, looks awesome!
BarracudaCultist's avatar
June 16, 2023 07:07:39
A lair made up almost entirely of mirrors..... I've never seen a more beautiful thing in my life.
breakpoint's avatar
June 16, 2023 03:41:00
checking the heritage of a random abby hatchling i snagged and discovering a lair of 400+ mirrors was a shocking experience to have at almost 4 am on a friday but you know what . i respect it . keep up it up i like your army
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Date Joined
Apr 8, 2015

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idonthavekik's avatar
idonthavekik (#146280)

Old enough to know better but young enough to do it anyway!
Nightmares' avatar
Nightmares (#151190)
Dysecpro's avatar
Dysecpro (#134636)
Bluespirit123's avatar
Bluespirit123 (#133006)

Cold weather is snuggle weather.
GreenSpirit's avatar
GreenSpirit (#133005)

Pull the levvaaaa Kronk
NixTheKitsune's avatar
NixTheKitsune (#152457)

what lies in the shadow of the statue
SilentlyAngry's avatar
SilentlyAngry (#146722)
USSR6's avatar
USSR6 (#152334)
Hugrf's avatar
Hugrf (#115520)

I love myself :3
Monique17's avatar
Monique17 (#165848)

If opportunity doesn't knock, build a door - Milton Berle

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Mar 08
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Welcomed new hatchlings!
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Mar 05
Welcomed new hatchlings!
3 Undertide Female

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Jan 28
Seasonal Sundries (Winter)
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