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TOPIC | so furries, yeah?
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thank!!! you!!!

thank!!! you!!!
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used to be SoullessRogue/SoullessARMY
send me a friend request or message, i'm happy to chat~ if you need help or have any questions i'm always open!

wishlist|Hibernal Den Item Trading Hub|i'll pay you to brew!
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I have 3 fursonas and a lot of anthro characters so I'm definitely a furry. I have been in the fandom since I was 16 or 17. I'm 20 now and I'm still a strong stroller in the fandom.
I have 3 fursonas and a lot of anthro characters so I'm definitely a furry. I have been in the fandom since I was 16 or 17. I'm 20 now and I'm still a strong stroller in the fandom.
dWCPwZL.png Dragon Tail Plushies for SALE!
@scared @Eijirou Dragon Kirishima is a blessing; also, I found this! (SFW)

@nodragonhere: What a pretty derg!
@scared @Eijirou Dragon Kirishima is a blessing; also, I found this! (SFW)

@nodragonhere: What a pretty derg!
i would kid myself if i were to say i wasn't one. still haven't gotten around to drawing my fursona but i have some ideas.
i would kid myself if i were to say i wasn't one. still haven't gotten around to drawing my fursona but i have some ideas.
The problem with furries is that they like the... nsfw bad stuff. Not ALL of them do. In fact, its more of a minority than anything that's into the nsfw which furries are hated so much for, but it is also the most VOCAL part of the fandom.

People try to back it up like "Well people make nsfw of Marvel characters!" and yeah thats true but when i look up Marvel art i see a lot of normal pieces, whereas if i look up anthro animal art or furry art or whatever i get a lot of nsfw/fetish stuff. Furries are only hated irl because of how they have presented themselves on the internet, and again, the majority of furries aren't into nsfw, but that is the most vocal portion of the fandom and therefore what they are known for.

I wouldn't consider myself a furry. I like to draw animals and only animals, and mainly quadruped animals. I mean you could say I'm a furry but I really wouldn't want to because I don't want to associate myself with the bad part of the fandom. That's what I recommend you do irl too, unless you're around people that are also furries. If you go around telling people you're a furry, then they're going to think you're into the nsfw part of the fandom, and that is NEVER a good reputation to have.

I haven't read any of the recent posts on this thread, I'm just saying this because I've always wanted to get it out where people can read it. (aka this isn't in response to any particular post)

edit: i don't hate furries-- a lot of my friends are furries, too, and I do have a sona (granted they are quadruped), and i think its really neat coming on this thread and seeing everyone's sonas. I just think that it isn't something you should be... very vocal about, at least in real life.
The problem with furries is that they like the... nsfw bad stuff. Not ALL of them do. In fact, its more of a minority than anything that's into the nsfw which furries are hated so much for, but it is also the most VOCAL part of the fandom.

People try to back it up like "Well people make nsfw of Marvel characters!" and yeah thats true but when i look up Marvel art i see a lot of normal pieces, whereas if i look up anthro animal art or furry art or whatever i get a lot of nsfw/fetish stuff. Furries are only hated irl because of how they have presented themselves on the internet, and again, the majority of furries aren't into nsfw, but that is the most vocal portion of the fandom and therefore what they are known for.

I wouldn't consider myself a furry. I like to draw animals and only animals, and mainly quadruped animals. I mean you could say I'm a furry but I really wouldn't want to because I don't want to associate myself with the bad part of the fandom. That's what I recommend you do irl too, unless you're around people that are also furries. If you go around telling people you're a furry, then they're going to think you're into the nsfw part of the fandom, and that is NEVER a good reputation to have.

I haven't read any of the recent posts on this thread, I'm just saying this because I've always wanted to get it out where people can read it. (aka this isn't in response to any particular post)

edit: i don't hate furries-- a lot of my friends are furries, too, and I do have a sona (granted they are quadruped), and i think its really neat coming on this thread and seeing everyone's sonas. I just think that it isn't something you should be... very vocal about, at least in real life.

I agree wholeheartedly with your view on things. I could probably be considered a furry as well since all I draw is animals, but because of the same reasons you've listed, I don't want that word associated with me. The most I'll do is correct someone if they say that furries are only into NSFW things, and only if I know them well enough that they won't try calling me a furry since I know what the true nature of the fandom is.

I draw anthropomorphic animals fairly often. I never show these to anyone I know irl though since I don't want to be known as something I'm not. I wish furries weren't so stigmatized, but it's the world we live in.

The only real 'safe space' for furries is online. If you go out screaming that you're a furry to the real world, RIP your reputation and friendships, because the average person's thought process is "furry = NSFW" and nothing more. Online however plenty more people are understanding and educated about what the word 'furry' means.

I agree wholeheartedly with your view on things. I could probably be considered a furry as well since all I draw is animals, but because of the same reasons you've listed, I don't want that word associated with me. The most I'll do is correct someone if they say that furries are only into NSFW things, and only if I know them well enough that they won't try calling me a furry since I know what the true nature of the fandom is.

I draw anthropomorphic animals fairly often. I never show these to anyone I know irl though since I don't want to be known as something I'm not. I wish furries weren't so stigmatized, but it's the world we live in.

The only real 'safe space' for furries is online. If you go out screaming that you're a furry to the real world, RIP your reputation and friendships, because the average person's thought process is "furry = NSFW" and nothing more. Online however plenty more people are understanding and educated about what the word 'furry' means.
Art Shop

Yeah, people who make being a furry into their whole identity and shout it from the rooftops are annoying.
Yeah, people who make being a furry into their whole identity and shout it from the rooftops are annoying.

really? i really admire people who can dedicate themselves like that c:

really? i really admire people who can dedicate themselves like that c:
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used to be SoullessRogue/SoullessARMY
send me a friend request or message, i'm happy to chat~ if you need help or have any questions i'm always open!

wishlist|Hibernal Den Item Trading Hub|i'll pay you to brew!
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Hey im an ex furry but just because Im not involved in the fandom anymore doesnt mean I cant draw them!
Hey im an ex furry but just because Im not involved in the fandom anymore doesnt mean I cant draw them!
Pressiboo #157888

8+ fr time
I'm not really into furry fandom or anything, but I love anthros and designing/drawing them. I consider myself one but interacting with other furries beyond my friends just hasn't really interested me. I've heard artists sing praises about the fandom though and honestly that's good points in my book
I still need to decide on a proper sona for myself... oops
I'm not really into furry fandom or anything, but I love anthros and designing/drawing them. I consider myself one but interacting with other furries beyond my friends just hasn't really interested me. I've heard artists sing praises about the fandom though and honestly that's good points in my book
I still need to decide on a proper sona for myself... oops
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