
Flight Rising Discussion

Discuss everything and anything Flight Rising.
TOPIC | wip | dnp
dont have much time this week so ill just answer the prompts '':} [b]Which one of your dragons would throw the best birthday party?[/b] [url=][img][/img][/url] Wyenn is our clan welcomer and tally (since [url=]aarakra [/url]took the role away from [url=]shiv[/url]). She is the best for the job due to her beautiful smile and passionate attitude. This helps her throw the best celebrations. Shes usually enlisted alongside other professionals from out-of-flight. luckily her kinda-scary powers of psychoanalysis helps make parties even the stickler-iest dragons can appreciate [b]Is anyone in your lair a really nosey neighbor?[/b] [url=][img][/img][/url] dino here couldnt cover her eyes and shut her ears for the life of her. she knows all the hot goss if youre brave enough to sit with her yapping for hours on end. shes lovely really, but man does she talk. she really gets along with the [url=]ditzy [/url][url=]aether [/url]crowd rather well; good thing too, since they zip around a lot. she hears tales from beyond the shadowlands and stories from over arcane's crystals. Shes horrible with discerning reality and exaggeration, but it doesnt matter to her. if its a thrilling tale, shes gotta hear it. this leads to a LOT of eavesdropping and placing her snout where it doesnt belong.No one really minds though, as she can bend a seemingly boring story into a glamorous retelling of the battle between good and bad--while still keeping faithful! Shes the greatest storyteller at our clan bonfires. [b]Who has the sweetest tooth in your lair?[/b] [url=][img][/img][/url] oh thats easy... Meppa here is a monster with candy. Do [i]not[/i] leave little bowls of peppermint candies on the counter when shes around. [b]Can we see your dragon(s) that have the greenest…thumbs? claws?[/b] [url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url] these boys here are very plant inclined. pump is gifted with his earth magic and in soul. he loves plants to death but gladekeeper knows he wouldnt let a plant die on him. ever since he was little he helped weeds pop up out of the dry arid ground before moving to the gladeveins. he thinks its the best decision he ever made. Dimi, on the other hand, is good on accident. at first he had no clue what he was doing when volunteering at the community garden, but [url=]his sister[/url] brought to light his magical green thumb as soon as she saw the seeds pop into sprouts at the touch of a clawtip. after that he started working there to help provide for the clan in a food way and a monetary way! Him and [url=]Locreen[/url]--our local entrepreneur-farmer--decided to work out a way to sell surplus to fund the expenditures of the clan.
dont have much time this week so ill just answer the prompts '':}

Which one of your dragons would throw the best birthday party?
Wyenn is our clan welcomer and tally (since aarakra took the role away from shiv). She is the best for the job due to her beautiful smile and passionate attitude. This helps her throw the best celebrations. Shes usually enlisted alongside other professionals from out-of-flight. luckily her kinda-scary powers of psychoanalysis helps make parties even the stickler-iest dragons can appreciate

Is anyone in your lair a really nosey neighbor?
dino here couldnt cover her eyes and shut her ears for the life of her. she knows all the hot goss if youre brave enough to sit with her yapping for hours on end. shes lovely really, but man does she talk. she really gets along with the ditzy aether crowd rather well; good thing too, since they zip around a lot. she hears tales from beyond the shadowlands and stories from over arcane's crystals. Shes horrible with discerning reality and exaggeration, but it doesnt matter to her. if its a thrilling tale, shes gotta hear it. this leads to a LOT of eavesdropping and placing her snout where it doesnt belong.No one really minds though, as she can bend a seemingly boring story into a glamorous retelling of the battle between good and bad--while still keeping faithful! Shes the greatest storyteller at our clan bonfires.

Who has the sweetest tooth in your lair?
oh thats easy... Meppa here is a monster with candy. Do not leave little bowls of peppermint candies on the counter when shes around.

Can we see your dragon(s) that have the greenest…thumbs? claws?
these boys here are very plant inclined. pump is gifted with his earth magic and in soul. he loves plants to death but gladekeeper knows he wouldnt let a plant die on him. ever since he was little he helped weeds pop up out of the dry arid ground before moving to the gladeveins. he thinks its the best decision he ever made.

Dimi, on the other hand, is good on accident. at first he had no clue what he was doing when volunteering at the community garden, but his sister brought to light his magical green thumb as soon as she saw the seeds pop into sprouts at the touch of a clawtip.
after that he started working there to help provide for the clan in a food way and a monetary way! Him and Locreen--our local entrepreneur-farmer--decided to work out a way to sell surplus to fund the expenditures of the clan.
[quote][emoji=question mark size=1]Which one of your dragons would throw the best birthday party?[/quote] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol][i](he/she/they)[/i] [b]Blackberry[/b] is the head entertainer of the Stronghold, and one of the most jovial dragons in the clan. Over the years, she's pulled together a small pack of helpers to put together the best festival games and holiday celebrations this side of the Tangled Wood! I can imagine they've already thrown together some killer birthday parties in their time.[/columns] [quote][emoji=question mark size=1]Can we see your dragon(s) that have the greenest…thumbs? claws?[/quote] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol][i](she/they)[/i] Out of all the dragons in the Stronghold, [b]Laci[/b] has always been the most dedicated to gardening and plant care. She's the one who figured out how to grow certain flowers in Shadow Flight territory among the gloom and muck. She's made her own little garden right outside the castle, where she likes to relax and simply take in the sweet smell that comes from all of her hard work.[/columns] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol][i](he/it)[/i] [b]Moss[/b] is a relatively new addition to the Stronghold's population, and he quickly attached himself to Laci over their shared hobby of gardening. Moss takes it a little bit further, and writes a magazine that it sends out all across the continent, sharing tips and tricks about plant care![/columns]
Which one of your dragons would throw the best birthday party?
59805881_350.png (he/she/they)

Blackberry is the head entertainer of the Stronghold, and one of the most jovial dragons in the clan. Over the years, she's pulled together a small pack of helpers to put together the best festival games and holiday celebrations this side of the Tangled Wood! I can imagine they've already thrown together some killer birthday parties in their time.
Can we see your dragon(s) that have the greenest…thumbs? claws?
47147383_350.png (she/they)

Out of all the dragons in the Stronghold, Laci has always been the most dedicated to gardening and plant care. She's the one who figured out how to grow certain flowers in Shadow Flight territory among the gloom and muck. She's made her own little garden right outside the castle, where she likes to relax and simply take in the sweet smell that comes from all of her hard work.
91704470_350.png (he/it)

Moss is a relatively new addition to the Stronghold's population, and he quickly attached himself to Laci over their shared hobby of gardening. Moss takes it a little bit further, and writes a magazine that it sends out all across the continent, sharing tips and tricks about plant care!
-very bisexual
-type 1 diabetic
-sales & grinding
111805dcd561eb74f279995ecbc1d729b2316f8b.png tumblr_inline_njw5iwmQUG1qg2i5p.gif
My favorite Swipp familiar is the Blackwing Hummingbird! I love the dark green and black on its head and face and chest. Hummingbirds are cute. The design is very appealing to me. I remember spending ages gathering for the hummingbird food items needed to trade for it -- so happy when I finally got one! [img][/img] [item=black-wing hummingbird] [item=White-Eared Hummingbird]
My favorite Swipp familiar is the Blackwing Hummingbird! I love the dark green and black on its head and face and chest. Hummingbirds are cute. The design is very appealing to me. I remember spending ages gathering for the hummingbird food items needed to trade for it -- so happy when I finally got one!

670.png Black-wing Hummingbird White-Eared Hummingbird
roller coaster carx inkwell badgex lore clan
spiral fan
rp friendly
avatar dragon
free tiny buttons
xarmored wildclaw badge xconflict creature
For favorite Swipp familiar, I’m fond of the [gamedb item=21713]! It’s just a cute little bug friend [emoji=familiar heart size=1]. [quote]Which one of your dragons would throw the best birthday party?[/quote] [url=]Balloon,[/url] hands down. He’s the dragon to go to if you want any kind of party. [quote]Can we see your dragon(s) that have the greenest…thumbs? claws?[/quote] I have quite a few! But [url=]Aluino[/url] is my favorite. She specializes in flowers. I attempted the crossword but I couldn’t get more than one ^.^’
For favorite Swipp familiar, I’m fond of the Cherry Blossom Caterpillar! It’s just a cute little bug friend .
Which one of your dragons would throw the best birthday party?
Balloon, hands down. He’s the dragon to go to if you want any kind of party.
Can we see your dragon(s) that have the greenest…thumbs? claws?
I have quite a few! But Aluino is my favorite. She specializes in flowers.

I attempted the crossword but I couldn’t get more than one ^.^’
Oh i've never participated in this!! It's so lovely, the badge is so pretty aaaaaah [quote][Question Mark] [i]Which one of your dragons would throw the best birthday party?[/i][/quote] [url=][img][/img][/url] This gal! She's a festival planner, so organizing parties is kind of her thing!! She really methodical and makes sure everyone has a blast, [i]especially [/i]the person's the party is about! ----- [quote][Question Mark] Who has the sweetest tooth in your lair?[/quote] [url=][img][/img][/url] This girl! She's a baker (and a good one at that!), but at the end of the day, she will indulge in whatever hasn't sold that day... ----- As for my favorite Swipp familiar, it's probaly the [b]Skycrest Bicorn[/b]! [center][img][/img][/center] It's just so dreamy and ethereal, I can just picture the sky whale in a dreamland when I see it, I love its colors (and after looking at it more closely, I never noticed the lil cloud pattern!!! how pretty!!)
Oh i've never participated in this!! It's so lovely, the badge is so pretty aaaaaah
[Question Mark] Which one of your dragons would throw the best birthday party?


This gal! She's a festival planner, so organizing parties is kind of her thing!! She really methodical and makes sure everyone has a blast, especially the person's the party is about!

[Question Mark] Who has the sweetest tooth in your lair?


This girl! She's a baker (and a good one at that!), but at the end of the day, she will indulge in whatever hasn't sold that day...

As for my favorite Swipp familiar, it's probaly the Skycrest Bicorn!

It's just so dreamy and ethereal, I can just picture the sky whale in a dreamland when I see it, I love its colors (and after looking at it more closely, I never noticed the lil cloud pattern!!! how pretty!!)
853d899612de96ce4f11ed0dfc7ccb2091569ad5.png 137a6eb04c295beb8c0296c2088517f6e56c55cd.pngboop UC0DduS.png ebvHLqD.png
[center][i]Which one of your dragons would throw the best birthday party?[/i][/center] [columns] [url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol] the day [b]Vespera[/b]'s birthday comes up, is the day all the rivals in this vast Clan will come to good terms again (he is going to invite literally everyone and it will be a BLAST)[/columns] [center][i]Is anyone in your lair a really nosey neighbor?[/i][/center] [columns] [url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol] i don't remember who lives next to [b]Kurai[/b], but bless that poor dragon's soul, they must be getting not enough sleep lately since she enjoys conducting all her weird studies at the latest hours.[/columns] [center][i]Who has the sweetest tooth in your lair?[/i][/center] [columns] [url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol] [b]Alvearium[/b] likes sweets a bit too much. good thing she is a beekeeper though - we should be glad [i]Phosphor[/i] was around her during her hatchling days, or we'd be living in a timeline [i]Amare[/i]'s cafe would be sold out CONSTANTLY, atleast at the pastry section![/columns] [center][i]Can we see your dragon(s) that have the greenest…thumbs? claws?[/i][/center] [columns] [url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol] as expected, [b]Haze[/b] is THE dragon for gardening... for now. we may or may not be getting an addition soon- anyways, you can usually find him in the Botanical Garden watering, talking, and whatever-other-things-Auraboas-do-with plants- to the flowers and shrubs there![/columns] [rule] [columns] my favourite has to be the [b]Glamourtail Hopper[/b]! look at that pretty fishy... those accents fit so well and i love how elegant it looks! [size=1]now i'm considering changing one of my dragon's familiars because it kinda looks familiar to him[/size] [nextcol] [img][/img]
Which one of your dragons would throw the best birthday party?
93054432_350.png the day Vespera's birthday comes up, is the day all the rivals in this vast Clan will come to good terms again (he is going to invite literally everyone and it will be a BLAST)
Is anyone in your lair a really nosey neighbor?
93667312_350.png i don't remember who lives next to Kurai, but bless that poor dragon's soul, they must be getting not enough sleep lately since she enjoys conducting all her weird studies at the latest hours.
Who has the sweetest tooth in your lair?
93447516_350.png Alvearium likes sweets a bit too much. good thing she is a beekeeper though - we should be glad Phosphor was around her during her hatchling days, or we'd be living in a timeline Amare's cafe would be sold out CONSTANTLY, atleast at the pastry section!
Can we see your dragon(s) that have the greenest…thumbs? claws?
92753234_350.png as expected, Haze is THE dragon for gardening... for now. we may or may not be getting an addition soon-
anyways, you can usually find him in the Botanical Garden watering, talking, and whatever-other-things-Auraboas-do-with plants- to the flowers and shrubs there!

my favourite has to be the Glamourtail Hopper! look at that pretty fishy... those accents fit so well and i love how elegant it looks!
now i'm considering changing one of my dragon's familiars because it kinda looks familiar to him
I forgot to add my fav Swipp Fam, it's kind of hard to pick one but I'm a sucker for Peryton and glowy fams. Feels mysterious yet friendly. I wish the competition fams got some more additions or another contest is held. [img][/img]
I forgot to add my fav Swipp Fam, it's kind of hard to pick one but I'm a sucker for Peryton and glowy fams. Feels mysterious yet friendly. I wish the competition fams got some more additions or another contest is held.

got a battle stone for the week's challenge! [img][/img] beyond that, it was cool to see all the dragons shared this go around, and i was particularly fond of the dusthide adopt threat you linked! ordered one of one of my new dusty dragons thank you guys for all the work you put into this <3
got a battle stone for the week's challenge!


beyond that, it was cool to see all the dragons shared this go around, and i was particularly fond of the dusthide adopt threat you linked! ordered one of one of my new dusty dragons

thank you guys for all the work you put into this <3
[center][size=2][url=]Main Page[/url] | [url=]This Week's Page & Edition Archive[/url] [url=]Rules & Qualifications[/url] | [url=]Applications for Topics[/url] | [url=]Staff Applications[/url] | [url=]Front Page Badge[/url][/size][/center] [center][img][/img][/center] [columns][quote][b]Hello![/b] Here’s the newest edition of [b]The Front Page[/b]! [/quote][nextcol][url=][img][/img][/url][/columns] ----- ----- [center][img][/img][/center] [quote=announcements!] I promise we’ll figure out the best way to handle prizes for games. That being said, I am going to keep the game section from this week while I/we think about it. I might make ‘Find the Tidelord’ have different Tidelords to find because I think being one of the first people to find him is part of the draw, but I also want to make sure everyone is on “equal” footing. We’ll probably switch back to the first - three folks for the crossword and word search. [/quote] ----- ----- [center][img][/img] [i]a small sample of some topics that i found while clicking around the forums and sort of lurking.[/i] [b]By:[/b]ari[/center] [quote=some topics you may enjoy] [emoji=planet size=1][b]Flight Rising Discussion:[/b] This topic about remaking your progens hurt me because I really don’t like mine. Shoutout to Neptune and Saturn though! [url=] So, how would you redo your progens?[/url] Do you have some wholesome lore? [url=] You should share it here![/url] You can lend some inspiration to some folks that are having a bit of writer’s block. On that note, what’s your lore? But make sure you [url=] describe it badly.[/url] We want to be a little confused. I love Medusa lore. You should [url=] check out this post about the Medusa gene![/url][/quote] ----- ----- [center][img][/img] [i]A nice refresher for navigating around Flight Rising![/i] [b]By:[/b]Quartz[/center] [quote][center][emoji=subscription update size=1][i]Having a guide that lets you see all the scene previews is life changing! I myself had to use this recently and it turned out great![/i] [center][b][url=]>>> here it is <<<[/url][/b][/center][/quote] [quote][center][emoji=subscription update size=1][i]It’s diabolical that Veilspuns are not the huge tiger-y babies I thought they were! Here is proof![/i] [center][b][url=]>>> here it is <<<[/url][/b][/center][/quote] [quote][center][emoji=subscription update size=1][i]You must learn the ways of breeding, young Jedi… Colorful dragons you must get…[/i] [center][b][url=]>>>here it is<<<[/url][/b][/center][/quote] ----- ----- [center][img][/img][/center]
Hello! Here’s the newest edition of The Front Page!

announcements! wrote:
I promise we’ll figure out the best way to handle prizes for games. That being said, I am going to keep the game section from this week while I/we think about it. I might make ‘Find the Tidelord’ have different Tidelords to find because I think being one of the first people to find him is part of the draw, but I also want to make sure everyone is on “equal” footing. We’ll probably switch back to the first - three folks for the crossword and word search.

a small sample of some topics that i found while clicking around the forums and sort of lurking.
some topics you may enjoy wrote:
Flight Rising Discussion:
This topic about remaking your progens hurt me because I really don’t like mine. Shoutout to Neptune and Saturn though! So, how would you redo your progens?

Do you have some wholesome lore? You should share it here! You can lend some inspiration to some folks that are having a bit of writer’s block.

On that note, what’s your lore? But make sure you describe it badly. We want to be a little confused.

I love Medusa lore. You should check out this post about the Medusa gene!

A nice refresher for navigating around Flight Rising!
Having a guide that lets you see all the scene previews is life changing! I myself had to use this recently and it turned out great!
It’s diabolical that Veilspuns are not the huge tiger-y babies I thought they were! Here is proof!
You must learn the ways of breeding, young Jedi… Colorful dragons you must get…

[center][img][/img] [i]How is the egg market? Here's a look at Nocturne and Wind egg prices throughout the week! Stonks![/i] [b]By:[/b] gumiho & banner by Caelight[/center] [quote=May 4, 2024 - May 11, 2024 @ 6pm][columns][item=unhatched nocturne egg][nextcol][size=2] [emoji=eternal youth size=1] [i]230g[/i] → [emoji=eternal youth size=1] [i]235g[/i] → [emoji=eternal youth size=1] [i]269g[/i] → [emoji=eternal youth size=1] [i]239g[/i] → [emoji=eternal youth size=1] [i]234g[/i] → [emoji=eternal youth size=1] [i]234g[/i]→ [emoji=eternal youth size=1] [i]234g[/columns] [columns][item=unhatched wind egg][nextcol][size=2] [emoji=eternal youth size=1] [i]290g[/i] → [emoji=eternal youth size=1] [i]270g[/i] → [emoji=eternal youth size=1] [i]230g[/i] → [emoji=eternal youth size=1] [i]254g[/i] → [emoji=eternal youth size=1] [i]300g[/i] → [emoji=eternal youth size=1] [i]267g[/i]→[emoji=eternal youth size=1] [i]290g[/i][/quote][/columns] ----- ----- [center][img][/img] [i]every dragon needs a familiar![/i] [b]By:[/b] Umore[/center] [columns] [center] [url=][img][/img][/url] [size=6][b][color=#827A64]BLOTCHED QUETZEEL[/b][/size] [/center] [nextcol] [quote=General Information] The [gamedb item=27372] is a serpent-like creature, named after the Quetzalcoatl deity in Aztec mythology. It has fins on its face and back, and along its body. Most Quetzeels are found in oceans, but this specific species lives in marshes, bogs and lagoons. Its dark green and orange colouring possibly allows it to camouflage amongst the algae and fish in its habitats.[/quote] [quote=Fun Facts] [emoji=magnifying glass size=1] Source: It is traded at [url=]Swipp's Swap Stand[/url]. In exchange, you need [gamedb item=18978]x30 (Level 30+ Fishing in Wind, Ice, Light, Nature) and [gamedb item=20130]x45 (dropped from Muckbottom Gulls in Redrock Cove). [emoji=paintbrush size=1] It has one recolour: [gamedb item=27373]. [emoji=birthday cake size=1] It was released on [url=]August 8, 2018[/url]. That makes it 5 years, 9 months and 3 days old! Wow![/quote] [quote=Participant Feature] "I've always been a fan of the Blotched Quetzeel. There are plenty of other ones I like, such as the Rosy Peryton or Illuminated Pangolin, but this one's always felt cozy to me. I love the swirly pose, the muted colors, and the nice pattern on its back that the saltwater Quetzeel doesn't have. I also absolutely love when familiars have biology details in their description, just like this one!" [right]- Thank you @Fishes![/right][/quote][/columns] [quote=Sharing Corner] This week, share a [url=]coli boss familiar[/url] that means a lot to you! Is it the one you've spent so long hunting for but still hasn't dropped? Is it the first ever coli boss you obtained? A participant will be randomly selected and featured next week. [emoji=heart size=1][/quote] ----- ----- [center][img][/img] [i]a randomized look at all the items in the flight rising database![/i] [b]By:[/b]Virtuous[/center] [columns][gamedb item=1102] [item=Raider Helm][nextcol][quote][b]Random Item of the Week:[/b]Raider Helm is an apparel item that fills the "Head" slot. It may be bought from the Treasure Marketplace for 22,000 treasure (22kt), or randomly found when opening a Gilded Decorative Chest ([gamedb item=576]). This item is currently not used for any site features, so you can safely sell it! This item has been in the game since release![/columns] ----- ----- [center][img][/img] [size=2]Thank you Neola for the banner![/size] [i]Let's show off the artists of the community![/i] [b]By:[/b] Deinonychus[/center] [columns][center] [url=][img][/img][/url] Click on the artwork for a full-size image! [nextcol][quote=jellyinspace][user=jellyinspace] [size=2]I started making these little geometric artworks for my own signature, of my own dragons. this one is of my boy [url=]vision[/url]. This one is just my personal favorite that i have done for myself, i also have an [url=]artshop[/url] where i started doing these and they have become one of the most popular things available! [/size] [/quote] For this week of [i]Fanart of the Week[/i], the talented @jellyinspace was chosen! [LIST] [*] First off, I love the pointy shapes used in the drawing! It portrays a dragon shape very well and is very interesting. [*] The colors used are wonderful and match together very nicely. [*] I adore the little sparkles in the apparel and body. It looks very pretty! [/list] Congratulations to them for the feature and keep up the good work! [/columns] [center]Want your Flight Rising fanart to be featured on [i]The Front Page[/i]? Click the link below and fill out the form for a chance to get featured and earn 50 gems. [b][url=]>>> FotW Form <<<[/url][/b][/center] [center][img][/img][/center]

How is the egg market? Here's a look at Nocturne and Wind egg prices throughout the week! Stonks!
By: gumiho & banner by Caelight
May 4, 2024 - May 11, 2024 @ 6pm wrote:
Unhatched Nocturne Egg 230g 235g 269g 239g 234g 234g 234g
Unhatched Wind Egg 290g 270g 230g 254g 300g 267g 290g

every dragon needs a familiar!
By: Umore

General Information wrote:
The Blotched Quetzeel is a serpent-like creature, named after the Quetzalcoatl deity in Aztec mythology. It has fins on its face and back, and along its body. Most Quetzeels are found in oceans, but this specific species lives in marshes, bogs and lagoons. Its dark green and orange colouring possibly allows it to camouflage amongst the algae and fish in its habitats.
Fun Facts wrote:
Source: It is traded at Swipp's Swap Stand. In exchange, you need Golden Snakeheadx30 (Level 30+ Fishing in Wind, Ice, Light, Nature) and Translucent Finsx45 (dropped from Muckbottom Gulls in Redrock Cove).
It has one recolour: Quetzeel.
It was released on August 8, 2018. That makes it 5 years, 9 months and 3 days old! Wow!
Participant Feature wrote:
"I've always been a fan of the Blotched Quetzeel. There are plenty of other ones I like, such as the Rosy Peryton or Illuminated Pangolin, but this one's always felt cozy to me. I love the swirly pose, the muted colors, and the nice pattern on its back that the saltwater Quetzeel doesn't have. I also absolutely love when familiars have biology details in their description, just like this one!"
- Thank you @Fishes!
Sharing Corner wrote:
This week, share a coli boss familiar that means a lot to you! Is it the one you've spent so long hunting for but still hasn't dropped? Is it the first ever coli boss you obtained? A participant will be randomly selected and featured next week.

a randomized look at all the items in the flight rising database!
Raider Helm
Raider Helm
Random Item of the Week:Raider Helm is an apparel item that fills the "Head" slot. It may be bought from the Treasure Marketplace for 22,000 treasure (22kt), or randomly found when opening a Gilded Decorative Chest (Gilded Decorative Chest).

This item is currently not used for any site features, so you can safely sell it!

This item has been in the game since release!

Thank you Neola for the banner!
Let's show off the artists of the community!
By: Deinonychus
Click on the artwork for a full-size image!
jellyinspace wrote:
I started making these little geometric artworks for my own signature, of my own dragons. this one is of my boy vision. This one is just my personal favorite that i have done for myself, i also have an artshop where i started doing these and they have become one of the most popular things available!

For this week of Fanart of the Week, the talented @jellyinspace was chosen!
  • First off, I love the pointy shapes used in the drawing! It portrays a dragon shape very well and is very interesting.
  • The colors used are wonderful and match together very nicely.
  • I adore the little sparkles in the apparel and body. It looks very pretty!
Congratulations to them for the feature and keep up the good work!
Want your Flight Rising fanart to be featured on The Front Page? Click the link below and fill out the form for a chance to get featured and earn 50 gems.

>>> FotW Form <<<