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TOPIC | The Warrior Cat Clan Game Rebooted
LilacClan Newleaf 1/3 of Year 1


Roll: 35

When Arugulaclaw was out hunting they ran into a rogue and approached them. Their body was found by the dusk patrol, Caramelfur is quite sad as he wanted to make them his mate.


Lilacstar has decided to tell Zebrastripe about her feelings for him! She talks to Meadowheart about her endeavours, the next morning they are both on the Dawn Patrol. Lilacstar diverts everyone’s attention and the two walk to the stream, Lilacstar confesses and Zebrastripe admits he has feelings in return. The two are now mates!!


Meadowheart is called to the medicine den, she is concerned at first but Myrtlefoot gets straight to the pint and reveals she is expecting kits. She is extremely excited and immediately goes to tell Waspfur. He is just as excited and they cannot wait to become parents.


Deaths- Arugulaclaw
New Couples- Lilacstar & Zebrastripe
Newly Expecting- Meadowheart


Also @Gadriel can I claim Bean. He seems perfect for Violeteyes and her love story.
LilacClan Newleaf 1/3 of Year 1


Roll: 35

When Arugulaclaw was out hunting they ran into a rogue and approached them. Their body was found by the dusk patrol, Caramelfur is quite sad as he wanted to make them his mate.


Lilacstar has decided to tell Zebrastripe about her feelings for him! She talks to Meadowheart about her endeavours, the next morning they are both on the Dawn Patrol. Lilacstar diverts everyone’s attention and the two walk to the stream, Lilacstar confesses and Zebrastripe admits he has feelings in return. The two are now mates!!


Meadowheart is called to the medicine den, she is concerned at first but Myrtlefoot gets straight to the pint and reveals she is expecting kits. She is extremely excited and immediately goes to tell Waspfur. He is just as excited and they cannot wait to become parents.


Deaths- Arugulaclaw
New Couples- Lilacstar & Zebrastripe
Newly Expecting- Meadowheart


Also @Gadriel can I claim Bean. He seems perfect for Violeteyes and her love story.
Check out some free dragons I’m getting rid of!!!

The Rejects
@Warrior Cats Clan Game Daily Reminder

Here's your daily reminder to update your clans today if you would like to but haven't already!

@Iceclaw22 Go ahead! I hope you enjoy having him around!
@Warrior Cats Clan Game Daily Reminder

Here's your daily reminder to update your clans today if you would like to but haven't already!

@Iceclaw22 Go ahead! I hope you enjoy having him around!
Goop (SpiritMaask Adopt (link))
Year 9 / Moon 6 / Newleaf
Sunclan Times
News from the Wise and Corageous

Roll: 28

Foxflame and Wildfur are hunting together near the border when they encounter a group of rogues. These rogues come in peace with some information. The leader of the rogues tells the siblings that word has gotten around near their normal hunting grounds about a tom who claims to be searching for a group called Sunclan. Wildfur and Foxflame are curious and try to ask more about this cat, but the rogue doesn't know any other details. Foxflame thanks the cats for their information and sends them on their way.

They aren't sure who it may be or that it is even a cat of their clan, but they want to figure it out (Foxflame does at least). The next morning they leave with Cloudstar's permission to find this tom and follow the rogues' scent back to their territory.

The search goes very smoothly and after only a day and a night, they come across their younger brother, Fidgetfeather, while he is hunting. He immediately recognizes them, and they have a heartfelt reunion. On their way back to Sunclan, he demands that they tell him all about what has happened since he was gone. They tell him about Sunstar's death and Cloudstar becoming leader. They tell him about his kits Featherflight and Dustbelly, but they don't have the heart to tell him that they and their mother are dead.

When they finally arrive at Sunclan and Fidgetfeather is the most excited to see Willowtuft and his kits, they try to stop him to tell the truth, but he bursts into camp with excitement before they can speak. His clanmates gather around to welcome him home, but he can't seem to find Willowtuft anywhere. After searching the entire camp, Elmspirit tells him to follow and leads him to the spot where he buried Willowtuft after the battle. Elmspirit tries to comfort Fidgetfeather, but he pushes him away, refusing to believe that it's true. He runs off into the forest and doesn't return that night.

Foxflame and Wildfur hopelessly wait for him, feeling terrible for not telling him in the first place. Finally, after a week, he returns disheveled, eyes to the ground. He returns to his warrior duties the next day without a word. Foxflame and Wildfur can only hope that he'll recover eventually.

In very different news, Violetsong announces that she and Aspenleaf are having kits. Aspenleaf is happy to carry on his parents' legacy with a cat so dear to him. Being with her is making him go soft, which he doesn't seem to mind at all.


@/Gadriel Heh, kinda funny that Fidgetfeather comes back right after we talk about missing cats. I could extend the rescue rolls past the original 30 days. Hopeshard will probably be an elder by then, but it's kind of anticlimactic if my last og cat just disappears and never returns. Though I guess Sunstar's death was anticlimactic as well.

Honestly, Fidgetfeather probably has one of the most tragic stories out of all my cats. Thinking about tragic cats, Diamond had a pretty tragic story: came to the clan for romance, found romance, immediately lost that romance to war, and lost her innocence before dying. Junipertail and Minnowsplash also lost practically all of their family before dying as well. There was also Magnoliacloud who was murdered while pregnant... Oh god, this game!!!
Year 9 / Moon 6 / Newleaf
Sunclan Times
News from the Wise and Corageous

Roll: 28

Foxflame and Wildfur are hunting together near the border when they encounter a group of rogues. These rogues come in peace with some information. The leader of the rogues tells the siblings that word has gotten around near their normal hunting grounds about a tom who claims to be searching for a group called Sunclan. Wildfur and Foxflame are curious and try to ask more about this cat, but the rogue doesn't know any other details. Foxflame thanks the cats for their information and sends them on their way.

They aren't sure who it may be or that it is even a cat of their clan, but they want to figure it out (Foxflame does at least). The next morning they leave with Cloudstar's permission to find this tom and follow the rogues' scent back to their territory.

The search goes very smoothly and after only a day and a night, they come across their younger brother, Fidgetfeather, while he is hunting. He immediately recognizes them, and they have a heartfelt reunion. On their way back to Sunclan, he demands that they tell him all about what has happened since he was gone. They tell him about Sunstar's death and Cloudstar becoming leader. They tell him about his kits Featherflight and Dustbelly, but they don't have the heart to tell him that they and their mother are dead.

When they finally arrive at Sunclan and Fidgetfeather is the most excited to see Willowtuft and his kits, they try to stop him to tell the truth, but he bursts into camp with excitement before they can speak. His clanmates gather around to welcome him home, but he can't seem to find Willowtuft anywhere. After searching the entire camp, Elmspirit tells him to follow and leads him to the spot where he buried Willowtuft after the battle. Elmspirit tries to comfort Fidgetfeather, but he pushes him away, refusing to believe that it's true. He runs off into the forest and doesn't return that night.

Foxflame and Wildfur hopelessly wait for him, feeling terrible for not telling him in the first place. Finally, after a week, he returns disheveled, eyes to the ground. He returns to his warrior duties the next day without a word. Foxflame and Wildfur can only hope that he'll recover eventually.

In very different news, Violetsong announces that she and Aspenleaf are having kits. Aspenleaf is happy to carry on his parents' legacy with a cat so dear to him. Being with her is making him go soft, which he doesn't seem to mind at all.


@/Gadriel Heh, kinda funny that Fidgetfeather comes back right after we talk about missing cats. I could extend the rescue rolls past the original 30 days. Hopeshard will probably be an elder by then, but it's kind of anticlimactic if my last og cat just disappears and never returns. Though I guess Sunstar's death was anticlimactic as well.

Honestly, Fidgetfeather probably has one of the most tragic stories out of all my cats. Thinking about tragic cats, Diamond had a pretty tragic story: came to the clan for romance, found romance, immediately lost that romance to war, and lost her innocence before dying. Junipertail and Minnowsplash also lost practically all of their family before dying as well. There was also Magnoliacloud who was murdered while pregnant... Oh god, this game!!!
LGBT+  Progress Queer

Nonbinary They/She
xx4VlncxY.png xx uPOLOvt.png
[center][emoji=flowering tree size=1][size=7][font=Cursive]Forestclan[/size][/font][emoji=flowering tree size=1] [size=5]Year 6 - Moon 79 - leaf-fall (1/3)[/size] [b]Roll: 89[/b] [b]Roll: 23[/b][/center] A patrol consisting of [b]Daisyshade[/b], [b]Pureshine[/b], [b]Blizzardclaw[/b], [b]Blazefur[/b], and [b]Lotuspaw[/b] disappeared one day. While having Appleleaf and Blackrose gone as well, Fogstar was devastated and questioned Saffronleaf if she wasn't a good leader. Saffronleaf answered loyally that Fogstar was a great leader, and Forestclan would need her. However, Forestclan's luck is at the bottom as a sickness spread the clan and later caused [b]Clearkit[/b], [b]Vividkit[/b], and [b]Blueflower[/b] to die. The clan is mourning as they took vigil for the young spirits. [b]Frostfern[/b] began to develop feelings for [b]Fluffystream[/b], although she tried to push the thought away and denied it.
Year 6 - Moon 79 - leaf-fall (1/3)
Roll: 89
Roll: 23

A patrol consisting of Daisyshade, Pureshine, Blizzardclaw, Blazefur, and Lotuspaw disappeared one day. While having Appleleaf and Blackrose gone as well, Fogstar was devastated and questioned Saffronleaf if she wasn't a good leader. Saffronleaf answered loyally that Fogstar was a great leader, and Forestclan would need her.

However, Forestclan's luck is at the bottom as a sickness spread the clan and later caused Clearkit, Vividkit, and Blueflower to die. The clan is mourning as they took vigil for the young spirits.

Frostfern began to develop feelings for Fluffystream, although she tried to push the thought away and denied it.
4oO1RBo.png ytkEBod.png
@Warrior Cats Clan Game Daily Reminder

Here's your daily reminder to update your clans today if you would like to but haven't already!
@Warrior Cats Clan Game Daily Reminder

Here's your daily reminder to update your clans today if you would like to but haven't already!
Goop (SpiritMaask Adopt (link))
LilacClan:Moon 2 Newleaf 2/3 of Year 1


Roll: 15

A badger attacks the camp, luckily the warriors were able to fend it off without any casualties but Primrosepaw, Jaguarclaw, Chervilkit, Sandpaw, and Berryjaw were all injured in the fight. Myrtlefoot has a lot of work to do and is wishing he had an apprentice.

Shortly after the badger attack Lilacstar sent a patrol to make sure it was gone, on it was Violeteyes, Pantherpelt, and Tigerheart. The concluded the badger was gone but not without finding a Tom named Bean looking for a colony to join. Violeteyes managed to convince the rest of the patrol that they should at least let Lilacstar decide if he could join the clan. He felt a significant amount of gratitude towards her and noted to repay her later. Lilacstar decided it would be wonderful to have a new warrior to help protect the clan from future attacks. He was given his warrior name, Beanfang. She also asked Violeteyes to help teach him the warrior code and way of life.


Lilacstar called a clan meeting to make Chervilkit and Hedgekit apprentices! Chervilpaw will become a medicine cat and be mentored by Myrtlefoot, and Hedgepaw will be mentored by Tigerheart! She also announced that Meadowheart will be moving into the nursery this moon.


Primrosepaw: Scratch on leg
3 moon until recovery
Going to heal

Jaguarclaw: torn ear
4 moon until recovery
Going to heal

Chervilpaw: scratch on left side of jaw
4 moon until recovery
Going to heal

Sandpaw: broken leg
6 moon until recovery
Going to heal

Berryjaw: cut throat
1 moon until death
Going to die


Savannahtooth is expecting Tigerheart’s kits!! More little paws running around camp!!


New Apprentices: Chervilpaw and Hedgepaw
New Clan Members: Beanfang
Newly Expecting: Savannahtooth
Recovering from Injuries: Primrosepaw, Jaguarclaw, Chervilpaw, and Sandpaw
On Death’s Doorstep: Berryjaw

LilacClan:Moon 2 Newleaf 2/3 of Year 1


Roll: 15

A badger attacks the camp, luckily the warriors were able to fend it off without any casualties but Primrosepaw, Jaguarclaw, Chervilkit, Sandpaw, and Berryjaw were all injured in the fight. Myrtlefoot has a lot of work to do and is wishing he had an apprentice.

Shortly after the badger attack Lilacstar sent a patrol to make sure it was gone, on it was Violeteyes, Pantherpelt, and Tigerheart. The concluded the badger was gone but not without finding a Tom named Bean looking for a colony to join. Violeteyes managed to convince the rest of the patrol that they should at least let Lilacstar decide if he could join the clan. He felt a significant amount of gratitude towards her and noted to repay her later. Lilacstar decided it would be wonderful to have a new warrior to help protect the clan from future attacks. He was given his warrior name, Beanfang. She also asked Violeteyes to help teach him the warrior code and way of life.


Lilacstar called a clan meeting to make Chervilkit and Hedgekit apprentices! Chervilpaw will become a medicine cat and be mentored by Myrtlefoot, and Hedgepaw will be mentored by Tigerheart! She also announced that Meadowheart will be moving into the nursery this moon.


Primrosepaw: Scratch on leg
3 moon until recovery
Going to heal

Jaguarclaw: torn ear
4 moon until recovery
Going to heal

Chervilpaw: scratch on left side of jaw
4 moon until recovery
Going to heal

Sandpaw: broken leg
6 moon until recovery
Going to heal

Berryjaw: cut throat
1 moon until death
Going to die


Savannahtooth is expecting Tigerheart’s kits!! More little paws running around camp!!


New Apprentices: Chervilpaw and Hedgepaw
New Clan Members: Beanfang
Newly Expecting: Savannahtooth
Recovering from Injuries: Primrosepaw, Jaguarclaw, Chervilpaw, and Sandpaw
On Death’s Doorstep: Berryjaw

Check out some free dragons I’m getting rid of!!!

The Rejects
Year 9 / Moon 7 / Greenleaf
Sunclan Times
News from the Wise and Corageous

Roll: 57

When Greenleaf should bring healthy and hearty prey, it instead brings small and sickly prey. At first, the Sunclan cats try to eat only the healthiest of the fresh-kill, but when their hunger surpasses their reason, they begin to eat the sickly prey. Cicadapaw knows this is a bad idea and tries to warn everyone not to eat the prey, but they don't listen to him since he is only an apprentice. The sick prey makes several cats sick. Most are able to survive, but a few succumb to the sickness. The clan loses Rainpaw and Darkflower, and Cloudstar loses her first life to the sickly prey. The lost cats will be missed greatly, especially by their large family.

The cause of the sickly prey is eventually discovered to be related to twoleg activity near their territory. Luckily, the twolegs leave before the moon is over, and the prey recovers shortly after. Cloudstar hopes that these twolegs stay away for good.

Violetsong moves to the Queen's den. She's glad it's not so lonely this time, but she wishes Firefly could stay for longer. Alas, Firefly has to get back to sharpening her skills soon.


Decided to do a little spin on the prey shortage roll. It ended up being more like the sickness roll, but it's fine.

Year 9 / Moon 7 / Greenleaf
Sunclan Times
News from the Wise and Corageous

Roll: 57

When Greenleaf should bring healthy and hearty prey, it instead brings small and sickly prey. At first, the Sunclan cats try to eat only the healthiest of the fresh-kill, but when their hunger surpasses their reason, they begin to eat the sickly prey. Cicadapaw knows this is a bad idea and tries to warn everyone not to eat the prey, but they don't listen to him since he is only an apprentice. The sick prey makes several cats sick. Most are able to survive, but a few succumb to the sickness. The clan loses Rainpaw and Darkflower, and Cloudstar loses her first life to the sickly prey. The lost cats will be missed greatly, especially by their large family.

The cause of the sickly prey is eventually discovered to be related to twoleg activity near their territory. Luckily, the twolegs leave before the moon is over, and the prey recovers shortly after. Cloudstar hopes that these twolegs stay away for good.

Violetsong moves to the Queen's den. She's glad it's not so lonely this time, but she wishes Firefly could stay for longer. Alas, Firefly has to get back to sharpening her skills soon.


Decided to do a little spin on the prey shortage roll. It ended up being more like the sickness roll, but it's fine.

LGBT+  Progress Queer

Nonbinary They/She
xx4VlncxY.png xx uPOLOvt.png
Year 9 - Moon 105 – Leaf-fall (3/3)
  • Yet again, rumors of a cat seeking dawnclan sweep through the neighborhood. Though weary of these rumors, the clan cats decide to investigate. A local loner leads them to vaguely familiar looking silver and white tom who introduces himself as Coldstream. Stonejaw, who had come on the patrol, quickly realizes that this cat is his brother, and is overjoyed to see him again after he vanished when the two were only young warriors. When they return to camp, Icefang is nearly overwhelmed with emotion to see him again, as she had long assumed that he would never return.
  • Leapingfish has 3 kits! She and Stonejaw name them Limekit, Perchkit, and Slatekit.
  • While Lightfeather and Blizzardwing are hunting together, they get to talking and soon realize their mutual feelings for each other. They end up deciding to become mates!

Year 9 - Moon 106 – Leaf-bare (1/3)
  • While the clan is more than ready for leaf-bare, some of the other local cat colonies are not, leading to them searching everywhere they can for food. This ultimately leads to them confronting and then attacking Dawnclan. The Dawnclan cats win the battle but not without loosing five of their clanmates, as Quietpounce, Stonejaw, Frogpaw, Lionpelt and Raysting die from their wounds.
  • As Frogpaw dies from his injuries, Froststar decides to grant him his warrior name for his bravery. As such, he is honored as Frogsong.
  • Unfortunately, Flowerpaw, Fleetpaw, and Frecklepaw are far too devastated by the death of Frogsong and Flowerpaw's and Frecklepaw's mentors to attempt any sort of warrior assessment. However, as Fleetpaw's mentor, Goosecry volunteers to finish up all of their training so that they won't have to adjust to a new mentor.
  • Despite the tragedies the clan faced, life must still go on, and it is time for Oakkit, Firkit, and Dawnkit to become apprentices. While Oakpaw and Firpaw are assigned to Fogfrost and Thrushsong. Dawnpaw quietly advocates to become a healer apprentice instead. Despite Rabbitspot's and Sootstipe's hesitance, she insists that it is her "destiny".
  • Snowfall announces that she is expecting! While she is devestated that her kits will not know their father, Codsplash and Thrushsong assure her that they will do everything they can to support her.

Year 9 - Moon 107 – Leaf-bare(2/3)
  • A sudden winter sickness strikes the clan! However, the clan cats are able to pull through without any deaths. Most notably, Rabbitspot takes the opportunity to use it as a learning experience for Dawnclan, and while she performs quite well, he can't help but notice that she seems almost distracted by something else. Due to the sick cats taking up most of his attention however, he decides to wait until a later date to see what is wrong.
  • When Flowerpaw and Fleetpaw step up and ensure that the clan has enough to eat as their clanmates fall sick, Froststar decides that they have provided themselves worthy of becoming warriors and grants them the names Flowerspirit and Fleetstep. Meanwhile, Frecklepaw is too sick to try to become a warrior and has to wait another moon.

Lore Bits/Notes:
RNG giveth and RNG taketh away. I feel pretty bad for Coldstream. He managed to make his way back to the clan after being away for years only for his littermate to immediately die. Also, it feels very in character for rng to grant me a rescue mission, only for it to not be one of my og cats.
Also, since I completely forgot about it (and you technically hit it a few days ago), happy 100 moons @/pandakitty1!
Year 9 - Moon 105 – Leaf-fall (3/3)
  • Yet again, rumors of a cat seeking dawnclan sweep through the neighborhood. Though weary of these rumors, the clan cats decide to investigate. A local loner leads them to vaguely familiar looking silver and white tom who introduces himself as Coldstream. Stonejaw, who had come on the patrol, quickly realizes that this cat is his brother, and is overjoyed to see him again after he vanished when the two were only young warriors. When they return to camp, Icefang is nearly overwhelmed with emotion to see him again, as she had long assumed that he would never return.
  • Leapingfish has 3 kits! She and Stonejaw name them Limekit, Perchkit, and Slatekit.
  • While Lightfeather and Blizzardwing are hunting together, they get to talking and soon realize their mutual feelings for each other. They end up deciding to become mates!

Year 9 - Moon 106 – Leaf-bare (1/3)
  • While the clan is more than ready for leaf-bare, some of the other local cat colonies are not, leading to them searching everywhere they can for food. This ultimately leads to them confronting and then attacking Dawnclan. The Dawnclan cats win the battle but not without loosing five of their clanmates, as Quietpounce, Stonejaw, Frogpaw, Lionpelt and Raysting die from their wounds.
  • As Frogpaw dies from his injuries, Froststar decides to grant him his warrior name for his bravery. As such, he is honored as Frogsong.
  • Unfortunately, Flowerpaw, Fleetpaw, and Frecklepaw are far too devastated by the death of Frogsong and Flowerpaw's and Frecklepaw's mentors to attempt any sort of warrior assessment. However, as Fleetpaw's mentor, Goosecry volunteers to finish up all of their training so that they won't have to adjust to a new mentor.
  • Despite the tragedies the clan faced, life must still go on, and it is time for Oakkit, Firkit, and Dawnkit to become apprentices. While Oakpaw and Firpaw are assigned to Fogfrost and Thrushsong. Dawnpaw quietly advocates to become a healer apprentice instead. Despite Rabbitspot's and Sootstipe's hesitance, she insists that it is her "destiny".
  • Snowfall announces that she is expecting! While she is devestated that her kits will not know their father, Codsplash and Thrushsong assure her that they will do everything they can to support her.

Year 9 - Moon 107 – Leaf-bare(2/3)
  • A sudden winter sickness strikes the clan! However, the clan cats are able to pull through without any deaths. Most notably, Rabbitspot takes the opportunity to use it as a learning experience for Dawnclan, and while she performs quite well, he can't help but notice that she seems almost distracted by something else. Due to the sick cats taking up most of his attention however, he decides to wait until a later date to see what is wrong.
  • When Flowerpaw and Fleetpaw step up and ensure that the clan has enough to eat as their clanmates fall sick, Froststar decides that they have provided themselves worthy of becoming warriors and grants them the names Flowerspirit and Fleetstep. Meanwhile, Frecklepaw is too sick to try to become a warrior and has to wait another moon.

Lore Bits/Notes:
RNG giveth and RNG taketh away. I feel pretty bad for Coldstream. He managed to make his way back to the clan after being away for years only for his littermate to immediately die. Also, it feels very in character for rng to grant me a rescue mission, only for it to not be one of my og cats.
Also, since I completely forgot about it (and you technically hit it a few days ago), happy 100 moons @/pandakitty1!
Goop (SpiritMaask Adopt (link))
[center][emoji=flowering tree size=1][size=7][font=Cursive]Forestclan[/size][/font][emoji=flowering tree size=1] [size=5]Year 6 - Moon 80 - leaf-fall (2/3)[/size] [b]Roll: 54[/b] [b]Roll: 32[/b][/center] Gingerkit, Chestnutkit, and Zinniakit are going to be apprentices a moon early! [b]Gingerpaw[/b], [b]Chestnutpaw[/b], and [b]Zinniapaw[/b] will be handed over to Nightwing, Skybird, and Ashfeather. Lotuspaw is glad she isn't the only one in the apprentice's den anymore, since recently Crowpaw became [b]Crowflower[/b]. When Saffronleaf scented a familiar scent, she quickly followed it and ran into [b]Appleleaf[/b]! Surprised but delighted, she greeted him warmly and summarized what happened at Forestclan, with Fogstar's leadership. Saffronleaf hesitantly added about what happened to Honeytuft and his kits, and Appleleaf instantly became silent. Then, a golden tabby molly approached Appleleaf and asked what was going on, and Saffronleaf explained what happened. The molly introduced herself as Sundial, and that she was helping Appleleaf get used to the wild. Appleleaf seemed to snap into the real world, and insisted that Sundial should come with him too. Saffronleaf took them to the camp, and although a few cats were wary of Sundial, most were friendly, and Fogstar gave Sundial a new name: [b]Sunblossom[/b]. Although she tried to deny it, [b]Frostfern[/b] had to eventually admit it: she was crushing on [b]Fluffystream[/b]. The thought made her go hard on Fluffystream, while he's confused of why Frostfern had suddenly became a very uncomfortable clanmate. [b]Cloudfern[/b] declared that she was expecting kits. Although she was anxious that she was too old for kits, Lakefeather soothed that it would be all right.
Year 6 - Moon 80 - leaf-fall (2/3)
Roll: 54
Roll: 32

Gingerkit, Chestnutkit, and Zinniakit are going to be apprentices a moon early! Gingerpaw, Chestnutpaw, and Zinniapaw will be handed over to Nightwing, Skybird, and Ashfeather. Lotuspaw is glad she isn't the only one in the apprentice's den anymore, since recently Crowpaw became Crowflower.

When Saffronleaf scented a familiar scent, she quickly followed it and ran into Appleleaf! Surprised but delighted, she greeted him warmly and summarized what happened at Forestclan, with Fogstar's leadership. Saffronleaf hesitantly added about what happened to Honeytuft and his kits, and Appleleaf instantly became silent. Then, a golden tabby molly approached Appleleaf and asked what was going on, and Saffronleaf explained what happened. The molly introduced herself as Sundial, and that she was helping Appleleaf get used to the wild. Appleleaf seemed to snap into the real world, and insisted that Sundial should come with him too. Saffronleaf took them to the camp, and although a few cats were wary of Sundial, most were friendly, and Fogstar gave Sundial a new name: Sunblossom.

Although she tried to deny it, Frostfern had to eventually admit it: she was crushing on Fluffystream. The thought made her go hard on Fluffystream, while he's confused of why Frostfern had suddenly became a very uncomfortable clanmate.

Cloudfern declared that she was expecting kits. Although she was anxious that she was too old for kits, Lakefeather soothed that it would be all right.
4oO1RBo.png ytkEBod.png

Year 5 - Moon 1 - Leafbare (2/3)
Event Rolls: 50

The apprentices training is going great! Randomly generate a number depending on how many apprentices their are to determine which of them get to become a warrior early!

Mate Rolls: 1

Chillpaw has proven to be a valuable addition to the clan and becomes Chillwater after just one moon of apprenticeship.

Hailpaw is now an apprentice!

Shaderiver will have kits in 1 moon.

Aurora is expecting another litter with Dawnsun, and she moves to the nursery to prepare. She will have kits in 3 moons.

Wolfhowl has a crush on Ravenfrost, and both Herringfin and Brightstream seem to have a crush on one another . . .

Notes: The following updates will be for some of the days I missed.


Year 5 - Moon 2 - Leafbare (3/3)
Event Rolls: 21

Twoleg! Generate a number! If odd, a cat is taken and declared missing. If even, everyone's OK. (Missing cats can be recovered using the Rescue Mission roll in the extended rule set. If not using the extended ruleset, these cats can be treated as if they are dead.)

Mate Rolls: 2

Firwhisper was caught in a two-leg trap, and no one could get it open.

Firekit, Deerkit, and Pinekit are now Firepaw, Deerpaw, and Pinepaw.

Shaderiver has her and Saltstar's kits! Welcome, Oceankit, Sandkit, Crabkit, and Clamkit.

Aurora will have kits in 2 moons.



Year 5 - Moon 3 - Newleaf (1/3)
Event Rolls: 8

New arrival(s)! Cat(s) outside the clans are interested in joining your clan. Generate a number between 1-3 to determine how many new cats join the clan.

Crush Rolls: 2, 1

A loner joins the clan and takes on a warrior name. Welcome, Stagleap!

Wolfhowl was rejected by Ravenfrost, but Herringfin and Brightstream are now mates!

Aurora will have kits in 1 moon.



Year 5 - Moon 1 - Leafbare (2/3)
Event Rolls: 50

The apprentices training is going great! Randomly generate a number depending on how many apprentices their are to determine which of them get to become a warrior early!

Mate Rolls: 1

Chillpaw has proven to be a valuable addition to the clan and becomes Chillwater after just one moon of apprenticeship.

Hailpaw is now an apprentice!

Shaderiver will have kits in 1 moon.

Aurora is expecting another litter with Dawnsun, and she moves to the nursery to prepare. She will have kits in 3 moons.

Wolfhowl has a crush on Ravenfrost, and both Herringfin and Brightstream seem to have a crush on one another . . .

Notes: The following updates will be for some of the days I missed.


Year 5 - Moon 2 - Leafbare (3/3)
Event Rolls: 21

Twoleg! Generate a number! If odd, a cat is taken and declared missing. If even, everyone's OK. (Missing cats can be recovered using the Rescue Mission roll in the extended rule set. If not using the extended ruleset, these cats can be treated as if they are dead.)

Mate Rolls: 2

Firwhisper was caught in a two-leg trap, and no one could get it open.

Firekit, Deerkit, and Pinekit are now Firepaw, Deerpaw, and Pinepaw.

Shaderiver has her and Saltstar's kits! Welcome, Oceankit, Sandkit, Crabkit, and Clamkit.

Aurora will have kits in 2 moons.



Year 5 - Moon 3 - Newleaf (1/3)
Event Rolls: 8

New arrival(s)! Cat(s) outside the clans are interested in joining your clan. Generate a number between 1-3 to determine how many new cats join the clan.

Crush Rolls: 2, 1

A loner joins the clan and takes on a warrior name. Welcome, Stagleap!

Wolfhowl was rejected by Ravenfrost, but Herringfin and Brightstream are now mates!

Aurora will have kits in 1 moon.


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