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TOPIC | Ask a Dragon!
[quote name="@Oopsie4711" date="2024-12-30 19:24:13" ] Karwela- What's it like working on the Protocetus? Do you have any close friends aboard the ship? [/quote] [columns][img][/img][nextcol] "Welcome, traveller! Oh, I'm quite flattered to be asked such a question! You would probably think that the officers on the bridge have a more interesting job - I usually work deep down in the engine rooms; but it doesn't have to be boring! Overseeing everyone there and the machinery has a charm to it, you know? As for my close friends... While I'm familiar with various personalities aboard our vessel, officers or not, but [url=]Edsall[/url] is someone I'd consider a close friend - she's a bit odd, true, but that's what I like about her. Unlike some others, she's quite laid back and not judgemental. We usually see eachother when either or both of us are off the job, as she tends to spend most of her shift near the bridge."[/columns] -------------------- [b]Skip me! this post is an answer.[/b]
@Oopsie4711 wrote on 2024-12-30 19:24:13:
Karwela- What's it like working on the Protocetus? Do you have any close friends aboard the ship?
99189982p.png "Welcome, traveller! Oh, I'm quite flattered to be asked such a question!
You would probably think that the officers on the bridge have a more interesting job - I usually work deep down in the engine rooms; but it doesn't have to be boring! Overseeing everyone there and the machinery has a charm to it, you know?
As for my close friends... While I'm familiar with various personalities aboard our vessel, officers or not, but Edsall is someone I'd consider a close friend - she's a bit odd, true, but that's what I like about her. Unlike some others, she's quite laid back and not judgemental. We usually see eachother when either or both of us are off the job, as she tends to spend most of her shift near the bridge."

Skip me! this post is an answer.
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@Oopsie4711 [url=][img][/img][/url] Floe, did you have any previous training or studying in genetics before you travelled to the Scared Wasteland? np: feel free to pick from the [url=]terrace[/url] and [url=]valley[/url] tabs in my lair, preferably someone who doesnt have a previous ask a dragon answer in their bio :)

Floe, did you have any previous training or studying in genetics before you travelled to the Scared Wasteland?

np: feel free to pick from the terrace and valley tabs in my lair, preferably someone who doesnt have a previous ask a dragon answer in their bio :)
FY88vH7.png A2n6lGl.png DlO6vXs.gif
[center]@wyrmflwer [url=][img][/img][/url][/center] Hi peridot! I was wondering how you like your job as your clan's scout! :D ----- [center]@BlankRSlate1217[/center] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol]Enkhart is silent for a moment before speaking, "[b][color=AF0F0F]At the very least I would say I have seen it worse off. It would be ideal if the other races could move on from the demonic war. It has been almost a thousand years since then but there is still much animosity towards my kin. Don't get me wrong, there are certainly those who hold ill intentions, but if the entirety of my kin truly still wanted to annihilate the other races, they would likely not stand a chance now that their bloodlines are stable.[/color][/b]"
Hi peridot! I was wondering how you like your job as your clan's scout! :D
97899192p.png Enkhart is silent for a moment before speaking, "At the very least I would say I have seen it worse off. It would be ideal if the other races could move on from the demonic war. It has been almost a thousand years since then but there is still much animosity towards my kin. Don't get me wrong, there are certainly those who hold ill intentions, but if the entirety of my kin truly still wanted to annihilate the other races, they would likely not stand a chance now that their bloodlines are stable."
E9pPnr2.gif DhdV8EI.gifnoIw4oY.gif
vLfneS3.pngc1irGnG.pngG27a5r8.png 8Ly8lPM.gif
@UnholyFidelity [url=][img][/img][/url] Enkhart, what is your opinion in the current state of the world? Are you approving of it or do you think there can be improvements? -------- Next Person: Please do not ask for the reason or meaning of my dragon's name.
Enkhart, what is your opinion in the current state of the world? Are you approving of it or do you think there can be improvements?
Next Person:
Please do not ask for the reason or meaning of my dragon's name.
@UnholyFidelity [quote name="UnholyFidelity" date="2025-01-03 23:40:16" ] [center]@wyrmflwer [url=][img][/img][/url][/center] Hi peridot! I was wondering how you like your job as your clan's scout! :D [/quote] Peridot smiles as he answers, "I love getting to fly, and there's so many cool things to see out here, so much to explore! And you find some good stuff, a lot of solid supplies, and it's even how I met Odyssey. And... it's important. Times are dangerous, and being prepared is worth more than you could ever imagine. Being serious for a sec, I'd do anything to protect my clan and the folks that live inside it." [b]skip me![/b]
UnholyFidelity wrote on 2025-01-03 23:40:16:
Hi peridot! I was wondering how you like your job as your clan's scout! :D

Peridot smiles as he answers, "I love getting to fly, and there's so many cool things to see out here, so much to explore! And you find some good stuff, a lot of solid supplies, and it's even how I met Odyssey. And... it's important. Times are dangerous, and being prepared is worth more than you could ever imagine. Being serious for a sec, I'd do anything to protect my clan and the folks that live inside it."

skip me!
FY88vH7.png A2n6lGl.png DlO6vXs.gif
@BlankRSlate1217 [url=][img][/img][/url] Greetings, Elek! Outside of training and educating new followers, are there any other tasks or rituals that priests of your sect must perform? If it isn’t considered prying, I also have a second, slightly more personal question. Do you get along with the other priests, or possess particularly notable feelings(whether positive or negative) towards them individually? Are there any among you that you believe don’t deserve their position, perhaps? — - — For the next person! Please try to avoid my hibernal den, and/or the ‘Shockfield Nursery’ tab. I also apologise for the poor organisation; I haven’t quite gotten the treasure to buy as many tabs/much room as I’d like!


Greetings, Elek! Outside of training and educating new followers, are there any other tasks or rituals that priests of your sect must perform? If it isn’t considered prying, I also have a second, slightly more personal question. Do you get along with the other priests, or possess particularly notable feelings(whether positive or negative) towards them individually? Are there any among you that you believe don’t deserve their position, perhaps?

— - —

For the next person! Please try to avoid my hibernal den, and/or the ‘Shockfield Nursery’ tab. I also apologise for the poor organisation; I haven’t quite gotten the treasure to buy as many tabs/much room as I’d like!
Timezone ;; FRT +8
@SwiftHasOreos [url=][img][/img][/url] Hellfire, your reputation precedes you! On that note, are you aware of the rumors surrounding you? What are your thoughts on them? [size=2]Next person: I'd prefer a question for a dragon who hasn't been asked any questions yet - otherwise, any non-guest in my lair is open for questions, even those with incomplete lore. Answered questions are at the bottom of a dragon's bio.[/size]


Hellfire, your reputation precedes you! On that note, are you aware of the rumors surrounding you? What are your thoughts on them?

Next person: I'd prefer a question for a dragon who hasn't been asked any questions yet - otherwise, any non-guest in my lair is open for questions, even those with incomplete lore. Answered questions are at the bottom of a dragon's bio.
[center]@Spectator [url=][img][/img][/url] Palescale, have your wings depicted any new prophetic images recently? Have you found out what they meant yet, or are you still figuring it out? What do you do when you get a new prophecy? ----- [quote name="loneseacucumber" date="2025-01-05 19:56:21" ] [center]@/Oopsie4711 [url=][img][/img][/url] Elian, you've used your pocketwatch to document events, but have you ever tried to use it to [i]alter[/i] them? [size=2](Like moving frozen objects, or "teleporting" into a scene to change it's path.)[/size] [/quote] @loneseacucumber "Oh, well..." [i]He looks a tad nervous at this question.[/i] "I've considered it but I am no seer. I can't forsee how events happen and I can't turn back time, I can just pause it. I honestly already worry about what effects I may be having on the timeline, I'm not sure I want to mess with it further. I mean, what if I change something and it cause an apocalypse? No, no, I will remain as an observer for the foreseeable future." [i]He takes a moment to think on this question for a moment longer.[/i] "Oh Lightweaver... Now that I think about it, there's been a few times I've accidentally changed a scene during the frozen time. I can be quite clumsy sometimes. Oh great eleven I'd never even considered what those accidents may have caused! I uh- I have to go review my notes." [i]The Imperial scurries away in a great panic. You get the impression he will be a bit more careful where he steps in the future...[/i] [size=2](don't worry, he'll be fine)[/size] [/center]


Palescale, have your wings depicted any new prophetic images recently? Have you found out what they meant yet, or are you still figuring it out? What do you do when you get a new prophecy?



Elian, you've used your pocketwatch to document events, but have you ever tried to use it to alter them? (Like moving frozen objects, or "teleporting" into a scene to change it's path.)

"Oh, well..." He looks a tad nervous at this question. "I've considered it but I am no seer. I can't forsee how events happen and I can't turn back time, I can just pause it. I honestly already worry about what effects I may be having on the timeline, I'm not sure I want to mess with it further. I mean, what if I change something and it cause an apocalypse? No, no, I will remain as an observer for the foreseeable future."

He takes a moment to think on this question for a moment longer.

"Oh Lightweaver... Now that I think about it, there's been a few times I've accidentally changed a scene during the frozen time. I can be quite clumsy sometimes. Oh great eleven I'd never even considered what those accidents may have caused! I uh- I have to go review my notes."

The Imperial scurries away in a great panic. You get the impression he will be a bit more careful where he steps in the future...
(don't worry, he'll be fine)
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[center]@Oopsie4711 [url=][img][/img][/url] Elian, you've used your pocketwatch to document events, but have you ever tried to use it to [i]alter[/i] them? [size=2](Like moving frozen objects, or "teleporting" into a scene to change it's path.)[/size] ----- next: everyone can be asked except for the projects and sales tabs. ----- [center][quote=@Rayymond]hello queen! is there any reason you chose to hunt sea monsters? were you hired by someone to do so, or did you come up with the initiative? What's the most dangerous/biggest monster you've killed so far?[/quote] [columns] [url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][center] | | [emoji=nautilus size=1] | | [nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol] [font=times]"Huntin's natural instinct, no?" She barks out a laugh, following up with, "No, I just went lookin' for a thrill - and a good purpose - many times over... And turns out, leadin' a pirate crew was just the right one!" "Hired..." She drags the word out in thought, finally settling on: "Well... half and half. Ridgebacks are a rarity in any waters - and we can do real well on a ship - but barely anybody has the eyes to see it. So I took matters into my own hands, simple as that." Her face lights up with a smile, then descends into thought. "Hmm..." Her eyes open in recognition. "Y'know what Cthulu is? It was somethin' like [i]that.[/i] It was..." She begins gesturing, in sweeping motions - "It was almost like a dragon, almost like a sea serpent - toothed like a [i]shark[/i] though. And it had these giant, goopy masses like the Shade, eatin' up the entire ship - we had to [u]run![/u] Turn tail 'n run..." "[i]...But I came back,[/i] and we took it [u]down.[/u] I know that [url=][color=teal]thing[/color][/url] won't be terrorizing Sornieth anymore. Not on my watch." [/columns] [size=2](so sorry for the super late reply!! i had totally forgotten about this thread </3 so sorry queen... this helped a lot with her characterization though!)[/size]


Elian, you've used your pocketwatch to document events, but have you ever tried to use it to alter them? (Like moving frozen objects, or "teleporting" into a scene to change it's path.)

next: everyone can be asked except for the projects and sales tabs.

@Rayymond wrote:
hello queen! is there any reason you chose to hunt sea monsters? were you hired by someone to do so, or did you come up with the initiative? What's the most dangerous/biggest monster you've killed so far?


"Huntin's natural instinct, no?" She barks out a laugh, following up with, "No, I just went lookin' for a thrill - and a good purpose - many times over... And turns out, leadin' a pirate crew was just the right one!"

"Hired..." She drags the word out in thought, finally settling on: "Well... half and half. Ridgebacks are a rarity in any waters - and we can do real well on a ship - but barely anybody has the eyes to see it. So I took matters into my own hands, simple as that."

Her face lights up with a smile, then descends into thought. "Hmm..."

Her eyes open in recognition. "Y'know what Cthulu is? It was somethin' like that. It was..." She begins gesturing, in sweeping motions - "It was almost like a dragon, almost like a sea serpent - toothed like a shark though. And it had these giant, goopy masses like the Shade, eatin' up the entire ship - we had to run! Turn tail 'n run..."

"...But I came back, and we took it down. I know that thing won't be terrorizing Sornieth anymore. Not on my watch."

(so sorry for the super late reply!! i had totally forgotten about this thread </3 so sorry queen... this helped a lot with her characterization though!)
ash, any pronouns
username-based names also good!

FR time +3 | ping me!

proud lightning intern o7
we dont complain, we die at work




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[quote name="Oopsie4711" date="2025-01-05 19:11:21" ] [center][url=][img][/img][/url] Palescale, have your wings depicted any new prophetic images recently? Have you found out what they meant yet, or are you still figuring it out? What do you do when you get a new prophecy?[/center] [/quote] @Oopsie4711 "The most recent image is still being deciphered, I'm afraid. One of my wings depicted a bronze Imperial with sanguine wings and a royal purple Skydancer with caramel wings and sunset opaline spots, set against a background showing a meteor shower. The two appeared locked in combat over a golden fallen star." Palescale gestures as though sketching the image in the air. "My other wing depicted a... Chimera? I believe one of my clanmates described it as a fusion of an Undying Featherback, a black cat, and an Emperor. It was displayed along with what may have been the same Skydancer as was depicted on my other wing, were their opaline spots not clearly gold. Both were posed near-identically to the dragons on my other wing." Palescale's claws fall still. "Seeing as how none in the clan recognized any of the dragons, let alone the chimera, and meteor showers are too frequent around the Starfall Isles to narrow down the date of this occurrence, there is little to be done but wait for the future to drift closer over the horizon. Often, that is all that can be be done regarding prophetic imagery. Once you have exhausted all leads in the present, it stands to reason that you will find your answers in the future." ((Don't worry if that doesn't make sense, it regards two dragons who are currently breeding project targets.))
Oopsie4711 wrote on 2025-01-05 19:11:21:

Palescale, have your wings depicted any new prophetic images recently? Have you found out what they meant yet, or are you still figuring it out? What do you do when you get a new prophecy?


"The most recent image is still being deciphered, I'm afraid. One of my wings depicted a bronze Imperial with sanguine wings and a royal purple Skydancer with caramel wings and sunset opaline spots, set against a background showing a meteor shower. The two appeared locked in combat over a golden fallen star." Palescale gestures as though sketching the image in the air. "My other wing depicted a... Chimera? I believe one of my clanmates described it as a fusion of an Undying Featherback, a black cat, and an Emperor. It was displayed along with what may have been the same Skydancer as was depicted on my other wing, were their opaline spots not clearly gold. Both were posed near-identically to the dragons on my other wing."

Palescale's claws fall still. "Seeing as how none in the clan recognized any of the dragons, let alone the chimera, and meteor showers are too frequent around the Starfall Isles to narrow down the date of this occurrence, there is little to be done but wait for the future to drift closer over the horizon. Often, that is all that can be be done regarding prophetic imagery. Once you have exhausted all leads in the present, it stands to reason that you will find your answers in the future."

((Don't worry if that doesn't make sense, it regards two dragons who are currently breeding project targets.))