[quote name="SwiftHasOreos" date="2025-01-05 15:31:59" ]
Greetings, Elek! Outside of training and educating new followers, are there any other tasks or rituals that priests of your sect must perform? If it isn’t considered prying, I also have a second, slightly more personal question. Do you get along with the other priests, or possess particularly notable feelings(whether positive or negative) towards them individually? Are there any among you that you believe don’t deserve their position, perhaps?
— - —
For the next person! Please try to avoid my hibernal den, and/or the ‘Shockfield Nursery’ tab. I also apologise for the poor organisation; I haven’t quite gotten the treasure to buy as many tabs/much room as I’d like!
[i]There is a clink of flasks and tubes being arranged within Elek's lair, along with a few thuds and a small explosion before the Imperial comes out, a trail of smoke wafting out before he closes the door, "My apologies, I was busy with a...certain experiment! As for your question..." He hums thoughtfully as he strokes his beard.
"Typically, the ones in charge of creating and organizing the rituals within our little Cult, are the Primals. Us Priests are merely their main helpers. As for what these rituals entail, it depends on the Primals and the element they represent. For example, my Primal, [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/dragon/54663510]Record[/url], has created a ritual called "The Preservation of Self", it is where one carves small statues of ice according to their perception of themselves, though they must do it in isolation and cannot be interrupted by others until they are satisfied. Once that is done, Record will come and forever preserve these sculptures of ice to never melt. It is a long and tedious process, as the isolation can sometimes be maddening and cause others to quit early on, but it allows one to truly look into themselves. I help by silently monitoring those who have decided to undertake this ritual, to make sure that their health is stable while making sure to not alert them of my presence."
"Of course, I already participated and completed this ritual. It was...an enlightening period of my life."
There was a sound of another explosion, one that was a little more violent than the last but it did not deter Elek in the slightest.
"Now as for my relationship with the other priests, well I can't say I'm particularly close with any of them. We all have our own way of doing things, as such I cannot truly judge whether or not they are worthy of their position. I will say that [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/dragon/53757096]Juliet[/url] is a very pleasing fellow to talk to! He makes the most pleasant of teas and listens well to when I have a few ideas in regards to my experiments of the Shade. Though he has warned me to not try anything with [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/dragon/77581138]Ione[/url], not without her consent at least. Though I doubt she'll allow me to even get close to her." He grumbles in a dissatisfied manner, the sounds of rumbling within his lair growing louder, as if something was waking up.
"Then there is [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/dragon/51287650]Nade[/url], if it weren't for her eyes, one could easily mistake her as an ice dragon. Such a frigid fellow, but no doubt a very interesting subject to study. I would love to at least get a sample of one of her flowers, even a petal, but alas I don't think she likes me." Elek lets out a chuckle, something is coming to the door of his lair. "Then again, I don't think she likes anyone besides her own Primal."
"As for [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/dragon/50601190]Gojo[/url]-"
Elek is not able to complete his sentence, for Shade Experiment #16 has just broken down the door of his lair. Its gaping maw hungry for blood, though the Imperial isn't even the least disturbed of the escape of the monstrosity. In fact, he lets out an unhinged sort of laughter, ice already freezing the feet of the experiment, "Good! [b]GOOD![/b] Perhaps you'll survive a little longer than the last one!"
Perhaps you should leave before things get worse-[/i]
Skip Me! Next person is loneseacucumber![/center]
SwiftHasOreos wrote on 2025-01-05 15:31:59:
Greetings, Elek! Outside of training and educating new followers, are there any other tasks or rituals that priests of your sect must perform? If it isn’t considered prying, I also have a second, slightly more personal question. Do you get along with the other priests, or possess particularly notable feelings(whether positive or negative) towards them individually? Are there any among you that you believe don’t deserve their position, perhaps?
— - —
For the next person! Please try to avoid my hibernal den, and/or the ‘Shockfield Nursery’ tab. I also apologise for the poor organisation; I haven’t quite gotten the treasure to buy as many tabs/much room as I’d like!
There is a clink of flasks and tubes being arranged within Elek's lair, along with a few thuds and a small explosion before the Imperial comes out, a trail of smoke wafting out before he closes the door, "My apologies, I was busy with a...certain experiment! As for your question..." He hums thoughtfully as he strokes his beard.
"Typically, the ones in charge of creating and organizing the rituals within our little Cult, are the Primals. Us Priests are merely their main helpers. As for what these rituals entail, it depends on the Primals and the element they represent. For example, my Primal, Record, has created a ritual called "The Preservation of Self", it is where one carves small statues of ice according to their perception of themselves, though they must do it in isolation and cannot be interrupted by others until they are satisfied. Once that is done, Record will come and forever preserve these sculptures of ice to never melt. It is a long and tedious process, as the isolation can sometimes be maddening and cause others to quit early on, but it allows one to truly look into themselves. I help by silently monitoring those who have decided to undertake this ritual, to make sure that their health is stable while making sure to not alert them of my presence."
"Of course, I already participated and completed this ritual. It was...an enlightening period of my life."
There was a sound of another explosion, one that was a little more violent than the last but it did not deter Elek in the slightest.
"Now as for my relationship with the other priests, well I can't say I'm particularly close with any of them. We all have our own way of doing things, as such I cannot truly judge whether or not they are worthy of their position. I will say that Juliet is a very pleasing fellow to talk to! He makes the most pleasant of teas and listens well to when I have a few ideas in regards to my experiments of the Shade. Though he has warned me to not try anything with Ione, not without her consent at least. Though I doubt she'll allow me to even get close to her." He grumbles in a dissatisfied manner, the sounds of rumbling within his lair growing louder, as if something was waking up.
"Then there is Nade, if it weren't for her eyes, one could easily mistake her as an ice dragon. Such a frigid fellow, but no doubt a very interesting subject to study. I would love to at least get a sample of one of her flowers, even a petal, but alas I don't think she likes me." Elek lets out a chuckle, something is coming to the door of his lair. "Then again, I don't think she likes anyone besides her own Primal."
"As for Gojo-"
Elek is not able to complete his sentence, for Shade Experiment #16 has just broken down the door of his lair. Its gaping maw hungry for blood, though the Imperial isn't even the least disturbed of the escape of the monstrosity. In fact, he lets out an unhinged sort of laughter, ice already freezing the feet of the experiment, "Good! GOOD! Perhaps you'll survive a little longer than the last one!"
Perhaps you should leave before things get worse-
Skip Me! Next person is loneseacucumber!
hello queen! is there any reason you chose to hunt sea monsters? were you hired by someone to do so, or did you come up with the initiative? What's the most dangerous/biggest monster you've killed so far?
[quote name="@SoaringFlame" date="2025-01-11 14:05:51" ]
Nasturtium, what is it like being on a boat full of 'freaks'? Is it dreadful, or better than expected?
[columns][img]https://www1.flightrising.com/rendern/portraits/964807/96480615p.png[/img][nextcol][i]'Boat full of freaks... well, the crew of the Sardonica certainly is a bunch. Although I really shouldn't be complaining, considering some other... interesting individuals I've seen at the Whale Fall Cove. It could be much worse. In fact, it's way better than I anticipated. Most of the time I don't even take part in the fights, I just sit here and look pretty. However, I do have some tricks up my sleeve, which are the reason Geelong keeps me around.'[/i]

hello queen! is there any reason you chose to hunt sea monsters? were you hired by someone to do so, or did you come up with the initiative? What's the most dangerous/biggest monster you've killed so far?
Nasturtium, what is it like being on a boat full of 'freaks'? Is it dreadful, or better than expected?
'Boat full of freaks... well, the crew of the Sardonica certainly is a bunch. Although I really shouldn't be complaining, considering some other... interesting individuals I've seen at the Whale Fall Cove. It could be much worse. In fact, it's way better than I anticipated. Most of the time I don't even take part in the fights, I just sit here and look pretty. However, I do have some tricks up my sleeve, which are the reason Geelong keeps me around.'
Nasturtium, what is it like being on a boat full of 'freaks'? Is it dreadful, or better than expected?
(For the next person: I'd prefer if you didn't choose any of my un-gened g1s, or dragons with nothing at all in their bios. If they at least have their name in their bio, go ahead! Some of them have more lore than others.
Michael and Entrapta are not eligible due to being fandragons, and if you choose one from the Favorite Children tab, make sure to pay attention to their pronouns... my poor mothie babies keep getting misgendered :( )

Nasturtium, what is it like being on a boat full of 'freaks'? Is it dreadful, or better than expected?
(For the next person: I'd prefer if you didn't choose any of my un-gened g1s, or dragons with nothing at all in their bios. If they at least have their name in their bio, go ahead! Some of them have more lore than others.
Michael and Entrapta are not eligible due to being fandragons, and if you choose one from the Favorite Children tab, make sure to pay attention to their pronouns... my poor mothie babies keep getting misgendered :( )
Uhm. Are you currently on your grim duties or is our meeting just a coincidence, my friend....? I mean- sure, sure, a moth has to work.... saturdays are mostly free tho? Hoping you have time to relax.....! And.... don't need to work much!

Uhm. Are you currently on your grim duties or is our meeting just a coincidence, my friend....? I mean- sure, sure, a moth has to work.... saturdays are mostly free tho? Hoping you have time to relax.....! And.... don't need to work much!
"I don't get Saturdays off. Or any night, for that matter... Mirage has even tried to make me work during the day. Unfortunately for them, I'm a tiger moth, and we take our sleep [i]very[/i] seriously."
[i]They pause to take a long sip from their coffee thermos. The bloodshot eyeball on top of their scythe stares at you, and you desperately try to ignore it and not make eye contact. Looking into its eye makes your head hurt, as well as giving you a feeling of immense dread.[/i]
"Anyways. I'm here for some ants, not you. They got eaten by a mantis, it would seem. A risky meal, but certainly filling, if only due to the numbers they come in. I don't think they're very tasty, though, not with all that stinky acid they have in them."

"I don't get Saturdays off. Or any night, for that matter... Mirage has even tried to make me work during the day. Unfortunately for them, I'm a tiger moth, and we take our sleep
very seriously."
They pause to take a long sip from their coffee thermos. The bloodshot eyeball on top of their scythe stares at you, and you desperately try to ignore it and not make eye contact. Looking into its eye makes your head hurt, as well as giving you a feeling of immense dread.
"Anyways. I'm here for some ants, not you. They got eaten by a mantis, it would seem. A risky meal, but certainly filling, if only due to the numbers they come in. I don't think they're very tasty, though, not with all that stinky acid they have in them."
What is it like serving the Royal family?
For the next person
I only have lore for the first three tabs in my lair (Circle, Elemental reflections, and Children of Beasts)
What is it like serving the Royal family?
For the next person
I only have lore for the first three tabs in my lair (Circle, Elemental reflections, and Children of Beasts)
Currently looking for: Sable/Blush G1s
Girlfriend of
[Item=Ashmane Cat][item=Blue Dragon Seaslug][item=Canyon Ruffage][item=Chilled Edamame]
"Pfft! Them royals? Pesky beings, i'll be dammed." He said, shaking his head. "They're the richest of us all but won't give a single penny, envy's not that great." The dragon scuffs, looking at the sky. "Would've picked anothe' job, really."
ScarletCrow, what is your position in the Royal Family?
[s]Next player:
Please only refer to my OCs in main lair and reference their lore; I'm an OC and AU lair. I'd prefer to use ones from Cyberspace and the Boss Emporium, but feel free to ask about anyone else as it may inspire more lore.
World dragons are not to be used, thanks.[/s]
(just imagine human or anthro Scizz here, lol)
Scizz strokes his beard thoughtfully, though seemingly wanting to avoid the subject of his past.
"Well, I suppose it would be when I betrayed the military." he sighed, "While yes, I committed multiple crimes, I would have to admit that my worst case was not when I was a crime lord - but rather, a servant for the King. I was his tactician, and a darn good one at that...But I made a strategy that would ultimately cost my position -- as well as an eye and limb."
He raises his mechanical hand, and it glimmers in the dim lighting, before letting out a light chuckle.
"Yet, I have to applaude the king for noticing my move...But also, for simply banishing me when he could've very well had my head. [i]Perhaps he was softer than he claimed to be...[/i]"
ScarletCrow, what is your position in the Royal Family?
Next player:
Please only refer to my OCs in main lair and reference their lore; I'm an OC and AU lair. I'd prefer to use ones from Cyberspace and the Boss Emporium, but feel free to ask about anyone else as it may inspire more lore.
World dragons are not to be used, thanks.
(just imagine human or anthro Scizz here, lol)
Scizz strokes his beard thoughtfully, though seemingly wanting to avoid the subject of his past.
"Well, I suppose it would be when I betrayed the military." he sighed, "While yes, I committed multiple crimes, I would have to admit that my worst case was not when I was a crime lord - but rather, a servant for the King. I was his tactician, and a darn good one at that...But I made a strategy that would ultimately cost my position -- as well as an eye and limb."
He raises his mechanical hand, and it glimmers in the dim lighting, before letting out a light chuckle.
"Yet, I have to applaude the king for noticing my move...But also, for simply banishing me when he could've very well had my head.
Perhaps he was softer than he claimed to be..."
What was the worst crime you committed, back when you were a crime lord? Do you regret it?
Popping back in as I got skipped on accident
Next person: please only pick dragons from The Circle, Elemental Reflections, and Children of beasts.
What was the worst crime you committed, back when you were a crime lord? Do you regret it?
Popping back in as I got skipped on accident
Next person: please only pick dragons from The Circle, Elemental Reflections, and Children of beasts.
Currently looking for: Sable/Blush G1s
Girlfriend of
How do you feel about your family? Would you say that you are close or do you perhaps hold certain resentments towards them?
Next Person:
Please do not ask for the reason or meaning of my dragon's name.

How do you feel about your family? Would you say that you are close or do you perhaps hold certain resentments towards them?
Next Person:
Please do not ask for the reason or meaning of my dragon's name.