
Dragon Share

Show off your favorite dragons.
TOPIC | 1k Like Goal [Show Me Your Liked]
[center]I have a lot of pipe dreams on this site... Like owning a low digit dragon or G1 Imp. Or every familiar. That kind of thing. Then I thought, for all those dreams why not a like dream? I have never posted a like for like thread before and I know some people would love to erase them from the planet. But gosh darn it, you know what? I want a (hopefully) achievable goal for once. I want to get a dragon with likes in the four digits! So I chose my beloved Shaitan because she opened me up to Ancients, and here is a like thread. Sorry? [url=][img][/img][/url] Don't like her if you don't... well... like her. Share back someone you want liked, or ask me to peruse your lairs. I have the time. (Though maybe not so much to reply, but slap around likes like candy, yes.)[/center]
I have a lot of pipe dreams on this site...
Like owning a low digit dragon or G1 Imp. Or every familiar. That kind of thing.
Then I thought, for all those dreams why not a like dream?
I have never posted a like for like thread before and I know some people would love to erase them from the planet.
But gosh darn it, you know what? I want a (hopefully) achievable goal for once.
I want to get a dragon with likes in the four digits!

So I chose my beloved Shaitan because she opened me up to Ancients, and here is a like thread. Sorry?


Don't like her if you don't... well... like her.
Share back someone you want liked, or ask me to peruse your lairs.
I have the time.
(Though maybe not so much to reply, but slap around likes like candy, yes.)
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she's gorgeous! like #145 ^^
she's gorgeous! like #145 ^^
i got a signature noww
I was #148! I always love this UMA because it reminds me that I need a spruce/peach g1 sometime. She's beautiful with it. I would like to get Lachrymose to 1000 likes eventually: [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] If you've liked him before, feel free to browse these pages: (page 1 and 2)
I was #148!
I always love this UMA because it reminds me that I need a spruce/peach g1 sometime. She's beautiful with it.

I would like to get Lachrymose to 1000 likes eventually:

If you've liked him before, feel free to browse these pages: (page 1 and 2)
@EaglesTalon Thank you! I booped your avatar dragon with a like back. Never would of thought of those greens with that blue. Love him!

@Scream I breed Shaitan specifically for that UMA, I loved it so much. XD It really helped me come around to Ancients. I originally had no interest in them. I'm glad you like her!

I have not liked Lachrymose! Nabbed his 343th like! He is GORGEOUS. I wish you luck in this goal too! And I will totally slap some more likes down in your lair. Your dragons are so pretty!
@EaglesTalon Thank you! I booped your avatar dragon with a like back. Never would of thought of those greens with that blue. Love him!

@Scream I breed Shaitan specifically for that UMA, I loved it so much. XD It really helped me come around to Ancients. I originally had no interest in them. I'm glad you like her!

I have not liked Lachrymose! Nabbed his 343th like! He is GORGEOUS. I wish you luck in this goal too! And I will totally slap some more likes down in your lair. Your dragons are so pretty!
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#150, Yo...That skin seems to have been made for her, and there's always something interesting going on with algae colors and browns! Reminds me of my Ruby! [url=][img][/img][/url]
#150, Yo...That skin seems to have been made for her, and there's always something interesting going on with algae colors and browns!

Reminds me of my Ruby!
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Active at FR 00~06
Subspecies-Opal Sculptures
Art Shop-WIP

[columns]Aaaaa good luck on your goal, such a long way to go, but I honestly believe you can make it! Your aberration looks super good, they deserve all those likes. I'm 156th! [url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol]My avatar baby is just one click away from 100. And that's my goal ^^
Aaaaa good luck on your goal, such a long way to go, but I honestly believe you can make it! Your aberration looks super good, they deserve all those likes. I'm 156th!

My avatar baby is just one click away from 100. And that's my goal ^^
Ooo she's gorgeous! I don't usually do like for like since it seems a bit insincere to me, but this thread doesn't feel insincere at all! As for me, I kind of want Esmira to have a lot of likes because of her lore/history. It's just a running joke to me, though. If you don't like her, then don't give her a gold star! Easy! ^_^ (But if you manage to, I'd love to hear your thoughts if you read her bio stuff. It's fun adding to the collection.) [url=][img][/img][/url] ----- @Kruciatto Sniped that 100th like. Sorry to the OP but I wanted to leave a like!
Ooo she's gorgeous! I don't usually do like for like since it seems a bit insincere to me, but this thread doesn't feel insincere at all!

As for me, I kind of want Esmira to have a lot of likes because of her lore/history. It's just a running joke to me, though. If you don't like her, then don't give her a gold star! Easy! ^_^ (But if you manage to, I'd love to hear your thoughts if you read her bio stuff. It's fun adding to the collection.)



Sniped that 100th like. Sorry to the OP but I wanted to leave a like!
Was Like 159 :D And tbh you can Like whoever younwant in my Fandragons Tabs but my largest collection of Likes goes to my Custom Progen :D [url=][img][/img][/url]
Was Like 159 :D

And tbh you can Like whoever younwant in my Fandragons Tabs but my largest collection of Likes goes to my Custom Progen :D
Fandragon List Fandragon Tab
Like #161! That skin is amazing on her. Green and orange isn't a combo I normally look for but after seeing her, that might change My most liked dragon is also an aberration :D [url=][img][/img][/url]
Like #161! That skin is amazing on her. Green and orange isn't a combo I normally look for but after seeing her, that might change

My most liked dragon is also an aberration :D
@FallWhite To be fair. She was made for the skin. XD It took WAY too long to breed for those colors too.

Ooh I love that saddle. I'm a bit of a sucker for the color combo too. Gave her a like!

@Kruciatto I am definitely a long way off. But I can dream! XD
I missed the 100th like, but I still gave her one! It's really cool to see the use of a skin too! Maybe it's time for a 150 like goal? Heheh.

@Cryoluxa I'm glad you genuinely like her!
That's the reason I was unsure about making this thread for so long and never have made one before. I would like my dragons to be genuinely liked. And I like giving genuine likes out. Luckily so far I actually really like the dragons shared here.
And I'm actually surprised how many likes she has gotten since this thread without a comment asking for the like back. I hope that means people stopped by and actually liked her out of just liking her. That's made me really happy to be honest.

And no worries about me actually liking Esmira or not. I never see Lionfish and that Kelly set apparel is just perfect with it. I also really like her lore and the reason for it. You had me after she robbed you of 50kt. Got a genuine laugh from me. Oh how I have been there. XD
For me it was Antique/Banana/Banana though. Oh how foolish I was.

@LadyBlep Thank you!
How does that red work so well!? My Stained addicted brain is screaming in confusion. XD I actually really like how that looks! 145th like. Also Stoat just had to get one!

@DenshiRenji I'm glad you actually like her! :D

Oh I love him! I was SO happy when Aberrations got Augment! But I have yet to actually get one with it. 97th like!
@FallWhite To be fair. She was made for the skin. XD It took WAY too long to breed for those colors too.

Ooh I love that saddle. I'm a bit of a sucker for the color combo too. Gave her a like!

@Kruciatto I am definitely a long way off. But I can dream! XD
I missed the 100th like, but I still gave her one! It's really cool to see the use of a skin too! Maybe it's time for a 150 like goal? Heheh.

@Cryoluxa I'm glad you genuinely like her!
That's the reason I was unsure about making this thread for so long and never have made one before. I would like my dragons to be genuinely liked. And I like giving genuine likes out. Luckily so far I actually really like the dragons shared here.
And I'm actually surprised how many likes she has gotten since this thread without a comment asking for the like back. I hope that means people stopped by and actually liked her out of just liking her. That's made me really happy to be honest.

And no worries about me actually liking Esmira or not. I never see Lionfish and that Kelly set apparel is just perfect with it. I also really like her lore and the reason for it. You had me after she robbed you of 50kt. Got a genuine laugh from me. Oh how I have been there. XD
For me it was Antique/Banana/Banana though. Oh how foolish I was.

@LadyBlep Thank you!
How does that red work so well!? My Stained addicted brain is screaming in confusion. XD I actually really like how that looks! 145th like. Also Stoat just had to get one!

@DenshiRenji I'm glad you actually like her! :D

Oh I love him! I was SO happy when Aberrations got Augment! But I have yet to actually get one with it. 97th like!
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