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TOPIC | Theme Week: Greyscale-Black, White, Grey

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Haha ... it's the perfect time to introduce you to my snow leopards!
Irbis (a nickname for the snow leopard!)
And Panthera (Because in French, it is not "snow leopard" but "snow panther")
These dragons are special: they are the only and unique XYZ of all my Lair!
You can verify ! :3
[img][/img] Eldsem: He likes good food, being alone, and comfy naps. He can be a grump but is more gentle than you'd expect.
[img][/img] Luna: She can be found in the garden with the roses.

Consoleglitch, leader of the Blindsiders and the Silver Commander, founder of the clan, overseer of all activities and clan security.
And her distant sister, Blackwire, who struggles with her body.
Until you try, you'll never know how diverse a "greyscale" can be :D
And Foil! (Does silver count?)
One of the first dragons I adopted, he’s also one of my best Colosseum dragons.
These two dragons are brother and sister, their father’s name was Inkwell so I kepted the “Paper & Pen” theme with with their names. Lore wise I also made them as my clan’s dealers and postman.
Just your average neighborhood ghost. Nothing to be concerned about.
One of the first dragons I adopted, he’s also one of my best Colosseum dragons.

These two dragons are brother and sister, their father’s name was Inkwell so I kepted the “Paper & Pen” theme with with their names. Lore wise I also made them as my clan’s dealers and postman.


Just your average neighborhood ghost. Nothing to be concerned about.


These two dragons are brother and sister, their father’s name was Inkwell so I kepted the “Paper & Pen” theme with with their names. Lore wise I also made them as my clan’s dealers and postman.


Just your average neighborhood ghost. Nothing to be concerned about.

I actually only got two dragons that could qualify for this, and their both on my coli team!
[/url][nextcol]This is Starrunner, one of the first dragons I bought off the AH back in 2014. I have no clue what I was originally gonna do with her, but she's become a fighter instead of whatever I had planned in the beginning. She leads the coli team into battle, the position falling naturally to her given that she's the oldest of the three. She's also the proud owner of my wishlist.[/columns]
[columns]Here's Vuroj, another Wildclaw I bought in part to celebrate the end of my two-year hiatus from this site (I was still playing on and off for a while there before sticking with the site in the beginning of this year though). The youngest of the team, he has a one-sided rivalry with Starrunner and he still doesn't have a skin/accent that fits him.[nextcol][url=]
I actually only got two dragons that could qualify for this, and their both on my coli team!

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