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@Farcaller Pl-146 for [center][size=2][color=#7C6F6F][b] PL-616[/b][/color][/size] [url=][img][/img][/url][/center] I just really want a orange shell lmao
Pl-146 for
I just really want a orange shell lmao
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@DismasYves - I can finally get back to you—good lord it has taken time. Thank you for waiting. I took one last look at your empz and you know what? I still don't have a CO I really like. And I'd feel extra bad taking one of your keeps when I traded accessories for someone else's. Why don't I take CO-345 in your trade pile instead of UN-31? You can have PL-115. And PL-409, if you still feel it's unfair.
@DismasYves - I can finally get back to you—good lord it has taken time. Thank you for waiting. I took one last look at your empz and you know what? I still don't have a CO I really like. And I'd feel extra bad taking one of your keeps when I traded accessories for someone else's. Why don't I take CO-345 in your trade pile instead of UN-31? You can have PL-115. And PL-409, if you still feel it's unfair.
[size=3][color=#57372C]@Fantivity while i'm not huge on those colours, i'll trade so u can have the orange! i'm not attached to them anyway so i'd rather they go to someone who really wants them :') also i finally figured out what 616's colour scheme reminds me of... she's daphne blake omg [center][size=3][color=#57372C][b]PL-146[/b][/color][/size] [url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [code][url=][img][/img][/url][/code]
@Fantivity while i'm not huge on those colours, i'll trade so u can have the orange! i'm not attached to them anyway so i'd rather they go to someone who really wants them :')

also i finally figured out what 616's colour scheme reminds me of... she's daphne blake omg

sweet solitude  f a r c a l l e r

cara they/them fr+8
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@Novetteus Np, and thank you!! Enjoy your time with family! @Fantivity These aren't specifically orange, but they're sorta heading in that direction aha if you wanted to adopt either one, let me know! [columns][center][url=][img][/img] PL-532[/url][/center][nextcol][center][url=][img][/img] PL-595[/url][/center] [/columns]
@Novetteus Np, and thank you!! Enjoy your time with family!

@Fantivity These aren't specifically orange, but they're sorta heading in that direction aha if you wanted to adopt either one, let me know!
@Novetteus No worries, stuff happens! CO-345 works, I'm happy to do a 1 for 1 for that. Thank you very much, here's the code! CO-345 [img][/img] [code][img][/img][/code]
@Novetteus No worries, stuff happens! CO-345 works, I'm happy to do a 1 for 1 for that. Thank you very much, here's the code!

@Phoenixpearl @Amscray

hey, question for you both:
Amscray has a Haku special and offered to trade my pink one for it.
Phoenixpearl has a special which I adore.

If you would be up for it, I could trade my pink special for Haku, and then Haku for Phoenixpearl's special?

I mean, it's nowwhere near @OnceWorried's level of trading but that gave me the idea :'D
@Phoenixpearl @Amscray

hey, question for you both:
Amscray has a Haku special and offered to trade my pink one for it.
Phoenixpearl has a special which I adore.

If you would be up for it, I could trade my pink special for Haku, and then Haku for Phoenixpearl's special?

I mean, it's nowwhere near @OnceWorried's level of trading but that gave me the idea :'D

Here are my tradeable EmperorZ
Including a pinkish special which is definitely up for trade
Trading Triangles! It’s a thing!
Trading Triangles! It’s a thing!

I am 100% game

I am 100% game
__Lair Directory
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@DismasYves - Thank you as well! Here you are: [center][url=][img][/img][/url] PL-115[/center] [code][url=][img][/img][/url][/code]
@DismasYves - Thank you as well! Here you are:
@Amscray @Jaypaw that works for me!
It’ll be a few hours before I’m back home and off mobile to trade but I’m absolutely game for that triangle trade.
@Amscray @Jaypaw that works for me!
It’ll be a few hours before I’m back home and off mobile to trade but I’m absolutely game for that triangle trade.
Something beautiful is going to happen. Take Care.
I've enjoyed the story.
Hey it's my Fandragons!